3/21/25 6:24 AM
Received Mar 21
The end is soon to come, now is the time to ready yourself in the Lord. Prepare the way of the Lord; ready those who are around you, and lift up the name of the Lord. The hour has come for CHASTISEMENT, chastisement from the east and from the west. A great chastisement never seen before, a great plague that encompass the earth.
Cries will be from the east to the west, sickness from unknown diseases, unnamed sicknesses with various unique symptoms for each person. A time of NO ORDER, the times and the seasons will be unpredictable. Men and women on their tip toes ready to sprint at moments notice. An uneasy heart will be the ATMOSPHERE of nations.
They have failed to take heed to my sayings, they refused to read my book, now they will pay for their rebellion. I have lifted my hand from this world and have let loose satan. A time of refining to my church, a time of silence and reflection.
Holy Spirit
Bring to the Lord in your time of prayer for confirmation and understanding.
Judge yourselves brothers and sisters, that you be not judged. Search your heart, find every deep inner motive and purge it with the word of God. Be in Christ evermore and he will raise you up at the last trump.
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