Vision of Sickle: Wheat are Saved
January 28, 2024 9:25 AM
given 1-28-24 9am
Tares and wheat all growing together in a field. The sun is bright and the skies are blue.
Next, all the tares lift up their heads and stand tall. They raise themselves above the wheat.
The wheat is bowed down, not seen now that the tares have stood up proudly.
Suddenly, a large sickle came through the sky from Heaven and swung low. All of the tares were chopped, but the wheat remained bent low before their God… and were saved.
Interpretation: Tares are those who think they know God yet they take even a tiny amount of pride or glory in their SELF. They believe they are entitled to the worlds goods and that they have the correct doctrines. Pride makes the tares STAND UP even though The King of King’s Righteous Judgements are imminent. These are they who will say “Lord, Lord – we operated in Your gifts and offer You Cain’s sacrifice” Tares are convinced that they can argue with God when He returns.
Wheat are bowed before their KING…their LORD. They are not flippant about God’s Holiness and that He alone deserves all glory. Their self is denied and BOWS 100% to God alone, even tho most other people around them, tares, do not… 75% of seed sown becomes tainted with sin and cannot bear fruit.
So Mine know not to look around them for examples in these perilous times. Those tares standing tall, well, pride goes before a fall I alone lift up the humble and cast down the haughty. Be in Me. IN ME AND I IN YOU.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos & Treepng