
To all of my beloved faithful who are hurting in this last hour – Krystal Beall

Krystal Beall

December 21, 2018

To all of my beloved faithful who are hurting in this last hour, draw into me. Come, come to me all who are heavy laden and I shall give you rest. I AM eager to receive you. I desire to console you. Lay upon my chest and rest. I know that for many the trials you are facing are severe and your losses are incredibly painful. For some of my doves, it seems unbearable. Listen, hear me. I know where you are. Where I have called you, where I have placed you. I AM with you. I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. I have loved you with an everlasting love, yea with loving kindness I have drawn you. Many, many of you are weary. I hear your sighs and groans for deliverance, your prayers I have received and answered, both for you and your lost loved ones. I AM able. Trust me. Lean not on your own understanding. Your tears I have collected in my bottle. I give beauty for ashes my beloveds. It is my joy, my desire, my delight and my will to do so. I have. Believe. Faith not sight. In an instant, the twinkling of an eye everything changes. The first shall be last, the last first. To all who suffer for my namesake, rejoice I say. Again I say rejoice admist your tears. You can not fathom what I have prepared. All things work together for good for all who love me and are called according to my plan and purpose. To all who feel that they have fallen away from me due to their pain and suffering. That I have removed myself and feel forsaken by me in this last hour. Listen, hear me. It is not so nor will ever be. I AM not displeased with you nor AM I angry with you, I have not turned my face and hid it from you. I AM close to the broken hearted, and I save those of a contrite spirit. I AM deeply moved by human suffering. The pains in which a man bears are my own. There is no pain that you can experience on earth that I myself have not. You are a partaker of my passion. You drink from my chalice, which is very bitter and you and I cry out together, I thirst. You have sipped from the chalice of your LORD, your God, your savior, your beloved and thus you are mine. Fear not, I have called you by name. I have redeemed you. You do not see nor understand at this moment yet in an instant you will. Delivery is occurring. And the ring of fire is felt by many. Burning with pain and intense longing, weary, many have become numb. It is finished. Listen. Hear me. I shall not leave you as such. For I AM faithful. I AM true. I too AM longing to deliver. I too travail in my love for you. I call all men to repent. Receive me. Receive my love. My gift. My joy. Receive my kingdom. Live. I delight in you. How often I AM forsaken. How often I AM ignored. Oh I weep for the ingratitude and indifference of many. I weep in that my creation has fallen so far from me. Think not because it is written that I do not weep, that I do not mourn, that I AM not pierced. I do. I AM. I shall shake all of heaven and the earth. I shall leave no stone unturned. Healing, restoration. Resurrection. Joy unspeakable. Love unfathomable. Life eternal. I AM good. Taste and see. Milk and honey shall flow and fill the land without cease. You and I shall thirst no more. For the bitter has become sweet and the dry bones live. I AM moving across the earth, upon the many waters. I AM reaching down, I AM raising up. Behold I come quickly. The hour is now. I delight in you, I rejoice over you with singing. In an instant what is shall be no more. What was will never be again. I make all things new. I AM. I have. Believe. See my glory. Arise, shine. The wedding banquet of the Lamb has come. You can not fathom the GLORY of it all. My GLORY. You will doves. You will. All I AM, All I have is yours. I desire you here with me, where I AM.


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