East Coast Tsunami, ISIS, Barack Obama, Asteroid
June 26. 2019
Melanie Toney
A Prophecy of End Time Events: Oceanic Animal Die Offs, ISIS, Trump, Obama, and more
Melanie Toney
On May 24, 2019 I was instructed to grab my notebook and begin taking notes from the Holy Spirit. I have a gift of prophecy and sometimes I do share the prophetic words the Lord Jesus gives me. Most of the time the prophetic messages are personal ones, but from time to time I have shared them publicly. I remember back in 2015 I shared with my local church here in Dayton that destruction was coming (at the instruction of the Lord) and someone in the church later called the police and reported me. I had a visit from the police from my home to investigate why I would publicly say such a comment.
People do not always understand or respect prophecy. And many times they don’t respect the person who the Lord chooses to speak through. I am a born again believer in Jesus and I am obeying His request to share this latest prophecy which has some very strong statements in it. Please take it to prayer. I did not obey the Lord and share the warning of the tornadoes which did in fact happen 3 weeks ago. I was convicted by the Lord to share the remainder of the prophecy at this time because in the Bible it states that “if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, and the Lord will hold the watchman accountable for their blood” (Ezekiel 33:6).
When the Holy Spirit told me to get my notebook and write, these were the exact words that I received. Please pray over them.
My Predictions from the Lord Jesus:
East coast gets hit with tsunami.
Fukushima nuclear waste will kill 1/3 of ocean just as the Bible predicted.
Asteroid across Ohio sky.
Major damage to Ohio from tornadoes.
West Coast attacks from Russia and China.
ISIS training camps start to slaughter Americans from within.
Food prices will rise due to Midwest floods.
Barack Obama to rule Europe or the United Nations.
Fires will be set in the USA by ISIS.
Attempted murder or kidnapping of our President or one of his family members.
Please get your houses in order for the coming of the Lord.
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