8th March 2014
I told God you have shown us so many vision about your return and the rapture. I really hope to go heavenly home soon. God showed a missile hitting a flag. The half of this flag is American flag and another half is the Communist one.
Photo: 8th March 2014 I asked God,Is this the time you come? Come soon! God showed the two broken flags were taken up from sea. It is obvious that both of them were defeated.
Now showing Photo: 9th March 2014 I told God,Come soon! Longing for going home! This world is not our dwelling.lead us to walk in your words and follow you,help us to keep your commandment until seeing you. God showed a war breaking out on a shore on the earth.However we have hope in Heaven where everything and every people are peace on the same shore.
Now showing Photo: 12th March 2014 I prayed for almost the same and told God about my feeling. God showed a volcanic eruptions in the midst of sea.The fish around that died. A Japanese Helicopter was hovering above that.
Now showing Photo: 15th March 2014 I prayed for almost the same,said,”let us have our eyes fixed on the target and have faith to get to there under any hard situation.” God showed a metal tube with color red on a half of it.Five super bombs flying through this tube to a city where there was a cross pool with clear water on it.