Destruction, Judgment, Prophecy, Storm, Weather

The Source of All Judgments – Solitary Man

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The Source of All Judgments

10/6/24 1:44 PM
Solitary Man


Rev 16:7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

My son, are you watching as I have commanded you to do? Are you listening to the responses of the people as they try to come to grips with what has just occurred in America? Have they not experienced the worst disaster in size and scope that they have ever seen?

And what do they say? Are they speaking as my angels do around the throne, acknowledging the truth and righteousness of my judgments? Do they even know that it is I who has sent this? No, they do not.

I have purposefully allowed satan to use his followers to manipulate this storm. I have agreed to test my people’s hearts in this fashion. As disaster upon disaster falls upon them, will they finally acknowledge that I am the one who is destroying their land? Or will their evil, compromised hearts look to blame any and everyone else? Do they think they honor me when they give glory to fallen man? When they say that my God is love, and only the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy?

The devil’s character is not in dispute. But I am against you, oh church. I am against you, false shepherds. You continue to lie to my people. You say that I am love. That I am incapable of harming you. That it is impossible for me to destroy, and to plague my own people.

I am holding you to account, all you false teachers. You, who have abandoned my word for your fables, you who create Yahweh out of your own evil imaginations, I am certainly against you.

I send these judgments via the hand of man to test your hearts. Is there not even one voice amongst you that acknowledges the hand of the Lord in all of this? Will you allow the devil to win his case in the courts of heaven? He claims that no one in America truly fears God. He claims that they all pay lip service to me, being more in love with their rights and freedoms than with me. He asked that I allow the judgments to proceed as it were from the hands of men, and see who they give glory to. Would they not all believe a lie, that the Father has nothing to do with it? That the Father is always on our side, therefore repentance is not needed? That the people of God would rather fight the cabal and go to war, rather than recognize their selfish and sinful ways and acknowledge the hand of the Lord in all of these calamities?

You see why I am shutting down the voice and the power of the traditional church. Their time has come and gone. I am removing their candlesticks. Where are the voices in my churches that will speak rightly of me? Why have they turned a blind eye to the God of judgment? As with the hurricane, all are in danger of being swept away very suddenly. One moment you are there, having church service as usual. The next moment you are gone, and I do not mean raptured.

Your hearts and your doctrine are being put to the test. How long shall you refuse to give your God the glory? Why do you talk and talk about the cabal doing all these things, and forget who is ultimately allowing it? Do you think the wicked men in your land could move one finger if I did not allow it? Do you think they have any power that I have not given them?

I judge, and no man repents. Even if you could arrest, prosecute and execute those responsible for manipulating the weather, do you think that would save you? Do you understand, even at this late hour, that unless you all repent, you will all likewise perish?

My people, never before in history have I seen a people so slow and stubborn to acknowledge the truth. In every age and generation past, when calamity struck, people turned and cried out to their god to deliver them. Yet now, my people are still looking to man to rescue them at the midnight hour in one month’s time. What if I take away the election entirely? Would that finally convince you to turn to me with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Or would you keep looking for the next man? Hear my words. The next one that comes will lead the whole world into the pit. Stop looking to man while you still can.

To those few with ears to hear, nothing that has occurred has come as a shock. You have heard the warnings of death and destruction, and so it begins to come to pass. Take heed of this truth – my judgments will not always come in a way that you expect. Else how will I truly test man’s hearts? If you always knew when and how to prepare, then would your heart truly be tested? No, you will be led down paths that you may not expect. Those with hearts devoted to me will follow the Lamb wherever he goes (Rev 14:4).

My people, the day is far spent. You must become ruthless in casting away false teachings. Run from those who say God is not in these judgments. Know that my ways are judgment (Dan 4:37). Do not be deceived. Regardless of who I use, and how I use them, know and recognize that the fall of America and the west comes from the decree of heaven, and not from the will of man. If you can grasp this most basic of truths, you will not feel so helpless when calamity strikes. If you know and understand that I am in control, bringing the fate of planet earth to a planned and purposeful end, decreed before the foundation of creation, then the temptation to fear and despair will recede.

As I judge the world, I also purify my true church. I have a special plan and purpose for each and every one of you. But my heart grieves over those of my children who won’t take the time to listen to what I have to say, but rather let the false shepherds do their thinking and believing for them.

As you now know that ‘business as usual’ is no more an option, why not change course and dedicate your future days to seek me? Why not let go of all your own plans and purposes, so that you can find and enter into my perfect plan for you? Some of you are being called to do great things, but you do not yet know it.

Do not be obsessed and taken in great fear over what you are about to see. The storm is not coming. The storm is already here. But I know my sheep. My sheep hear my voice. I promise to preserve you, right to the end. Whether by life, or by death, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be still, and know that I am God. Embrace all my word, and you shall find all the answers you need to not only survive, but also to thrive as you embrace all that I have to say.

Scripture references:

Rev 16:7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

Rev 14:4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

Dan 4:37 Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.

Solitary Man

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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