America, Destruction, Earthquake, Prophecy, Volcano

Total Destruction – LynL

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Total Destruction

July 5, 2024 9:08 AM


Total destruction is about to occur. Not all are prepared to partake in these disasters. One after another, the devastation will be insurmountable. Much need for food, water, and shelter, will become widespread. Your country (USA) will not be able to endure. They will need I Am to put back the pieces that have disassembled their lives.

Much changes, as it comes closer (the event & Nibiru). Each person will need to start helping their neighbors. Sadness looms as many are dead, sick with disease and crushed by the magnitude of this weight of destruction. Each portion of the country will have its own problems.

It will be time to count on God for your survival and your salvation. I wake you up, to bring you up. Those who wish to wake to my calling will find me. Those who continue to sleep will be lulled into a deeper darkness, a bigger pit, a hole they cannot get out of. Those who continue in sin, will be among those in this group. Their days will be numbered.

Time is relatively short, be ready. For I come for my bride and leave the rest behind to deal with the tribulation.


Better hurry, better run. There is not much time. All that is dear to you, will now slip away, much like the time that has been squandered. I look up and down, from side to side, for those who are worthy to step aside. Not much time, not much time, not much time.

The path has been set; the destination is terminal. Each avenue leads to judgements. Those who have prepared are spared. Keep your head above waters, better circumnavigate those fires. Molten rock is blasted from on top. The Earth moves shifting and swaying, the shores are inundated with waves to new heights. The ground opens up and swallows the Earth. Not much time, not much time. Call out to me, to save your soul. Not much time.


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