By Abby Hayes
SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2015
With each passing day comes more of My knowledge pouring forth to those who have an open heart. There shall be three days of darkness upon the land. A time of great sorrow of heart and soul. Multitudes in the valley of decision. Many will wake out of their slumber. But many will go forth with evil intent. I daily call out across the land for people to come to the knowledge of the cross and what My Son did on their behalf. But many still want to walk in darkness. These three days of darkness will prepare My Bride for the great harvest. She will shine forth My Glory and perform many miracles. She has My seal upon her forehead so no harm will come to her. The sky will turn red before these three days of darkness as a foreshadow of what’s to come. There’s much that’s coming My daughter so be watchful and stay alert.
Your Savior Yahshua
Abby Hayes at 8:24 AM