those who have ears to hear…
The Great I AM how Great I AM! Know how Great I AM! The Lover of your soul…
April 21, 2022 5:46 PM
Rcv’d 4/20 pray for discernment, understanding and revelation (Acts 2:17)
Share my words with those who have ears to hear…Who do they say I AM? Lord God Almighty? Jesus the Messiah? Yeshua Hamashiach?! Do they truly know me? AM I even a thought in their head and heart? I tell you few in this world truly know the father, JESUS the Christ or seek the Holy Spirit to help them in this lost lost world. Tell them seek NOW while I may be found. Soon it all changes in a blink of an eye and where will they find themselves?
A part of the harvest or a harvester? Do they truly know me? Seek me? Read my word? I AM the ONLY way no one gets to the father but through me! I tell you most know me NOT! But soon many will, they will seek but will I be found? Do not take that gamble child! Seek with all your heart like your very soul depends on it because it does. READ my words, my promises are faithful and true. I AM not a man that should lie! I AM the lover of your soul, body and mind there is no other above the father. Seek now I tell you soon it all changes. Know the days you occupy like never before and never again! Awaken my slumbered child! I AM your only hope. My ways are not your ways and yet they should be! Seek me, love me, be with me FOLLOW ME!
Yeshua Messiah
The Great I AM how Great
I AM! Know how Great I AM! The lover of your soul
Matthew 11:15
Matthew 16:13
Romans 12:2
Matthew 7:21-23
John 8:19, John 14:26
Isaiah 55:6-7
Luke 10:2, John 14:6
2 Thessalonians 3:3
Numbers 23:19
Romans 13:11
Isaiah 55:9
Matthew 6:33