the rain will stop. Your crops will die , there will be no food
June 13, 2021
Barbara Francis
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If you will humble yourself before me I will allow you to dwell in this land. The entire earth is soaked in blood. Jesus Christ is the atoning sacrifice for our sin and the sins of the entire world . The nations leaders are stiff necked. They have shed innocent blood and refuse to acknowledge it . They believe they will not be held accountable by me. You will reap what you have sown. Soon my two witnesses will shut up the sky and the rain will stop. Your crops will die , there will be no food . The lakes will dry up, there will be no drinking water. They will send more plagues. This adulteress and wicked generation will lay on the dry earth and beg for Mercy . Did you show mercy to the baby in the womb before you tore it to pieces or burned it to death with chemicals ? No, you held up a sign and said my body my choice and boasted about murdering the child I gave you . I have seen everything . I have seen enough from the unrepentant and reprobates A mighty wind blows. A mighty change is coming to every people and nation on the earth. I AM COMING AND MY REWARD IS WITH ME to give to each one of you .
Original article can be found here