The Saints & The American Church
October 28, 2024
Bonnie Jones
This is a really important message from God to the Saints and the Church in America through Bonnie Jones .0ppp00 God is speaking and we all need to listen to what He is saying to us. Please let us all repent of our sins , from the pulpit to the pew and recognize that we should fear the one who has the power to put us in hell as Jesus said for us to do. Please take these warnings from the Lord seriously. God loves you so much and He doesn't want one person to be eternally separated from Him . Please let us surrender all and as Jesus says and " Go and sin no more." God bless everyone today .
Auto Generated Transcript
greetings everyone I have a very
interesting and important message for
you tonight and I want to share it’s a
three-part message but I’m only going to
share the first two parts tonight and
then I’ll bring in a few days I’ll bring
another message about um the Nations
because this is the Saints and the
church that’s what I’ll bring you
tonight and then in a couple days I’ll
bring one about the Nations and I also
have something regarding the ction so I
don’t want to overload anybody with
anything and make this too long so we’ll
just do it that way but you know
recently we had um rash as Shana the
Jewish New Year and of course yam kapor
the day of atonement and at that time
you know we um all the Sheep we are the
Sheep he is the shepherd we all went
under the shepherd’s rod and he judges
the Saints okay okay and this year what
the Lord spoke to
me is something that um it was very
sombering very frightening but for
myself I should say fear of the Lord but
he talked to me about removing the Hedge
protection from the
Saints so now I’m going to read some
that he gave me I’m also going to make
comments but this is what the Lord began
saying to me me he said you see I’ve
confronted all my Saints this day of
atonement face to face now did he see us
face to face did we see him face to face
I don’t think that we did I did not I
heard him I heard him very clearly and I
think that’s how most of us would hear
you know instead of seeing him we would
we would hear him or maybe he would
speak to us in a dream but this is what
he said I’ve brought their sin before
them and gave them warning now here was
the warning to those who walked away
from it from their sin and turned to me
with the whole heart I promoted so when
he spoke to us or showed us our sin and
we turned from it in Repentance we were
promoted and to those who laughed in my
face not taking me seriously I demoted
Declassified and turned my back on them
that is very
serious now their hedge of protection
Has Lifted their Grace has gone and they
will face their enemies without my
favor now I’m I want to read some
scripture but before I do that I said
when the Lord spoke to me it was
very humbling
very I’ll say fear F maybe not
frightening but this is what he said to
me he said today I’m lifting the Hedge
from around you unless you change your
ways I want a bride that’s pure and holy
and you cannot be when you indulge
yourself in TV and call it
entertainment okay because I was
watching too much
television there is nothing redeeming
about the things you watch unless it’s
Christian oriented or teaching TV is off
limits he said understand I said yes
Lord I do I’ll tell you what I have not
had my TV I unplugged it in fact okay
I’m removing it Temptation it’s just it
sits there but I’m not I don’t do
anything with it I took that very
serious I you know what I like watching
my uh murder mysteries I like to solve
Mysteries so I think you know it’s like
mysteries in the Bible but what was that
doing every time I indulged in watching
TV it was time I should have had either
just reading the word spending time with
him maybe doing something for somebody
else it was it was nothing there’s
nothing Redemptive about what I was
watching on TV so I want to read
again they either turned gave their sin
to him repented turned to him they were
promoted or they laughed in their face
didn’t take him seriously he deot oted
Declassified and turned their back on on
them their hedge of protection was
lifted their Graces gone and they will
face their enemies without his favor now
I want to read out of you um Isaiah 63
8-10 says for he said surely they are my
people children who will not lie so he
became their
savior in all their Affliction he was
afflicted and the angel of his presence
saved them now of course this is talking
about back in the time of um Moses at
the Red Sea and how the angel of his
presence stood between the enemy and the
children of Israel in his love and in
his pity he redeemed them and he bore
them and carried them all the days of
old but they rebelled and grieved his
holy spirit so he turned against them as
an enemy and he fought against them
that’s really important we don’t want
the Lord to turn against us and fight
against us I mean if he removes that
hedge of protection then you’re on your
own you know definitely you’ll have your
will but he won’t he won’t have his
favor we as a body of Believers must
decide we have have a choice to
make do we choose
him you know his will over ours which is
stronger I was talking with a friend
today that you know he was a smoker for
probably 50 years and a year ago the
Lord dealt with him about this he said
he wanted him to quit smoking he said
I’ve overlooked it for a long time now
it’s time he wanted him to stop about a
month ago he did but now he dealing with
that Temptation again see we have to
rule over our temptation just like um
the Lord told um Cain sin comes
crouching at your door but you’ve got to
rule over it so we either do or we don’t
so what I said to this man was I said
you know it’s our desire to obey God
must be greater than that thing you know
our will to indulge in the thing that’s
separating from you from the Lord so you
know if I have a temptation to watch TV
I’m going to have to say no to it you
know I choose to go God’s way as opposed
to me turning on the
TV um I don’t want to lose that hedge of
protection so whatever separates from
you you know whatever your Vice is are
you willing to give it up you know are
you willing to turn that over to the
Lord are you willing to repent and turn
him choose his way
okay so that was the first thing the
hedge of protection we sure don’t want
to lose that and I just pray now you
Lord as you speak to your Saints you
know bring to their memory what you have
spoken to them that they needed to uh
turn over to you so that they will
remain in your grace in your favor Lord
remind them
so they
stay in your favor and you they will
work with
you and you will not turn from
them the second thing the Lord talked to
me about was the American
church he said I’m moving swiftly in
season and you’re going to see many
demonstrative changes relocations and
he said I’m raising my fist against the
American Church who refuse to
acknowledge Holy Spirit and the gifts he
Bears now that’s very serious 1
Corinthians 12 Paul lists the nine
spiritual gifts you know they’re in the
Bible we can’t just cut certain things
out because maybe we don’t like them but
Paul names these gifts we need these
words of wisdom these are power words of
wisdom words of knowledge Faith Gifts of
healing working of
Miracles prophecy you know the testimony
of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy and
yet many churches they hate that they
teach against it this uh distinguishing
of spirits various kinds of tongues and
the interpretation why you know they
think that is of the devil how can that
be it’s a l language of holy spirit so
truly you know 2 Timothy 3:5 says many
have a form of godliness yet they deny
its power from such people we should
turn away of course you know he list a
whole different thing a lot of things
that are going to be in at the end times
you know how men are going to turn you
know to these things but yet turn away
from uh Holy Spirit and Ephesians 4:30
says do not gri grieve the holy spirit
of God don’t you think that Grieves him
when we won’t receive
him okay we were sealed for the day of
redemption so we need to be turning to
Holy Spirit not away from
um now the Lord spoke to me again he
said I began in the church okay this is
the American church he said leaders have
walked with sin and lust for so long
leading double lives and bragging about
it now I don’t get into all the
statistics and stuff I I just don’t but
I know there’s so many that are involved
like in pornography and you
know I I don’t know I can’t even talk
about that I guess but there’s so many
different types of like sexual sin but
leaders they’re leading double
lives and they about it he said do they
think I’ve been blind and don’t see what
they do in secret well God knows
everything he sees hears knows every
single thing that we do so doesn’t
matter you go think you’re hiding from
else he’s still going to know it he said
have they totally forgotten the word the
word of God but come to the church
Sunday in their holy robes covering
their nakedness
I say no more I’ve called the kettle
black there are still more leaders
you’ll see coming forth with their tail
tucked between their legs in
shame and this could have been prevented
had they only repented instead of hiding
it Luke
8:17 says there is nothing hidden that
will not be revealed nor anything secret
that will not be known and come to
light now to me I always see that as two
different things there are things in
Scripture that like the Book of
Daniel that’s going to be opened and
we’re going to know what was written
there what’s been hidden all these years
I’m really excited about that it’s like
the Dead Sea Scrolls you know those were
always hidden and I forget what year
they were found but my goodness you know
they were always there they were hidden
but now you know our what we do in
secret when God shines His Holy Spirit
light on that sin it’s going to be
exposed and everybody’s going to know
it um again I’m going to read this he
said I’m raising my fist against the
American Church who refuse to uh
acknowledge Holy
Spirit and the gifts he bears now I want
to look at Ezekiel
21:17 verse 16 now this is he’s talking
about Babylon verse 16 he’s speaking
about the swords are ready to thrust in
TR thrust in the bra the blade from left
and right then 17 he said I will also
beat my fist together and I will cause
my Fury to rest I the Lord have spoken
so he is is raising his fist and he’s
going to cause a fury to rest on those
with the sin in their life okay those
who’s not surrendering to him this is
again he’s talking about the uh American
church that scripture is talking about
destruction and the severity of God’s
Wrath and God’s judgment is not going to
withheld and the Rebellion against God
you know really has consequences I don’t
that church
leaders I I don’t think there’s just so
many different denominations that don’t
believe Holy Spirit gifts they’re just
so I don’t know blinded I mean I know
different churches I was in when I was a
I I was just shocked when I was actually
in a different Church a spirit filled
church and was introduced to Holy Spirit
I thought what was I was sitting in
blindness in darkness for so many years
and there was Holy Spirit oh my goodness
you know if you’re in a dead church if
you are not moving in the gifts of the
Spirit you know that’s how if your
church does not believe in healing then
people are sitting there sick they’re
not getting healed you know we need the
gift of Prophecy we need the edification
through Holy Spirit by speaking in
tongues you know we we need these things
we need words of wisdom and knowledge
and and the understanding we need all
these gifts so but if you’re denying
Holy Spirit you know if you’re in a
church like that then you need to get
out of that church and get into one you
know we are responsible for our own
salvation like I said I sat for many
years in a dead church it was really
dead and I didn’t know it was dead until
I got into a church the Holy Spirit was
there and it was alive you know I was
stirred in my spirit thank God for my
son that started going to that church
and encouraged me to
come I didn’t know it but my preacher
was not responsible for my salvation he
wasn’t I went got baptized there but he
wasn’t responsible for my
relationship with the Lord my
relationship with Holy Spirit he was
there just teaching on Sundays and he
probably still does not know Holy
Spirit we need to have a relationship if
you are in a church and you don’t have
that going on there then individually
ask Holy Spirit repent say and say Holy
Spirit Come Fill me I want to know
you I want that gift of speaking in
tongues it’s not of the devil it’s of
Lord okay where are we here
so okay to the leaders he said you will
see many kill each other by the will of
their tongue you know life and death is
in the tongue
he said it’s powerful two-edged sword
words inflict fear and Terror and
eventual death it’s called character
assassination so without his grace and
holy spirit it’s doggy dog so I just
pray for all of you listening you
know there is Judgment against the
and it’s
church leaders God is really separating
you know sheep and goat and he’s
separating his his
people and those that know Holy Spirit
you know we if we know Holy Spirit we
should be encouraging other people to be
filled with Holy Spirit and walk in the
gifts of the Spirit all right we like I
said I was just amazed I didn’t know
anything anything about Holy Spirit we
would take communion in my church first
Sunday of each month and you know the
name of the father son Holy Spirit
that’s the only time we heard Holy
Spirit you know and then I was
introduced to Holy Spirit and it totally
changed my life in in a very positive
way in a powerful way my life has never
ever been the same and like I said we
are responsible for our walk with the
Lord and are being filled with Holy
Spirit and doing things with holy spirit
so encourage others if you know people
that are sitting in darkness you know
help them help them to understand and
you know the church leaders I don’t know
we’ll watch and see what happens but
God’s bringing judgment against those
who are sitting in darkness I know I
will not mention the name but I’ve seen
this man on TV quite a few times and
he’s always talks so negative about
every single Spirit-filled
leader and I think do you actually hear
yourself do you know what you’re saying
he uses he knows the word the written
word he can probably quote it very well
and he’s a good teacher however he
everything where holy spirit is involved
and anyone who
prophesies he condemns and anyone who
mentions Holy Spirit or the gifts of the
Spirit he condemns I don’t think he
realizes what he is doing I pray for
this man often because and I pray that
he has reason to really cry out to Holy
Spirit because that may be the only way
that he’s going to come to know Holy
Spirit it okay all right well as Paul
Harvey would say stay tuned for news we
will have uh part two of this message
like I said there’s a message for the
Nations and I also have um a message
coming about the election I was just
waiting a couple days to bring that I
think it’s pretty pretty interesting
anyhow okay till next time be blessed if
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time be blessed
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