10/3/24 1:44 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel
October 3rd, 2024 Around 2:25pm
This word began with the LORD speaking, “Philippians 2:10” to me. I love the WORD OF GOD, but am not good at remembering the ‘addresses’, the number names of chapters and verses, so I didn’t know which Scripture verse it was until I looked it up in my Bible.
“…that at the NAME of JESUS every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth…”
-Philippians 2:10
Then the message began:
“Did you not see the video where the woman was about to be robbed on the street and my daughter responded by saying MY NAME, the NAME of JESUS, over and over again? Did you see what those men did? They bowed. They bowed and MY daughter placed her Bible upon his head and prayed for him.
People, use MY NAME. MY NAME was given NAME over all. It is the NAME by which to be saved and it is also the NAME to use when you are attacked in any way, shape, or form. JESUS!! Use MY NAME! It’s what it’s there for. MY NAME does not lose power. You could say it 100 times a day and the same power is present and available all 100 times. Use MY NAME more and more in these coming days. MY NAME is a sword. MY NAME is a shield. Arm yourself always in MY NAME; with MY NAME! JESUS!! JESUS!! JESUS!! There is power in MY NAME!”
Scripture References:
John 14:6
Acts 2:38
Acts 4:12
Philippians 2:9-11
Romans 10:3
Luke 10:17
2 Samuel 22:31
John 14:13-14
Mark 16:17-18
John 16:23-24
Colossians 3:17
Proverbs 18:10
Psalm 20:1
Ephesians 6:17
Hebrews 4:12
John 1:1
John 1:14
Revelation 19:13