The Window Dream
11/3/24 1:35 PM
Solitary Man
A few nights ago I had a dream (Nov 1). It was a fairly short dream. Basically I kept looking out my living room and my dining room windows. Every time I looked away, then looked back, something changed. The window itself sometimes got longer, or the scene outside the window dramatically changed. It would go from summer to a snow covered winter landscape. I asked my wife if she noticed this phenomenon and she said she did as well.
The scenes outside seemed to be lifeless. That is, whatever I saw, there did not appear to be any life, whether human, plant, or animal. The window would grow, then shrink. It would get lighter, then darker.
A sense of uneasiness accompanied all of this. Though no obvious threat could be observed, we both sensed the wrongness of what was occurring.
I believe this dream represents our futures. Our perspectives will shift as events unfold, represented by the changing window. Have not our perspectives shifted many times already? Think of our changing perspectives on certain people, who have either risen up out of obscurity, or who have fallen once we saw what they were really like. How about what we now think of vaccines, and doctors, and the medical system in general? What we see will shift radically every time we look, but no life will be found in any scene. God is the author and creator of all life. The lack of life in every scene represents how the Spirit of God is now absent from our landscape. Every time we look, the picture we see is one of lifelessness, because the restraining hand of God has departed out of our land.
The picture rapidly changed every time I looked, and every time my wife looked. No matter which window we looked out of, a different view emerged. Yet regardless of what season was depicted out there, the landscape was barren, lifeless, and ominous. This represents that fact that no matter how many times we look, no matter how long we wait, no matter the season, during the time of total judgment, you will not see what you desire to see.
The feeling was one of unease but not overwhelming terror. This tells me that we are not to expect the good times to return. However, the future is survivable. We were uneasy, but not overwhelmed. The tribulations ahead of us will not be pleasant to our souls, but we need not despair.
The fact is that God has been warning us of imminent, dramatic change for quite some time now. We have seen much change, and much more is to come. Both my wife and I were not afraid to keep looking out the window, unlike many who refuse to look anymore. Both of us saw different things, so we need to be willing to listen to and respect each other, as God shows us different truths. Though the scenes rapidly changed from one lifeless picture to another, we both had a sense of being able to endure through it all.
Let us not be afraid to look and accept what is truly taking place out our windows. Though it may cause us distress, with the Lord beside us and within, we will be able to endure and continue to the very end, come what may.
Solitary Man