URGENT PROPHETIC WARNING for America! Pockets of Desolation & Pockets of Salvation
June 28,2022
Elizabeth Marie
On 6/25/22, before going to sleep, I asked the LORD if HE had anything else that HE wanted me to share concerning the WARNING MESSAGE TO AMERICA (below), that I was going to put on YOUTUBE the next day.
Sure enough, I went to sleep and received a very detailed, prophetic warning dream, that confirmed the message.
In this dream, I was driving onto a four-lane highway. Once I exited the RAMP, I entered into what seemed like a WAR-ZONE all all round me.
There was smoke and fire everywhere….
Debris was flying in the air, and landing on different vehicles….
Cars where scattered all over the the place, in different direction….
I heard muffled LOUD, ANGRY, VOICES that were yelling.
Then I saw cars and trucks that PURPOSELY crashing into others!
I knew that this was an attack of some sort, and I immediately felt like my life was in danger! It truly was like something I had never experienced before…. a complete disaster all around me!
I tried my best to navigate around all the craziness, and then noticed that the oncoming two lanes were completely empty… as if there had been some sort of road- block. I also noticed that the oncoming lanes were not paved, but instead had light gravel on them.
I then thought to myself that if I could only get into the oncoming lanes, I would be safe.
All of a sudden, I now find myself there… in the oncoming, empty 2 lanes. However, I am now not in my car, but pedaling a bike. At first, I did not see anyone else around me, so I felt a sense of relief, thinking that I had escaped the madness from the other lanes.
I then start hearing a lot of commotion behind me, only to see that there were others on bikes, that were now passing me. They were chasing each other with a violent intent, and had weapons, like a bats and bars.
Again, I started to panic, and tried to go faster, trying to get out of harms way. However, I noticed it was getting harder and harder to pedal. I looked down at the gravel, and realized that I was actually now riding on SNOW….and it was not going well!
As I slowed down, because of the snow, a man behind me started coming after me on his bike. He was yelling all kinds of crazy talk to me. In my spirit, I had a knowing that this man really wasn’t as fierce at the others, but only a blind follower to an agenda protocol…. but I still sensed danger from him.
When he almost reached me, and we were face to face, I REBUKED him, LOUDLY, in the NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST…. and then I prayed to JESUS for help! IMMEDIATELY, the man’s bike FLEW INTO THE AIR, and then he TOPPLED to the ground.
As I passed him on my bike, I called out and yelled out to HIM, that there is POWER in the NAME OF JESUS and POWER in PRAYER! He looked up at me bewildered.
I finally arrived at some Rest Station. I got off my bike, and quickly went up to some people to tell them what just happened. They didn’t have any clue of what was happening just a little up the highway, and seemed concerned and worried.
While talking to them, I looked up, towards the graveled road that I had just been on, and saw a horse-drawn wagon going past me slowly. In the back of the wagon was an pine-box casket with no lid. In the casket, I saw the body of a man, which startled me…and I woke up!
When I awoke, the first thing I heard in my spirit was :
The prophetic dreams that I receive from the LORD are usually very symbolic and have many layers, both physically and spiritually.
Literally this dream could represent that traveling will become more dangerous, including the roads and highways.
I also believe that is points to the chaos that is coming to our everyday lives here in the United States….with people being out-of-control, angry, violent and abusive.
Many will be just followers, who don’t really even understand the issues, but follow the narrative anyway…just like the man in my dream.
I believe that this divided highway represents 2 different time periods. The first 2 lanes in the dream could point to modern times that we are in (cars)….. and that the weapons used will be modern weapons.
The next two lanes, that were unpaved, could represent a time period when we are no longer using cars, but are thrown back to the olden days, before electricity or cars. This would be possible if the grid goes down and we are thrown back into a more primitive existence, like in the days of the CIVIL WAR.
The SNOW could represent two things:
1) a time-frame of this happening in winter
2) spiritually speaking, snow represents goodness and purity….so, in the dream, the LORD made HIS presence known with HIS POWER (the man, was supernaturally thrown into the air and stopped from harming me).
The GOOD NEWS from this dream, is that there is POWER in the NAME OF JESUS and there is POWER in PRAYER through HIS NAME! HE has the POWER to SAVE HIS PEOPLE and RESCUE THEM in their time of need!
ATTACK: WAR IS COMING (check out 2nd dream)
MESSAGE: (received while praying on June 4th, 2022)
First, I heard that ‘America will be severely tested.‘ That ‘many will lose their lives, but that a remnant will be saved.’ Also, that there would be ‘LOCALIZED DAMAGE‘ from war-attacks. (the above dream was a confirmation of that happening)
“All is not done yet.
Babylon….the system….will be destroyed.
Many will be saved through sorrow, afflictions and testing in the fires.
There will be a change in the gov.—–though it will not be what you think!
It will be something not seen before.
America – not all will be lost….for I hear the cries of MY PEOPLE. There will be
REDEMPTION and SALVATION in the household of GOD.
In the land there will be pockets of desolation and pockets of salvation.
There will be AREAS that shine forth for ME.
Be ready to give an account of your lives, for all will be held responsible for what they did and did not do. (Romans 14:11-12)
The Wheat and the Tares will be separated. Some will be saved, and others thrown into the fires. (Matthew 13:24-30)
Choices have been made….be careful how and what you choose…
The LAKE OF FIRE was not meant for those in MY IMAGE, but many choose to go there willingly, for they love the FATHER of LIES more than ME!
Do not be surprised at the ones who say LORD, LORD, but I know them not! (Matthew 25:11-12) For their work is from satan, and not ME.
Do not be deceived, for judgment will fall on the household of GOD first, then more to the houses of the unbelievers. (1 Peter 4:17)
I will purify MY church with the BRIGHTNESS of MY GLORY, which will bring repentance. The closer you ,get to the light….the closer you will see your sin and impurities. This will keep you humble and contrite before ME.
The righteous will go in and will be like the fatten calves let lose from the stalls. They will frollick to and fro in MY KINGDOM. (Malachi 4:2)
I will make all things new.
I will restore all that is good, pure and just.
The darkness will be pushed back, for MY LIGHT shall shine. (John 1:5)
Those who are hopeless will find hope…
Those who are lonely will be not longer be…
Those who are hungry shall be fed…
All will be set right!
A New Kingdom…
A New Day….
A NEW DAY is dawning…
A NEW DAY is coming!!
Tell My people NOT TO FRET, but to be OBEDIENT to MY WORD. (Psalms 37:7-8)
Forgive those who have offended you
Forgive those who have come against you
Release and let go….
Just as the FATHER forgives you! (Matthew 6:12-15)
Do not hold on to any bitterness or resentment, because that tarnishes your NEW CREATION!
Stand tall,
Fight for righteousness,
Stand on the TRUTH OF MY WORD!
Let the world hear MY WORDS through MY prophets, messengers, and watchmen/women and through MY witnesses.
Preach the gospel in and out of season.
No matter what happens all around you, let peace remain in your hearts through faith in ME. I am the GREAT PEACEMAKER between you, and the ALMIGHTY GOD.
I bought you that peace through the sacrifice on the cross. The schism between you and GOD is now closed, and a bridge remains. Walk on that bridge, and be saved through MY BLOOD.
I am alive! Not Dead as most would think! Over 2,000 years ago, I was raised from the dead, and ascended to heaven, where I sit at the RIGHT HAND of the FATHER!
The eternal is now in reach!
Your heavenly friend and SAVIOR,
I then saw, in the SPIRIT, a grove of what looked like apple trees. I heard the LORD ask me, “What do you see?” I said, “I see a grove of apple trees and there is someone picking the fruit and eating it.” Then I heard,