Warning, America

The Time Is Coming – Mary Fitzgerald Rodriguez

The Time Is Coming

Mary Fitzgerald Rodriguez

“The time is coming”, says the Lord God Almighty, “that I will tell My faithful ones – prophesy no more to these people, for they have wholly rejected Me, My Words, My Warnings, and My messengers. I will tell my Watchmen to keep silent for the siege will come rapidly. I will not go out with their armies, nor will I have mercy upon them. I will not speak “be still” to the storms and devastation. I will not calm the ground as it thrusts and breaks apart.

This nation has been weighed. It has been found guilty beyond remorse and repentance. I have been faithful, as are My servants, to warn over and over again, but to no avail. The PRIDE that has saturated their minds and hearts will become their downfall, for they will go out to defend themselves with PRIDE as their only weapon, and will be cut down.

Their PRIDE will not save them against the multitude of judgments at their door. They believe they can tell the storms to turn around. They believe that they can command nature in My Name when they do not belong to me. They think that the power and strength of their military is sufficient to overcome any other nation, but they are deceived.

The time is coming when the prophets will return to their solitude and weep for what is to come. The watchmen will come down from the walls and hide themselves in the shelter of My Presence. And the people will be glad that they are no longer bothered by such words of warning and doom. But their rejoicing will be short lived!

Go your way, rebellious America. Trust in your gods, your leaders, your false prophets and priests. Sleep well under the protection of your might, but you will be awakened and there will be nothing you can do to stop what has been ordained.

Every Word of Prophecy will come true. Every Word of warning given by My Spirit will come to pass. And you will curse Me.

You will reap what you have sown, a hundred times over.

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