
Time approaches where there won’t be anytime to get right with Me – Susan Oeland

Susan Oeland

September 21, 2018

Last night I asked the Lord if He had a message for me.
He said, “Yes my Daughter!”
Time approaches where there won’t be anytime to get right with Me. I have been asking and asking and pleading and pleading to My children. Time is up! Look to the East for Your Savior comes. I come to bring Justice to the Righteous and Judgment to the wicked. You will come to Me and on bended knee, and every tongue will confess that I Am the Lord. Come To Me before it is to late! I have loved you with a everlasting love. I love You My children.

Your King Cometh!

For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the West, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:27.


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