
This Is The Deceived Generation – Cherrie Archer

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This Is The Deceived Generation

3/14/25 11:20 AM
Cherrie Archer

3-14-25 3:28am

Have I not told you, Do Not Be Deceived?

Why therefore does man live by the playbook of Satan that teaches “Do what thou wilt?”

This generation lives by this very command of Satan under new packaging called, go along to get along, have it your way, don’t rock the boat and many more such phrases.

When in fact it all boils down to Alister Crowley’s “Do what thou wilt.”

When the church of Satan has greater influence over the people, man is living in deception.

Preacher’s fear of retribution if they teach from Revelation, Ezekiel, Isaiah, or Daniel. My prophets who warned of things to come. Silenced by Satan in churches. Leaving My people vulnerable to the lie of once saved always saved. There is no need for repentance because grace covers it all. Just say you believe in Jesus, without repentance, without turning from your wicked ways.

Everyone goes to heaven. There is more than one way to Heaven. The lies of Satan. Even he believes in Jesus. Even Satan knows the importance of the cross.

Yet, man, afraid to be mocked, put down, fired from a pulpit, does not offer the gift of salvation each week.

He does not teach on the Last Days, the days that man is living.

He does not teach of Hell and Demons. Nor does he teach how to combat them, recognize them, or how to close the door to them.

These are the end times. Deception is all around you and man has not been equipped to fight the enemy of his soul.

Where are those who will stand for truth and warn My people?

My Word Is Alive. Those things written are coming to pass.

Read My Word.

Know My Word.

The Devil comes to kill, steal and destroy.

I have come to give you life and life more abundantly.

Take heed, have I not told you that what is right will be wrong and what is wrong will be called right? Today the innocent are jailed, while murderers are set free. Judges turn laws upside down in an effort to punish the innocent.

Agencies claiming to work for the people break down doors of the innocents and murder them for no just cause.

Agencies are destroying the food supply. Medications that harm, not help. Air that is filled with poisons that go into the soil and water.

Have I not told you that the father of lies, the Devil, comes to kill, steal and destroy?

The end comes quickly, it is time to wake up and know who you serve.

There is but One Way to Heaven. It is through repentance and turning from mans wicked ways. It is through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, the sinless lamb, who gave His life so man could be saved.

Those things the Bible said is coming, is here. There is no more time to pretend going to a church that is afraid to touch the scary stuff in the Bible will save man from the very things they won’t talk about.

Seek Him while it is yet day. For the night comes swiftly and no man knows the hour or the day of His return.

For those who turn to Me in this hour, Look Up! For your redemption draweth nigh.


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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