The world is at it’s end
Feb 7, 2:58 PM
Cornell de Beer
Dear brother’s and sister’s
Two messages, received: 4th and 18th January 2020
And so comes the last days children of Isreal. Great is the deceit on earth. The world is at it’s end.
The obomination will soon enter on the scene. Depart from your sins now so you may be safed for eternity. You have being warned.
The wicked have nothing good in store for you. His main purpose is to send you to hell with him. He is a murderer, a abomination from hell and great deceiver.
Do not forget, that you have the victory in my Son that died on the cross for you, so you may be safed and have eternal life in Me.
The wicked will sit on his throne and pretend to be a God. He is nothing but I will let him have his time until I will bind him and throw him in the pits of hell where he belongs. He will be bind and outcast for eternity.
(I’ve recieved the Number 552 here which means: Indeed, surety and certain.)
Until then beloved, fear not and don’t cease praying. A thousend shall fall at your side and 10 000 at your right hand but shall not come close to you. With my love and Holy power, no one can touch you.
Many will be deceived and received the mark of the beast. The obomination will reign for three and half years until I come again.
My wrath on this earth will be like nothing that you will ever be able to comprehend. My anger is at the wicked deceiver and will boil over in complete destruction on earth and to those that did not want to hear my voice and give their evil hearts to me.
The winds from four corners of the earth will carry you to me. You must listen to my words and my two greatest commandment. (Matthew 22 vers 36-40)
Fallen angels and the wicked will be in control of this world. Do not be deceived. If you take the mark of the beast, you will be lost forever.
I am the only way, the truth and life. Beloved, heed my voice and prepare for my coming.
Your Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit.
(I’ve recieved the Number 446 here which means: The truth, death, the works of the Lord, stop being materialistic and God is Father.)
Confirmation Bible chapters recieved:
Ezekiel 14
God makes it very clear we need to set aside our idols. Idols estrange us from God and corrupt our hearts. The Judgement of God will dwell with man according to what they really are.
Matthew 24
Mark 12
Mark 13
Brothers and sisters, please we need to support each other and pray to stand STRONG together in our Lord Jesus like never before.
The devil is a old hand at what his doing, making us feel we are not good enough, worthless and at times uncertain of our salvation.
We MUST remember God’s promises. God’s absolute pure and unconditional love for us. We are His little children, He will provide and protect us like a good Father does.
We are all falling short but we are justified by Jesus, the pure and innocent blood of the lamb. As believers we already have the victory in Jesus. It’s done. FAITH in our salvation and our righteousness in our Saviour Jesus.
Message received 4 January 2020
My peace is upon My children, my wrath is against my enemies and those that has forsaken me. I’m coming sooner then you might think, for you my bride.
2020 will be devastating for all people on earth. Many loved one’s will be lost.
The timing of my coming is only known to Me. My mighty angels is already in position waiting for you. Look and watch out for Me, be ready.
Look at the signs of Isreal for confirmation. Pray for my Holy Land and City.
Bible chapters and verse received:
1 Samuel 14
The Lord safed Isreal that day. God used Jonathan but the victory was not Jonathon’s but God’s. God was waiting for someone to trust like Jonathan.
God will look after His children. Isreal will come out in victory again, we really just need to remember who God is.
1 Corinthians 20
David took the Kings crown. Davids sins didn’t take away his crown because David responded with confession and repentance. There was still a crown for him.
God will correct sin of His believing people but won’t leave leave them in the hand of their enemies. His assistance will overcome those that defy Isreal.
Chronicles 16
Covenant with Isreal. Every victory David had over Isreal, they faithfully praised God with music. God’s greatness, thanks giving, grace and mercy. Remembering God always and His great works.
1 Tessalonions chapter 4 and 5.
God Bless and love.
Your sister Cornell