America, Babylon, Prophecy

To The Unrepentant Cup-o’-Abominations Guzzlers, a.k.a. The Whores of Babylon – Sara Johnson

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

To The Unrepentant Cup-o’-Abominations Guzzlers, a.k.a. The Whores of Babylon

July 18, 2024 10:30 PM
Sara C. Johnson
The bodies of the Babylonian bridegroom have gone past the point of fixing, of healing by man.  Drinking of the sexual & haughty ego-gratifying cup of abominations is to bring judgement of death upon yourself.  A promise of hellfire at the second death is reserved for pure evil, for the demons, the unhearing, the unwilling to learn, the unborn, the self-forsaken – so, why do you run to be like them?
The innocents’ blood you’re drinking will not save you, it condemns you.  Marveling at someone’s pain is despicable.  Those Babylonian marvels are nothing but tricks to keep you on the path of destruction.  The lies you surround yourself with only embolden your belief in the false.  You praise the destruction of Christ, the bastardizing of Our Holy Spirit.  No amount of lies and false testimonies can hide your wrongdoings.
How could you forget that the devil deceives?  Why would you ever think a disembodied voice of someone you don’t know could be of God?  Why listen to such an abomination imposing on your day-to-day life?  God makes himself known not through sorcery or abominations of our God-given reality, but through beautiful, loving and amazing signs and wonders…through personal epiphanies of graceful wisdom….your spirit knows when God is speaking.
You that revel in and enjoy the torment and torture of the family of Jesus Christ, will meet your just and perfectly timed end.  For Yahweh, the Best Way, is perfect in his judgements.  By your own free will, you made the choices you made.  The devil didn’t make you do it…you were tricked and instead of humbly asking for forgiveness, you make the conscience choice to ignore the warnings and stumbling blocks, to just keep on guzzling.  You drank the Kool-Aid and your lips are stained.  Evil now knows you, now knows how to tempt you further down the wide path.
You forsake your own true worth, making yourself a candle that won’t be lit any longer.  You are a worker of iniquity, one that God’s light cannot shine through.  You’re a Babylonian Whore, raping & abusing the Bridegroom – made up of the Bride & Groom; For a man is not a groom, without his bride.  Jesus is done preparing the feast for his Bride of the Body of Christ…make sure your seat is reserved as our Lion of Judah is on his way.
Be like Adam & Eve, stop hiding and face your Father, seek Jesus Christ before you take your last breath.  If your heart is found to be unworthy, you will face refinement.  If you heart is not found at all, you will burn, never to be remembered.
From your sister in Christ, a servant of God forever & always, Sara.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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