January 20, 2021 10:08 PM
20 January 2021
For I Am the Lord that healeth thee, do you still believe this? Yes Yahushua, I do believe you. Clear your mind of the things of this world, I must be the center of all your thoughts and plans. I have been long suffering with all of the sin and iniquity of this world, not willing that any should perish. I know all things from the beginning to the end. I know who will repent, and who won’t. My judgment of this world has begun, but it has been a little here and there, trying to wake up the believers and unbelievers. The believers are not putting Me first in their life, and the unbelievers, some of the unbelievers, will repent and turn to Me, but only if you and My true believers keep praying for them. Most unbeliever will remain unbelievers and will believe the lie, the great delusion, when the fallen angels will be made known to everyone on earth. They will say to all people on the earth that they are your creators, and will deceive many. The anti-christ will soon make his appearance on the world scene for all to see, and he will deceive many who do not belong to Me. I AM the Great Shepard, My sheep hear My Voice and follow Me, they will not follow a stranger.
It is time for My judgments to greatly increase. I have been patient, hoping all would see and receive My Love and forgiveness for them, if they would only repent. But they are not seeking Me, they put the things of this world ahead of Me. They put self and things of the flesh and the comforts of life ahead of Me. But the lull and peace before the storm has come to an end. The storm is about to begin, and many will die without knowing Me. Many believers will be in areas that will be destroyed. I have told many to leave these areas, some have obeyed Me, but most won’t, thinking that God will take care of me no matter what happens. Or they believe the false teaching that they will be raptured out of here and taken to heaven before anything bad happens. Those that believe in Me who live in areas of destruction, I will take home, they will not feel the sting or pain of death, for I will take them a second before death comes. I love them all with an everlasting love. I have already shed My Blood and died for them, for I greatly desire to bring them home to be with Me and My Father. You must urge everyone that you are able to, to seek Me with all their heart, they must put Me first in their life and they must develop a strong relationship with Me. They must learn to hear the Voice of My Spirit, for My Spirit will lead them, and tell them what to do and where to go to be safe. I will take care of them and provide for them, but they must be able to hear the Voice of My Spirit to hear My instructions and directions, if not, then even they will perish. Tell them, praise and worship Me with all their heart and read and study My Holy Word daily, for every question My people may have will be answered as they read and study, and learn My Word. Tell them to meet with Me daily in the secret place, and I will pour out My great Peace, My Shalom, on them. For My greatest desire is, that as I AM One with My Father, and My Father is One with Me, I desire that those who love Me and put Me first in their life, will be One with Me, and I will be One with them. For those that know Me, also know the time and seasons we are in.
Don’t let this stolen, illegal election bother you, keep your faith and trust in ME strong! As I have told you, things will continue to get worse before they get better. Everyone must pray without ceasing, for prayer changes things, then watch and see what I will do!
Have I not said in My Word, that when the enemy comes in like a flood, I will raise up a standard against him. What is this standard that I will raise up? Do you know? For I desire to make the Word of God fully known to YOU, even the mystery which was hidden for ages and generations, from angels and men, but now is made manifest to His Saints, which is CHRIST in YOU, the hope of Glory!
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