The World That Was Covered In Darkness Shall See A Great Light
June 2, 2020
Message given 6.2.20.
Daughter evil is rearing its ugly head. You are witnessing the throes of darkness manifesting itself upon your earth. This is but the beginning of the end of days. Bide your time, use it wisely – for even the days will be shortened due to the violence, death and destruction that will befall this nation America. O America that you were healed – but you knew Me not!
Even now My hand is being removed from this earth – but I have not left you completely alone. My Army, My remnant is rising up – for this is her hour. She shall walk in the power and might and anointing of the Holy Spirit soon upon this earth. She will walk in the miraculous as My Kingdom comes to the earth and My witnesses will bear the truth of who I AM IS.
Much calamity, much chaos has arisen as the world is revolting – but without Me they accomplish little. I AM THE WAY I AM THE TRUTH I AM THE LIFE! I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD – AND THE WORLD THAT WAS COVERED IN DARKNESS SHALL SEE A GREAT LIGHT – IT COMES FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST!
My remnants will shine like beacons of light against the ever-growing darkness of your world. Fear not children for I am with you. I am yours. I will be with you until the end of days. Hearken to My words. Abide in Me. Stay in the spirit not the flesh – for it will be your downfall surely. If you live by the sword you will die by the sword children. Stand on My word – the imperishable truth which will not return void. Abide in Me. Meet Me in the secret place of the Almighty, the Most High. There I will reveal to you the secrets, the mysteries, the revelation of the Son of Man. I return soon children upon the clouds of glory. Prepare to receive Me, prepare your hearts. Keep your garments white and your hearts pure.
I am coming very very soon.
Your Lord and Savior,
Your King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Yeshua HaMashiach He who saves
Amen. Amen. Let it be so. I have spoken.
Scripture Reference:
Matthew 24:27. 27 “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”
John 1:5. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
1Peter 1:23. 23 Because you have been born again – not of perishable seed but of imperishable – through the living and enduring word of God.
John 8:12. 12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
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