The Lord warned of a drone swarm – now in the news
12/13/24 12:59 PM
YouTube channel Blessed Believer
Hello. It’s my first time writing you. I am Jennifer from the YouTube channel Blessed Believer. I wanted to share that the Lord had me post a warning and a video warning about a false flag drone swarm.
As this seems to be coming to pass right now, I would like to ask if you might share this video and any info. as led.
Prophetic Alert – Drone Swarm UFO Deception #propheticdream #droneswarm #propheticwarning
The original warning of the drone swarm and false news story came from dreams on August 29th and Sept 22 2022. The original warning video above was posted to YouTube on Sept 3 2022.
Last month, the Lord urged me to repost this warning (Nov 16 2024).
I reposted in obedience along with this related word of knowledge, originally posted in Sept 2024…
Beloved brethren. I just heard the word “armada”.
I don’t watch the news and don’t follow anything that’s going on in the nations at this moment. Been sitting at the throne of God only, speaking with Him. However when I saw the definition of this word of knowledge, I thought that I should share right away. Sent with the King’s love! A fleet of warships. A large group of moving things. A fleet of armed ships; a squadron. Specifically, the Spanish fleet which was sent to assail England, a. d. 1558. Any large army or fleet of military vessels. A large fleet.
Let’s have our hearts washed and our Kingdom priorities set right. God bless you saints!
Photos courtesy Depositphotos