Dream, Trump

Trump Dreams – Anointed Melody

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Trump Dreams

3/19/25 12:58 PM
Anointed Melody

March 19 2025-Please pray for President Trump and America. Whether good or bad, the Lord has chosen him as President for the nation at this time. I only see in part and have no further revelation of the following dreams, but feel to post, so pray about them, as always.

On March 18, 2025, I saw Trump in a dream waving a gun around in the air. I didn’t see or forgot all other context. Then I dreamed of being in a shopping mall. There was some Trump event going on in one of the store locations and it spilled out into the mall area with chairs lined up. One main thing about this dream was that there was no security at the front of the store. I kept being worried my big purse would be stolen that was in the outside mall area next to a chair as I had to work or do something for the event. Then some negative event happened and it became chaotic and I couldn’t find my purse. The last dream I was at the top floor of some medical building and dropped some belongings and rushed down the stairs to get them and the medical personnel were laughing at me because I couldn’t find them. After this dream, I dreamed my back was full of blisters and I understood in the dream I had measles, even though in real life, I’m unaware blisters are part of that illness, but just a red rash.

End of dreams.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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