Monique Bizet
Video/Vision: An Invasion is coming to America – Many Riots
Published October 23, 2018
I share an open vision the Lord gave me today and a word of the Lord warning of the upcoming civil war and riots in the nation. A massive wave of people are going to flood the borders to bring the nation to great destruction. Internally mobs will unite to create bloody murderous riots. I saw great destruction.
This is a call for us to pray and get on our knees to pray for this not to happen and for mercy. The enemy doesn’t sleep and continues advancing while most of the churches sleep and continue focusing on their buildings and what’s going on within their four walls and not warning the flock. We must humble ourselves before the Almighty and cry out for mercy for those things are going to take place in this nation. As the remnant we must plead and cry out to the Lord. We must repent and turn back to our First Love.
It’s out of Jesus great mercy that He warns us!