Warning, America, Civil Unrest, Destruction, Dream, Earthquake, Judgment, Trump, Tsunami, Vision, Volcano

Unprecedented Cataclysmic Seismic Activity – Matt Reynolds

Scallion, Gordon Michael. Future Map of the World.. 1993. Retrieved from the Digital Public Library of America, https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~339974~90108162. (Accessed February 20, 2025.)

Unprecedented Cataclysmic Seismic Activity

2/19/25 11:10 PM
Matt Reynolds

On 02/18/25 The Lord sent me a vision as I lay in bed praying.

The vision began with an ariel view of a highway that was surrounded by thick green trees. I was told in this moment that this was in West Virginia. The traffic was at a complete standstill for miles and State troopers were present all along the highway with their sirens going.

I was then shown multiple news channels reporting on unprecedented seismic activity that was happening all along the east and west coasts of the US. The news reporters were instructing the public to stay in their homes.

Suddenly I was taken to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean where I witnessed La Palma volcano erupt and a huge chunk slid in to the ocean creating a huge tsunami that was charging towards the east coast of the USA, starting with NYC, Europe and others.

I was then taken back to West Virginia where protesters were becoming frantic and violent towards the state troopers positioned along the highway and things were getting out of hand. Everyone was desperate to escape the coming calamity but couldn’t.

I then was shown California where similar events to West Virginia were taking place. All of a sudden, a huge earth quake hit and the San Andreas fault line went, causing California to split off from the rest of the US. Tsunami waves ripped through the state adding to the destruction and California was no more.

Finally, I saw a solemn President Trump dressed all in black speaking at a podium surrounded by the National Guard.
He declared a great time of mourning and asked the country to join together now more than ever.

The cataclysm had left so many dead that it was impossible to keep track of who had perished and who remained.

Following the event banking systems went down, as did phone lines and the internet. No-one could access their money and in result stores were being aggressively looted. Gas station workers were also being held at gun point for what money was left in their registers and free gas.

people were becoming incredibly violent towards each other with an ‘every man for himself’ mentality.
America was unrecognizable.


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