Time for Revival
11/21/24 3:54 PM
November 21, 2024
In a dream vision, the Holy Spirit took me into the awareness of a Holy Spirit-filled woman from over a century ago. I had no idea who she was, but I just went with it. I saw her (from the perspective of her own eyes) peering from the window of a vehicle—I could not tell if it was horse drawn or motorized—at men gathered in small groups along a street. The men wore the old-fashioned herringbone tweed knickerbocker pants—shorter ones that went just below the knee—their calves covered in beige knee-high socks.
Then I saw this woman arrive at a large open farm area or a park in the countryside. As in a movie, I saw everything from her point of view. When she was greeted by a host committee of women, the women apologized, saying, “We are so sorry. Our funds are insufficient to provide a tent.”
The woman, undeterred, stared out at the field of people, most of them women, collecting on chairs in the hot sun to hear her preach. Many of them wore white—I was not sure if it was the fashion then or if it was to ward off the heat. The woman looked far off to the end of the crowd and noticed a group of older girls, full of energy and doing cartwheels in the grass in their white apron pinafores and pantaloons.
Then the Holy Spirit took me into this woman’s mind. In her preaching to crowds, the Holy Spirit would often point out a person or group in the audience for her to connect to, to personalize the crowd and make a stronger and more relevant emotional appeal. She trusted the Holy Spirit to put just the right words in her mouth to bring those before her closer to, and in right relationship with, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord already knew who was ripe for saving, and she would step up—tent or no tent—to enkindle revival. Though I never saw this woman’s face, the Holy Spirit told me she had red hair.
When I awoke from the dream vision, I was curious about who this woman was, and I thought of the American Pentecostal evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson and later, the Christian evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman. Both women had red hair. But then the Holy Spirit told me it did not matter who the woman was—He was reaching out to the women and men of today who would step up as harvest workers in the coming Revival. He was addressing the very ones who when hearing the voice of the Lord asking, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us?” would respond with “Here am I; send me” (Isaiah 6:8 AMPC).
The time is ripe for Revival. Call the people to repentance. Then watch with delight when they say with amazement and gratitude like David, “my [brimming] cup runs over” (Psalm 23:5 APMC).
All glory be to God. Amen.