
Two Paths = Two Eternal Locations – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Two Paths = Two Eternal Locations

2/9/25 10:12 PM


Life has many rules.  Wash your hands before eating, stop at the stop sign, and do what is necessary to fit in with society.  Even though these rules are sound, they do not hold any intrinsic value.  They are there as common-sense practices only.  My Kingdom has eternal rules that make a difference.  For my rules place you in Heaven when followed.  They are there as guidelines, lines in the sand, and lines on the road, that should not be crossed.  They are there as markers to remind you to stay within boundaries that have been set.

I give direction in life, but not all follow.  I Am that line you must not cross (Also do not cross God).  I Am there to remind you that there are two directions when choosing a path.  Both paths lead to totally different locations.  One of me and the other of the enemy.

Make your choices carefully, get within the boundaries of my road.  Repent of all past deeds (and current) to clean the soul.  Follow my rules and guidelines to Heaven.

Your Father

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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