The Shaking, The Three Days of Darkness and The Coming Great Changes
February 9, 2024 11:58 AM
February 9, 2024
Isaiah 26:20-21(KJV) 20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. Isaiah 26:4, 9(KJV) 4Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength: 9With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
Judgment of the Lord comes to punish the sinners and to bring righteousness. There is no better way of sending a message better than repeating them and putting them in the mouths of many to establish the truth. The Three Days of Darkness is closing in and all have to deliver what they know and what they have received from the Lord.
This short message is A WARNING THAT THE THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS IS NEAR, VERY NEAR. All have a responsibility to warn the people.
Few words:-
I. The Global Shaking.
We have delivered repeated messages about the coming great Global Shaking. The dreadful Meteor, the Rogue Planet separately or together will bring the shaking. The Atlantic Meteor is the primary messenger of destructions where everything hinges on. True to this, the Lord gave us his word saying
“We will start in Puerto Rico !!!” and “We will do as we told you!!!”
This will settle our concern. We have heard more than enough about the incoming Meteor and we are not going to duel on it any more.
The shaking brings untold high number of deaths, destructions and great transformation of the land, globally. What more follows the shaking from the Meteor?
II. The three Days of Darkness-this is very close.
In the last message posted here, it was not a simple impulse from myself which prompted me to write about the three days of darkness. This was from the Lord. The reason to give that message was from the urgency of the nearness of the coming three days of darkness. I am writing this with a clear understanding of the very nearness of the event. This short message is to warn and prepare all who are listening that we are very close to the three days of darkness which comes with the great Global shaking.
Here is one very important and timely message from the Lord given to our sister Janet. It is very important to listen to the whole content of the message given to her. Few words from:-
“Night draw nigh, Warn the people!
Night draw nigh, Warn the people!
Night draw nigh, Warn the people!
Warn for there shall be signs in the earth and in the moon and in the Stars.
Night when no man can work. In a moment, a twinkle, it will go from being one way to a completely different way. I, your creator Yaha warn out of love.
Three Days of Darkness, Three Days of Terror. Then it begins great change.
WOE WOE WOE, Great WOE upon WOEs. This is true. Ask Me if it is true, Yahweh has spoken!”
Return to Me – a message from your Creator YHWH
III. The Great Change which follows.
The great global destructions and death from the shaking and three days of darkness will open the door for greater judgment from the Lord. The prophesies we are given through the times will come to pass one by one step by step. Economic collapse, civil war, war and invasion, the judgment passed on “Babylon” and the rest of the world will come to pass in the time prescribed for each of the events.
Remember the word of the Lod gave us saying
“I will do what I said I will do”.
The word of the Lord saya “Time itself is facilitated” and time is moving fast to its end. This is the End of Times.
Many of us know what to do. It is time to Prepare, Prepare, Prepare, Repent, Repent, Repent.
People have to be ready what to do when the inevitable shaking comes. People have to know what to do before and when the darkness comes. People have to be ready when calamities strike in greater scale. The shelter in all this is the Lord.
All these events are heralding for the true that our redemption is near and there is a final work to be done before that- Harvest of souls.
Take this and all messages to the Lord for the truth
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare!
Repent, Repent, Repent!
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