

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


June 2, 2024 7:17 PM
Victoria Ang

Very Encouraging ! ♥️🔥🔥

Some of my family has come into town where my mother that recently went home to be with the Lord, was staying.
I have not seen nor been in contact with much of my “ family”! As the Lord instructed.But just prayed daily for them.
An invitation from two of my sisters for me to get together was extended.
So I prayed and asked the Lord if He wanted me to go and see them.
That night I was given a dream.

In the dream I was working as a nurse( was my real life profession) in the
hospital.I had arrived to work and put my purse down in an assigned area.To begin work. I later returned to my purse only to find that someone had stole my wallet with my money and important documents that were in the wallet.
I called the Supervisor( symbolizes God) to make him aware of what had occurred . As we were standing going over what had occurred. There was a trash can nearby. I noticed that there were things thrown out from others that had also been stolen from. Things that had no value to a thief.
I informed the Supervisor upon seeing the things in the trash can.
I was made known the Supervisor had a plan to catch the thief. I followed the Supervisor to see how the plan would unfold…… and the dream ended!

Upon awaking I knew immediately I was to go and see my two sisters. One I had not seen since around 2011.( Getting back some of my family the enemy stole)!
Right away I saw that there was a NEW LIFE! A baby cockatiel had hatched overnight!
I was tending the animals and praying in the Spirit as usual.
As I was going out the back door to feed the horses at the barn. I immediately saw an x in the sky right above the door. ( God can use even a chemtrail (evil for good)for His messages)!And then heard” YOU ARE MARKED AND SEALED”!
Immediately this STRONG WIND came by and the trees started swaying back and forth!

I then received a word for me but can apply to others:

I am about to restore all that has been lost.I have marked and sealed you.
The winds and tides are changing in a different direction.They will bring forth
great blessings.
Watch and wait as my hand moves.
You have suffered through much pain and attacks.But you have withstood each and every attack.And stood in faith.Not wavering in your faith and trust in me.Not looking to the left nor right. But maintained a steady gaze on me.
In the days ahead expect many blessings from me.
I will turn all those tears into unimaginable joy!
The chains and shackles the enemy has TRIED to wrap so tightly around you. To try and destroy you, will be broken and shattered. Never to try and confine you again.
I will bring about a sudden supernatural healing to your body. As I have promised.A healing no man can take credit for in the natural. But can ONLY come from God, the maker of heaven and earth.The Alpha and Omega!
A NEW DAY, a NEW LIFE is about to spring forth. My promises to you will start to manifest.
Walk in expectancy! And watch what I am about to do for you.
For there is no end to the love I have for you!……..

Later on that day I went to see my sisters! The visit and time was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! We had such a WONDERFUL time!Sharing laughing and joy even through the sadness of my mom’s passing! That drew us together!

God can and will work all things together for good to those that love him,to those who are called according to His purpose!

So today as I went to take a brief nap I had a vision of a large WHITE OPENED purse.


Romans 8:28
King James Version
28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Isaiah 61:3
New King James Version
3 To [a]console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

Psalm 30:5
New King James Version
5 For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But [a]joy comes in the morning.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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