This Is Likely Your Last Warning
8/7/24 5:31 AM
K Williams
Greetings Everyone,
The Lord has just impressed upon me to share with you an email conversation I had with brother William Brooks and a notice of final warning the Lord had me give to my co-workers. Many of you know I am a firefighter, a real one. Many of you do not know that I have been preaching Revelation since I was 11 years old from my front porch, while eating hot sauce and crackers with a jug of ice water (we were poor… still are). The most awe inspiring part of the conversation is what is not said. And that is how the Lord will give his prophets and watchmen the same messages, at the same time, to be given to the masses everywhere, simultaneously so that all will have a chance at repentance, even when they have no direct connection to one of his prophets, have never heard of the watchmen, and have no desire toward establishing a relationship with their Lord and Creator.
This past week has been an obvious attempt by our Father to alert all to the finality of our time. The warnings have been titled “Out of Time”, “Times Up”, “Wake Up”, “How close are we…”, “Woe…”, “Warning…”, “Midnight Hour”, and the visions and dreams have ramped up to judgements, calamities, death, destruction, fire, mayhem, famine, world war, all the while a high totally aggressive demonic violent behavior has been the reality of our world (shooting- stabbing- murder- death- kill) everywhere.
Let me personally thank you Jonathan. Thank you Jonathan. You are working triple time getting these messages out. Pray for him and support him people, he is your brother and a much needed resource. And as you all can see, the Lord is highly active in the messaging department.
For those working in an environment where they could post notices, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, post a copy of this warning that I posted at my fire houses, if not this one, post something similar if you are able. For those of you who are in management, with rules and guidelines against posting content not directly job related, sneak it into the office at midnight, or pin it up within your office and have a “mandatory meeting” with those you know are not saved, lukewarm, and saved alike. Make a noticeable stand for Jesus and a cry for repentance NOW!
Here is the email:
Greetings Will,
I am a little reluctant to send you this, but there is no one other than Jesus who knows the circumstances. I feel like a hot potatoe, since our last conversation where I stated I didn’t think the Lord was done with you. None the less, there is NSTAC that within the last 2 messages you gave from the Lord, He also had me place similar wording to the guys at work (the wayward flock I’m forced to shepherd). Yesterday I spent 8 hours straight, non-stop, explaining scripture with endtime events using the Bible, Apocrypha, Enoch, Extra Biblical texts, Endtime Prophetic Messengers, Vicki Goforth Parnell, Spirit of Prophecy, and the 444 Prophecy News sites to one man. One man. I was suprised he lasted the whole time, though his eyes slowly closed a few times, but he was all in. I showed him the Judgements have Begun folder and he questioned how were they hiding all that destruction worldwide. I told him “They control the media.”
The last week of July, over a series of 6 days, the Lord had me write a final warning to my co-workers. It was a line by line decryption, as I walked way from the computer many times during those days asking Him what did He want me to say to them, since He had me tell them that I, personally, would give them no more warnings. I posted the statement at both fire houses on August 1st. Check it out, I am sure you will recall some similarities (Reject The Mark of the Beast!, Take Up A Lamentation for Secret Babylon. )There is no coincidence with His wording, especially since you had not yet uploaded what He gave you. Jesus is
Here is the warning plea:
Godspeed All,
K Williams
(NSTAC – No Such Thing As Coincidence)