9/12/24 9:35 PM
Isaac Alvarado
• Statue in Copenhagen gives to speak and leaves its spectators with
uncertainty and astonishment
• The annnounced War , it is going in leaps and bounds: prepare yourselves, take
necessary measures.
• The coming revolts in the Nations will cause great waves of emigration.
• The electric chair back in fashion
• Parts of remains tell another story ( accident)
• Santiago de Chile shaken and shuddered
• The Stock Market in constant change from Worse to Worse
• In the midst of chaos the sixth seal is opened, the faithfull church leaves, the church is warned and leaves. The Warnings will instill fear in some, repentance in others (I can see a world map and many places around the world are in darkness) at that moment I can see many places that look like blackouts, lack of electricity. From there everything changes, the WRATH OF THE LAMB IS POURED OUT. (You who read this, turn to the Lord today with all your heart. Come Home today to the Arms of Jesus Christ, the only and sufficient Savior. Make your decision today. You do not know if you will have this opportunity. Tomorrow, much darkness is coming to the Earth.