Judgment, Prophecy, The Mark


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9/9/24 7:26 AM
Abby K

Message given on 12/08/24 at 12:18 pm

Revelation 14:1:Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.

I have a people that I have kept hidden for Myself as I have been preparing them and aligning them to My will. They have no desire for the things of this world, they are all sold out to Me and have laid down everything for Me. They are indeed a special breed, a peculiar people, a royal priesthood and My holy nation. They are My Sons, the 144K who have followed Me wherever I go. They are spiritual virgins carrying only My will and married to Me, their Lord abd Saviour. They commit no adultery with the world nor the things of it for their love for Me is genuine. They have forsaken all and have understood that unless they carry their cross and deny themselves of all the things everyone is chasing, they have no part in Me.

They willingly present themselves as living sacrifices, enduring great suffering for My sake. They know not the hour of My visitation, yet they patiently wait without complaining and murmuring. They see Me only dimly, yet they worship Me in Spirit and in Truth. They love Me, they love My people and they love My word. They have chosen the straight and the narrow path mostly ignored by the masses. They are scorned and ridiculed for My sake and they quickly forgive them that insult them. They cry not for their souls but those of their children and the lost. They lovingly and have accepted to carry My burden and they share My pain for this wicked world. They waste no grace given to them and they hate what I hate and love what I love.

They are the misfits, the odd ones out that people don’t want to hang around and hence many have misunderstood them. Yet, they hold no ill towards these people for they know that they don’t understand what they do. They live in ashes, often poor and lack so many things, yet they are content in having Me alone. They quickly throw away all things to gain Me and they have understood the sacrifice that they have had to make.

Before Me, they are broken, humble, laying bare their all for they have nothing to offer Me, even choosing death over denying Me. They have been on their knees in the secret place while the world was revelling, taking no notice of them. I am their greatest treasure and they desire nothing else besides Me. They have put Me above everything else even their loved ones and themselves. I have captured their hearts and only My will and desire do they carry in their hearts.

They have set their hearts and minds on the things above, the will of the Father and they have been captured in His presence to worship Him together with the twenty four elders. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. They have been seeing Him dimly as in a mirror, but soon they will see Him as I Yeshua Hamashiach sees My Father, that together with the Spirit that abides in them, shall call Him Abba, their Father, Who has known them from before the foundations of the earth.

These ones are fit to sit with Me on My throne and rule the nations with them. They are about to be caught up into the throne room of God to receive their assignments and be clothed with His glory. In the twinkling of an eye, they shall stand before the Creator of the Universe, The Great I AM, The Ancient of Days. For He never changes, and just as He was then, so is He even now, as He ushers in the New Move, the New Wine into the world.

Satan and his sons stand no chance against these ones, for in them is My DNA, not altered one bit, for they have been born of Spirit and Water and now they enter into their inheritance. These ones are receiving their Father’s Kingdom which has been within them, but now they will see it and be it. I Yeshua, I’m the Firstborn of the Manchild, and these ones are My Brethren, My Blood, My Tribe, for they received Me and accepted Me and now they have become Sons of the Living God.

They are no longer of this world, for they are now captured in Zion, among the Spirits of just men made perfect, fit to sit on thrones and judge Angels and nations and all that My Father created in the different dimensions, both the visible and invisible and they will rule over all.

My First fruit is ready to be plucked out of this world, for this world is not worthy of them. They will suffer not the hour of judgement that comes upon the earth, for they will come home to receive their rewards and great crowns. They will then return after their rest to aid the rest of mankind from the wrath of satan, who will suffer many that were not ready. The beast of the sea and of the earth arise to take their positions, for it has been given to the dragon to give them his powers to perform great miracles and signs, for the age of deception is here. Many will be deceived for they have believed not My truths that would have set them free, rather have believed in the lies of their Father.

Now I to his hands I give them that he may show them his true colours, the colours of the people he has created for himself that have gone against the order of how I created mankind. They have been lured by the beautiful colours that will lead them straight to eternal fires. This too is a mark of the beasts they are worshipping as they have also tampered with their genders. I know all whom I created and I am not a God of confusion! They have mocked Me and called it their choice and so no one should question them. But did anyone come to Me and ask anything? Do you go to the manufacturer of your car and ask questions why they didn’t make the car in this way and that way? No! You buy it as is and accept it as is. Why then is it difficult to accept the way I knit you in your mother’s womb? Do you question Me??

My wrath is about to fall on these abominations that even in My house have become accepted. The hour of silence is come to an end. I am a God slow to anger and abiding in love and compassion and I desire for no man to perish, even the most wicked. Now 1,000 years of My patience and long-suffering have turned into one day and soon My judgments fall, for Sodom and Gomorrah will look like child’s play. The time you would have called upon Me for My mercy, you have squandered with your foolishness and now I withdraw Myself from mankind, for his choices are loud and clear.

Soon and very soon, I will only be found in My Sons who resemble Me and they will return with My judgments and rebuke for the wicked. To the repentant, they will be humble as doves, but to the wicked, they will release My judgments. For to those that think they are cunning, I will show My Wisdom, for the wisdom of this world is foolishness to Me. Christ is My Power and My Wisdom and He will be the anointing that will be at work in My Sons, to establish My Kingdom on earth.

To My beloved Sons, you have been faithful with little or nothing at all. Now I will bestow upon you Royalty, My Josephs that all nations shall come to. The wisdom of Daniel and Solomon will not compare to the wisdom you will carry, for this is My final move, My latter Glory that the kingdoms of this world shall become My kingdoms, under the rule of one King and one Lord, Yeshua, the Risen King and Lord of all. Soon, tou will behold Me face to face, and all will finally be clear. Welcome home My Sons, welcome home!


Luke 9:23

1 Peter 2:9

Revelation 14:4

James 4:4

1 John 2:15-17

Romans 12:1

John 4:34

Matthew 7:13-14

Matthew 5:44

1 Corinthians 1:27-28

Philippians 3:10-13

Psalms 51:17

Matthew 13:44

Matthew 10:37

Colossians 3:1-2

Revelation 20:4

Revelation 12:5

John 3:5

Romans 8:29

Hebrews 12:22-24

Romans 8:19

Hebrews 11:38

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

Galatians 6:7

2 Peter 3:8-9

Psalms 18:26

Luke 16:10

Haggai 2:9

Revelation 11:15

1 Corinthians 1:24-25

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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