the virus is a wake-up call to the nations
May 5, 2020
Ali Winters
In panic or in praise, in times of plenty or in times of lack, sunshine or thunderstorm, we must never loose sight of God. If ever a nation let’ go of God’ hand, that nation will crumble, destroyed from within. Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of JESUS Christ.
While in prayer I pondered the meaning of CoVid19, I wondered what the LORD wanted us to learn from all that has been thrust upon us. Holy Spirit spoke, spirit to spirit, from His heart to mine: “the virus is a wake-up call to the nations, get your house in order, refuse to compromise, stand firm in faith. Darkness awaits, do not be deceived. The virus will shine the light of truth into areas of corruption, deception and greed; exposing the darker side of governmental officials, corporations, organizations; their agendas, their subtly hidden thirst for power. Instead of righteousness there are rags, instead of grace there is greed, instead of love there are lies. My people perish for lack of wisdom. Speak to them of My Son, speak to them of My glory.”
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
I said, ‘LORD, this is a mess!’ The LORD said; “No, this is not a mess but a mission.’ “You as a nation, a world, have an opportunity to turn away from evil and back to righteousness. You have been given time to stand in the gap, to repent for the sins of your nation, to repent of your laziness in prayer, repent of your lack of concern, your lack of commitment to goodness as your nation crumbled under the weight of sin, graft and perversity. You have an opportunity to turn your nation back to God.” There is more, much more that the LORD would say to His people, to those with ears to hear Truth, to those with eyes to recognize greed, hatred and unbridled sin. Our LORD is a strong tower, the righteous will run into it and they shall be safe. Will you be one to whom the LORD will speak?
If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
As a Christian, as an American I wonder if we will take this time God has graciously given us to return the reins of power to the righteous, will we pray for our enemies, that they would repent of their sin and turn the nation back to God. I wonder will we vote for godly men and women who will lead the charge to make the nation ‘one nation under God’ through repentance, restoration and revival or will we continue to vote for pleasure seekers, promise breakers, corruption, compromise and greed. Will we rise up or remain weak kneed, will we vote for patriots or pacifiers, men/women of character and commitment to truth or criminals, cheats and liars? Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Will we accept the mission God has given us or remain stuck in our own shelter of sinfulness; shamefaced and proud, the mission becoming a sad reminder of what could have been…if only.