Darkness, Famine, Prophecy, War

The Time Of Living A Normal Life Has Run Out – Hisforgiven1


The Time Of Living A Normal Life Has Run Out

December 31, 2020 8:37 PM

31 December 2020
Thursday 6:15 AM

For I AM the Lord that healeth thee. Your healing is coming soon, (injuries from the military) Keep your belief in Me strong. Never forget My promises, for I will never let you down. The time is coming and will very soon be, that the world will be shaken. War is coming, be prepared, for this is spiritual and physical preparation, all who know Me must prepare. For many people will be in great fear. You must have the peace, Shalom, that only I can give, in your heart to minister to many people, so that they will rest in Me, and in My provision for them. The years of plenty are coming to an end. Times of famine and even greater diseases, are coming soon, and will spread across your country and the world. Life as you know it will change, as darkness and evil will continue to increase. You must spend more time in My Presence , then it will be easy for you to comfort those I bring to you with My Peace. My Peace passes all understanding. I will anoint My Chosen Ones with discernment, so you can tell who is of Me, and who is not. You will discern good from evil and lies from truth, and no one will deceive you. For you are One with ME, and I AM One with you. Remember, no weapon that is formed against you will prosper. For I AM with you always, and will lead you and guide you in the way you should go. Pray constantly, for things in this world will change quickly! Many, many people will die. Most of these people that will die are evil, for all that is not of Me will perish. But you must pray for them that they will repent and be saved before it is too late. Yes, you must pray for the lost and the wicked, for when you do, some will repent and come to Me. Because the time of the wicked will be cut short. Many who believe in Me will also die, for I desire to be with them and to bring them home with Me and My Father before more horrible and frightening things come upon the earth. When things get bad and disaster comes to your nation, many people will cry out to Me and the harvest of Souls will be great. This is what I have been preparing My Chosen Ones for, to bring in My Great Harvest of Souls into My Kingdom. I want you to teach the ones I bring to you My Kingdom Ways and Principles. We have just entered into a new era, a new generation, and the old ways of teaching evangelism are over since Billy Graham has died and came home to Me. He was the last of the generation of the past. Remember, I said all things will become new. All who love Me must read and study My Word, for My Word is the Bread of Life, that all of you will need to teach others. Pray in the Spirit as much as you can, I will reveal mysteries to you. The more you pray in the Spirit, and spend time with Me in the Secret Place, the easier it will be to hear the Voice of My Spirit. The time will come when only those who hear the voice of My Spirit, will be able to hear My instructions, For they will be necessary to keep many who belong to Me safe and alive. Those who do not hear the Voice of My Spirit, will not know what to do, or where to go, then it will be too late, as evil men will come and kill them. All My people must seek Me with all of their hearts! For the time of living a normal life has run out!

I have heard the prayers for your children, and I will answer them. Your children must die to the things of this world, for everything in this world will pass away. They must die to self and pray, and study My Holy Word, and spend much time with Me, then they will be able to bring in the Great Harvest of Souls with My Remnant, My Chosen Ones, and great will be their reward! I AM searching for young adults like your children who will live for Me. I will use them mightily! They can reach many their age and younger, that their moms and dads are unable to reach. When the last person is saved, I will bring My Family home to Me and My Father. I will bless all of you beyond your imagination!

Your King, who loves you with all of My Heart,
Jesus Christ
Yahushua ha Mashiach

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