The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
Given By Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach
( From March 2, 2024 – June 6, 2024)
Received By William Alexander Brooks
(The Voice of one Crying in the Wilderness)
Please Note: I have recorded these words exactly as given and have listed them by the dates given where the first prophecy is the last listed. I did not know I was writing a book up until recently. Yeshua HaMashiach literally gave me a book from the end to the beginning, yes, backwards as to how a book is written which is an impossible way to write a book. He then had me divide the book into groupings centered around the works of others. Other men labored and I entered into their works given by the hand of the Lord long ago. Other’s continued their works and I added my portion and my course is now finished. I stand in awe at what has been given.
The Little Book testifies of it’s own authenticity and is in complete agreement with itself and all of scripture, and the handiwork of the Lord is plain to see for all who have eyes to see. I have been completely transparent and all is recorded in this book that is relevant. Every word in this book will find the eyes, ears, and hearts of those to whom it is sent.
May you all be blessed and may Yahweh’s grace and mercy rest on you all in eternal salvation through Yeshua HaMashiach for it is by his commission I have been sent. Yeshua HaMashiach indicated to me this is no longer my fight and so the 144,000 will rise and the two witnesses will prophecy 1260 days. Shalom! Shalom! As for me, I am no longer crying and my voice is now silent as my days in the wilderness are at an end. כל השבח לה’ האל העליון שהוא אביו של המשיח האמיתי, ישוע המשיח.
(All praise to Yahweh the most high God, who is the Father of the true messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach.)
~ William Alexander Brooks ~ 6/12/2024
Table of Contents
(Please note: The last is first in order received and are thusly dated. Therefore, there may be groupings I am unawares at this time. William A Brooks ~ 6/10/2024)
Prophetic Reception Method: How I Receive Prophetic Messages………………………………………………4 The Testimony of Jesus is The Spirit of Prophecy (Explanation of “In the Works of”)……………………..11
The Voice of The Seven Thunders
The Mystery of the Little Book (Explanation)………………………………………..59
To the Fallen Ones: Now Comes Your Judgment! (Thunders Begin)……………………………………………………6
The Times Have Come!……………………………………………………………………………………………………………62
The Unrighteous Shall Not Inherit the Kingdom of God!……………………………………………………………162
Hear Me and Hear Me Well!……………………………………………………………………………………………………122
In the Works of John the Revelator pages 6-69
To the Fallen Ones: Now Comes Your Judgment!………………………………………………………………………….6
Behold! Judgment Comes and the Times are Now!………………………………………………………………………14
To The 144,000: Repudiate Their Lies………………………………………………………………………………………..21
To the 144,000: For Just Such a Time You Have Been Called and Sealed……………………………………….28
To The 144,000 and The Tribulation Saints of Jacob’s Trouble………………………………………………………33
To the 144,000: Hear My Words and Wisdom!…………………………………………………………………………….40
Hear My Words and Understand the Times You Live!………………………………………………………………….46
To the 144,000: Hear my Call!…………………………………………………………………………………………………..52
The Mystery of the Little Book………………………………………………………………………………………………….59
The Times Have Come!……………………………………………………………………………………………………………62
In the Works of Paul the Apostle Pages 69-155
Behold, My Reward is With Me!……………………………………………………………………………………………….69
To My Church, My Body, Even My Bride: Hear The Words Of Your Lord!……………………………………74
Sinners! Come To Me in This Last Time!……………………………………………………………………………………80
Hear My Words of Comfort And Hear My Words of Power!…………………………………………………………88
To My Faithful Ministers: I Commission you!…………………………………………………………………………….94
To the Ministers of the Laodicean Church: Hear my Words!…………………………………………………………99
Woe to You Apostate Shepherds!……………………………………………………………………………………………..106 I Have Given You Great Hope!………………………………………………………………………………………………..111 I Will Heal Your Faith, says the Great Lord!……………………………………………………………………………..117 Hear Me and Hear Me Well!……………………………………………………………………………………………………122
God is Love!………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….127
For the Just shall live by Faith!………………………………………………………………………………………………..133
Hear the Words of the Lord: The Great Mystery Revealed!…………………………………………………………140
Hear Me in My Love For You My Children!……………………………………………………………………………..148
In the Works of Peter Pages 156-185
For God is Not the Author of Confusion!………………………………………………………………………………….156
The Unrighteous Shall Not Inherit the Kingdom of God!……………………………………………………………162
The Faithful Shepherd Says: You Are Like Sheep Gone Astray!………………………………………………….168
Why Have You Forsaken My Mysteries?………………………………………………………………………………….175
Every Secret Will Come to Light!…………………………………………………………………………………………….181 Be Of Good Cheer!………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..185
In the Works of John the Baptist Pages 188-247 Judgment on Babylon (USA)
Watchman Awake!………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….188
Have I Not Justified You?……………………………………………………………………………………………………….193
Look to me, the Lord Jesus Christ!…………………………………………………………………………………………..198
Have Faith in Me……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………201
Wait For Me a Little Longer : I Will Not Tarry…………………………………………………………………………..204
Hear My Words, Says The Lord!……………………………………………………………………………………………..207
Stand Strong and Purify Yourselves………………………………………………………………………………………….210
The Earth is The Lords!………………………………………………………………………………………………………….214
Something Wonderful…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….218
Hear My Voice!……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..222
Take Up A Lamentation………………………………………………………………………………………………………….226
The Faithful Shepherd Says…………………………………………………………………………………………………….229
Great Calamity Approaches…………………………………………………………………………………………………….231
Wayward Shepherds……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….233
Why Do You Reject Your Creator?…………………………………………………………………………………………..235
My Invitation Is Still Open……………………………………………………………………………………………………..239
To Whom Will You Turn?………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 242
Night Approaches…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..244
How Long?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………247
Prophetic Reception Method: How I Receive Prophetic Messages
On March 2, 2024, the Lord Jesus Christ began giving me prophetic messages to share with people regarding his imminent appearing for his Church and other topics. These prophecies came to me in what the Bible describes as when “the hand of the Lord” rests on an individual. For me, it’s a deep feeling of heaviness in my spirit, that will not leave until I finish the message. Christ will impress a few words or phrases in my mind that I can’t shake and won’t forget because many times I text the phrase to myself, so I remember. When I do sit down and start typing, the Lord will literally show me the Words in my spirit as I type: Yes, at times I have actual visual perceptions of the words, and many times I hear the words as I type, not audibly but in my spirit, and it’s perceived in such a way that is undeniable
When I make a mistake and type my own thoughts, the words stop until I delete what I added. When I doubt myself and delete a phrase Christ intended to keep, the words stop until I put the sentence back where it was, and that sentence will not leave my mind until I do. Lately, the Lord has given me very deep doctrinal messages, and he has taken me to specific scriptures. He will put a phrase in my spirit and I will type it out, then I will search the phrase in my Bible and I will find the phrase is in a section of scripture. At that point he will indicate to me which scriptures I need to quote, and I will paste them in the narrative and then the words continue right away. I’m still amazed that the Words the Lord gives me are in perfect harmony with the blocks of scripture he gives me to quote and the scripture I quote flows with the narrative most times in a way I simply cannot achieve on my own, and I have never done anything like this in my life, until now. I typically do not know the fullness of the message until I go back and do a spell and punctuation check. From that point I will read it again and the Lord will have me make minor changes, perhaps add a sentence for clarification, perhaps delete a word and replace it with another, etc. Then the heaviness leaves and I know I am finished.
Please note, in 53 prophetic messages I have never changed anything topical, not ever not once and there has never been a major change to content, not ever not once. The longer prophecies typically take around an hour or less to type out, and the refining process may add another hour or two. I do check everything with scripture to make sure I didn’t mangle anything in my human understanding, so far I haven’t, but to be clear: Many of these Words are beyond my understanding when I type them and I need to go to scripture to learn more based on what I received. Never once have the messages contradicted scripture, though they challenge my understanding of scripture, and I am a student as well. Now, I am a minister and have close to 30 years in scripture and have made many sermons, teachings etc. Let me say this from my years of experience: It is impossible for me to type anything of this level and detail in that short amount of time of my own efforts and understanding. It takes me several days, sometimes a week or more to do a longer, detailed sermon, and it’s not the same, not at all. This is not of me and is beyond my understanding. The spirit of prophecy has fallen on me, for the Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
In the Works of John the Revelator pages 6-69 To the Fallen Ones: Now Comes Your Judgment!
June 6, 2024
From Yeshua HaMashiach:
My called chosen and faithful, hear the Words of your living Lord and savior, even Yeshuah The Messiah! The nations in which you live and the histories you have been taught by your Jesuit educators are the backdrop of the great deception, whose full revealing is imminent and already in motion, whereby the fallen ones will appear as benevolent aliens but in truth are malevolent fallen angels. What is it that has been? Is that that shall be: and what is it that has been done? That which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Satan has offered his so-called advanced knowledge from the beginning, even his knowledge of good and evil. He is a master manipulator and liar who has taught many things to mankind that Yahweh did not intend, for these are the ways of death. Yahweh’s creation is not made to be manipulated for personal power and gain or as a means to escape God’s judgment, nor to establish one’s own ways and order. For Satan has corrupted mankind from the beginning, and he has corrupted the fallen watchers who joined their rebellion.
Oh you great enemy of all unrighteousness even you Satans, your initial sins were recorded by Enoch the scribe all this time ago, and they stand to this very day, for your sins were so recorded. And so I will summarize, for you have done these things and much more have you done: You led astray all the sons of God, and brought them down to the earth, and led them astray through the daughters of men. You imparted to the holy sons of God evil counsel, and led them astray so that they defiled their bodies with the daughters of men. You showed the children of men all the blows of death, and led astray Eve, and showed the weapons of death to the sons of men the shield and the coat of mail, and the sword for battle, and all the weapons of death to the children of men. And from your hand they have proceeded against those who dwell on the earth from that day and for evermore.
You Satans taught the children of men the bitter and the sweet, and you taught them all the secrets of their wisdom. You instructed mankind in writing with ink and paper, and thereby many sinned from eternity to eternity and until this day. For men were not created for such a purpose, to give confirmation to their good faith with pen and ink. For men were created exactly like the angels, to the intent that they should continue pure and righteous, and death, which destroys everything, could not have taken hold of them, but through this their knowledge they are perishing, and through this power it is consuming men.
You Satans showed the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away, and the smitings of the soul the bites of the serpent, and the smitings which befall through the noontide heat, the son of the serpent named Tabââ‘ĕt. For you even requested Michael to show you the hidden name, that you might enunciate it in the oath, so that those might quake before that name and oath who revealed all that was in secret to the children of men.
For you caused the watchers to join your rebellion as you further corrupted mankind. And so the sins of the watchers were so recorded by Enoch the scribe and I will summarize as follows: They taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all coloring tinctures. They taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, the resolving of enchantments, astrology, the constellations, the knowledge of the clouds, the signs of the earth, the signs of the sun, and the course of the moon.
And so through your corruptions and lies, you have polluted Yahweh’s creation with your evil ways and blasphemous abominations. You have led mankind astray and sinned against Yahweh and you have wronged mankind, and even sinned against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish and your sins bring great judgment of which you will not recover. You have polluted Yahweh’s creation with your technologies and manipulations, and you caused mankind to wonder after your tricks and falsehoods. For Yahweh only showed you the worthless mysteries of his creation and kept his most precious mysteries hidden in his heart away from your betrayal.
You evil ones taught your worthless ways to mankind as they multiplied on the face of the earth, and you brought great misery and destruction through your evil schemes and technologies. For you come not but to steal, kill, and destroy. You taught manipulation of the air for you are the prince of the power of the air for you manipulate the aithēr. For when Cain sinned he built a city, and you have taught mankind your worthless secrets and manipulations. These cites were used for control and manipulation and to bring about mankind’s destruction, as you used them to make your abominations of destruction.
You have caused nation to rise against nation in war and endless strife, and you caused my people to sin and Yahweh has scattered the Tribes of Israel to the four winds. No matter, your evil intent has furthered the purposes of Yahweh, for by their scattering will the gathering of the remaining sheep be accomplished. And I will send my two witnesses to prophecy 1260 days clothed in sackcloth. In all your efforts to destroy Yahweh’s children you have failed miserably, and you simply could not see that your efforts furthered Yahweh’s purposes, for even his enemies obey his voice.
For you have persecuted and troubled the 12 tribes all across the earth as you sought their destruction. You have stolen children from mothers, and taken children from families and relocated them across the earth and then lied to them and caused them to believe Jesuit fables regarding their true history, purposes, and origin. No matter, you have failed because, I Yeshua HaMashiach, will fully reconnect them with their past, nation, and true heritage and I will make all who are heirs of salvation one new man, even in me Christ Jesus.
By sleight of hand and great destruction, you have cleverly hidden away your technologies, even telling lies that the people of the past were ignorant and had no technology. For you showed the ancients your worthless mysteries, and there is nothing new under the sun. And so you hide the truth regarding your manipulations of the creation, even hiding them away from those you would seduce with your great deception. You have reintroduced your magic tricks yet once again, as you have set the stage so you can masquerade as aliens. And through your fake alien invasion you will cause all to wonder at your lying signs and wonders, even those whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. But I Yeshua HaMashiach will expose you to the uttermost, and every hidden secret will come to light.
Behold! I will snatch away my faithful to the heavens, for I am coming for my Bride and I will not be stopped. And I Yeshua HaMashiach come to judge and make war and bring great judgment upon the earth, and you will not escape.
I Yeshua HaMashiach, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, have sent these words by my servant, and by my servant have my words been sent, and all will be fulfilled.
From Yahweh, the Great Eternal God:
Oh, you Satans, you have deceived my creation into following after your lying signs and wonders, and my wrath is hot on you. My people will be utterly separated from your tares that you have sown among my wheat in my garden of grace and my Son, Christ Jesus, will gather my wheat in my barn and so the Lord of harvest will gather, bind and burn your tares. Great judgment is upon you and you will not escape my hand. From the beginning, you slithered and hid yourself among my children, even corrupting my little ones from the very beginning with your lies and deceit. You are no gods, and those who followed your deception and delusions of victory are no gods either. You cannot create for you lack the power and I never created you with such abilities because I knew you would rebel before you were created and in my justice and love I created you in righteousness, and you were perfect in the day you were created. In your worthless pride you boast of your own greatness, but you have no greatness and I will fully expose you for the frauds you are. I will lay you in front of Kings, and they will see you and just how powerless you are. My son Yeshua HaMashiach utterly defeated you at Calvary, and you have no hope.
You are allowed to do only what I allow, as you are a defeated enemy. You stole the deed to the earth in your trickery and lies to Adam and now my only-begotten son, even Yeshua HaMashiach, has defeated you in his love for me and my creation and the earth is his, even the Lord of Lords and King of Kings for I have declared it. For he purchased the earth and mankind with his own sinless blood and those who choose life will be redeemed and all your worthless works will be undone and all who choose life will walk out of your lies and deception into newness of life and I will make the faithful more glorious than you once were. For you have failed, oh weak and beggarly princes of the earth, even every prince in your order has failed along with you, oh slithering lying serpent.
Now comes the time for your Judgment and your kingdom’s utter destruction, even the kingdom you have built in your efforts to try and hide me, even Yahweh, from my creation, and you will not escape. You will never again enter the heavens for you are cast down to the earth never to return, and your place is in the heavens no more. You are bound to the earth that you lusted after that was not yours to seize. Every one of your works will be undone in the lives of those you tried to destroy (and on the earth itself) and they will forever dwell in peace and safety and perfect happiness will they have, and I will dwell among mankind and I will be their God.
But, you, oh slithering one, are powerless in my gaze, and you can do nothing to stop me. In the six days since the fall of man, for one day is a thousand years in my sight, you have accomplished nothing but your own judgment, damnation, destruction and torment, for you and all who follow. For you will be bound and cast into that great burning lake where I have made the hottest flames for you, even pure flames of blue, and you will forever burn, and I will recompense every evil work you have ever done to you many times over. You have murdered multitudes upon multitudes, and you will pay for every soul that has been lost, and never will you escape.
You will know all the sins you committed, and you will never escape from judgment, and you will forever be tormented for the sins you have committed. You will know full well your sins and offenses in your torment, and those you hate will have the final victory over you. And all the unrighteous you ever enticed to sin and commit themselves to join your rebellion, even those whose names were never written in the book of life, will share in your torment. You will all pay for every single sin you have committed, for you have sinned against Yahweh and against my creation, and I will repay. For in my justice I will recompense your own sins, actions, and evil ways fully back into your bosoms many times over and for all eternity. And I Yahweh, even the great God, swear these things by my own name for I can swear by no greater.
You will serve my purposes and in your hate and destruction you will drive my chosen to me, for I will lead them by the hand of Yeshua HaMashiach and his army of mighty men, for they will gather my remaining sheep. (Behold! The 144,000 sent by Yeshua HaMashiach will do mighty works in the face of your abominable evil.) And not one whom I have ordained to eternal life will fall to your schemes for they can never be plucked from my hand and neither can anyone pluck them from my Son’s hands for I have given him a name above every name, and he comes in the power of Yahweh himself for I have shared my throne with him. And he will utterly crush your head. You have failed, little prince, and your time has come.
I Yahweh, the great eternal God, have sent these words by my servant and by my servant have my words been sent, and they will come to pass. For Yahweh, the great eternal God, has so declared and nothing can break my declarations. I AM El Shaddai!
Table of Contents
The Testimony of Jesus is The Spirit of Prophecy.
June 4, 2024
Behold, I show you the mystery of the little book. For the book has been given, and the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. My testimony of Jesus began in my life when the Lord Jesus Christ called me into ministry and service in 1996 when I was living in NYC. I had answered the Lord’s call to repentance by attending a home Bible study group and was a student in one of their classes. One evening I was sitting in a diner in Long Island City with a good friend of mine, and he asked me to turn in my Bible to John 4, and he began to read the following as I read along.
4:35 Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. 4:36 And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.
4:37 And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth.
4:38 I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labor: other men labored, and ye are entered into their labors.
As my friend read these verses it was if the words were leaping off the page and the words seemed amplified straight into the depths of my soul and a fire was kindled in my heart and so the lord commissioned my into his service in 1996. I literally dropped my entire life and everything I was doing to go into ministry. I became leadership in a smaller mega church and when I found out just how corrupt they really are I hit the exits never to return in 2008. I struggled for a few years as I tried to walk for Christ, but my sins were holding me back. In 2013 my life fell apart and I self-destructed, and it was a slow motion train wreck that had been in the making for some time. And so the Lord took me into serious chastisement and scourged me many times over until I returned to sanity on July 7, 2020, when I fully repented of my sins. I haven’t looked back.
The Lord prepared me for this journey by granting me many visions, signs, miracles, several healings, and I have cast out many spirits by the Lord’s direction and much confirmation has the Lord given me to the genuineness of my ministries and calling. And so I am restored to my Lord, restored to Yahweh, restored to my wife and son and my eternal reward.
Sometime towards the end of 2023, I had something spectacular happen. Many times I will sleep with scripture playing on my TV and soundbar. This particular evening, I went to sleep with the Old Testament playing very softly. I was startled out of sleep in the middle of the night and my soundbar that was very quiet had gotten very loud for no reason out of the blue. Nobody turned that volume up, and the remote was laying untouched on my nightstand next to my bed. The following verses from Ezekiel played while I sat there in disbelief. Those verses are:
3:17 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
3:18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. 3:19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
3:20 Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
3:21 Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul. 3:22 And the hand of the LORD was there upon me
And so it has been. Even though at the time I didn’t understand that the Lord was sending me as an end times prophet, I would soon find out.
On March 2, of 2024 I began typing out prophetic messages in what the Lord described to me as the works of John the Baptist. This continued from March 2, 2024, until April 5th and during that time I received 20 prophetic messages, and they all centered around judgment on Mystery Babylon, calling the saints to repentance, and announcing the soon appearing of Jesus Christ himself because he will appear in the air at any time now for the faithful in his Church. I actually thought the prophecy on April 5th was the last one. I was wrong. The next Prophetic message occurred on April the 10th of 2024 and the Lord told me he was sending me in the work of Peter to feed and care for the flock.
The nature and content of the messages changed from that point, though they still contain elements from the first twenty, and many of these 50 messages (50 as of June 4, 2024 when this was written, 53 total) interrelate one to another. On April 21, of 2024 the nature and content of the messages shifted again, and the Lord told me he was sending me in the work of the Apostle Paul as a steward of God’s mysteries. And so the content of the messages shifted again and are built on the previous messages and interrelate. These messages continued along the same lines until May 16th, 2024 where the content shifted once more. I was told I was being sent in the works of John the Revelator (a term I’ve never heard or used) and on May 16th those prophecies began.
And so The Lord’s handiwork is expressed in the calling he has given me, and he has sent me where I bestowed no labor, other men labored, and I have entered into their labors. It’s not that these mighty men of God didn’t finish their courses, it’s that these works have continued since all that time ago when Jesus Christ commissioned them in the works he sent them. These divisions were unknown to me when I started prophesying and as he told me I was entering into the works of each one, I never made the connection until it was revealed to me by Yeshua.
The calling and ministries on my life have been fulfilled, and other men labored, and he sent me into their works, and therein have I labored.
I have been sent in the work of John the Baptist to announce the Lord’s coming.
I have been sent in the work of Peter to shepherd and feed the flock.
I have been sent in the work of the Apostle Paul as a steward of the Mysteries of God. I have been sent in the work of John the Revelator to call the 144,000 and show events to come.
Personally, I am not worthy to compare myself to any of these great men of God and am not worthy of my own to even speak a simple greeting to any of you. But the Lord has made me worthy, and I have been sent into these works just the same. My entire life has led to these messages and every word will find the eyes, ears, and hearts of those they are sent. Should the Lord need me to say more, I will. And so I will finish my course and the works given for me to complete. And with this explanation, the handiwork and signature of the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed in these 50 (50 as of June 4, 2024 when this was written, 53 total) prophetic messages given me. I have for the most part finished the works he commissioned me to do. And so I wait on the Lord.
For reference, the Table of Contents is your guide so you can see for yourselves and verify the structure. There is overlap, but for those with eyes to see, they will see. All of the prophecies are dated as well and the dates serve as a record of testimony that the messages were received in reverse order of The Little Book. Shalom, Shalom!
Behold! Judgment Comes and the Times are Now!
June 4, 2024
The times have come for fulfillment, my little one’s, even fulfillment of all things concerning Daniel’s Seventieth week. For Daniel’s, seventieth week is a week of years where each day is a year. Daniels seventieth week is about to be fulfilled and will begin as the faithful in my Church are snatched away to meet me in the clouds, and so the last trump shall sound and with a mighty voice of the archangel the dead in Christ will rise first and you which are alive and remain will be caught up in the clouds with them and so will you ever be with me, even Christ Jesus for I am the resurrected Nazarene who died to sin once and who dies no more. For my kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting, and of my kingdom there shall be no end, for Yahweh has so declared.
When my faithful are taken into the heavens, so too will the restrainer be removed, and so shall the start of Daniel’s 70th week begin. So many of you struggle with the concept of me, Yeshua HaMashiach catching my faithful ones away from Judgment that is not intended for them, yet I will cause you to understand should you come to me with the humility of a little child, even the innocence and curiosity of a little one. For you are my little ones, even my little ones who see through a glass darkly and who prophesy in part. And so I say to you humble yourselves and repent from your worthless pride for it is sin and come to me to learn and accept holy scripture. To reject any section of scripture is sin for every Word of God is pure and to be received with respect for obedience and I, Jesus the Nazarene, am the word made flesh.
The gathering of my saints to me in the clouds was a mystery hidden within the great mystery of God. So it was a mystery within a mystery and therefore was not revealed until it was revealed to the Apostle Paul in his letters for to him was revealed great mystery of God, for Paul was also a steward of God’s mysteries, for so I commissioned him. And so understand that to deny scripture on this event is to deny me and to be among the foolish virgins.
And so I will explain to you many things that are about to come to pass, even continuing the works I gave John the Revelator for the testimony of my revealing is written to conceal as it reveals and so now I will tell you things before they happen so that you are prepared for the days ahead. For I Christ Jesus will cause my people to stand in the works where I am sending them so that you may complete to the uttermost the many mighty works I have for you to accomplish.
As the gathering together happens, the restrainer is removed and great destruction will overtake the earth, suddenly and in an instant. For as the restrainer is removed there will be nothing to hinder the evil in the world and nothing to hinder the lusts and evil passions of mankind. Great war will break across the earth and brother will once again rise to kill their brother and great shall their destruction be. Many nations will fall as Mystery Babylon, even that great whore who sits on many waters will be made desolate in one hour.
That great city, even that nation of many United States will be utterly destroyed for she has earned a double portion of judgment, and she is worthy. For she lived deliciously in great sin, she sits in great arrogance thinking she can never fall and things will continue yesterday, as today, and tomorrow ever more the same and unchanging. And the great whore has corrupted the earth with the golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. And so her judgment will fall suddenly. Great fire will overtake her cities as missiles fall, great shaking will occur, and that nation will split along the middle, her coasts will be greatly flooded and never will she rise again for great are her sins and great is her judgment.
As war breaks across the land and the horseman execute their judgments on the earth, great misery and desolation will come on the world. The world that now is will never again be; when the restrainer is removed, everything will be different. There will be great death, pestilence, great famine, and great injustice and yet my 144,000 will be protected from wrath and judgment for they will carry the seal of the Living God, even Yahweh, in their foreheads for so will they be sealed, and I send my angels to seal them.
And so great chaos and lawlessness will rule the day. There will be times of great persecution and great trouble for so is the first 42 months, but the great tribulation will happen in the second 42 months, for there are 84 months in the seven days of years of Jacob’s trouble. And so the second half is the great tribulation, but there will be tribulation and persecution on the land that will be horrible for the inhabitants of the earth the entire time.
For neither me, Christ Jesus the Ascended Lord, nor Yahweh, the great eternal God (for there is none like him) have any pleasure in the coming judgments and troubles. My Father did not create mankind in love so he could judge and destroy them. Yet, Satan has corrupted God’s garden of grace, and now the corruption will be cleansed away so that righteousness may rule. And so there is no other choice for salvation for those who rejected my call of salvation during the age of grace. People must awaken from their slumber and the pleasures of sin for there is no more time and now is the time to forever choose, or the choice will be made in judgment for those who reject me by refusing to choose. Many troubles and the coming judgments will awaken many to eternal salvation even snatching them from the eternal fires for many are drunk on the pleasures of sin and so pleasures will be taken away. They will have no more pleasure in these days and survival will be a minute by minute affair at times and much danger will abound.
So will it be that my faithful and chosen among my Church will be hidden away from the times of Jacob’s Trouble in the heavens. And their works will be judged by fire and whoso works remain will receive reward and whoso works are burned will suffer loss, but they themselves will be saved so as yet by fire. They will take their places in the order prepared for them in the heavens. For I, Yeshua HaMashiach, am worthy to take the book and open the seals, and with the opening of the seals the horseman are loosed. And they will go forth in the earth to conquer, to make war, to cause pestilence, and great death. The seven trumpet will sound, woes are coming, and the seven vials of the indignation of the wrath of God will be poured out on the earth in full.
The coming world war will not last for years because Satan knows that he has but a short time, yet war will be ever present during these times of trouble. Out of the ruins and horrors of war will rise the beast from the sea, and the beast from the earth, who is also the false prophet. These two will work in tandem, as they already work in tandem in secret for the destruction of Secret Babylon. And the ten horns, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate, and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And so the horseman will ride.
They will rise offering peace, safety and false godliness. They will outlaw anything to do with me, Jesus Christ, across the world and they will make war with the saints and overcome them, for it is given in their hands to so accomplish. Their so called aliens will present themselves and will offer their help to mankind but these are fallen angels bringing great deception. Behold I bring giants to fulfill my wrath and so has Yahweh declared. As in the days of Noah so shall it be for the fallen angels of old, even the so called gods of old (they are no gods) will seek to rebuild their golden age on the earth and they are released for judgment but no golden age will they have. Their abominations will be released for the restrainer will be gone and fully removed and nothing shall hold them back. Those who love their lives will lose them eternally for they will require the mark to participate in their new society, even their new order. And all who take the mark of the beast will have their portion in the lake of fire.
My 144,000 are not sent to live in their cities, where they would have to take the mark to live. But they will be sent to and fro and will gather many to them and care for many and will help bring great multitudes in salvation to me, Yeshuah HaMashiach, (in whatever language) all who will call on my name until the end will be saved. God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. As in the days of Noah those who are godly will live outside of their evil fallen angel society for theirs will be a society of sin that leads to eternal damnation in the unquenchable fires, so join them not because the choice is permanent. And so my 144,000 will bring salvation and help to many.
They will do mighty signs, miracles, and wonders and I will lead them step by step and I will direct their paths to those I am sending them. And I will gather my sheep to them so they may be led to safety. And whosoever loves not their lives to the end will be saved. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
The beast from the sea will rise and will serve the evil purposes of those who rule the land of promise in great sin, even the synagogue of Satan. He will rule the nations and will speak many blasphemies, and will do great lying signs and wonders, and they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? The synagogue of Satan will do all they can to destroy anyone who calls on my name and the beast and the false prophet will brutally enforce Noahide on the nations and will appear as though they are cleansing evil from the land. But they will instead make war with the saints and overcome them, and it is given to the beast from the sea to continue 42 months.
The beast from the earth will rise also from the ashes. He will have all the power of the first beast, and he will do many lying signs and wonders in the sight of the first beast, and he will make an image of the beast and a spirit will be permitted to cause the image of the beast to speak saying that whoso will not bow down and worship the image of the first beast should be killed.
For the beast from the earth will they crown king of the lands of promise, and he will be their long awaited Moshiach, and he will build their temple, (even though Yahweh did not commission him) and so it will be. They will receive him as a great, benevolent ruler, prophet, and king. And the beast from the earth, (even their false prophet) will cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. They have even conditioned the earth to accept the mark, and the system has been refined during their so-called pandemic.
(It is written in Revelation: And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name.)
In the first 42 months, I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceeds out of their mouth, and devours their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
The beast from the earth, even their false prophet, will surely bring the abomination of desolation. He will cause the daily sacrifice to cease and set the abomination of desolation in their place. And so I stated and so Matthew wrote: When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso reads, let him understand) Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
(Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.)
And so I will protect many and hide many away in the wilderness from the great tribulation, for had the days not been shortened no flesh would survive. Then the beast and false prophet will gather the kings of the earth and all that stand with them from the dragons’ kingdom for that great day of battle. And so I had John the Revelator write: And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it, he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
And the beast and false prophet will both be taken alive and cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
And so my angel will descend from the heavens having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain where he will bind Satan in the bottomless pit for a thousand years and set the seal so that he should deceive the nations no more for a thousand years. At the end of my thousand-year reign, Satan will be loosed from the abyss for a little season.
He will go out to deceive the nations in the four quarters of the earth, God and Magog to gather them together as the sand of the sea and he will attack the camp of saints and surround the holy city and fire will come down from Yahweh and will utterly consume them. And the devil that deceived them will be bound and cast alive into that great lake of fire, which burns with brimstone in the hottest flames of blue. And there will be great recompense of evil and great justice will be served on the Satans own head, his fallen angels, and all who joined their rebellion and never again will they arise, and they will be utterly forgotten and never again will they come to mind.
Then Yahweh will make a new heaven and a new earth, and he will make his abode among men and in peace and harmony will it be forevermore and never again will there be a time of trouble, and they shall never again sin neither through pride nor ungodliness and all their days will be blessed.
I am the resurrected Nazarene who died to sin once and who dies no more
I am Yeshua even your true Messiah whom Yahweh has sent to fulfill the promises made to the Fathers
I am he whose eyes are a flame of fire and on my head many crowns
I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings and in righteousness I come to judge and make war
I am he who will direct and lead my 144,000 and the will sing a new song that no man can learn
I am he who will defeat Satans kingdom and I will bruise his head
I am he whom Yahweh has sent for salvation of all who believe and my time has come Behold! Judgment comes and the times are now.
To The 144,000: Repudiate Their Lies
June 2, 2024
Incline your ears to my voice and hear my wisdom for wisdom cries aloud in the streets, will you hear my voice? I am Yeshua HaMashiach, even the son of Yahweh who came in the flesh and am the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Understand that the world in which you live is not the false portrait your Jesuit educators painted to lead you astray. Many of you have been indoctrinated into Jesuit lies, even learning against learning. This war on truth was designed to mold the minds of men into submission to Satan and endeavor to remove and usurp man’s free will so that man would mindlessly follow his indoctrination.
True history cannot be understood from the lies of Jesuit philosophers, for they are liars peddling falsehood in great deceit. Scripture is clear on the matter, and Romans declares the truth plainly stated: For the wrath of God appears from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, which withhold the truth in unrighteousness. Did you let those words reach your heart? Men purposely withhold the truth in ungodliness and unrighteousness, and the wrath of Yahweh is against those who do. So your educations are made spurious by their lies.
They have done this to prepare the way for the coming great deception, and so that Satan’s kingdom can be unleashed to rule in great deception and lies. The lies they have told you for education serves to blind the masses to the truth: There are no aliens, only fallen angels headed for the lake of fire to be bound and burned for eternity. Believe not their lies and run to me, Christ Jesus, for in me dwells the all truth that will make you free. I tell you these things so you will not be deceived with those who will join Satan and receive the coming beastly mark.
History is understood by following truths established in scripture and extra-Biblical books 1 Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, et al., from the beginning. For these ungodly men and the lies they use to obscure the truth are simply part of the great war, even the seed war between Yahweh and Satan that rages to this very minute, yet is won for all eternity by my atoning works. For war was declared by Yahweh on that old serpent for his rebellion, even from the beginning of creation of mankind when Satan tried to destroy Adam and Eve. Yahweh stated to the serpent in his declaration: I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed: it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. And so the seed wars have raged ever since.
In the Garden of Eden, Satan managed to corrupt the seed of Adam, condemning Adam under the power and corruption of sin. (In this thing the son of God appeared, that he would undo the works of the devil.) For Satan used his corrupt knowledge of good and evil to utterly corrupt mankind, and for those who obey my voice, that corruption is undone in me Christ Jesus, where you are a new creation that can never be corrupted. My seed cannot be corrupted for Yahweh has made it incorruptible and by way of the new birth I have sealed my chosen and faithful even with that holy spirit of promise! John in his first letter declares the eternal truth: Whosoever is born of God, does not commit sin: for his seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he is borne of God.
In a short time after the fall of Eden, where Adam sinned and fell from perfection to corruption, the watchers descended on Mount Hermon in the days of Jared. And they all bound themselves by mutual imprecations, even their unholy oath whereby they bound themselves eternally to sin and eternal punishment. They did so in order that they would all take to themselves wives of all they chose, thus changing the order of their nature. They came to mankind offering their putrid fallen angel knowledge, for they joined the satan’s rebellion.
They taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all coloring tinctures. They taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, the resolving of enchantments, astrology, the constellations, the knowledge of the clouds, the signs of the earth, the signs of the sun, and the course of the moon.
So the fallen watchers took their wives and committed fornication with them, and they became pregnant and bore to them great giants. And in time this unholy seed devoured all that was on the earth, and all that was given to mankind, and eventually devoured as much of mankind as they could. For they were blood drinkers and man eaters, and they did great evil in the sight of Yahweh, for the life of the flesh is in the blood and mankind was made in the image of Yahweh. They grew and multiplied and eventually set up their kingdoms across the face of the earth. Behold! The ruins of their megalithic structures still litter the earth as a witness against them. They dominated the earth during those times, and they were made for mankind’s destruction. And so all manner of abominations were achieved, for the holy writings even declare how it was accomplished.
As if it wasn’t enough for mankind to lust after strange flesh, fornicate with fallen angels, and produce giant offspring; because of the watchers they all sinned against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish. From the beginning of creation, Yahweh ordained each life form after its kind. But the evil watchers tampered with creation, even crossing creatures of one kind, with creatures of a similar kind in order to introduce genetic instability and alter Yahweh’s initial creation of harmonious perfection. This process was repeated, crossing similar creatures of one kind with similar creatures of another kind until the desired outcome was achieved. And so the world, that then was, became corrupted with all sorts of malevolent abominations who sinned greatly against Yahweh, mankind, and all creation. Understand, the fallen ones want a world of their own even a world of darkness completely separate from Yahweh, and they will inherit just that in the lake of fire prepared for them by Yahweh himself.
And so the days of Noah came and the world that then was standing out of the water, and in the water, was overflowed with water and perished. For the fountains of the great deep were broken up causing great violence as the earth was broken apart by the forceful might of the violent waters, and the windows of heaven were opened allowing waters from above the firmament (and from beneath the earth) to cover and destroy the entire world.
And so Enoch the scribe describes the fate of these giants as such, for Yahweh so declared: And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men, from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be called. As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling. And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offenses. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them. Understand that nine tenths of these evil spirits are in the abyss due to Noah’s petition and prayer and mankind has only dealt with a tenth of them ever since. That is about to change and the abyss will be opened and all will be released.
So the earth, and all the watchers abominations, were destroyed. The watchers themselves were chained in their various judgments for 70 generations, to be released for judgment in the time of the great judgment. (For the great judgment is about to begin) However, Noah found grace in Yahweh’s sight, because he was a righteous man and his family of eight souls Yahweh saved alive even with many other creatures on the Ark. Noah kept himself and his family from genetic tampering before the flood. But his son Ham and his evil offspring would eventually reject Noah and even Yahweh himself, (who had created and saved them) joining themselves to the Satans rebellion.
The words of Genesis six were fulfilled by the sins of Noah’s offspring, even the line of Ham. There were Giants in the earth in those days: and also after that. “Those days” were the days of Jared to Noah, and “giants in the earth” were the offspring of the watchers and daughters of men before the flood. “After that” is after the days of Noah, when mankind’s genetics were again corrupted by fallen angel knowledge. I ask you to no longer believe the deception of the erroneous Sethite theory and believe the words of the holy writing for these words are truth.
When the earth was divided by lot among Noah’s sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth) Ham’s lot was for him to inherit the lands to the south, and so they were his. However, Canaan lusted after a portion of Shem’s inheritance and moved into lands that were not his to occupy. For it was Canaan that Noah cursed. For Canaan left his inheritance and founded the city of Tyre on what became the Phoenician coast and led to Sidon of which Jezebel descended. He did this so that he could be in proximity to Mount Hermon, where the watchers descended and where I was transfigured.
Canaan found what the watchers left behind before the flood of Noah because they sought to preserve their rebellion even after the flood for they carved much into rocks and stones. Canaan used their fallen angel knowledge in great sorceries and many vile rites were done by the Canaanite, for they even sacrificed their own children. So vile were they and so pervasive that he managed to infect the land of Canaan with his newly made abominations, where Satan worked on account of his transgressions.
And so the tribes of post flood giants, even the abominable Canaanite tribes, arose from Canaan’s transgressions and iniquities and sorceries. In the land Canaan stole from Shem came the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites. They were the terrible ones, even Rephaim. There were more tribes than listed, but these terrible ones were waiting in the land of promise in an effort to kill those who protected the Christ line, even your Israelite ancestors and Father’s who were Hebrews.
Joshua entered the promised land to claim what was rightfully given to Shem by lot and the land that rightfully belonged to Israel by promise of Yahweh himself. But the children of Israel did not fully carry out the commands of Yahweh to leave none of the tares alive, for they were malevolent and not human, and their practices were vile, and they did much evil in the sight of Yahweh, for so was their nature. And so Yahweh told Israel as recorded in scripture: But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come to pass that those which you let remain of them, shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. And it was so.
History in part shows the propagation and movement of these abominations, even the tares planted by Satan himself, as they have lived among the wheat since the days of old. They have set up many civilizations using their technologies and fallen angel knowledge, they are master builders, they are sorcerers, many of them have unnatural abilities, and they are connected to their Father the devil, even sharing his characteristics and lusts. These tares have infiltrated every aspect of society, and not all of them are giants. Many appear human, except they are hybrid creatures forever altered from Yahweh’s designs in creation and will not be redeemed. Fear them not, for greater is he that is in you than he than is in the world.
These tares seek to take what belongs by inheritance and promise to the children of God. There can be no accord with them for they are of their Father the devil and the lusts of their Father they will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and when he speaks a lie he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the Father of it. They will absolutely subvert, pollute, destroy, kill, pillage, plunder and do their worst against anything godly that they set their lusts on. They have no peace and their nature is utterly corrupt. They have subverted the world, and they will set up their kingdom for one hour as the dragon has his reign on the earth. Yet, they seek to re-establish their golden age, but no golden age will they have but harsh judgment, and they shall not escape.
These evil tares have corrupted knowledge, learning, history, religion, science and on and on they have corrupted. They have propagated fallen angel technology and there is nothing new under the sun. As the times have been fulfilled, they have utterly covered the earth in lies and the entire world lies in wickedness. By their enlightenment, the Jesuit tares have utterly corrupted society and led mankind into a sea of lies, where the only escape is by repentance and repudiation from all the sins and lies. (For Rome made Islam as well, study to learn). Their fallen angel knowledge and lies stand against scriptural history and instead offer flimsy fables that blind the minds and hearts of men. Therefore, come out from among them and be ye separate.
The world today is one where many, many people have collective amnesia as a result of Jesuit indoctrination. Many of you have forgotten not only Yahweh’s covenants and ways, but utterly forgotten who you are and who your ancestors truly are. This was done by design through war, lies, and re-population efforts over the years that has scattered so many to the four corners of the earth. Of this they willingly are ignorant that it is impossible to hide anything from Yahweh’s sight and I, Yeshua HaMashiach, know my own and who I am calling to salvation.
Some of those who were scattered were orphans and taken from their families either through war or outright kidnapping. These souls grew up on fake history, even being lied to with romanticized notions of a false past, and so the delusion is rooted deeply in the hearts of men and many are forever blinded by lies that are accepted as truth. But for those who turn to me, Yeshua HaMashiach, will know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Your present society is built on the ruins and ashes of the fallen ones civilizations of old and great effort has gone into concealing the truth. That which has been shall be again, and there is nothing new under the sun.
Without my atoning sacrifice and my offer of salvation, you would all be lost. So, come to me, Yeshuah HaMashiach, and I will guide you into all truth and I will teach you your true history. I will reconnect with your true ancestry, for many of you are from the land, though salvation is for all nations. I will teach you in the ways of holiness, and you will live righteously by faith in me, Jesus Christ, and you will live eternally. There is nothing secret that will not come to light, and all will be exposed fully that the truth may be known by all.
So quit feasting on lies as you bury your selves in complacency, for the times of complacency are over. The times of revealing are at hand. For behold! As in the days of Noah, so shall it be. Satan has used his tapestry of lies to set the stage for his great end time deceptions, and most of the world will follow his lies. For the entirety of the devil’s kingdom will be set free from the abyss and giants will once again live among men, for they are coming to fulfill Yahweh’s wrath.
Satan tells great lies and these fallen ones will claim they are from other worlds and that they are advanced above mankind by many thousands of years. They will come offering seemingly benevolent knowledge, and they will cloak themselves in false benevolence. But these are of Satans kingdom, so do not fall for the deceptions. Do not follow the ways of the world, for the world will wonder after Satans kingdom, even saying who is like unto the beast?
I will hide you away, I will protect you, I will strengthen you, I will guide you step by step, and I will utterly tear down the veil of lies that have covered the world in deceit. I, even Yeshua HaMashiach, will empower and cause you to do many mighty wonders in this time of Jacob’s trouble. And so I tell you these things, so the truth will make you free, and that so you may be free indeed and not fall for their great deception. For its foundations are lies, deceit and falsehood propagated by the seed of the serpent.
I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father but by me
I am he who has called you to glory and virtue
I am he who will rule eternally as Lord of Lords and King of Kings
I am the lion of the tribe of Judah
I am he who command the armies of heaven
I am he who will appear in the clouds to gather my Church
I am he who has the keys to death and hell and I will judge in righteousness I am he before whom every knee will bow and every tongue will confess I am he who the Great I AM has sent, so hear my words.
Behold! I tell you these things not to give you an exhaustive history lesson but to lead you one step further to the truth and in time all will come to light and the dragons kingdom will be laid bare, for I Yeshua HaMashiach have declared it and I am he whom Yahweh has sent.
To the 144,000: For Just Such a Time You Have Been Called and Sealed
June 01, 2024
Stand for me and follow my example, for what says Hebrews regarding my stand for Yahweh? Who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, and despised the shame, and is set at the right hand of the throne of God. So in my love for the Father, which is unbreakable, and in my obedience out of love, and in my love for mankind and my desire to sacrifice myself to save you, I endured terrible punishment, agony, and suffering and I did it willingly, with joy in my heart. Because I knew that by my sacrifice and death many would be made righteous and alive by the power of my resurrection because Yahweh himself raised me from the dead, for it is impossible that death should hold me. And by that same power, so too will you be raised to newness of life, for I have paid the price by offering my sinless blood as a ransom for all who will believe on my name, and whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, who love not their lives to the end!
And so now I ask you my faithful and chosen, even my kinsman, to stand for me and do not withdraw yourselves. For I plainly stated in my treatise to the Hebrews: Now the just shall live by faith: but if any withdraw himself, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. Let that sink in and read it again, and do not withdraw to Torah, for Torah is kept by faith in me, therefore, the just shall live by faith. You are identified with me, and I am he who has justified you in my atoning works and by my sinless blood.
So very many of you struggle with the concept that I took your place in condemnation on the tree for sins I didn’t commit, and I did so willingly and joyfully to bring salvation to corrupted natural man. That I may redeem them to Yahweh, even your God and your Father, even the Father of Lights with whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning. For Yahweh changes not, he is the same yesterday, today, and forever more!
He is the same God that your Father’s agreed in covenant, even at Mount Sinai when Moses received the law from Yahweh himself. And even though the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good, mankind could never live up to its standards because the law was given to convict sin in the flesh, and you are all born dead in trespasses and sins because sin is in your flesh. Torah was not given for the righteous but for the unrighteous that sin may appear sin in the flesh. Torah was given as your schoolmaster to bring you to me, even Christ Jesus the ascended Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
And so I willingly took the consequences of sin on myself for so was I born to redeem mankind from the curse of the law. For the law was not cursed, yeah let the law stand and every man be accursed who curses the law of Moses for I didn’t come to abolish the law, but to establish the law and even exceed the law of Moses. Blasphemy you say? The witness of the Hebrews stands in mediation between us: For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
Since you love Moses (as I do), I counsel you to lovingly obey Moses instructions for he said: Yahweh your Elohim will raise up unto you a Prophet from the midst of you, of your brethren, like unto me; to him, you will listen. So hear the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach! You are purged of sin and all sins you commit by my sinless atoning blood that I offered to Yahweh as a ransom for your lives, and I have even redeemed you from the hand of the enemy. Sin not! And if any man sin confess your sins to me, for I am he who cleanses you in my atoning blood.
I didn’t atone for your sins and their inherit consequences with a scapegoat, nor did I offer a lamb of the first year, for I am the Lamb of God of the first year, and I am he who offered himself without spot and without blemish, even holy pure and consecrated to Yahweh himself (even my Father) for your sins once and for all, even for all time. I atoned for your sins in my sinless blood therefore there remains no more sacrifice for sin. And to reject me, Yeshuah HaMashiach, even Yahweh’s perfect peace treaty to mankind, is to reject Yahweh and join Satan’s rebellion because Satan rebels from God’s order from the beginning.
For I told the Hebrews: For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins. So to sin willfully by rejecting my atoning blood, and thereby rejecting the peace treaty sent by Yahweh, is especially grievous and there is no more sacrifice. For it is written in Hebrews: He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose you, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?
So I encourage you all to accept my sacrifice and understand that no more sacrifices are necessary and there is but on true Messiah, even me Yeshua HaMashiach. And it is written of me: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God; From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.
So understand that I have cleansed you in all respects, and aspects pertaining to sin, and its consequences. You are sanctified in me, you are justified in me, you are made the righteousness of God in me, and I have fully redeemed you to myself, even I Yeshua HaMashiach whom Yahweh has sent as your Messiah. And so understand that there are no more Levitical High Priests and the Priesthood of Aaron has come and gone, for it was a shadow of things to come. For I am your High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Because the law made nothing perfect: but was an introduction of a better hope, by which hope we draw near to Yahweh. And again: Such an High Priest it became us to have which is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than heaven. And again: For the law makes men priests, which have infirmity: but the word of the oath that came since the law, makes the son priest, which is perfect for evermore. Have you not read what scripture states concerning me? Yahweh swore and will not repent, You are a Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek
Understand that there is nothing lacking in my sacrifice, and you are secure in me, Christ Jesus. Torah is kept by faith in me, Yeshua HaMashiach, and it is impossible for you to violate any of the laws of God by walking in me, Christ Jesus. For you walk in the law of the Spirit of life, and I have made you free from the law of sin and death. So have faith in me, for the just shall live by faith. I have many mighty works that I have called you to, and you will help bring salvation to many. There is great hope and reward laid up for you in the heavens for your stand and your faithfulness.
For I send you forth, sealed in your foreheads with the seal of Yahweh himself, into a world that will utterly hate you, and no marvel, for the world utterly hated me first, and the servant is not above his master. You are my witnesses and prophets and my healers and my providers. I send you into the darkest darkness ever to overshadow Yahweh’s creation. For such a time as this you have been called, chosen, and sealed and these times will be the most perverse and evil the world has ever seen, even worse than the days of Noah. Into their midst I send you, and I tell you to fear not! Fear not their threats, fear not what man can do to you, fear not their faces, fear not the spirits that empower them and fear not the beast and false prophet, and fear not Satan himself: Even that great dragon. For you will trample on every aspect of Satan’s kingdom and nothing will by any means stop you if you stay faithful to my voice and let me direct you step by step. For of a truth, you are fellow workers with me in this time of Jacob’s trouble, and I have empowered you.
You are mighty and powerful, and I send you forth in meekness and humility. I send you forth to keep the law by your faith in me, and so Love Yahweh with all your heart soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Who is your neighbor? All those in need of your help to whom I am sending you and I am not restraining you by national boundary. Go forth and shepherd my flock, for I am the Chief Shepherd who has your reward in my hand for faithfulness. Go tend to my flock, tend to their wounds, feed them, heal them, lead them, and above all bring them to me, for of yourselves you are nothing, but in me, you are my powerful, mighty men of God. Teach them to call on my name till the end, for whosever does will be saved.
Keep your eyes on the prize and the joy that is set before you, and press forward toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. For your reward will be great, and you will be astounded at what is laid up for you in the heavens. And my reward is not temporal but eternal and your rewards will not perish but serve as an everlasting inheritance in fulfillment of the promises Yahweh made to the Fathers, every yod or a thorn of a yod will be fulfilled. You will not realize the magnitude of your labors until that day of reward, but scripture is clear as to the fruit of your labors.
For John the Revelator faithfully wrote what I showed him: After these things I beheld, and lo a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations and kindred, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with long white robes, and palms in their hands. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation comes of our God, that sits upon the throne, and of the Lamb. For a great multitude will you help save and minister, and great will be your rewards of faithfulness.
And you will follow me wherever I go, and you are the first fruits bought from men, and you will sing a new song before the throne that only you can learn. You will also reign with me in my Kingdom a thousand years and will ever be with me in eternity. For yours is an eternal joy, for you will be with me in my Kingdom on earth as I rule the earth in righteousness from the throne of David and my kingdom has no end. And no evil thing will enter and there will be no more trouble, and mine is a kingdom of righteousness where the lamb and the lion will lie down together in peace. And at the end of my thousand-year reign Satan will be loosed a little season to gather his final attack and fire will come down from Yahweh and utterly destroy them. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire never to rise again and Yahweh will create a new heaven and new earth, and he will make his dwelling amongst men and so you will dwell in New Jerusalem, even that holy city created by Yahweh himself. And Yahweh himself has stated: He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Judah
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Reuben
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Gad
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Asher
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Naphtali
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Manassas
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Simeon
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Levi
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Issachar
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Zebulon
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe of Joseph
I am he who sends my Angel to seal 12,000 from the tribe Benjamin
For to you, my 144,000, it is given to stand on mount Zion having my Father’s Name written in your foreheads.
To The 144,000 and The Tribulation Saints of Jacob’s Trouble.
May 31, 2024
To the 144,000 and the tribulation saints of Jacob’s trouble: Behold! I tell you many things before they happen so the wise-man among you who hears my voice may become yet wiser still, and that you may know the surety of my words. For Satan will attempt to cover the departing of the faithful in my Church, (for I will snatch them away in their departure from the earth into the heavens) with war and a fake appearing of so-called aliens that are nothing more than fallen ones revealing themselves to the earth in iniquity after iniquity fully rooted in their lies. For they are deception.
They have lied about the so-called universe, for there is no ever expanding universe of random nothingness, but above the earth is the heaven of the heavens, even the (highest heaven) where Yahweh the most high God abides on his throne, and yet he will make his abode with men. Yet he is everywhere present and is all in all within the Body of Christ. On earth resides his pearl of great price, even those who were chosen in eternities past in the heart of Yahweh himself. And so the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, for I, Jesus the Nazarene, have purchased the earth in my own redeeming blood.
Learn your true cosmology (study to learn) and believe the description and words in holy scripture regarding the creation, for it is as Yahweh has described in scripture, and it is impossible for Yahweh to lie. If, when I tell you earthly things, you believe not: how should you believe if I shall tell you of heavenly things? No, there are no aliens in the sense their lies describe, but fallen angels, rebellious ones, even Satan and his kingdom who have lied and deceived the earth that all may be damned who have pleasure in unrighteousness.
They have woven many cleverly devised fables into a tapestry of lies, and they have controlled both sides of their narratives since the beginning as they pushed forth their agendas. For they control the thesis and they control the antithesis and they synthesize their evil works step by step and their deception is great! But the light of Holy Scripture exposes the treachery, and yet man rejects God’s help until judgment is pronounced and calamity hits. Then mankind seeks to repent when it is too late after judgment is passed, and those who live in such manner will not escape their judgment. For whatever is declared by Yahweh, can no one change!
Many will succumb to the coming delusions that will arise out of world war and the calamity that is about to overtake the earth. For they will present themselves to mankind as benevolent creatures who have come from advanced worlds to share their benevolent knowledge. But it is just the knowledge of good and evil repackaged to suit their ends.
They will have superior technologies and will appear well advanced far beyond natural man. But their only advancements are in evil and they are not of this earth but created by Yahweh in the beginning of creation in the heavens. They were present when Yahweh created the earth. And so the Father in his foreknowledge knew they would betray, and so kept his precious heart’s mystery concealed from those he knew would bring evil destruction to his creation.
I am still calling natural man to righteousness but natural man instead prefers sickness, sin and darkness, and so I will give mankind what he so passionately desires. Since natural man practices evil and loves darkness I will give him unrestrained darkness. Because at present natural man arrogantly stands in my grace using mercy as a reason to lay sin upon sin, instead of accepting Yahweh peace treaty. Even me, Yeshuah
HaMashiach, who gave my sinless blood in obedience to Yahweh for payment for all the sins of mankind for all time. Make no mistake I am the true Messiah and all else are cheap imitations of no value.
Satan rebelled shortly after the start of creation and polluted the Father’s creation in a shameless, evil, hostile, and destructive manner, but it was done in great subtly and with lying signs and wonders. Even advanced technologies that dazzle the senses. And in return they demand worship and strict obedience to their ways, yet their ways always bring mankind’s death and destruction for so they are designed.
There is nothing new under the sun my Children. The so called gods of ancient history and their abominable offspring referred to as demigods will return and as in the days of Noah so shall it be. For they are released from their bonds and torment that they may receive their full judgment and I will repay, saith the Lord Jesus Christ and Yahweh will recompense them to the utter most.
Satan and his fallen ones refused to bow the knee to Yahweh’s order and instead tried to steal the earth from mankind through great deception. Satan has even tried to steal my inheritance from the Father of Lights! But no one is able to pluck not the least of you from my hands and no one can strip my inheritance for it is given of Yahweh himself and whoever refuses to bow the knee to me, Jesus Christ, rebels against Yahweh’s order, joining the fallen ones forever more.
So I tell you, do not believe the lies of Copernicus, who was a Jesuit and Freemason who served Satan. He simply retaught the words of ancient Greek pagan philosophers.
And so your accepted cosmology was imagined by sun worshipers and pagans based on Satan’s lies. Even the blasphemous Jesuits who have corrupted your educational systems with learning against learning. With the full intent that their fake universe may be etched into the minds of men through lies packaged as education. Instead, mindless indoctrination has occurred, and the world as it is truly is not understood by those who live on the earth.
Now the stage is set for very strong delusion and the lies are already built, for its foundations are iniquities and great deception. These deceptions are rooted in your Jesuit educations. For the entire world is deceived by their falsehoods, even the very elect would be deceived if possible. And so the trap is ready to spring and the only thing holding it back is the restrainer which will be removed so very suddenly and soon. Then great war will break across the earth as my faithful are gathered to me in the heavens. Then from the ashes will rise the beast and the false prophet, who will be central in the coming deception.
So believe not their lies my mighty ones, for you are a peculiar people and I have called and sealed you with the seal of the Living God, that God’s wrath may not touch you. I will send you forth as my mighty ones. You will be my many voices crying in the wilderness wherever you are sent, and I am sending you to gather my remaining lost sheep.
For a great multitude will come out of Jacob’s trouble, and you will do mighty exploits and command the impossible, for I will grant many mighty signs, miracles and wonders to be done by your hands. You will do the mighty miracles of old recorded in holy scripture, even in the power of Elijah, except greater and more powerful works will you do than is recorded of him of old.
For scripture states that he that believes on me, Yeshuah HaMashiach, shall not only do the works I did on the earth in my ministry to Judea as the lamb of God, but mightier works than even I did will you do, for I will grant mighty signs, miracles and wonders at your hands as you command the impossible by faith in me. So look to me always. And keep your eyes on me, for I will lead you step by step. Your walk will be one of wisdom, and you will have the tongue of the wise and I will be your strength and salvation, for in me, Christ Jesus, does all fullness dwell.
And so I counsel you all that so very soon money will become worthless and the only accepted currency will require the mark to have access to the world’s goods. Take not the mark, for it is be better to die in this life, (loving not your lives till the end) than to take the mark and be cast to the eternal lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels, for their times have come only join them not. For they will promise seemingly great and precious promises, but their words are false and venom is in their words and their promises are false and full of all manner of unclean things. They will never be able to deliver their promises for their judgment comes, and they have no peace, and peace shall be utterly taken from the earth.
Mankind’s evil will be totally unrestrained and for many, once the restrainer is removes, they will forevermore give themselves over to insanity and evil. Except he who lives by the sword must be killed by the sword, and they will surely fall to the left and to the right in great number, but it will not come to you as you walk for me, only love not your lives till the end and follow my example of selfless service and sacrifice. For great reward will be yours for obedience and faithfulness.
So mankind’s passions and evil will be completely unrestrained, and the devil and his angels will be completely unrestrained and all their evil abominations shall be completely unrestrained, and they will come as the helpers of old. Their deception runs deep and has deep roots that are soon to be utterly plucked up. They are no gods, and they are no advanced benevolent ones, but deceivers, and they have polluted themselves in all manner of ways. And so they will be totally unrestrained and the fullness of Satan’s kingdom will be released from the abyss, for it will be opened.
This will be done to show natural man what he has chosen and give a final chance at repentance for evil will be concealed and restrained no longer and every secret will come to light. Even the lies of their great deception and strong delusions will be laid bare for all to see, for Yahweh has declared it in holy scripture and what Yahweh declares can no one alter.
And so a final separation will occur and many of the complacent whom I love will be left to the trials and testing to come, even so that they may be saved. For there is no more time and my grace and mercy will no longer be given in the same manner and there is no more time for lukewarm ways. Everyone will have to make a choice and for the fearful and unbelieving they will have chosen Satan and his kingdom when they could have chosen me even Jesus Christ, the son of God who has come in the flesh and have given myself as the perfect Passover for all the sins of mankind once and for all. Many will still yet stubbornly refuse my hand of help in time of great need, for my help is an eternal and everlasting help of great reward, mercy grace and love.
Yet, most of the world will believe the lies, and will wonder after the beast saying who is like the beast? They will readily allow themselves to be bitten of the serpent bite of which the venom can never be remedied for it is permanent. For man to chose evil in the times of choosing will be a permanent choice, and for those who make that choice will stand in great judgment.
Those who willingly choose evil will give account for every evil thought, every evil word, and every evil deed that they have evilly committed on the earth, for the books will be opened and there will be no mercy. And no man will be able stand in his own righteousness, for man has no righteousness of his own, for the serpent corrupted them from the beginning and his days of corruption are coming to an end. Thus did Yahweh send me, his only begotten son as a peace treaty to natural man, and natural man has rejected everlasting peace because natural man loves evil.
Great judgment is about to be unleashed on Satan’s kingdom. This judgment will get worse and worse and events executed in judgment will get worse and worse. Woe will be added to woe and torment will be added to torment for all who refuse to repent of their evil deeds. For many will not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear nor walk: Neither will they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
For the fallen ones are no gods, but lying imposters, pretenders, actors and manipulators. They bring only death and destruction to those who follow, and all who are deceived will be utterly disappointed, for their expectations will evaporate in that great lake of fire where there is no hope. And I, Christ Jesus, will utterly dismantle Satan’s kingdom in great judgment, for great judgment will be unleashed on them all, and I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
And so each seal will add judgment on top of judgment, and each trumpet will add judgment on top of judgment, each woe will add woe on top of woe, and with each vial comes the full wrath of God, even wrath on top of wrath. Satan’s kingdom will suffer greatly, and his kingdom will be completely annihilated and utterly destroyed.
For they will gather themselves and array themselves against the coming of the Lord, for
I will surely come. From the start of Jacob’s trouble there will be seven days of years for Daniel’s seventieth week will be fulfilled for the destruction of unrighteousness and for the salvation of Israel. For I will purge Israel from the evil that has seized the land.
For neither Yahweh nor myself, Yeshuah HaMashiach, have sent nor commissioned their rulers, for they rule in unrighteousness and their genocides are abominable, and my people pay the price of their wars. And yet so many of my Church believe their Zionist lies, and so understand that I am no Zionist for they are Jewish supremacists, and they are tares, Satan’s very seed and I will root them out of the land for they have laid claim to my inheritance and I am coming to take what is mine. Because, I Yeshuah
HaMashiach even I, hold the deed to the earth for I purchased it in my own sinless blood and I have the keys to death and hell. And I have paid for the sins of mankind and whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
So the earth is mine and the fullness thereof, and I will cleanse the land of their evil and the synagogue of Satan will be utterly destroyed, and so I will bring the new covenant to earth and will rule in righteousness. For as the earth gets darker, and more evil by the second, my second coming is closer by the second. Have great hope for my coming, for I will come and will break forth from the skies with the armies of heaven.
Even an army like no other, for an army such as mine has never been, an unconquerable army composed of those who live life eternal and cannot be killed nor conquered. For I am empowered by Yahweh for such a purpose, and I will have empowered and rewarded them for their faithfulness and love for me and my name, even Jesus the Christ! For whoever loves and serves Yeshuah HaMashiach also loves and serves Yahweh, for there is no higher than the great God of Israel! Whosoever denies the Son, the same has not the Father, and I am Jesus Christ the only-begotten of the Father who offered himself for the sins of all, and I am forever high priest after the Order of Melchizedek.
And I will utterly defeat the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. For the beast and false prophet will be cast alive in that burning lake that burns the hottest flames of blue that can never be quenched and of which there will not be even a second of rest. But all of their evil deeds will be returned to them eternally. All the suffering they have caused will be recompensed eternally for Yahweh will repay every evil deed to the uttermost farthing into their own evil bosoms, and they will pay eternally for their crimes.
And so Satan will be bound in the abyss for a thousand years for so has been declared by
Yahweh. I, Yeshuah HaMashiach, will rule the earth in righteousness for a day. For with Yahweh a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. And I will rule from the throne of David and in Israel will my rule abide in fulfillment of the promises made by Yahweh to the Fathers, and my day is nearly here.
But first judgment must come on the earth and the earth will be purged of every evil thing. For there will be no evil thing allowed into my kingdom, and there will be peace and safety as promised by Yahweh himself. And the lion shall lie down with the lamb. I even, I Yeshuah HaMashiach, declare the words before they happen that you may know that the God of Israel has come to gather his lost sheep of the house of Israel to me the Chief Shepherd and I will smite the nations with a rod of iron and I will utterly subdue the Father’s creation in righteousness and true holiness. There is time no more.
I am Yeshuah HaMashiach, the true Messiah to my people Israel
I am he that will rule the earth in righteousness from the Throne of David
I am he who will appear in the clouds with the armies of heaven, for I will command them
I am he who will gather my remnant as a great multitude from the coming tribulation
I am he who tests the hearts of men, and I will separate the sheep from the goats I am the Lord of harvest and the times of harvest have come
I am the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and who can stand?
Behold the day of the Lord is about to break across the earth in calamity and judgment.
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
To the 144,000: Hear My Words and Wisdom!
May 25, 2024
Hear my words and incline your ear to my wisdom, for I the Lord Jesus Christ will speak with you if you will hear my words. For I will seal my 144,000 have you not read? And I saw another Angel ascending from the East, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four Angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, hurt not the earth, neither the sea nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And so I will send those whom I will seal, and you shall do mighty works for me, and you will walk in great power. But this will not be as in the age of grace, where preachers in pulpits taught from the holy writings. (Some spoke falsely and some did mighty works for me in their churches) The church age is coming to a close, and my age of grace is nearly completed, and so the times of testing will begin, even Jacobs trouble.
And so I will send you to tend to my flock that will be further scattered and tested by calamity after calamity. For the days will be evil, and you will shine as lights, and stand as pillars among the scattered. And so I send you to love and care for your neighbor. For you who are faithful to my calling will live the law I have given, not the law of Moses. For I Yeshuah HaMashiach have fulfilled the law of Moses and Torah is kept by faith in me, for the just shall live by faith.
And so it shall be: Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. For in so doing these things you will surely save your soul from destruction as well as those whom I send you. These are not the times of long lives and prosperity, for those days have passed from the earth until I come to rule the earth in righteousness. He who loves not his life until the end shall be saved and live eternally.
You are alive in times of war, and great wrath, and great revelation of all things. For the great God, even Yahweh, will conceal himself no longer from the earth for he will break forth from his abode, and he is sending me, even Yeshua HaMashiach to fulfill his wrath and fulfill his promises he made to the Fathers. But first judgment will fall, and great wrath will fall on the world, and you will no longer be able to participate in their society. For participation in their society that will rise from the ashes will require everyone to receive their mark. If you join them you will share in their eternal damnation in that great lake of fire and that lake was prepared by God for the devil and his angels, so join them not.
You will find no peace in their rising world but only unrestrained evil for I will have removed the restrainer. And if you are not part of their hive mind then you will have no part with them for they will kill all who dissent. For the mark will forever alter those who accept by altering their very DNA, for mankind was made in the image of Yahweh, though Satan seeks to blasphemously alter that image irrevocably through his pharmaceuticals which are peddled in great lies. They will promise you long life, peace, and prosperity, but those lies are simply bait. For once the mark is taken, nothing will undo the damage, for Yahweh has so declared!
For the servant is not greater than his master, and I am calling you to works where I will lead you step by step, and as in the days of Noah, so shall it be. And so I, Yeshua HaMashiach, fulfilled my purpose as the lamb of God, for I offered my sinless blood to Yahweh of my own free will choice and on account of the perfect love that burns in my heart.
And so for the joy that was set before me, I endured great trouble, torment, and anguish, (even unjustly) because I took all the consequences of all the sins of mankind onto myself. And I paid for every sin, fully, and I did it willingly. So look unto me, Jesus the author and finisher of your faith, who for the joy that was set before me, endured the cross, and despised the shame, and am set at the right hand of the throne of God. So follow my example to great victory, for even in the wilderness I will make your path plain.
So understand, there will be no peace, and I send you to minister in a time of great war and trouble. For the dragon will make war on the saints and will overcome them, for so has he been empowered to accomplish. And those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved, for those who love not their lives until the end will find their lives eternally in me, Christ Jesus. For I have atoned for the sins of mankind in my sinless blood, and I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, who has offered my sinless blood to Yahweh once and for all. Therefore, do not return to the old ways, nor their traditions, nor their Talmud, nor the Torah for Torah is kept fully by faith in me, Jesus Christ.
And so through great troubles, great pains, great struggles shall my holy ones shine and great will be their reward, for great is my reward. For what says the promise: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his Temple: and he that sits on the Throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, neither shall the sunlight on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
And so I will send those whom I have called. I am calling you to Love God with your whole heart soul mind and strength, and am sending you to love your neighbor as yourself. For survival will come from life giving Words my Father has given for obedience by all. And so love your neighbor, care for one another, help and sustain one another for my people will be scattered, and they will gather in communities in the wilderness, and though the wilderness will not be safe, I will provide refuge for my people and will provide sustenance for their needs.
And so I will send those whom I have called. I am sending you to command the impossible as you walk in love and great power, even the power I will clothe you with. For you will walk for me step by step many times in obedience, as you rely on me, Christ Jesus, who will lead you by my spirit and the anointing you have will cause you to walk victoriously. But it will come to pass as scripture says: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.
Step by step will you walk, and I will lead you in such manner. For I am your refuge and fortress, even your true Messiah in whom you will trust. And though a thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand: but it shall not come near you. For you are sealed to fulfill my purposes and great reward and promise I have given you to sustain and strengthen you, for I am sending you in the works my Father has ordained me, and so I send you as my ministers and prophets.
So as you go to command the impossible, know that you will command much by the spirit born within you. So command the mountains to be removed and cast in the sea, as you have faith in Yahweh. So command the spirits to depart as you speak mighty words with great faith in Yahweh. So command all sickness and pestilence to depart as you speak words that must be obeyed (even by all things) as you speak words of great power with great faith in Yahweh. For by Yahweh’s own plans and purposes have I been sent, and in those plans and purposes I am sending you, and you will do mighty works for me. For Yahweh is all in all by my spirit, with which I will seal the chosen.
For in me, Yeshuah HaMashiach, all fullness dwells, for the Father has given me all things in heaven and earth, so I may fulfill all. And so Yahweh is all in all, and you have access to the Father and to his Son for thus Moses taught: The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me, unto him ye shall hearken. I am that prophet whom Moses has spoken (even raised up from the tribe of Judah), and I am so much more, for the Father has determined that I, Yeshuah HaMashiach should have all preeminence and in me all fullness should well. I am that prophet whom Moses has spoken, even raised from the dead for such a purpose
And so I will provide for you and for those whom I will send you. For you will be a beacon of light, even hidden in plain sight in a dark and unstable world. You will preach all things pertaining to me, your Lord and savior, for I am the lamb of God, even the perfect Passover. There is salvation in no other name except mine, even Jesus Christ the Righteous.
Some of you I will take from place to place, and you will be my spokesman, prophets, and ministers. You will need to test the spirits of those you encounter and walk in great wisdom, for the World you have known will be replaced with a lawless world of many wastelands and some of you will be sent to minster to those in the wastelands, and you will understand my instructions, and you will do great exploits.
And so understand that after the war and destruction that is to occur after I gather my faithful (and remove the restrainer), there will be much chaos and destruction. People will run to and fro, and many will perish in faithless unbelief, and they will hunt and capture and kill many. And for many, the first voice they will hear will not be mine, though that voice will offer false salvation. No, even the beast who will rise in great power from the dragon will falsely call many to their eternal end of which there is no hope.
They will all pretend, for they are great pretenders, and they will pretend that they are the true Messiah, and their followers will claim to represent the true Messiah and the true God, but I have not sent them so do not follow their false beacons of hope. For they will offer entrance into their new society to build their new world, but to enter one must take the mark. And those who take the mark, entrance will be granted into the fiery flames of blue in that great lake of fire burning with brimstone. For all who take the mark will have their part in the fires that are unquenchable and will have exchanged eternal life for a morsel of bread in the ways of Esau.
You will need to ignore all voices but mine and depart from all those who reject me. It will take great wisdom, skill, and cunning to survive, and I will give you the tongue of the wise that you may know how to answer every man. For I will make plain my voice to you, though it is but a still small voice. You will know my voice for I will confirm my voice to you many times over, so be not faithless but have great faith in my words of promise.
I will teach you all things, and you will know how to do the works I am sending you to accomplish. My voice is a perfect voice, even the voice of one crying in the wilderness, and I am speaking through the voice of one who cries in the wilderness for so have they been sent, even my prophets and ministers who have gone ahead to make your paths straight and your ways plain. I have ordained many mighty works for you, and you will do mightily.
Therefore, know my tribes, kinsman, and children of promise the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest. Go your ways: Behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves. For I am the Lord of Harvest and though the laborers have always been few, there is great reward and eternal profit and glory for the work you will do. For you will reap much reward and fruit in me, only faint not at your tribulations and troubles. This is the final separation and all who are ordained to eternal life from before the foundations of the World will be found, and they will never be lost, for nobody is able to pluck them from my hand.
And so your works will follow into eternity and in your many exploits you will glorify Yahweh, who has sent me Yeshuah HaMashiach as your true Messiah. And by your many mighty accomplishments and many salted Words of truth that you will speak you will announce my soon return and go in the works of John the Baptist to prepare for the coming of the Lord, so announce my return for I will surely fulfill my Words of promise. For verily at the end of Jacobs trouble, even at the end of the last week of years, even
Daniels seventieth week I will return with the armies in heaven to establish my Kingdom on Earth, even the Kingdom of God, and my thousand year reign will commence. Even a reign of righteousness, holiness, and peace as the Lion will lie down with the Lamb!
I am calling you to works where I will lead you step by step
I am calling you to Love God with your whole heart soul mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself
I am sending you to command the impossible as you walk in great love and great power
I am your refuge and fortress, even your true Messiah in whom you trust
I am sending you in the works my Father has ordained for me, and so I ordain you as my ministers and prophets.
I am sending you, and you will do mighty works for me
I am that prophet whom Moses has spoken, even raised up from Judah for such a
I am so much more for in me, Yeshuah HaMashiach, all fullness dwells
I am the lamb of God, even the perfect Passover
Hear My Words and Understand the Times You Live!
May 23, 2024
Hear my Words, my people, even all that I am calling and understand the times you live. For the world you now know will cease to exist, and in its place many wastelands will remain, even the ashes and ruins of Mystery Babylon, for war has come. For as I snatch my Bride into the heavens great calamity will engulf mystery Babylon, and she shall be destroyed in one hour and in one hour shall she be destroyed and nothing can change her fate, for Yahweh has so declared.
For you Secret Babylon, you have rejected my voice and set me, Jesus Christ the Righteous, aside for the pleasures of sin. For, even the great warnings given over your nation in the heavens, only served to provide entertainment for your faithless hearts, and lustful eyes and to you, it was just another day as you lived deliciously in your sins that are leading you to your destruction. You should have repented!
For you have become a nation of idolaters, a nation of warmongers, a nation who feasts on lies and who loves their delusions, a nation who has filled the earth with your abominations, and the nations drink of your golden cup which is full of abominations and filthiness of your fornication.
Therefore, I am against you and your destruction is here and has already begun, for you have ignored the call of Yahweh given through me, Yeshua HaMashiach and I would’ve saved you. And I have wept over your hard-hearted ways, but you still will not turn from evil, so I have turned away from you and the times of the gentiles are about to be brought to full completion as I catch away the faithful in my Church at the trumpet’s call.
But you are a nation bound in chains, and you will utterly be destroyed, and you will never rise again. As my Bride is taken the world will wonder in great astonishment at what they witnessed for this event will not happen in secret, but openly, that all the World may know that there is a God in heaven and that he has sent me, Christ Jesus, for the gold, silver, and precious stones of the earth. For the Father’s greatest treasures, even the pearls of great price, will be taken away from the judgment and destruction to come.
For my Bride is saved from wrath on account of my sacrifice and I will rescue the faithful and those found faithful in Christ at the time of my appearing and all who have died faithful in Christ, even sealed by me, Christ Jesus, for I have been made a life giving spirit. And I will resurrect the dead in Christ and those which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet me in the clouds. So understand that this event is to reward the faithful and to consummate the marriage of the Bridegroom to my Bride, for we will be forever joined in covenant and never will they depart from me. And I am he who will make them kings and priests before my Father.
And so they will leave the earth, and so the world will see, and many will wonder in great astonishment. For in part, the reason for this event is to engender repentance among those who are left behind, even those who refused my call during the age of grace, and also many who have not heard enough to believe who will be saved during Jacob’s trouble.
Especially, those of the land of promise for I am calling you, oh Israel, are you ready to hear the voice of your true Messiah, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah? For the voice of your true Messiah is calling, and I am he who will rule from the throne of David in the holy city, even I Yeshuah HaMashiach, only ignore not the words of my call! And so the age of grace, even the times of refreshing, are now closing out in finality. And so that finality will fully arrive when I gather the faithful of my Church to me in the clouds and when their departing shakes the entire world.
It will literally shake the earth and great shaking will consume secret Babylon, and she will be rent up the middle as my saints depart. She will be utterly burned with fire from the sky as the missiles will fall. Her skirts will be covered with waters from the east and from the west! For a mighty angel will take up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. For thus is it written and thus shall it be done!
For great is her judgment, and judgment has begun at the house of God. Her apostate churches will be destroyed, for I have judged them all that are not of me, even all the fake churches who speak great lies in hypocrisy. Mystery Babylon, oh that you had turned to me, Jesus Christ, from your evil ways, for I would have saved you, and neither me nor Yahweh have any pleasure in the judgments that are about to be unleashed.
But nevertheless, judgments will fall as pronounced, and that judgment will be severe and everlasting. For I had turned to the Gentiles for a season, and now I will turn away from the gentiles and will turn to the flock of which I arose, even Israel. Though, whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved whether Judean or Gentile, for salvation is not bound by international borders.
Oh Secret Babylon, your bridges will fall, your roads will be overturned, broken and unpassable, your supply chains are already crumbling and will soon be desolate, there will be no provisions delivered to you for nobody will come to your aid, and you will be alone in your hour of desolation, oh great harlot. You will have no happiness, and for those who survive, they will find themselves fighting just to have a drink of water. Starvation will overtake the land. And great pestilence will overtake you and even the animals will attack, for the times are here.
The red armies that your treasonous government allowed into your borders will slay every man, woman and child who does not fit their purposes. For they will kill and enslave all they find. They are the armies of the beast that have been gathered from the four corners of the earth for this purpose, and the concealed beast and concealed false prophet have gathered them.
They have no sympathy, no mercy, no grace, no remorse, and they utterly hate the inhabitants of mystery Babylon for the awful sins your leaders have perpetrated on their lands. And all the while so many of you cheered on your unjust wars as you watched in amusement on your televisions as you took great pleasure in the sins of your leaders. You have given your consent to your leaders whose sins you endorsed by vote, and so you will share in their judgment, for you have made yourselves worthy of a double portion of judgment, and it will overtake you suddenly.
And so my Bride will appear at my judgment-seat and some will suffer loss, some will carry away great reward and all will receive fully of the down payment they have already received: For I will give them new, sinless bodies that will never corrupt! And so the seals will be loosed, for though tribulation and anguish have abounded on the earth for many years now, they are not the wrath of God nor the wrath of the lamb.
So many of you foolishly think you have to endure the wrath of God, arrogantly thinking you are able to bear what is coming. Understand that I have saved my Church from wrath for I came to my own and the gentiles during the age of grace as a peace treaty, offering peace and reconciliation to the Father of Lights, even El Shaddai! And those whom I have saved have by their free will accepted my unmerited favor, so follow their example!
And I will seal my 144,000 from the following tribes, even 12,000 from each of the following: Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Nephthali, Manasses, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulon, Joseph, and Benjamin. So hear my voice!
And you will do many mighty works for me, and you will lead many to salvation out of a dying and violent world. For Satan already has prepared a great deception and will do his best to lie, cover, and hide the great gathering in the clouds that is about to happen. His lies are already rooted in your minds and hearts through your Jesuit educations that deny my Father and are brought to you by the fallen ones. They have made spurious all things, even leading many of you to believe that above the earth is an endless void of planets and other life, and many will be so naive to swallow these lies. Even those whose names have never been entered into the book of life, for they will accept their mark.
Know my people, and hear my warning. There is no life on other planets! Study to learn, for planets are wandering stars ordained to declare the handiwork of Yahweh in the expanse under the firmament. These will not be aliens from other falsely rotating worlds, however, they are not of the earth for they are fallen angels who are of the heavens, and many abominations have they made for themselves, believe them not!
So from the ashes of the horseman and out of great destruction will the beast and false prophet arise, for the mystery of iniquity is already at work. For Mystery Babylon is given into their hands and the confederation that is forming, even the ten horns will destroy her for they are ten kings who give their all to the dragon, beast, and false prophet. For once the restrainer is removed they will fully rise according to scripture for out of chaos rises their new order, even the order of the Dragon for he is their power and authority, for so has been given him in a limited way for a very short time.
The dragon has great wrath and will move in the spirit of Haman to make all things of Christ illegal and anyone who is associated with my name, even Jesus Christ, will be hunted and killed. And those who love not their lives to the end will be saved and have great reward. So keep your mind and heart on the joy set before you, for in such manner I secured your salvation in the agonizing torment that was yours, except I willingly took your punishment and paid fully for the sins of mankind once and for all, even for all time.
The beast will move swiftly for he will continue for 42 months speaking great blasphemous things, he will make war with the saints, and it is given to overcome them, he will behead many, he will do many lying signs and wonders and out of the ashes will arise his new order. And the false prophet will point to him and praise him and cause all to worship his image, for these things are recorded plainly in scripture. And so the beast will purge the earth of anything good, holy, and precious. Yet, I will hide my faithful and many miracles will they do and many will be saved.
But the False prophet, even the beast from the earth, will cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. So understand that to participate in their new false society of lies will require the mark, and all who take the mark never have forgiveness. And they will have their part in that great lake which burns with fire and brimstone forever and ever, and so will the smoke of their torment rise.
My two witnesses will rise, and they shall prophesy clothed in sackcloth! These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And none will be able to stand against them, for they will prophesy for 42 months. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceeded out of their mouth, and devoured their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And they will leave their bodies in the streets for three and a half days and the entire world will rejoice, and then they will be resurrected and caught away to the heavens.
The False prophet has already ingratiated himself to those in the land to think he is their Messiah and king. He is a fake temple builder and comes from the tribe of Dan, and he is no Cyrus. He will give all support to the first beast who rises out of the sea. For the first beast will brutally enforce Noahide on the nations in great lawlessness and the false prophet will reign in the throne that is not his, for it is mine, even Yeshua HaMashiach. And so the temple will be built, and the false prophet will do many lying signs and wonders for he is empowered the same as the first beast and so the two will work with one mind and one purpose, even with the mind and purposes of that great lying dragon, but he is worthless and toothless, so fear him not!
For he knows that I am coming to destroy his kingdom for he is no king, but an utterly defeated enemy, who has absolutely no hope. So fear him not and stay single-minded on me. For behold I tell you these things before they happen that you may have faith in me and have faith in my Father who has sent me, even Yahweh the great eternal God, and even me his son, Yeshuah HaMashiach who will fulfill the promises made to the Fathers.
And so at the end of the first 42 months the abomination of desolation will take place at the hand of the False Prophet, even the beast to rise from the earth. During the second 42 months, even during that time will the greatest tribulation ever occur and the abomination of desolation, and he will declare himself God! Many will be crushed and many shall perish, but those who are obedient to my voice will be taken to a place in the wilderness where they will be hidden away and kept safe for a season, as these will be the most brutal times and these times of trials and testing will be the most severe.
Then you will see the heavens opened, and you will see me, Jesus Christ, lead out from the heavens that great and mighty heavenly host, and it will be an army like no other, ever! For my Bride will be with me. And I will crush the beast and the false prophet and all their armies and all their abominations that they have abominably made and so will they be destroyed even by the brightness of my coming and by that sharp double-edged sword proceeding from my mouth, and they shall not stand but will be utterly destroyed. And the beast and the false prophet will be cast alive into that burning lake of fire and brimstone and never will they be released from their torment, for they have made themselves worthy.
And then will the resurrection of the just occur, where the saints of Old, and the tribulation saints will be raised from the dead to newness of life and they will die no more and I will bestow great reward on them, of such that has not even entered into the hearts of men at this time. For I am a merciful Lord and a merciful King, and I am the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
And so my thousand-year rule on earth will begin and righteousness will rule on earth and I will rule the nations with a rod of iron and the earth will abound with the ways of Yahweh, for I am coming with a multitude of Kings and Priests, and they will rule in my throne, and they will rule in righteousness. And the Lion will lie down with the lamb.
I am calling you to understand the times you live
I am a life giving spirit, for so have I been made
I am he who will make them kings and priests before my Father
I am calling you, oh Israel
I am coming to destroy Satans kingdom for he is no king
I am a merciful Lord and a merciful King
I am the fullness of the God head bodily
I am coming with a multitude of Kings and Priests, and they will rule from my throne, and they will rule in righteousness
I am calling you, only ignore not my call!
To the 144,000: Hear my Call!
May 20, 2024
Oh hear, Oh hear my twelve tribes the voice of your Messiah, Lord, King and High priest, even me Yeshua HaMashiach the Son of Man whom Yahweh raised from the dead. For:
I am your true Messiah who is descended from the throne of David, and it is from his throne that I will rule the Land of promise for Yahweh, the eternal God, for so he promised your Fathers. And so understand that I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and no king or prophet has been given from Dan, for so the false prophet comes.
I am your Lord, for Yahweh has made me Lord of Lords, and I have purchased you with my own blood as your perfect Passover. Even given for the sins of gentile and Judean alike that you both may be one new man in me, even Christ Jesus. For Yahweh has given me a name above every name and caused me to share in his throne on account of my obedience. And so my Lordship is given as a beacon of salvation for I have been made a life giving spirit, and only Yahweh is greater than I for he is the eternal God.
I am your King, for Yahweh has made me King of Kings, and I will rule the earth in righteousness. And behold! I bring my Bride who will rule with me for I have made them kings and priests before the eternal Yahweh, of which there is none like him. For in my promised coming Millennial reign I will be the highest authority and I will send my kings and priests to rule in their inheritance in me for I have created them newly in me even taken from Judean and Gentile alike and made into one new man, even recreated in perfection. I am one in unity and purpose with my Father, Yahweh, and in his throne he is greater than I.
I am your high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, and I offered my own atoning blood in sacrifice when I gave myself as your perfect and complete Passover. For the Hebrews lend their witness when I had the Apostle Paul address them on my behalf (he was from Benjamin): How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? And so my sacrifice of myself is once and for all and forever, and there is no other Messiah.
Though the Synagogue of Satan will receive their False Messiah and False Prophet who is also a beastly temple builder (for he is the beast from the Earth). For you are the temple of the living God and there is no need of animal sacrifice ever again, for I am the final sacrifice, even the perfect, sinless Passover and my works are complete and perfect.
Therefore, there is never again a need for such a thing, but only that you come to me with your sins in repentance and I will cleanse you from your dead works of the flesh. For in Romans it is written: For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For so have I freed you in me.
Understand my Tribes and my people that the times of the gentiles are at a close. The times of the gentiles came about from the hardness of your Fathers hearts, for what did Paul say in Acts on the matter: It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.
I counsel you my people do not make the same mistakes and do not live the sins of your Fathers but repent of your own sins and also repent of the sins of your Fathers and come to me and I will receive you for you are children of promise. And every yod or a thorn of a yod will be fulfilled, for what has been promised by Yahweh is impossible to change, for it is impossible for Yahweh to lie. Therefore, I am the fulfillment of many, many promises for I am your true Messiah, even the image of the eternal God, for I am his only-begotten son, even the Lamb of God whom John the Baptist identified for all time. For he said: Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the World!
And so I turned to the nations because my own land rejected me even after I died for their sins and was resurrected. For I sent my Apostles, and Prophets to them, and many were saved. For in the beginning of the age of grace I sent them into the Temple and the Synagogues and many turned to me and accepted me as their Lord. And so I am calling you to be made whole in my Lordship for I have redeemed you to my Father that you too may be his Children by way of my spirit with which I will seal you. And so the times of the gentiles are over, for now they too have rejected me in favor of another Jesus they worship as god, thus making themselves idolaters for Satan thus tempted them. For there is but one God, the eternal Yahweh, and there is but one true Messiah, even me, Yeshua HaMashiach.
For they lost my mysteries, ignored my visions, and the purposes of my holy scripture. They lost sight of the Father’s plan of redemption, and they arrogantly reject my Words I had recorded to the Romans. For Paul stated: I say, then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people, which he foreknew. And again: What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeks for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded. And so the election was sure for those whom I have chosen from among the tribes for my Apostles were all of the land and of the promise, and so I sent them to the nations, of which your religious leaders blasphemously lie, calling them false. Those same false leaders and worthless shepherds and even deny my resurrection, for I have been raised from the dead and I die no more forever more.
For what else say the Romans on the subject: David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumbling block, and a recompense unto them: Let their eyes be darkened that they may not see, and bow down their back always. I say, then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. And so I declare that the fullness of the gentiles has come and the mysteries of God will be returned to Israel for the obedience of Faith. For I will yet save Jacob and a faithful remnant will turn to me faithfully, in great faith!
And so I am come to provoke jealousy in your hearts for me Yeshua HaMashiach and Yahweh the great eternal God who sent me. Whom you no longer worship according to knowledge, for the veil of blindness will cover anyone who follows the law of Moses. For what did I say to the Corinthians on the subject: And not as Moses, which put a veil over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished: But their minds were blinded: for until this day remains the same veil untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament; which veil is done away in Christ. But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away.
For I have fulfilled the Law of Moses, for neither you nor your Fathers are able to achieve perfect compliance due to the sin in your blood. For I, Yeshua HaMashiach have fulfilled the law to the fullest and the law is only perfectly kept by faith in me Jesus Christ. You are reckoned righteous by your complete identification with me and so the just shall live by Faith. And so I will remove the veil on your hearts so you may see me, Yeshua your true HaMashiach, for I have not abandoned you! And I come to you in the new covenant, not the oldness of the letter. For I ratified my new covenant in my own blood, according to the will and promises of Yahweh for your full redemption. And I will lead you to your inheritance for the promises of God are yea and amen. Not even a yod or a thorn of a yod will fail for all is about to be fulfilled, and in time, verily, will I fulfill all for so am I sent of Yahweh to accomplish.
And so the gentiles have turned from me like a dog returning to their vomit, and the time has come to leave them to it. For in my age of grace, not one person whom my Father has chosen for salvation has been missed, and none can pluck them from my hand. For those who confessed me, Jesus, as their Lord, with faith in their hearts that God raised me from the dead, were sealed with the holy spirit of promise and my Father’s purposes have been fulfilled in me for them. And so shall they ever be with me.
For the Olive Tree reveals truth. And what did I say regarding the Olive Tree in Paul’s letter to the Romans: And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them partakes of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
And so they have made the mistakes and taken the sins of your Fathers and have turned away from me to their idols, and they will no longer hear my voice. Though if they call on the name of the Lord, they will be saved who love not their lives to the end.
For what else says the witness of the Romans in scripture as a warning to the nations: Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. For if thou were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.
And so my kinsmen the times of the gentiles are at a close and there is a huge shift underway, where my grace will instantly turn to judgment, and even now the pieces are allowed into place by Satans hand as he will make his stand, though he will be utterly crushed, and I will completely dismantle his kingdom for he is no king.
And so now comes the time to graft the natural branches back into the Olive tree for
Yahweh’s purposes have been fulfilled in the undeserved grace and mercy that was shown to the gentiles (for God’s grace and mercy are undeserved for every man), for even that grace and mercy was utilized to find the lost sheep of the house of Israel. For you should be not ignorant of your own history, providing you put down your blasphemous Babylonian Talmuds and learn of me, for I did not send that book, and you need to repent from those teachings and repudiate Satan’s lies. Return to my pure word of God and depart from your Father’s sins, for I will redeem you if you will but hear my voice.
For I was not send but to the Lost sheep of the House of Israel. And so the ten tribes were scattered among the nations from their captivity by the Assyrians all this time ago. They have roamed and wandered the earth as pilgrims and sojourners. From Assyria they went into the lands of the North, into Scythia, and Europe and eventually into the Americas where I made a them a peaceable habitation for a time. And I called all whomever may come from the nations to my salvation. Even many Israelites were saved and have been redeemed as well as many from the nations, who otherwise would’ve never had hope. And a multitude has responded and so the times of the gentiles are over for there is no more time. But understand, that all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved if they are faithful to the end for I will receive them regardless of what Nation they originate.
And so it is, that Jacobs trouble comes on the land and and the nations for it is time for great judgment to fall on the earth. And so the beasts by the power of the dragon shall rise, only take not his mark and do not fall for his deceptions. For he has already ingratiated himself to the rulers of your nation, even the Synagogue of Satan with their Edomite ways. And he already speaks great blasphemies for he is being prepared for his true purpose.
For the abomination of desolation is coming. For what did I have my faithful Luke record for all time: And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
And so it shall be at the proper time and I will protect my own, for I am sending you as my prophets, shepherds, healers, and ministers. For I am calling you to service, even to fulfill your true calling given by promise to the Fathers by Yahweh himself, and by my hand shall they be fulfilled. For Yahweh has set my seat in his throne and I have shared of my throne with my bride whom are ever with me. And so there is none on earth greater than me, none of your false prophets compare for they are all weak and beggarly and sent to deceive and lead astray for they are worthless shepherds.
Know my people that the enemy set many traps for you so follow my lead and you will avoid them all. For very soon all pleasures will be taken from the earth and many will not even find a morsel and they wont even have a table to eat but will be fugitives in the earth for their faith in me.
Do not let yourselves be tempted by their false manna that will require the mark of the beast to attain entrance into their perverse society. For the mark will not be forgiven and all who fall into this trap will not be released for it is permanent for all who make that final choice of finality, for they will have sealed their fate and that fate is final. So do not be tempted by the bait or you will wind up in the net and hooked permanently through your jaw.
I am sending you to gather my flock and I will lead you to them and lead them to you and you will shepherd them for me, for I am the chief shepherd. You will not deny another race or country or any other nation, for Yahweh’s promise stands and all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Do not be stiff necked as your fathers and be meek to my voice. For your fathers rejected me so confess the sins of your fathers and your own in repentance to me and I will forgive you and shower you in my love and grace for I will make rivers of living waters flow form your belly. I have empowered you for great miracles. And I am sending you to your brethren to turn them to me, for a remnant will yet be saved and I will save Jacob from the hand of their enemies, for I have declared it and so it will be fulfilled.
I, even Yeshua HaMashiach that Yahweh has sent am the true Messiah of Israel and the World, even I will send my two prophets even those whom Yahweh snatched from the earth in their times, for such a purpose were they taken. And so shall they be sent. I have many things to say to you and those things will be said and I will prepare you for your missions, and you will do great and mighty works for me, even works you never imagined possible. For the worst of times always produce great men of Yahweh, even men who will not be broken for you will rest in my strength, and I am unbreakable for so has Yahweh made me and so I will make you. So hear my voice for I am calling and will send my angels to seal the 144,000 with the seal of Yahweh.
I will keep you in safety from the beast and his abomination I will hide you, and you will be fed from the heavens even should you need so fear not. Fear not for your lives for great reward is yours for service and faithfulness and I will reward you for your stand.
I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and you will her my roar for I am calling you
I am he that will seal 12,000 from each tribe except Dan and Ephraim
I am he who will crush the lions whelp that will spring from Dan
I am he who will defeat the beast and the false prophet and I will cast them alive into the great lake of fire
I am he who will lead my people to green pastures by my shepherds, for I am the chief Shepherd
I am he who will fulfill the promises made to the Fathers, for so am I sent. I am he that will crush the head of the Satans for the princes of this world will pay I am he that will rule from the throne of David, for my kingdom has no end.
I am he who is coming in the clouds and I will come to my own nation and I will take my rule and I will not be stopped
I, even I, Yeshua HaMashiach, have sent the Words for those whom I am calling. So hear my Words in obedience and know that I will liberate the land and the entire earth and will rule in righteousness, so hear my call for I am coming to you and I will teach you my ways and I will guide you into all truth. So reject not my writings for the Oracles of God will be returned to Israel and the earth will know that there is a God in Israel, even Yahweh the great eternal God, for there is none else, and there is none like him. Shalom! Shalom! So be in peace and be well, for I will heal you all to the uttermost who put their faith in Yeshua HaMashiach.
The Mystery of the Little Book.
May 17, 2024
From Yeshua HaMashiach:
Behold the mystery of the little book, for seven angels do send their thunders, and the thunders have uttered their voices. They are the mystery of the little book for the little book was sealed, for a voice came from heaven telling John the Revelator: Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. Behold you ate of the little book for it has been revealed, and it was as sweet as honey in your ears as you slept, but it was bitter in your belly which woke you from the vision and behold, you awoke from your slumber! Behold the mystery of the little book has come to be revealed in this time, for it is the last mystery to be revealed in my age of grace, even the little book of sweet bitter. For the voices of the thunders are to be revealed and now is the time of revealing, for the mystery of the little book is great, though it be the little book. For that little book was revealed to John the Revelator, and now I will reveal it to you, for its revelation is at hand. Hear my voice, my bride, and incline your ear to me, Christ Jesus, for the time has come. For there is no more time.
I am the son of God come in the flesh, and I, Yeshua HaMashiach, have sent these words.
From Yahweh, the eternal God:
Hear the voice of the seven thunders, says the eternal God! Prepare yourselves, oh you nations, for great judgment is upon you and the words of the seven thunders are revealed. Turn your ears to hear the sayings of the mystery of The Little Book. For the scrolls will be unsealed, and the loosening of the seals is coming upon the entire world. Even great judgment and calamity. For the sins of the earth are a stench in my nostrils, and I even Yahweh, will cleanse the earth and I will demolish every evil thing and my Son whom I am sending will rule in righteousness on the earth and great peace will be for the faithful whom I have protected from the evil day. And great peace will I provide to all who call on the name of Jesus Christ, even Yeshua HaMashiach, for all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. And in peace and safety will I lead them and in righteousness will I clothe them and in true holiness will they glorify me, for I have glorified them and newness of life will they have.
So I bring my justice and wrath that I may recompense those who commit evil with their own filthy ways, so whoever refuses me and chooses evil, let them be evil still and the wrath of God abides! And whosoever shall be righteous and all who depart from evil as they call on the name of the Lord will have great reward, so let them have the peaceable fruits of righteousness, and they will have great inheritance in my son Christ Jesus, who has their reward in his hand. So whomever that will be evil, let them be evil still. And whoever turns to righteousness and calls on the name of the Lord, let them be righteous still, for the day shall declare it.
Behold a thing I will tell you before it happens, for prophecies are about to be fulfilled and there will be no more delay, for times of grace and mercy are coming to a close and a time of great wrath is about to be unleashed on the earth, and there has never been a time on the earth, not even during the days of Noah and never will there be such a time again. For I, even I have sworn by my name and have declared these things. Whatsoever I, even Yahweh the eternal God, declares cannot be changed and will come to pass. For in the days of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, even the mystery of God should be finished.
I am that I AM, so tell them the great I AM has sent these words, even Yahweh, the great and eternal God!
Testimony and Experiences by William Brooks
And now for further insight on the part of this message where Yeshua HaMashiach stated “behold you ate of the little book for it has been revealed, and it was as sweet as honey in your ears as you slept, but it was bitter in your belly which woke you from the vision and behold you awoke from your slumber.” Some time ago in the past month or so, I don’t know the exact date, but I was asleep and this was in the middle of the night and I woke into a vision from my sleep, (or it was a very Vivid dream and where I woke up was the start) and there was a voice reading words into my mind and spirit, and I knew it was the Lord’s voice, and he was reading in my ears words that I couldn’t understand because the words just flowed non-stop. But with the words came a great peace that settled completely over me. The words were very sweet in my ears, and I was at rest, then suddenly I come out of that state with a very bad case of reflux and my stomach was twisted, and I shot up out of bed choking and coughing and actually went downstairs and drank a lot of water, which helped a little but didn’t settle my stomach down. And I was awake for a while after that, but I didn’t know what any of this meant.
And for the testimony, where Yahweh says “Hear the voice of the seven Thunders!” On May 7th, 2024, I had a particularly rough day and I came home and I went to bed pretty early because I was up pretty late the night before because I couldn’t sleep, that happens a lot with me. There was a bad storm when I laid down but all lightning and thunder were far off in the distance and we had heavy rain. I laid down to go to sleep around 7 o’clock at night which is early for me, and I drifted off into what I thought was sleep I don’t know if I ever really went to sleep, but I went into a vision or very vivid dream state, and I was hyper aware of the storm that was going on. There were words and voices coming at me from what appeared various directions, and they were everywhere. I don’t remember the content of the various voices, except one. There was a very distinct voice, and all the other voices went silent, and it said “Hear the voice of the seven Thunders!” When those words were spoken, I was immediately wakened by the loudest crack of thunder I have ever heard. I just sat there in my bed, totally astounded.
I haven’t shared this with anybody until now, except my wife, and when I told her about it we were on our front porch and she grabbed me, and we started walking around towards the backyard. She told me that when that loud thunder happened there was a very bright flash of lightning that looked like it hit somewhere in our backyard which is pretty small, we live in the city. There was no damage anywhere, and I’ve seen numerous times the aftermath left when lightning strikes the earth or something on the earth and it’s violent and leaves destruction on some level or another. She saw the lightning and we both heard extremely loud thunder, yet there was absolutely no damage anywhere to be found. June 12, 2024
The Lord has revealed to me exactly what this work is and it is titled thusly. I have received the contents of The Little Book that is in the hands of the mighty Angel in Revelation 10. Who is clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was on his head and his face was as the sun and his feet as pillars of fire. These represent the ages and corresponding covenants, which all culminate in the face of Jesus Christ who is the only begotten of Yahweh, and who is the image of the eternal God.
The rainbow is the sign given at the Noahic covenant that Yahweh made with Noah after the deluge. A cloud and pillars of fire represent God’s covenant with Moses. Yeshua HaMashiach face shines like the sun and is the new covenant. These seven messages contain judgment on the fallen ones and others from before the flood of Noah all the way through to the end, in what is still future as of today’s date. And so I close this work and my course is finished.
Table of Contents
The Times Have Come!
May 16, 2024
From Yeshua HaMashiach:
Behold! The times of separation draw to a close and my appearing has almost arrived now, it is very close and even the angels and host of heaven are at the trumpet’s call. I have reached my outstretched arms to a dying world for many jubilees now and many have accepted the peace treaty my Father Yahweh sent to mankind, even me Christ Jesus, for I am your peace. Yet many more have rejected my offer and my Father’s grace and mercy that has been poured out on the earth.
Those who have been sealed and redeemed are those chosen from the foundation of the world, for my Father knew you from eternity to eternity, and you have always been at the center of his heart as I have also been in the center of his heart, for I Jesus the
Nazarene am Yahweh’s only-begotten son. And yet by my accomplished works as the Perfect Passover and by the obedience of the only-begotten, many, many sons of God have been born again into all eternity. Even taken from the sons of men, for I am the Son of Man!
These times of grace were a mystery hidden in Yahweh’s heart that he told nobody until he revealed it to me, and I have revealed it to my holy apostles and prophets and have preserved my holy Word for the ears and hearts of the chosen, and faithful. For you my Bride are part of the Great Mystery of God and your lives (which are hidden in me) are about to be revealed. And I will reward the faithful for all their faithful works that they have faithfully done in great faith to me, Jesus Christ.
And so have I saved great multitudes by my atoning blood, for my blood was sinless and to this day I am sinless, for I will never sin. Those who have lived their lives faithfully in Christ will receive great reward, and they will shine as the stars in heaven and great glory is theirs to be had, for they did not glorify themselves as if they were some great ones. But they have glorified me Yeshua HaMashiach and I will present them to my Father without stain or wrinkle and their garments will be snow-white and never will they be soiled, and they shall all live and never again sin, either through ungodliness or through pride. And they will be glorified in me.
For I am the chief shepherd and I have led my flock to green pastures until the times of consummation which are quickly coming upon the earth, for there is no more sand remaining to pass through the glass. And I will reward all from the least to the greatest in such a manner that you cannot comprehend at this time, but that comprehension is at your doorstep, for you will be taken into the heavens so very soon.
And so shall my Bride be taken into glory, where I will judge her works and fully redeem every last man woman and child. I will reward them richly for even the smallest things that have been accomplished in service to me. For God is not unrighteous, to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shown toward his Name, in that you have ministered to the Saints, and do minister.
Fear not, my Bride, for God does not judge as man judges, for man is unjust and a respecter of persons. Man glorifies those man deems important, and natural man most always ignores humility and virtue in favor of the haughty and self accomplished. For natural man cries out to be accounted righteous before God, but natural man cannot overcome his sin nature and refuses to believe that he is corrupt, even denying the Lord of Lords who would save him.
And so pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Instead of bowing their hearts to my words and wisdom and love that I have flooded the earth, natural man instead chooses to follow his lusts and passions, for the courses of the World are designed by Satan to tempt and incite those passions, even the rewards of unrighteousness. And so the times of the gentiles are coming to a close, and it is time for Jacob’s trouble, for I will redeem Israel even my faithful elect who will come to me in repentance for their sins and the sins of their Fathers who rejected me. And as it has been written, so let it be done.
Oh natural man, why do you yet choose your sins and ignore my grace and salvation as if that is a light thing. Neither Yahweh nor me, Christ Jesus, have any pleasure in the coming judgments and the utter terror that will soon be unleashed. But God has not chosen this part of his plan so that he could be cruel to his creation, for God is Love and God is light and in him is no darkness at all. The coming great trouble is designed to give mankind one last chance before it is too late for him. A great multitude will be saved out of the tribulation, even those who hold my name to their last breath and love not their lives to the end.
Natural man, you are so stubborn, and you will not listen, and you foolishly reject my grace and I still pray the same: Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. For those who are left to great trouble, even those who have rejected my offer of peace, where many will be lost to destruction for they have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, many will be saved, even all that call on the name of the Lord will be saved. And so yet the trials of fire are about to begin for judgment approaches.
Great judgment is coming on Satan’s kingdom! And you natural man, even in your stubborn unbelief, refuse even the easiest request. For in my times of Grace, salvation has been free and easy and all one had to do was confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised me from the dead. And so now there will be a famine of all things good in the land, even my holy word. A great, great time of trouble is approaching and Satan foolishly prepares to make his stand, even arrogantly thinking he can win so him and his angels can have a world of their own, a world without God, for their ways are perverse. Verily, that which has made itself crooked cannot be made straight and there is no forgiveness, nor peace to Satan and his angels, nor their offspring.
I am son of God who has come in the flesh
I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
I am he who will rule the nations with a rod of Iron
I am he who will unleash the seals so very soon
I am he who is coming for my Bride
I am he who shall meet you in the air
I am that I am and the trumpet is about to sound
I, Yeshua HaMashiach have sent the Words
From Yahweh, The Great Eternal God:
Now comes the judgment of the eternal God, even Yahweh, for I am sending my son and there is no time remaining. Oh, you worthless ones who thought you could defeat Yahweh, even the great eternal God! Oh, you worthless ones who foolishly thought you could defeat my only-begotten Son, Yeshua HaMashiach. You have heaped to yourselves eternal wrath and my anger is fierce against you, for I am a jealous God. For from the beginning you have withstood my plans, and you have vexed, distressed, persecuted, tortured, and destroyed my creation. You have no peace.
Hear me and hear me well, for I declare what will become of you, and what Yahweh declares can no one alter, not once, not ever. And so your judgment comes. I will send my son to gather my chosen and faithful, even the Sons of Adam who have now become sons of God. You have failed, oh you worthless serpent who slithers in dishonesty and falsehood. For you are no gods, and you cannot ever deliver your selves from my hand. For I will repay!
I will return to you every evil work and all the pain and suffering you have caused the innocent, and you will burn forever in the hottest flames of blue and acrid poisonous smoke shall be your air and in great torment will you forever be. For you caused me to destroy my creation, even the earth as it was before the flood of Noah, even on account of your worthless seed that you made for mankind’s destruction and so on account of these things, I will destroy you in your inheritance of fire.
And you tried to destroy the world after the flood of Noah, even making your abominations once again but they will have no root nor branch for all the tares will be plucked up, bound, and cast into the fire. And so will I destroy the earth in fiery Judgment, for I promised never to flood the entire earth again. But in fire my Judgment comes, for I am an all consuming fire and my anger boils over at the wicked. And so on account of these things, I will destroy you in the hottest fire and burning brimstone.
Hear me and hear me well, for I declare what will become of you, even you worthless watchers who left your first estate. You have no peace and though I have unleashed you from your bonds for a short season, I have only done so in order that you may serve my purposes. Then great judgment is on you, and you have no peace. For you caused me to flood the earth on account of your abominations. Who are you to play creator with Yahweh’s creation? Who are you to desecrate the garden of God with your unclean ways. You made your bastards and reprobates by defiling yourselves with women and they will share in your inheritance of fire.
For what did I tell Malachi: For behold, the day comes that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble, and the day that comes, shall burn them up, says the Lord of Hosts, and shall leave them neither root nor branch. Behold that day surely approaches and all of you will pay according to your own evil ways.
For I have given men wives that they may be lacking nothing. Wives for companionship and to bear them children. But you descended on Mount Hermon, even leaving your first estate of glory, and you have defiled yourselves with women, and you have no peace, nor rest. As I had Enoch the Scribe tell you in the age of your offense: You have no peace: a severe sentence has gone forth against thee to put thee in bonds: And thou shalt not have toleration nor request granted to you, because of the unrighteousness which thou hast taught, and because of all the works of godlessness and unrighteousness and sin which thou hast shown to men. And in bonds you shall go as you are cast into the lake of fire.
You harmed my creation for your own lusts, even forcefully taking many you chose as your wives, and you will pay. You have joined the Satans, even the princes who arrayed themselves against me, and you chose the lies of the seraphim. Therefore, you will join them in the great eternal lake of fire. And you will forever burn and never will you have rest. You have hurt my creation and killed so many, and you have no regard for the lives I have created. Therefore, I will have no regard for you, and I have created you and now comes your judgment and eventual destruction.
I say to the Satans, the watchers, the fallen cherubim, the fallen seraphim, even all who have joined the Satans’ rebellion: you will utterly burn, over and over again for all eternity for I will bind you and cast you into the fire where your worm dies not. Even the flames reserved for you worthless ones that will burn the hottest flames just for you, for you are worthy. For I will do to you exactly what you have done to others. All the pain, sadness, regret, suffering even every detestable act will be recompensed to you for all time, and you will not escape. I will lay you bare before the nations and expose you for the frauds you are, and they will say to the little gods (who are no gods): Art thou also become weak as we? Are thou become like unto us?
I will utterly recompense your evil ways back into your own bosoms and you will forever pay. You will be cast alive into the flames and you will burn in the presence of the Lamb, and the angels and all the righteous ones you have wronged will receive from me a multitude over what you took from them. For when you are recompensed of your evil, I will have recompensed my chosen and faithful Children with great reward that will exceed what you have taken a multitude over and above your worthless actions.
And so shall it be. I will create a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness, and my children will live with me and I will make my dwelling among men and so shall it be. But you will burn in your evil ways and every evil thing you have done will be returned to you for eternity. And so I will set the seal and you will be forgotten and you will not come to mind. And all shall dwell in peace and you will never have peace.
Behold, time is up and I am sending my son for his Bride, even Jesus Christ the Righteous! For in him I am well pleased! And all that he has saved and made whole from your worthless ways, even those you have accused unjustly will rest in me and have perfect peace, joy, and love. For I will make you as them and make them more glorious than you once were, and you have no kingdom for you are no king.
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth for great wrath is on you. For you have rejected your creator and you love death. For to reject me is to love death, and in dying you shall die. My wrath is hot against you and I will take all pleasures away, all joy, even your basic needs will go unmet. For when I showered you in grace and mercy you chose instead to use grace as an occasion to join the worthless ones, even Satan’s kingdom when you could have escaped. And so now many will perish whose names were never written in the book of life from the beginning. My Son, Jesus Christ is approaching and he will snatch his bride into the heavens and I will remove the restrainer. Behold! I send giants to fulfill my wrath! You took my grace and mercy in vain and have lived lives of sinful pleasure and I will repay.
For when you could have had peace for all eternity, even an eternal life of full joy and happiness you chose your own deaths and I will give you what you desire. You want a world of evil, and darkness I will give you exactly what you desire and I will also recompense you for all the pain you caused others as you lived in great sin. I will strip from you all pleasure and you will eat of the filth of your ways. Great judgment is on the earth and there will be no more delay.
Behold! All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For a great multitude will be saved from the tribulation that is coming and I will receive them to myself. For it is written: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his Temple: and he that sits on the Throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
I urge you all to call on the name of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, even the onlybegotten son of God, for he is coming and the wrath of the Lamb and the wrath of Yahweh are about to be unleashed.
I am Yahweh, the great eternal God
I am El Shaddai, God almighty
I am Jehovah Jireh
I am the great Elohim, the God of Israel
I am he that sent his only-begotten son to redeem those who would be redeemed. I am he that raised Christ Jesus from the dead and given him a name above every name that every knee should bow and every tongue will confess
I AM the Great I AM, and my wrath is soon to be fulfilled and there is none greater and I have spoken
I Yahweh, the great eternal God, have sent the Words I have sent and I have sent these words. I have sent my son, Yeshuah HaMashiach, and he has sent his words to the faithful. Time is up. Table of Contents
In the Works of Paul the Apostle Pages 69-148 Behold, My Reward is With Me!
May 15, 2024
To my faithful, beloved Bride, who have fully loved me with their entire heart. You are the apple of my eye, and soon I am coming for you, sooner than you imagine. For your faithfulness, there is great reward in the heavens that has been prepared for you. Behold! Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. And so are the amazing truths concerning you my love, for you will share in my inheritance according as your faithfulness testifies at my Judgment seat, even that great Bema, where I will judge the works of each of my called and chosen and faithful.
For those whose works burn, they will suffer loss, but they themselves shall be saved so as yet by fire, and for those whose works abide they will receive much treasure, for the day will soon declare it. For this is not a foreign concept to you, but one you have learned from the witness of the Corinthians in Paul’s second letter: For we must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God, and, I trust also, are made manifest in your consciences.
For it is your conscience that will testify with your words when you will soon give an account of yourselves before the righteous Judge, even me, Jesus Christ. Some will stand before me and present their own works that will be burnt up by the refiners fire that will result in shame and loss. Some will stand before me upright, having washed themselves in my atoning blood where you will present me the works that I gave you to do. For to enter into my rest is to rest from your own works. So for those who have rested in my works is great reward for the faithful. But you all will be saved and not one of you has walked completely perfect before me, and so the day shall declare it. Fear not, I will reward you to the uttermost for all the mighty works you have done for me in secret will be made manifest, so the day shall declare it.
Why do your hearts trouble you at these sayings? Have you not read in the first letter of John, where I had him write? For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God. And again: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful, and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So, confess your sins to me daily and as often as you like, and wash yourselves in my atoning blood.
For I am your intercessor, and you were purchased by my sacrifice as the perfect Passover to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness. Behold my Bride! The times of restitution are at hand, for Peter prophesied of this time when he healed the man at the Temple Gate Beautiful: And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you. Whom the heaven must receive, until the times of restitution of all things. And now comes the times of restitution, my beautiful Bride, for you are pure before me and are cleansed from all unrighteousness in the blood of the Lamb, for I am the Lamb of God! Therefore, confess your sins faithfully.
And so judgment, restitution, loss, and great reward all start with the house of God. For shortly, you will be gathered together in the clouds to meet me in the air, for I will descend from the heavens with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel and the last trumpet shall sound! Continue to watch the skies and observe, for God has done many mighty signs in the heavens even announcing the marriage of the bridegroom to his bride, even the eternal covenant between me and my bride which is soon to occur. So confess your sins and ask me to show you the sins you have forgotten so you may confess those as well and above all stand firm in the love of God, for the love of God covers a multitude of sins, so fear not because it is impossible for you to confess them all.
Of judgment because you have passed from death unto life in me, your resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. For I gave my life, nobody took it, I willingly gave it and I would do it again if needed. But there is no need for such a thing, for what did I tell the Hebrews: For it is not possible that the blood of Bulls and of Goats, should take away sins. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God. My Bride, I will not judge you according to your sins for all that are in Christ are justified, yea sanctified, even made righteous in me, Christ Jesus who will live and reign forever for my kingdom has no end. So you are acquitted of your sins, therefore, you will not be in the judgment of sinners but the judgment of the righteous, for judgment begins at the house of God.
Of restitution because I will repay, saith the Lord. So many of you have left houses, countries, families and sacrificed many, many things and many among my Bride even gave their lives, they are my Martyrs. So there will be a restitution of the things sacrificed and lost even. For what was the end of Job: And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. And the voice of James my Brother also states: Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord: that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy. And so is your Father, and so I am, for I am of the great I AM!
Of loss, for many will suffer loss for I have stated regarding my judgment-seat to the Corinthians: For we must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad. And again the Corinthians testify: Every man’s work shall be made manifest. For the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work shall be burnt, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved: yet so, as by fire.
Of great reward, for the Corinthians speak again: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. My faithful and chosen you simply cannot comprehend the great celebrations and banquets prepared for you by my Father in the heavens for you are coming in celebration and great treasure is treasured up for you in the heavens. (For you are coming home to me, Christ Jesus and our Father Yahweh, the eternal God) And again: if any man’s work abide, which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. I have so many rewards to give, and my inheritance is with me, so fear not for you will share in my inheritance and where I am, so to shall you be for the times of separation are over.
There are crowns of reward and authority waiting for you. I’ve listed some in scripture. There is the incorruptible crown, there is the crown of rejoicing, the crown of righteousness, the crown of glory, and the crown of life:
For those who have run the race, even the courses of service I set for them will receive the incorruptible crown for you will have had yourselves in subjection to my spirit, and you will have disciplined yourselves accordingly as any athlete would. For those who have won the race lawfully is the incorruptible crown.
There is a crown of rejoicing For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For, ye are our glory and joy. And so we will have great joy and you all will be in glory and glorified in me! For those who faithfully worked to convert and raise up your brethren is the crown of rejoicing.
There is the crown of righteousness for those who finish their courses and for those who love my appearing. So keep looking up for I am near and have great expectation for my appearing. For great expectation for my appearing also brings great reward. For those with great expectation for my appearing is the crown of righteousness.
There is the crown of glory for those who have fed the flock of God. For Peter wrote: feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly: not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind. For those who didn’t lord themselves over God’s heritage and weren’t motivated by filthy lucre and who have faithfully served me with humility and the proper heart of love is the crown of glory.
There is the crown of life that I will give to my martyrs, for those who suffer tribulation and persecution for my namesake and for those who have endured patiently the devil’s whiles and schemes. For those who have faithfully overcome these things is the crown of life.
You will also be made like me, the last Adam and you will be like me, and you will see me as I am and so too shall you be. Behold! I will recreate new bodies for you that are unlike anything you can imagine. See the records in scripture where I appeared to my faithful before being ascended into the heavens. I will tailor this body specifically to you, and it will carry your abilities, achievements, accomplishments and you will be utterly amazed.
Do you not understand what I had Paul write to the Corinthians? There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: But the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, another of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star is different from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead, it is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. My children, you will have so many abilities you never dreamed of. Though, each of you will be different from another you will all move perfectly in me for I will make you kings and priests before our God!
There will be so many things you will no longer be burdened. There will be no more sickness, no more sin for you, no more death for you, no more fear, no worry for you will all be recreated perfectly in me, Christ Jesus the Lord. So I say to you, my Bride be an over-comer for the rewards of the over-comer will I give, and it’s beyond your wildest imaginations and dreams. For the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God, & of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall serve him. And they shall see his face, and his Name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there, and they need no candle, neither light of the Sun, for the Lord God gives them light, and they shall reign forever and ever. So fear not, my faithful Bride, great reward is so soon to be realized for you. For God is not unrighteous, to forget your work and labor of love, which you have shewed toward his Name, in that you have ministered to the Saints, and do minister.
I am coming for you, sooner than you imagine
I am your intercessor
I am and so too shall you be, for you will see me as I am
I am coming, and my reward is with me for the faithful
I am he who will fully give you your inheritance, for so is delivered to me I am he who will give you new bodies to replace the body of sin I am, for I am of the great I AM!
Look for my appearing in the clouds, as the signs will announce me before my brightness breaks across the sky. I Yeshua HaMashiach have sent these Words.
To My Church, My Body, Even My Bride: Hear The Words Of Your Lord!
May 13, 2024
To my Church, my Body, even my Bride I ask you to lend your ears to my wisdom and hear my voice for I will now speak to you, are you listening? Put aside your various and sundry man made doctrines and so-called theologies and incline your heart to Holy scripture, even my pure word. Set aside your leavened doctrines, for any admixture of the Words of God, even the pure Word of God, leavens the entire lump of dough and you no longer have scripture. For I am the Word of God made flesh and I dwell within you, and I am calling you to your home in the heavens so very soon.
Put your commentaries away and quit listening to so many untruthful voices, even voices that are not mine, but instead hold my Words in your hearts and compare them to scripture so you may have faith in my Words and faith in me, Christ Jesus. For if one comes to you who speaks not the doctrine of the Lord, even the pure Words of God, do not even wish him godspeed. For I will make you wise in my holy scripture, even the Word of life and my wisdom does not corrupt, so gather your treasures together in heaven, where neither rust nor moths corrupt, and where thieves neither break up nor yet steal. For wheresoever your treasure is, there will your hearts be also. My Children, I am your treasure, so keep your thoughts and hearts solely on me in singleness of mind.
Have you not read the Words that reveal this great mystery of God? For we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellent power of it might appear to be of God, and not of us. To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. So fear not for you have been born again of my holy spirit, therefore, understand the Words of my Word, for I will tell you wisdom that will comfort you and keep you from strong delusion that has overtaken the world, for the world is chained for judgment and is in great fear and distress.
Therefore, I have come to speak to you, so I may testify to the wise among you of two world leaders who currently appear as virtuous shepherds, even sheep elected from among the flock to serve in civic duty, who appear to have come to shepherd the lost sheep of Mystery Babylon to safety. But these two mangy shepherds are no sheep, but they are evil beasts disguised as sheep and are from a different fold, even the shepherd dragon’s very own. The shepherd dragon is not a true shepherd of the sheep, for his flock is no flock, but a host of fallen ones who have fallen from glory, and have become all manner of unclean things fit for destruction. I speak of the current deception that is being used to set the stage for the rising of the unholy three. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there is an unholy three that are rising, (even a great counterfeit of the three that bear record in heaven): The dragon, the beast and the false prophet (who is also a beast). And these brute beasts are made for destruction, for their future is burning fire and brimstone in that great lake of fire that burns white flames of blue in the blackness of darkness forever.
I speak to their current state and present rule for they have not yet been fully revealed for the restrainer is still present, but I will identify them to my faithful, even those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Understand that these deceivers work great deception even before their revealing and true empowerment for they will be given authority from the dragon, for such is given him for a very short time and in a limited fashion to test and try the earth, and to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And though the mystery of iniquity works mightily for these purposes, their revealing is not yet, but is at hand.
For even now they appear as great men, benevolent men, men of valor and philanthropy, who live lives of selfless service, but do not be deceived by the mangy shepherds, for they appear clean and pure to the masses who will already wonder after them and soon will say: Who is like unto the beast? (For even now they lead astray the lost, who are enchanted by their witchcraft.) But for those with eyes to see and ears to hear they appear as they truly are, for they are mangy shepherds who receive their power from the great dragon, even Satan himself. For one will rise from the sea and is currently working in secret (behind the facade of a propped up old stooge) for the destruction of Mystery Babylon and the other will rise from the earth and is sent falsely to those in the promised land and will be the false prophet for the synagogue of Satan, even their false Moshiach.
For the beastly false prophet is in collusion with the beast who rules in secret and they both work together to fully advance the mystery of iniquity that they may soon be revealed, for their times have come though they have no kingdom as yet. Do not succumb to the delusion, for the one mangy shepherd who rules in secret puppeteers the old stooge, while the other mangy shepherd who appears persecuted by the old stooge works hand in hand with the mangy shepherd who rules in secret. For they pretend they are enemies at the present time, but they are all from the same mangy flock, fulfilling the dragon’s purposes.
Sadly, many who think they are saved by faithlessly confessing Jesus as Lord from an unbelieving heart on lips of unbelief (for with the heart man believes unto righteousness) are enchanted by these demons, and they will deceive my very elect if possible, even the ones who ignorantly follow them. For these shepherds are not pure, and their cloaks are made of wool that is dirty and diseased, for they are mangy shepherds tending a mangy flock and by their fruits you will know them.
They are not pure and white as snow like my sheep, for I am the Lamb without spot and blemish who was selected from the flock to be the perfect Passover for all time, and I cleanse my sheep in my atoning blood and no mange is found in them. Though they claim they are sent by God Almighty, God Almighty did not send them. Though many false prophets falsely testify regarding him, I have not sent him, but the dragon. For I am the High priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, and there are no other lambs but me, Christ Jesus.
Salvation is in my name alone, for no other name is given amongst men whereby men might be saved except mine, the Lord Jesus. For, there is not one person whom I intend to receive my Words that will not hear them. If they receive my words in faith or if they faithlessly reject them is a choice the Father has empowered each one to make, for God forces himself and his love on not one person. And I am coming to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all that are ungodly amongst them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
I have spoken to you in many ways and in my many works have I sent my prophets, and ministers, for time is up. And so I will speak of things unconfirmed to previous generations but are now revealed, for the times of my revealing have come. For I am about to be revealed from the heavens, even me, for I am the true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach. And I will speak in parables to them that are without, but for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will understand, for I will confirm it in my spirit that is created in them.
I am come to speak of the words that John the Revelator was given, and I will make the way plain to you if you will receive my Words and humble your hearts to my voice. Behold! I speak of two coming rulers who work in tandem, and they will deceive the World and take many with them to the fires of the abyss. Even those whose names are not written in the book of life who will follow them and will be stricken with the serpents bite of which the world has been warned. Even the mark, of which no man will be healed, for the warnings are final and what God has declared is impossible to change.
Even these leaders, even the mangy shepherds who currently masquerade themselves as civil servants of Mystery Babylon. For under the mangy shepherd’s cloaks they wear (for each is disguised in his own way), they are ravenous beasts whose lust can never be satisfied, and they will demand all to worship them and the image of the beast and the dragon as if they are God, for they are about to be unleashed when the restrainer is removed.
For very soon and suddenly, when I gather my Church to me in the clouds sudden destruction will overtake the earth, for they will destroy Secret Babylon and great war will break across the land and sudden destruction will overtake the earth. The unholy trio will rise from the ashes of the ruins and chaos left by the horseman, who are soon to be unleashed after my Bride is snatched away to me in the heavens. (For only then will I open the seals of my testament for my Church is saved from the wrath to come, and I will rescue them) They will rise from the ashes of war, pestilence, famine, and great injustice and from the deaths of many, many multitudes.
They will offer peace and safety, and they will speak many lies they will pass for the wisdom of God, and will speak many blasphemous and damnable things and one will point to the other and in their hand will be their solution, even their venom which cannot be undone nor forgiven for anyone who gives themselves to the serpents bite, forever marked will they forever be. But such will be the price to enter their new society, even their new order made by Satan and his angels that they foolishly make for their abominable seed.
They will promise a new society free from the death and destruction that is soon to come on the entire World, when sudden destruction comes at the gathering of my Church. (They seek to rekindle their golden age that God destroyed in the flood of Noah) They will offer peace, long life, freedom from disease, health and safety and a new day will they promise. But these two mangy shepherds (who appear as though they are from the flock) will claim that God Almighty has sent them and the entire world will wonder after them, but they are no shepherds. I ask you, can a dragon shepherd a flock? When has a dragon ever tended the sheep, except to seal their utter destruction and separation from the Father of Lights, even Yahweh. For the beast and the false prophet will receive their power from the dragon, and they are slaves to the dragon’s lusts and will.
At the time of their revealing they will throw off their disguises of lowly civil servants and all the pomp, even their mangy cloaks of mangy sheepskins and their true nature, power and purposes will be revealed. Though the world will wonder after them and their ways, even worshiping them to their own destruction. They will step on the world stage in great power and an alliance of 10 kings will rule. Even now, the alliance has already arrayed their hosts in secret for a secret attack on secret Babylon. They have secretly set themselves to the ready, and they have surely coordinated an attack, and they have openly invaded Secret Babylon according to the judgment declared by God that is about to befall her, of which she shall never again rise.
For her iniquities have come before the most High and her sins before the great throne of heaven, even before the great God, for there is none greater and judgment has been pronounced on her. For El Shaddai even uses the hands of his enemies to fulfill his plans and even his enemies obey his voice, for who can stand against God Almighty? Make no mistake, the two mangy shepherds currently are in collusion behind the image of a stooge. Yet, they have not yet been revealed to the World and when they are the world will wonder after them and follow them to their demise. Yet they are no sheep at all, but they are raging beasts on the inside who will soon have great power bestowed on them by the dragon, for such is given to him for a short season. For they will set themselves against, and in place of the good shepherd, except those with spiritual discernment will see the mange, even the evil and utter depravity that is within them, for they are of an impure nature and are evil to the depth of their beings. You already know who they pretend to be, but you do not know who they truly are, and they have even given themselves fake names, so the number cannot be counted.
For the beast who will rise from the sea to rule the nations has already been and appears that he now is not but in reality still is, even guiding the hands of a mindless old puppet. This is he who is named in Hebrew using the words I spoke when I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Lightning fall from heaven: study to learn. For he does not desire women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. I ask you now and see whether a man does travail with child? Yet his wife appears a woman with children, though they are not his children.
The beast to rise from the earth you already know and many of you ignorantly follow, even being deceived already when you should be preaching against the deception. For he is from the land, but of his tribe is not one person sealed of the 144,000. And of Dan he said, Dan is a Lion’s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan, and he is from the tribe of Dan, even proud of his bloodline, for blue blood flows in his veins. He is identified as a modern day Cyrus and will be a temple builder so he may bring about the abomination of desolation in his time, and presently already builds in the promise land for the Synagogue of Satan.
My little ones, I leave you with wisdom to ponder, and these are no longer mysteries but have been revealed in their time. Only their times will not be revealed to the World until the restrainer is removed, and it will happen much quicker than you realize. For these things are about to come to pass and there is no more time, for the numbers have fallen from the clock face. Stay faithful in me and when I have confirmed in your spirit their identity, convert your brethren. Behold, my appearing is nearly accomplished.
I am the Word of God made flesh and I dwell within you
I am calling you to your home in the heavens so very soon
I am the Lamb without spot and blemish
I am the High priest forever after the order of Melchizedek
I am the true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach
I am coming to execute judgment upon all
I am come to speak of the words that John the Revelator was given I am that I am, for the great I AM has sent me
Behold, I even Christ Jesus have sent these words to my faithful, now hear my Words!
Sinners! Come To Me in This Last Time!
May 10, 2024
Hear my Words, even the Words of Jesus the Nazarene, for I am coming to you in the spirit of love, compassion, humility, grace and especially mercy. For soon my grace and mercy will be replaced with great trouble, even Jacob’s trouble, and this entire sevenyear period will be unlike anything the earth has ever seen, even since the beginning of creation. It will begin with sudden destruction and persecution that will only intensify. Therefore, I come this last time to the sinners who have not yet repented in my grace and mercy. For there is still, but a moment left for your repentance if you will come to me, Jesus Christ, and confess me as your Lord and believe in your heart God has raised me from the dead. I have out stretched my arms in grace and mercy to a dying world for an entire age of grace now, and many have made me their Lord. Even as many as the Lord our God has called and chosen from before the foundations of the World to be revealed in me, Jesus Christ the mighty Lord: For I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
And I have called the chosen, and all who have become faithful in my salvation. Many have been saved! Saved from what, you ask? Saved from the judgment and destruction that is about to be unleashed on this world, its gods, its rulers, its principalities, and all who follow Satan, for he is the god of this world and his judgment has come. Even saved from the great white throne judgment and the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels. judgment has been passed on the rulers of this present darkness, and it is soon coming to consummation and completion, for the earth will be ruled by my hand in righteousness, for my time has come to be revealed, and the earth is mine and the fullness thereof, even I, Yeshua HaMashiach!
Judgment is coming and is even here but not yet in full. And so many of you still believe you have time to indulge your sins, and seek satisfaction for your sinful lusts which come from your corrupted flesh. Understand that I have no desire to judge and condemn any of you, for I have given my life in my love for you and in full payment for your sins in great agony and torment on the cross! For there is not one sin that has not been paid fully by my atoning sacrifice as the perfect Passover. I am the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. And I didn’t come to condemn you, but I am here to save you. The world as you know it is about to change so drastically that you will not recognize what will rise from the ashes, for much of the world is about to go down in flames and perish in a multitude of ways in Yahweh’s righteous judgment. And great horror is coming out of these ashes.
For the prince of this world is judged, and his judgment will be fulfilled and consummated fully. For much evil has Satan done and his ways are deplorable, and he only comes to steal kill and destroy. He has corrupted mankind fully and in various ways, and he seeks to destroy all that God loves. For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten son that whosoever believes in me should not perish, but have everlasting life. So understand fully that I am the final Passover lamb for all time (there will not be another) and I have paid for all sins. Satan has corrupted the genetics of mankind since the garden of Eden, when he tempted Adam and Eve to accept his putrid fruit and believe his worthless knowledge, for his knowledge brings death to all who eat thereof. And for this reason God almighty has offered a peace treaty to his creation, even me, Jesus Christ.
For what says the voice of the Ephesians, when Paul wrote them concerning my completed works, (for I said in my final breath on the cross, “it is finished”)! But now, in Christ Jesus, you which a while ago were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, which has made of both one, and has broken down the wall that was a stop between us. Hear my voice, I am your peace for the law condemned sin in the flesh, even your own flesh and blood is corrupted in sin, even contaminated since Eden. I, Jesus Christ, in my atoning sacrifice on Calvary have broken down the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile, making them both one new man, even recreated them in righteousness and true holiness for all who accept peace by declaring me as their risen Lord!
But there’s more from the Ephesians, (as if this isn’t wonderful enough) so Ephesians continues: and hath also put away through his flesh the cause of hatred (that is to say, the law of commandment contained in the law written) for to make of two one new man in himself, so making peace: and to reconcile both unto God in one body through his cross, and slew hatred thereby. Hear me, oh man who has refused my call: I am calling you now in these last seconds and time is almost up! Accept me as your peace offering for I am freely offering you salvation and redemption from your corrupted bodies, even eternal life in me, Christ Jesus. Make no mistake: Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Hear my voice and understand that anything good in your lives, anything of value and virtue is of the Father and given by the Father of Lights so you may have fullness of life and come to me, the Lord Jesus, as your personal savior. And that you may know there is life eternal for you if you but accept. Do you hate yourselves so much that you are willing to sacrifice everything you love in life that has been given from the Father to satisfy your own selfish lusts? Are your sins so important to you that you will choose everlasting condemnation with Satan over the goodness of God and newness of life in me, Christ Jesus? Are your sins that important to you?
I am calling you, oh natural man, and I am inviting you to peace and eternal life. A life free from sickness and sin, even a life free of disease and heart break, a life free from suffering where you will no longer watch those you love suffer, for the former things will pass away so very soon. There is no more time to satisfy your sins. For so many of you have taken the grace of God in vain and believed the lies of the thief, who wants to steal your very lives from you so you may join him in his eternal punishment. Make no mistake, to reject me, Jesus the Nazarene (even he who gave himself for your sins and salvation) is to reject life and choose eternally the second death of which Satan and his angels are condemned: For they have no forgiveness, and they will have no rest, and they have no peace. And the lake of fire is prepared for the devil and his angels.
To reject my sacrifice is to reject eternal life and to reject God fully. Therefore, there will be no mercy, grace, love, light, nor peace but only regret, darkness and torment where you will reap the putrid fruit of your flesh for all eternity. Do you not see how foolish this is? I have paid for your sins in my atoning blood! But you refuse my ways, though I am calling you right now and for many the last time. You refuse my love, though my heart still breaks for you and your families, and I would save you to the uttermost if you only repent and cease from your sins. Do you not understand I suffered as the lowest sinner in my atoning sacrifice that I might lift you up to God in salvation? For I was lifted up on the cross to save your souls and reconcile you to the Father, and I have always been sinless, so accept my sinless blood!
For what says scripture, for surely you have heard that God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son: that whosoever believes in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. I know these words are familiar to you, for even your entertainers who keep you in bondage to Satan have blasphemously misapplied my Words. But you would do well to keep reading, so please hear my voice! For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through him might be saved. He that believes on him, is not condemned: but he that believes not, is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten Son of God.
Is my speech not plain enough? Are my Words not easily understood? If you reject me, the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God, you will permanently join my enemy, even those who are responsible for spilling the innocent blood: For to reject me is to join Satans rebellion, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. And so is the truth concerning you, oh natural man, even those of you who would reject my spirit of life, and for all this I am still calling you, though this is the last and final call before judgment begins. For there is no more time. Are your sins that important to you that you would spend eternity in outer darkness and punishment in that great lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels? For God does not desire this punishment for you, and has sent me as his peace offering to reconcile you to him by my atoning blood.
Hear my words and accept my peace. To all those who hear these words, know that I, Jesus of Nazareth, am calling you and I don’t care what sins bind you because I have paid for them all. Understand that taking the mark of the beast will be unforgivable and I am trying to save you from this temptation, (even though the mark is not here just yet) for many will lose their lives in torment for refusing. But understand the following: You cannot get so low that I cannot reach you, only take not the mark. Not even the haughty can elevate themselves in sin so highly that I cannot bring them gently down to salvation and seal them with my spirit that I may exalt them! For I have paid for all the sins of mankind for all time, and I left nothing undone. There are so many sins, but I will call some of you specifically by your vices. Know that I will forgive all your sins and not just these, and I will fully cleanse you in my blood from all of your sins.
To the alcoholic and drug addict I say, turn to me now in an eternal moment of clarity and hear my Words, for if you will listen in faith my words will bring the glorious light of salvation to you. My Words will bind the demons who make you drink and use drugs, though you would make them your friends. I give you miraculous clarity so you can decide which you will have for eternity: Eternal life with me, Jesus Christ in perfect union with God himself? Or eternal damnation in the fires that are never quenched? Is the sin you greedily hold in your hand, even your alcohol and drug addiction, so important that you would choose to perish, even inflicting your fate on those you love who follow you instead of me?
You are not so low that I cannot lift you up, and I so passionately desire to forgive you, but you have to respond to my voice and come out of your ways in repentance. Pour out your alcohol and quit poisoning yourselves and come to me in repentance and I will deliver you. There is no time to waste, don’t ignore me and spiral off into drunkenness and forget my words, for your own words of rejection will be recorded in the heavens as a witness against you on the day of judgment and you will not escape!
To the murderer, I say: Immediately stop your murderous violence of those who are made in the image of God, even your fellow man, for this is grave sin. Verily, and truly of an unalterable truth, you have murdered your own selves with every life you have taken and without me there is no remedy to your coming punishment. But even your murders were paid in full in my sacrifice, for I left nothing undone. I have demonstrated my grace in the life of the great Apostle Paul as a witness of encouragement, oh you murderers.
For even Saul was deceived and headed towards great judgment on the road to
Damascus, where I saved him from himself. Paul persecuted, hurt, and consented to and committed murder against my holy Church! For he admits as much in Acts: And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prison both men and women. Yet he accepted my offer of eternal life and made me, Jesus Christ, his Lord and faithfully served me as an example of repentance to all, and I highly elevated him for his obedience. I have paid for your murderous ways if you will repent from them, and come to me in true repentance, for if you do so now I will receive you in grace and mercy. Do not be deceived, there is no time to waste.
To the lowest of the low, I say: I have even made a way for you to come out of your insanity and confusion for I have given you over to your vile lusts just as Romans declares: For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one towards another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
Come out of your uncleanness and come out of your worthless pride and quit blaspheming the sign given to Noah and to every living creature, even the rainbow that shows itself in the rain clouds. The rainbow is so the world will know that God will never destroy the world by water again, though judgment by fire is imminent. Come to me and repent, change your ways and call on my name, confess me as Lord from a heart filled with faith in my resurrection and I will receive you. Hurry, for you don’t have time to ponder, for judgment is about to be unleashed. There is no time to waste.
Hear my words and come to me, for I have no pleasure in the coming judgment and destruction and neither does Yahweh, no not even God Almighty! For Adam was created in the Father’s love and perfection in righteousness and true holiness. God gave him a life complete with nothing lacking. And so Satan attacked the creation and corrupted your very flesh and your very nature so that you go astray from the womb for sin is in your blood: The life of the flesh is in the blood. Yet God, in his great mercy, for his mercy endures forever, even God Almighty gave me, his only-begotten son as the perfect sacrifice that will save you to the uttermost if you will only come to me in repentance from your sins. I will undo the works of Satan in your lives if you will come to me, please come for my arms will not be outstretched much longer!
There is so little time remaining and Jacob’s trouble is about to break forth across the earth, and men’s hearts will fail them for the severity of what is coming. Satan has prepared many abominations that he will unleash, for to refuse my call is to choose Satans kingdom of death and destruction and I will leave you to your choice and I will give you the darkness and misery you so love, and you will eat of the fruit of your ways unless you repent. For this is it, this is the last call before judgment swiftly comes. Even my servants and ministers cry to the ends of the earth this very second, except they will cry for your salvation until they are snatched away to me in the clouds when I come for my Bride in the air shortly, and this will happen unexpectedly, though I tell you plainly before it happens. And then my last call of grace and mercy will be over. And when I snatch my bride to safety, sudden destruction will break across the earth, and many of you who hear these words will not escape. Some of you foolishly think you can continue to abuse my grace, and it will continue indefinitely, but the sad truth is grace will turn to judgment, and it will happen suddenly and many will not escape.
For those who are not killed by this sudden destruction soon to be unleashed on mystery Babylon, will find themselves in a world they never dreamed possible. A world where there is constant death and destruction for Satan will systematically purge anything to do with me, Jesus Christ, and he will do it unmercifully. There will be torment across the land and wanton cruelty and to come to me during this time of judgment and testing will be the most difficult, but whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, and they will have to endure to the end and many will lose their heads and many will die in great torment.
But even then, God will wipe away all tears from their eyes, for John the Revelator declared concerning them: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his Temple: and he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, neither shall the Sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto the living fountain of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
I, even I, Christ Jesus, the risen and ascended Lord, even the true messiah: I am calling you and my hope and expectation is that you will accept my peace offering and come to my salvation that you may live eternally with me in the bosom of the Father! Only refuse not my call, for I will not call much longer and I will not call in grace and mercy in this manner again for time is out. (Though grace and mercy are forever with me) Please come to me that I may save you in these last seconds of grace. For you are no different from those who believed at the start of my age of grace, and my salvation and reward will be yours if you obey my voice right now. Right now is the time of salvation! Repent and come to me in humility. Make me your Lord and know that I am alive forevermore, for God raised me from the dead to die no more. Should you accept my offer, you will have overcome, and you will receive the rewards of the overcomer:
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh, will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Read this again and again, for I am offering you a last shot at salvation by grace. Only, do not refuse my call, for there is no more time for such things. For so many of you, rejection of me will be final and permanent, and you will not recover nor escape the coming judgment, for sudden destruction is on you. And the Spirit and the Bride say, come. And let him that heareth, say, Come. And let him that is thirsty, come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
And finally: He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. So let it be done.
I am calling sinners in the spirit of my love
I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings
I am the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
I am here to save you
I am the final Passover lamb
I am your peace offering
I am calling you now in this last time
I am offering you salvation and redemption
I am calling you now to repentance and remission of sins
I am inviting you to peace and eternal life
I am still calling you
I am alive forevermore, will you join me?
Hear My Words of Comfort And Hear My Words of Power!
May, 8 2024
Hear the Words of the Lord, even the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach. Come to me my Bride, come to me in readiness for I am coming for you. Rest in me, my little ones and sit at my feet, hear my Words of comfort and hear my Words of power for I have given you a comforter and in that comforter great power. Hear me and believe my Words, humble your pride to hear the voices of my messengers, for they are lowly in heart. I haven’t sent the mighty ones of this World to you, I haven’t sent the ones of great riches and fame to you (though they pretend), no I have sent you those the World has cast away in disdain because they speak for me and my spirit is in them and cannot be removed. Marvel not that the world hates you, for the World hated me first, and the servant is not greater than his master. If they have hated me, so to have they hated you. But who are you that you should fear what man can do to you? Who are you that you should sit in darkness and trepidation when I have led you to my Father and your Father, even the great eternal God, for there is no other! I, even I, Christ Jesus, have seated you in the heavenlies and all that are in the heavens eagerly await in great expectation for your soon arrival, my Bride.
For even the great and eternal God, even our Father, even Yahweh himself, (who is from eternity to eternity) waits in great expectation for you! For very soon you will appear before his throne in great glory, and in his throne room you will be seated, for you will partake of my throne. The angels excitedly await you as well, my Children, for there is joy in their presence when even one sinner repents. For, so it is: But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of Angels. Even some of these same angels are ministers for those who will inherit salvation and that includes you my Bride. And I, even Christ Jesus, even I am longing for your presence before me. For I love you and longing for you, and soon we will be forever united by the marriage of the lamb. I am your Bridegroom who longs for my Bride, and I am coming for you! I have prepared for you many things, and many treasures and rewards of faithfulness are waiting for you. Soon you will come to your full inheritance in me, and you will have all eternity to realize the greatness and splendor of what I am gathering you to me to accomplish. And what I will make of you, for you are a new creation, a new man, created in me! And there are many, many things you will do for me, not only in my Kingdom of Righteousness where I will rule the earth in Righteousness for a day! But especially in the new heavens and new earth will your greatness shine, and you will forever be with me. For one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day.
I have a question for you my loves, even I Jesus Christ the Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Hear me and consider my Words, for The Words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Why do you devalue yourselves? I understand you are meek and lowly of heart, and that’s from the new nature that I created within you, for natural man is ever prideful. But why do you consider yourselves worthless, asking yourselves why would God even want to deal with you, and why would I offer you salvation when there are better candidates? Why do you sit there in depression, condemning yourselves when you sin? Why not dust yourselves off? (Dust shall be the serpent’s meat) Get up! Arise! Awake! Yes, you will all sin from morning to sunset, is this something that Yahweh overlooked in his foreknowledge? What is it then? Did God forget that you would sin after salvation? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar! For in his plan of redemption, even his plans concerning me, even the great mystery of God, even all these things: were crafted together in grace and mercy, only accept my grace and mercy for many of you self flagellate instead.
My Children I paid the price for your sins and when you walk uprightly and honestly, and you sin because your flesh is corrupted just confess the sin to me and cleanse yourselves in my redeeming blood, for I am your redemption and I have redeemed you. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so: whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy. There is nothing you can do to add to my completed works, for what more do perfectly completed works need? When I said on the cross at my last breath in that house of red earth, I was clothed at the time: It is finished, I left nothing undone. And when God accepts a finished perfect sacrifice, let no one try to add anything, for those are works of vanity. Even your subtle pride and your vanity, for on the earth is great vanity. Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher: vanity of vanities, all is vanity. For vanity speaks, and she lies to you saying you aren’t good enough and my sacrifice is incomplete. Therefore, you must do something more to prove your worthiness when you repent before me. Verily I say, fruits meet for repentance are acceptable, but not self condemnation, not self loathing, not self-defeating mindsets of depression. For when you engage in these worthless practices of the flesh, you are unknowingly calling the truth a lie and attempting to reconcile your flesh to the spirit. My Children, that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would. For by my sacrifice you are reconciled to me your Lord Jesus Christ, and I have reconciled you to God, for so is the great mystery of God of which you are part.
Why do you doubt my Words? Tell your flesh to keep quiet and silence the voices that are contrary to my sound doctrine! For I have prepared you for greatness, I have empowered you in my spirit of son-ship whereby you cry ABBA Father. I have empowered and enabled you to do great things for me and above all I have commissioned you in me. Even in my love letters to my Bride, even the letters I had Paul write to my Church explain this in plain speech for you to understand and believe. For what did I tell my Corinthian Church at the hand of Paul? Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. My children, when you walk in my spirit and stay faithful to my precepts, I am creating you newly in me.
For the old man of red earth is perishing, and both Jew and Gentile alike will be made one new man in me, even by my spirit of son-ship, for I will save some of all. Now, if there be any man that hath not the spirit of Christ, the same is none of his. In whom also after that you believed, you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of your inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. So walk in newness of life and understand that very soon my purchased possession will receive in full (you have the down payment of my spirit) and you will be clothed in new bodies. Uncorrupted bodies, bodies that are powerful in scope and ability, even houses fit for a king! For, you will be kings and priests before our God. So I have reconciled you to God and there is no more enmity, and I have given you the ministry of reconciliation. Oh, but why would I do such a thing, you may ask? Listen and I will tell you.
And so the Corinthians continues their witness: To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray you in Christs stead, that be ye reconciled to God. My children, you are my Ambassadors, and you hold a very prestigious position, for you represent me. For to be my ambassador is to represent the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to a dying World, and I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. So, please hear me: I have made you my ambassadors. I have reconciled you to God Almighty, even El Shaddai for his purposes will be done! I have given you the Word of reconciliation even Words of eloquence fit for my Ambassadors, for the Word of God is from everlasting to everlasting. And I have given every one of you the ministry of reconciliation. This means I have authorized every soul who is born again of my mighty spirit as my powerful ministers and the enemy fears you greatly and will run from you when you walk in my power, though he will try to whisper false words to you and even roar like a lion. But his putrid mouth has no teeth, for they were broken out by the power of my resurrection, and he will not recover. Ignore that toothless lion and focus on my voice, even the Words of my Word.
In this great position of authority and power, (for you move in my name and my name is greater than all names, and only Yahweh is greater!) I have placed you as my ministers and ambassadors, and I have prepared you and equipped you and clothed you in great power! My children, you do not understand the precepts of my Words, for the Apostate Shepherds hired the Laodicean Ministers to lie to you regarding the power and gift created in you at the new birth. For Paul explained the majesty of the power given in the spirit of son-ship created in you. For he told the Corinthians: In spiritual things, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. And again: There are diversities of gifts, verily, yet but one spirit. And yet again: But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man, to profit withal. Do not be ignorant of spiritual matters and understand the difference between a gift and a manifestation, for they are not the same words in the Text.
I have given the gift of holy spirit and in that gift are manifestations. For what does my Word say: But the manifestation of the spirit, is given to every man to profit withall. Your luke warm Laodicean Ministers have echoed the lies Satan has told through the ages. Lies to make you believe that you are powerless and lies to try and hide your true power in me, for your spirit is Christ in you, the hope of glory! So my manifestations of the spirit are listed as these: Word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, the interpretation of tongues. Before we proceed, put down your worldly commentaries and worldly lexicons and worldly concordances and quit letting them lie to you to redefine scripture to Satan’s ends.
In every spirit in every man is this potential to manifest power from on high! But all these worketh that one and the self same spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. My children, why would you think these are gifts when scripture says they are manifestations? They have lied to you, read my Words and have faith in the Words my translators chose, for I was with them. You have all these abilities and if you will to manifest them I will work them in you to deliver the captives from Satans grip into the glorious light of eternity. Ignore anyone who speaks contrary to these words and educate yourselves in my Word. Quit worrying about how these things work, for they do not work by way of eloquent words and happy thoughts. They work according to the need, by the desire of the man who must have the will to do my will, and especially by faith in me. For I will do mighty works by your hands and I have sent you my bride, for this is the last commission.
I have given the gift of holy spirit, and in that gift are many other gifts for what say the Ephesians: But unto every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith: When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. And again from Romans: For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. So understand that you should think highly of yourselves for you have been recreated in righteousness and true holiness even to show the glory of God himself, even the Father of lights for you are the lights of the world. But think soberly, for you are not greater than your brothers and sisters who have been born of the same spirit as you: For you all have these abilities, and you all have these gifts.
For I have given gifts unto men: And I gave some Apostles: and some Prophets: and some Evangelists: and some Pastors, and teachers: For the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. There are many ministries I have given my Bride, and they are yours if you so desire. Ask of me and I will work these ministries in you, but you have to have the desire. So covet earnestly the best gifts: And yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. That more excellent way, my Children, is God’s unconquerable love. You should covet earnestly the best gifts, for I have empowered you. But to serve out of the Love of God, to give the sacrifices of your lips and praise of your faithful heart in love, is superior. Give freely as you have freely received. Walk in this power because you love God and you love me, Jesus Christ, and give freely of all that has been given to you and go forth, doubting nothing.
My Bride, so I have I sent you to complete these Works, and soon your courses will be finished, and when I gather you to me in the clouds, you will know, just as I knew on the cross, and you will be able to say (as I once said): It is finished. Soon you will enter into the pleasure of your Lord!
I am coming for you very soon
I am longing for your presence before me
I am Christ Jesus and I have created you newly in me
I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
I am he who has given gifts unto men
I am he who has given you the ministry and words of reconciliation
I am he who has sent you as my faithful Ambassadors
I am that I am so tell them I am has sent you
I AM has sent me to you
I am he who sends you in this last time
To My Faithful Ministers: I Commission you!
May 6, 2024
To my Faithful ministers and to those who have left Laodicea!
My Bride, hear my voice and come to me, that I may yet soothe your wounds and strengthen you in my might. Fear not, my anger is not on you, for I will say to you: Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of your lord. For I have harsh words, words of chastisement for the disobedient, but that particular chastisement is not directed at you because you are faithful, though you should still take heed to my Words, lest you fall.
My faithful Bride, you are the apple of my eye and there is no condemnation towards you for you are in Christ, and you have built your lives on me, Jesus Christ, even the chief cornerstone that the false builders have rejected. Continue to stay faithful in me, for I am coming to you in great power, for the consummation of the age is at hand. I am sending you in great power and in works you never imagined for yourselves, for you didn’t know you were born into the mystery of God at your first breath, but you have grown mightily in my grace, and you now see. For my grace is a powerful grace that cannot be overcome, and my mercies are from everlasting to everlasting.
Behold! Says Yeshua HaMashiach, listen to me and inscribe my words on the fleshly tables of your hearts. For I am sending you, yes I am commissioning you, with these Words and those I commission will receive undeniable confirmation of my passionate will. I am sending you in the works of my great ones, works they started many jubilees ago, and those works continue to this day. For the book of Acts is not finished being written until my Bride is with me. Then you will understand the fullness from the books in the heavens, for your individual exploits are inscribed therein, and we will all rejoice at your faithfulness before Yahweh himself, for he rejoices with us and is in you all.
Behold! I send some of you in the ministry of Paul, as stewards of my mysteries and as apostles to the nations. Behold! I send some of you in the spirit of Elijah to stand against Jezebel the false prophetess and to prophesy for me, Christ Jesus! Behold! I send some of you in the work of Phillip the evangelist, where I will take you from place to place with the words of my gospel on your lips tailored to the needs of the unsaved, for you will save them by preaching the cross! Behold! I send some of you in the work of Peter for he tended my flock and fed them the pure word of God, for the slothful Laodicean ministers feed my flock junk food, even faithless words of no power. Behold! I have made you teachers so that you may teach and instruct my people in the ways of righteousness, for you will teach them as I lead! For you will shepherd them as I lead! For you will evangelize them as I lead! For my prophets will speak the Words I give, unchanged in meaning and heart! For my Apostles will shine the light of my glorious good news of the great mystery of God, so the veil of Moses can be removed from your hearts. For the Corinthian witness cries aloud! But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. Now the Lord is that spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord. I, Christ Jesus remove your veil!
Behold, I send you in these last minutes before your gathering to me at my appearing. I need you to hear my voice and follow my instructions, as you faithfully do, my faithful Bride, for you are faithful! Go not in the work I am sending you, in your own understanding. Go not in the work I am sending you, in your own power. Go not in the work I am sending you, in your own ability. Go not in the work I am sending you, in your own strength. Hear my Words with your entire heart! For I, even I, Christ Jesus the glorified Lord, say to you: I am your understanding, and I am your power, and I am your strength, and I am your ability: only doubt not!
Do the works I will lead you to accomplish, and care for the people I send you. Will you condescend to men of low estate? Will you sit with, preach to, save, and fellowship with the homeless? For I am sending some of you for that purpose. Will you entreat the Laodicean ministers in humility as one would a Father? For so are my ways. Will you speak the Words I give you, even if you don’t fully understand or agree? (confirm my Words with scripture) For I am sending you to do my will, not your own. Will you shepherd the flock in the healing powers of the fire in your spirit I will kindle in you? (And when the chief shepherd shall appear, you shall receive a crown of glory that fades not away.) Do my works, my Bride, and cease from your own works, for there is no more time and the lamps will soon go out.
Understand, I am sending you in my work, and you will reap great reward if you are faithful, for you already have many treasures laid up in the heavens and there are many mansions in my Father’s house that are readied for you. For Jacob’s trouble is seven days of seven years, where each year is reckoned a day. So too is the wedding of the Bridegroom to his Bride. For there will be seven days of seven years in the heavens, where each year is reckoned a day, and you will ever be with me my Bride. Then we ride!
Go your ways and go the way I am leading you. Submit yourselves in love and humility one to another. Tend to my garden, for I have planted a garden of eternal life that the evil one cannot pluck up nor destroy. You will eat from the very tree of life he has failed at keeping you from and there is no life abundant in Satans lake of fire, where he is going, but only punishment, regret, shame, and torment. These things are not for you my Bride, and the second death has no power on you for you have gone from death to life in me, even Jesus Christ your savior and Lord.
So go where I send you and work with the people I am sending you to, and I am sending to you. For they are not coming to you by accident, but because I have already started directing them to you. Live my mystery and live as they did in Acts, for you are the last chapter that is being written as you live for me, and soon you will see when you are in the heavens once I snatch you away to myself, for you are mine! You are my bride, my glorious Church who I will make to myself, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing: but that you should be holy and without blame, for I have cleansed you in my atoning blood!
I am calling you my Bride, and I am calling you into ministries you never dreamed you could accomplish, for the Laodicean ministers tried to make you sit in darkness. Don’t run from the power I am kindling in you, for the hand of the Lord, even my hand of blessing, is upon you. Do not run from my ministries that I am kindling in your spirit. For, I will kindle a great blaze in your spirit, my Bride, a fire that will melt away all things holding you back. Fear not! Walk in my power, for the faithless Laodicean ministers have tried to convince you that you are powerless, and there is serious consequence for them should they not repent.
Behold! I am sending you into the works where others have failed, and you will go in their stead, for you are faithful: Only destroy your pride lest you fall to victim to evil as they. Hold not your tongues, for I have loosened them. Speak the Words I have given you, and go before me in great power. Do you think I am a respecter of person? For now is a time of special miracles as I recorded in Acts: And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. My Bride of great faith, finish for me the works I’m calling you to, for we are consummating my purposes in you and the sun is setting on my age of grace and soon night will fall fully on the world for you are leaving. Behold! I Jesus Christ will do many mighty miracles, even special miracles by your hand, for this is the final great commissioning for my Church before you are snatched away in glory.
Go, in peace, and I will guide. Know, you will be greatly resisted by friend, family, and foe alike. These are the times of separation where I am pruning the unfaithful and purging my Olive tree of their faithless ways, for they have not made themselves ready for the bridegroom, and they will take their places with the foolish virgins. And I am purging my faithful so they are purged of sin and bring forth new branches that bear much fruit. Fear not, thinking you are unworthy of miracles. For I agree, of your own selves none of you can do miracles, but I will grant many signs, wonders, and miracles at the hands of my faithful. Go and say to the mountains be removed and cast into the sea and doubt not but have faith in Yahweh, and Me, Yeshua HaMashiach.
There is no spiritual hammer to swing, so cease from your own efforts. For you can walk on water if you keep your eyes on me and doubt not and look not to the left or the right but stay your eyes on me, and you will not sink. Command the spirits, for they are in subjection to me and therefore are in subjection to you. Command the spirits to depart, don’t ask, but command! Don’t allow them to speak but silence them, don’t talk with them for their words are poison but cast them out into the wilderness where they have no house and soon they will be cast into the fire. Heal the sick! Speak to the sickness in my name and tell it to leave, fear not I will give you the words. Fear not! You don’t have to speak eloquent words, just speak words of faith that I will inspire your hearts and doubt not.
Behold! Go forth for me, my Bride, doubting nothing. I am inviting you into the works I am finishing, of which many of you are already my fellow laborer. There are still yet souls to save, even the ones Satan is trying to hide. I will break them free from his bonds through your many mighty works and exploits that we will do together. Go forth my Bride doubling nothing, for I have prepared you your entire lives for these few moments of power and obedience, and you have been well-trained by me, and those I have sent to care for your souls.
My faithful Bride, I love you, and you are my joy and rejoicing. I smile over you daily, yet you don’t see me with your own eyes, and you still have faith. I cry over your hurts, though I cry in silence many times. I hear your cries for help, and I am an ever present help in time of need. I love you and care for you, and you are the apple of my eye, and soon we will be together. I know you are weary for you have been faithful to my Word and my name, so I will strengthen you in the strength of the unlimited and eternal God, even Yahweh, for there is none like him! Faint not, for even though your flesh may be weary I will strengthen you in my might, for I Yeshua HaMashiach has declared it!
I am coming to you in great power
I am sending you in great power
I am calling you my Bride into ministries you didn’t know you had until now I am sending some of you to complete the works of the unfaithful, and you will have their reward
I am pruning the unfaithful
I am purging my faithful of your sins that you may bring forth much fruit I am an ever present help in time of need
Go your way, and stand in the Temple, and speak to the people, all the words of this life.
For you are the temple of the living God!
To the Ministers of the Laodicean Church: Hear my Words!
May, 6 2024
My Bride and my Church, hear me in my love for you, my children, and incline your ears to my speech. Hear my Words, oh my Laodicean ministers, even you whom I have given gifts, for I have given gifts unto men and I have given some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors, and teachers. I have given these gifts to you for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. For what did I tell my apostles and disciples in the writings of John’s good news: And behold, I will send the promise of my father upon you. But tarry you in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endued with power from on high.
And in the Acts of my Apostles is recorded the fulfillment of this promise: And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the holy ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance. And the founding of my Church is so recorded in scripture that you may know the fulfillment of this great promise of good news, that I have filled you with power from on high, even in the new birth, even in me Christ Jesus your Lord. And I am the head of the body, the Church: I am the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things I might have the preeminence: For it pleased the Father that in ME should all fullness dwell.
My Laodicean ministers, my fullness does not dwell in your churches made in your own images, for I stand at the door and knock! My Laodicean ministers, I didn’t horde in selfishness all the fullness of the Father that is in me, but I poured out my spirit and made you powerful, and I have sealed you with that holy spirit of promise and nothing can break that seal, though you can walk away into apostasy if you so choose: But the seal of the Father, even Yahweh the eternal God, cannot be broken for it is impossible to break the seal of God and you are sure in me if you are faithful in me, for my promises are yea and amen!
My Laodicean ministers, my gifts to you are neglected by your luke warm ways, and you have quenched the spirit I have given you, and you refuse to open the gifts I have given you, and you let my gifts remain unopened in apathy and neglect. This is not a small matter to take lightly, for it is grave sin to your account, and you are disobedient to my voice. You don’t respect my words, and you don’t respect or teach my ways. For what did I have Paul pen to the young leader of my then newly planted Church, even Timotheus: Despise not the gift that is in you, which was given you through Prophesy, and with laying on of the hands of an elder. These things exercise, and give yourself to them, that it may be seen how you profit in all things.
Oh, that you had read my Words with understanding! Oh, that you would remember my words in faith, but you don’t comprehend and you are faithless! Oh, that you would obey my words, for obedience to me, the Lord Jesus Christ, is obedience to the wellspring of life, and out of your bellies will flow rivers of living water for I have given you my spirit. But instead of reading my Words you stare at your screens in mindless disobedience, from screen to screen you go, entertained by sin! And you are so foolish to think that mindless disobedience is active faith in me, and you have been deceived. You have neglected the gifts I have given you, even the new man, and instead have spent time exercising your old man nature in futility as you seek to satisfy your flesh.
Instead of exercising yourselves in spiritual matters, you in vanity exercise your bodies that are corrupted and perishing, for bodily exercise does profit for but a short season, and your bodies are perishing. For my voice echoes through time since Paul’s letter to Ephesus: Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the Law of Commandments contained in Ordinances, for to make in himself, of twain, one new man, so making peace. Hear me, my children, for I love you and care for your souls, even my lukewarm Laodiceans. For you prefer to walk in your old man and his ways, even your corrupted flesh, for you show your flesh all preference. Instead, you should focus your minds and hearts on me, and my every Word: For man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. For by open-faced obedience to my Words, (even the Word of God, for I am the Word made flesh and I dwell among you and in you) you walk in the spirit and not the flesh.
For I have told the Corinthian Church the following: But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord. My children, my epistles to my Church, (even the love letters I sent to my Bride) are the mirror of your true selves, for your true selves are hid in the great mystery of God. By obedience to my Words and precepts, you will walk in the spirit, and you will give no satisfaction to your corrupted flesh. All scripture is to be respected and learned, but you are a mystery what was hid in God that is now unveiled and you have to study what I revealed to Paul to understand the new creation I am making you in me, Christ Jesus.
My Laodicean ministers, there is utterly a fault among you. You have lost all respect for my Words and you neglect the gifts I have given you to the point you no longer even heal but turn my congregation over to pharmakeia and the scalpel, for if you were obedient to me, I would grant miracles to be done by your hands. But you respect the words of the apostate shepherds over the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach and my Laodicean congregation pays the price for your disobedience, for you no longer care for them, but instead you let them languish in powerless sin. Apostate shepherds are identified by the Words I gave John in his First epistle: Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us: for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out that they might be made manifest, that they were not all of us.
Do you not understand that those controlled by antichrist spirits present another Jesus in place of the true shepherd, even me Christ Jesus? For these are the enemies of the cross of Christ, and they are against me, and they set themselves in place of me, seeking to usurp my authority which is impossible. These have infiltrated your churches, your seminaries, your various institutions, and they control your churches by your consent to operating a 501-c3, for all under such agreement are muzzled by worldly governments. Your 501-c3s show your greed for filthy lucre, for you have prostituted yourselves under the ways of Balaam and you give false words for money, even so you can keep for yourselves all the money my little ones gave you in your tax exempt adultery! You have become a friend of the world and the world is coming for anything attached to my name once the restrainer is removed. You lack spiritual discernment and you are blind! You lack the care to protect the flock from these ravenous wolves for you value titles attached to your names, titles I did not give you, yet you covet them anyway. For I have told you to covet earnestly the best gifts: And yet shew I unto you a more excellent way: a more excellent way which you refuse in your lazy luke warm ways.
You no longer preach sin and repentance from sin, but you preach happy sounding fables that are not of me, and your fables are made up of lying words and lead to false ways for you are nothing more than a story teller who tickles the ears of the slothful. I am talking to you, my apostles: for your eyes are dark and you no longer see my light, and you announce falsehood! I am talking to you my prophets: for you speak for another Jesus and you neglect my Words and you do not know me and you prophesy of a false future! I am talking to you my evangelists: For you evangelize the nations to false doctrines of devils, and you cause them to drink dirty water, for you fill them with unclean spirits! I am talking to you my Pastors: For you care for your own lusts, and you have made your own belly your god with your self-help philosophical trash, you fool you cannot heal my sheep with a lying tongue! I am talking to you my teachers: For you no longer teach the pure Words of my gospel, but you teach words of ecumenical compromise, and there is utterly a fault among you all, my Laodicean ministers. You have all the same malady in common: You no longer respect the precepts in my Word, and you no longer respect the individual Words in my scripture.
You arrogantly think that you are translators because you can cherry-pick meaning from secular lexicons and secular concordances to suit your ends: Books I did not author, for I author scripture through my prophets, for the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus! Translators who speak only one language and you have become laughing stock! Instead, you respect the words of the apostate shepherds, even the worthless tare pretenders. They infiltrated you congregations so they could pretend to be you (for you are the wheat I would gather into my barn if you yet turn to me). But instead they are tares, false brethren who become false ministers who lead you astray. A counterfeit and poisonous plant they are!
These evil ones no longer go out from among my Church that they might be made manifest, but you invite them in and constrain them to sup with you, and honor their false words and lying tongues over the Words I would give you, even the Words of the Living God, even the Words of Yahweh! Yet you merchandise my Words so you may have all the glory and acclaim that belongs to me, your Lord Jesus Christ, and verily you have your reward and I will strip your reward and give it to someone who was faithful in your stead. For you won’t even speak for me any longer, and I have to come to my church as the voice of one crying in the wilderness, for you have shut the door in my face, though I still stand and knock! Utter shame and contempt is on you unless you repent!
Should you ignore my words and not hear my voice, if you continue in your luke warm ways I will leave you to Jacob’s trouble, for I said before to you my Laodiceans, I will spew you out of my mouth unless you repent! And again I stated in regard to that false prophetess Jezebel when I wrote Thyatira, for what did I tell John the Revelator? Notwithstanding, I have a few things against you, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calls herself a Prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication, and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her, into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
Have you not read these words? Are you arrogant enough to think that either Yahweh or Yeshua HaMashiach are respecters of persons? Do you think I respect the titles you give yourselves to hang over my people’s heads, as you lord yourselves over God’s heritage?
Reverend this, Bishop that, had you not neglected my gifts your gift would have made room for you before great men and you wouldn’t need your worthless titles, for I would have honored you and you would’ve honored me but you dishonor me! There is utterly a fault among you and my anger is kindled against you for you have failed the commissions I have given you and instead have become apostate, even leading my little ones into the ditch where you have pitched your tents. You prefer the unclean waters in your ditch over my pure waters of holy spirit of which all who drink will never thirst again!
You offer unclean, filthy water to my little ones in broken cisterns, and my anger is on you! I will strip your reward from you and give it to another, for as I have said regarding you: Verily you have your reward. You have your reward of your preferred seats of self honor, and you have your reward of useless titles, and you have your reward of filthy lucre, and you will have the reward of my anger unless you repent and return to me in humility, for the reward of my anger is wrath and when you present me your wood hay and stubble it will burn to ashes in front of all and you will be found false ministers!
There is utterly a fault amongst all of you, even you my apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers! You no longer hold your selves in saving relationship with me, Jesus Christ, but you have let go of me for I am the head of the body you are to hold me above all else! You CANNOT minister for me if you don’t even know the sound of my voice. You are deaf, and you have permanent ear damage unless you repent, for I will heal your ears from the spirits of slumber so you can hear my voice, for I am speaking to you! Unless you hold me as your head and respect my Words, I will leave you blind and in the ditch with those who led you. You are blind, and you have permanent eye damage unless you repent, for I would heal your eyes from the spirits of slumber so you could read my Words and see my face: but yet a little slumber, yet a little folding of the hands.
You have become a laughingstock and a disgrace for your lukewarm ways profane my holy name. Not only do you not hold me, Christ Jesus, as your head (for if you did, you could speak for me), but you go further into apostasy by profaning my holy Words, for I am the Word made flesh! I ask you, have you not read my warnings? For I testify unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Are you so foolish, deaf and blind that you do not understand that I gave that warning not just for the great book of my revealing, Revelation! But that warning applies to all the holy writings! For my Proverbs cry aloud in the streets for all who have ears to hear: All the words of God are pure & clean, for he is a shield unto all them, that put their trust in him. Put thou nothing therefore unto his words, lest he reprove you and thou be found a liar.
My Laodicean ministers who have befriended the world. My Laodicean ministers, who lord themselves over God’s heritage, giving out that you are some great ones. My Laodicean ministers, who have neglected my spirit I have created in you. My Laodicean ministers, who give yourself worthless titles and handles to attach to your names. My Laodicean ministers: Hear my Words and answer me, for every tongue will confess! Who authorized you to change my Words, even the Word of the Lord that I have given through my messengers? Your ways, oh you slothful Laodicean ministers, are nothing new, for as soon as my letters were circulated to my newborn Churches recorded in Acts and elsewhere, gnostic sects led by gnostic false prophets changed my Words and rewrote scripture for they went out from among my Church that all may know that they were apostate shepherds!
You will reap the rewards of their ways for you have joined yourselves to them, and you live their ways, and you manifest unclean spirits of Jezebel the false prophetess that you call holy! I see your evil works, and they are recorded in the heavens in perfect detail against you! You are to speak the Words I give you, and you are to speak them honestly, with integrity, without changing so much as a Word of any prophecy! I’m not speaking against myself for I have told you: Study to shew yourselves approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth justly. There are many words that have been changed in my writings over the years and if you will study and respect my Words I have given, I will lead you into all truth, for so I have given the comforter.
I will show you, if you will listen to the many voices I have left for you. Follow the texts I gave in Antioch, for they are the voices of many witnesses and my witnesses do not lie and nor do they disagree. Look to the Textus Receptus and stay clear of apostate Bibles: study to understand! But you, my Laodicean ministers, you do not respect my Words and you change my Words to suit your own sordid ends, lecturing my people so they continue in sin, even leading them deeper into your filthy ways! There is utterly a fault among you, and you do not follow my ways, for you are arrogant and hard-hearted, and will leave you to destruction of the flesh unless you repent and change your ways. For I, Jesus Christ, have sent these Words! Only neglect them not, and repent in sack cloth and ashes. Repent publicly to your congregations and confess your sins to those you led astray, for I will take your candlestick from you. Repent and walk uprightly, and I will return your candle with a newly lighted flame, for it is I who will kindle the fire of my spirit in your soul.
Return to your first love, for you do love me, just not according to knowledge. Balk not at my words, for I am coming sooner than you think, for I come as a thief in the night. Even in your error, you think that a thief in the night is someone who sneaks in a window like a criminal. You fool! Oh, that you understood the ways of the Hebrews. The thief in the night was the high priest who came unannounced to see that his priests were faithful in their temple duties, for some duties went overnight until those duties were finished according to law. Should the high priest find a priest under his watch sleeping on duty, he would toss a hot coal into his garments, so the priest would shake off his flaming garments and run out of the temple naked and ashamed. Don’t be asleep when I came, or you will slump before me naked and ashamed in the worst shame imaginable, for I will be ashamed of you and strip you of all reward. My chastisement is on you and my hand is heavy against you and unless you repent you will have great, great trouble that you could have escaped. Repent that I may still set a place for you at my table, and you will join my Bride in marriage to the me, Christ Jesus the Bridegroom.
I am the Word made flesh who dwells among you
I am the good shepherd and my sheep hear my voice
I am the Lamb of God sent for the sins of the world
I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek
I am coming and my reward is with me
I am he that walks among the seven lamp stands and the seven angels
I am the prophet raised up from among the brethren of whom Moses spoke: Hear me voice in obedience
I am he who has given gifts to men, so neglect not the gifts I have given I am coming sooner than you think, prepare yourselves my Bride!
I the Lord Jesus Christ have sent these Words and have become the voice of one crying in the wilderness for my Laodicean Church is luke warm and will soon be naked and ashamed unless they repent and I stand at the door and knock just a short moment longer! There are no more numbers on the clock for the numbers have fallen and no more grains of sand are to be found once the final grain flows through the hourglass and its about to drop.
Woe to You Apostate Shepherds!
May 4, 2024
Woe to you apostate shepherds, for you have planted your false churches across the lands, and you do not speak for me and nor did I commission you in the works you took to yourselves. And you have made money your God, for you trust in filthy lucre, and you have taught my people that material gain is godliness. Woe to you apostate shepherds, for the words of Jeremiah describe you accurately: A wild ass used to the wilderness, that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure; in her occasion who can turn her away? For your adulteries and fornication are with evil, for you have chosen the Satans as your god, and those worthless princes are no gods. You are false ministers who pose as ministers of righteousness, and no wonder, for Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
Woe to you apostate shepherds for you have planted churches who have made my sweet waters of life as bitter wormwood, that you serve to those whom I have called, lukewarm dirty water that is bitter to the belly. Even your bitter waters are served in broken cisterns, and you are powerless though you boast of great power. You have polluted the lands with false doctrines and built your false churches as spiritual prisons that are corrupted by your government for you have sold my flock into the hand of the enemy, therefore, come out of her now my people! Your worthless apostate churches are used as control centers where you will bring death and destruction to those left behind and you will pay.
You have made Remphan you God, you serve Baal, you sacrifice children to Moloch, you are utterly corrupt, you are wells without water, empty vessels suited for destruction for your inheritance is burning brimstone, and you will be in that great lake with your Father the devil. You are false apostles, false prophets, false evangelists, false pastors and false teachers and those whom you convert to your pernicious ways are made twice the child of hell as you, for you are of a corruption that utterly corrupts. For Steven foreshadowed of your ways when he spoke of your ancestors, even the tares that plagued
Israel, for he said: Yea, ye took up the Tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your God Remphan, figures which ye made, to worship them. You apostate shepherds even shamelessly fly the star of Remphan which you ignorantly associate with David, my ancestor, for I Jesus Christ am so descended, and I will rule from the throne of David in righteousness for I am he who is given just such a rule, for I will rule the earth in righteousness!
Woe to you apostate shepherds, I will repay you to the uttermost for all of your evil speeches and all of your evil ways will be returned on your own heads for all eternity.
For you will join the devil and his angels in their inheritance from the Most High God, even Yahweh, has prepared a great lake of unquenchable fire for you. You have denied salvation to those who searched, but know I will save them and you will pay. You have denied my spirit to those who would confess my name by giving them false words to speak and silly, vain and repetitive prayers that do not save. Hear me my people, salvation comes by declaring Jesus as your Lord and believing that God raised me from the dead and only in a saving relationship with me can you be saved, for I withhold the seal of God from those who confess my name from a faithless heart for I search the hearts and try the reins.
You arrogantly think because you call me Lord in front of your hijacked congregation that I know you? I will say to you on that day depart from me, you workers of iniquity, for I never knew you! You teach lies for truth, and you lead those seeking me, the Lord Jesus Christ, astray into a corrupt foolish gospel, for there is no other gospel: For good news is in me, Christ Jesus! Your vain babblings are about to end, and my wrath is hot on you, and you will not escape. I see every blasphemous action you take, I hear every blasphemous word you speak in my name, for you are a pretender. You pretend you speak my words, as you pretend I sent you with your pretend stories and your pretend miracles and your pretend staged healings, for you are a pretender!
Woe to you apostate shepherds, for you steal from those who would come to me, telling them lies that they are required by God to give you money. You ignorantly twist my holy Scripture, telling those you led astray that they have to tithe to you. For what did I tell Paul when he wrote those at Corinth: But this I say, He which soweth sparingly, shall reap sparingly: and he which soweth bountifully, shall reap bountifully. Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. But no, you teach lies for truth and steal from my people even sending the money you collect for Satans purposes, and you will pay, for my anger is red-hot on you because you lead people who seek me, Jesus Christ, away from salvation to destruction. But know this, apostate shepherds, you will never pluck not one of these from my hands for all whom the father has given me I only lost one, the son of perdition even Judas because he chose his own destruction over life in me! Your works and labors are in vain, oh Apostate shepherds, you have treasured great judgment and wrath on yourselves. For I spoke of your ancestors ways, and you are them which devour widows houses, and for a pretense make long prayers: YOU shall receive greater damnation!
Woe to you apostate shepherds, you have led my people to support world governments that are not of me, though the earth is mine. Oh, you apostate shepherds, you point my people to world leaders who are of the devil, telling them that they are sent of God. You lead people astray into thinking that I will not bless them unless they bless those who commit genocide on the innocent. But what have I said in scripture concerning you, for this is not new, and many came before you in deception though you are foolish enough to think you are an original. Hear me my children for I am exposing this evil for your sakes, for my scripture says: Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. Your worldly sermons, your worldly practices, your worldly conspiracy with Satan, will all come to an abrupt end, and you will not rise again. But you my Bride are mine, and these words are not for you, for you will enter into the pleasure of your Lord, even me Christ Jesus.
I speak now to the congregations of the apostate churches led by apostate shepherds, even you my congregation of Laodicea. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot, I would, you were cold or hot. For Paul wrote to Timothy about you and others like you: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. So many of you attend these apostate churches under social pressures and to feign effort that you are searching for me, Christ Jesus, which you are surely not.
You desire to be entertained for entertainment is your desire, and entertainment has become your idol! And you won’t hear me, Jesus Christ, nor will you listen to any of my messengers except your ears are tickled, but my Words do not tickle ears! You apostate congregations: Hear me and hear me well, for I said in the great book of Revelation: And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues: For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Come out of her, or you will share in her plagues and judgment, for the time has come. To my Laodiceans: Leave your apostate churches now for the time is at hand, and I am warning you, though many of you are too lazy to act on my words.
Don’t hesitate at my warning, for what did I give John to write in his second letter? Whosoever transgresses and abides not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God: he that abides in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him, God speed. For he that biddeth him God speed, is partaker of his evil deeds. But you
Laodiceans are so disobedient that you ignore these Words and instead of wishing them God speed, which is bad enough, you go further into evil and invite them into your houses and give them access to your children, and you are utterly at fault before me, so
For of a truth, you opened your doors to the world and its ways you let the wolves in, even the lowest of the low, to feed on my children, and unless you repent you will pay. Repent or I will come against you, for you are partakers of their evil deeds, and you are in disobedience to me, Christ Jesus, even he who will strip you of your reward and give it to another if you continue to ignore me. For my grace and mercy are about to end and wrath will abide in its place, though grace and mercy are ever with me and whosever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. For you can have no fellowship with the unfruitful ways of darkness, but you are to reprove them.
But you are so naive to think because someone lies and blasphemously uses my name holy name on their unholy works that they are sent by me and speak my Words. Hear my Words, for by their fruits will you know them! Return to my pure Word of God and learn of me, for you do not know me and my voice is foreign to you, and you have not the Father because you have not the son. Turn to me in repentance and I will receive you. Sit in sackcloth and ashes in your hearts and bring yourselves low that I may exalt you! I called you to overcome and now is your last chance to overcome these apostate shepherds and their evil ways, for I am coming, and I bring great wrath on Secret Babylon.
Time is a luxury you no longer possess. You cannot be lazy any longer, or you will find yourselves in Jacob’s trouble, when I would have set a place for you at my table and wed you as my bride, but you are unfaithfully in the arms of another, even Satan! So come to me so I may restore you to your reward. It’s not enough to hit the exits in disgust you must repent of this wickedness and change your ways and confess these sins to me and I will cleanse you in my atoning blood and wipe the stains from you in my perfect purity, for I am clean and my garments as white as the fresh snow. Return to me and forever will you be with me, come out and come to my outstretched arms for I am here to tell you that you do not have any time to waste.
To my faithful Bride who have listened to my voice and followed my ways: To you I say, continue in your faithfulness to me and if any of you have a foot in the door of the Laodicean Church I command you to take it out of the doorway and let the door shut! For you cannot do what your Lord will not! Have you not read my letter to the Laodicean church in Revelation? Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Notice, I did not say I will come into the Church of Laodicea, but if any man in the Laodicean Church hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and sup with him, not his former apostate church, though I am calling them as well if they will only listen. My Bride, the servant is not greater than his master, so follow my ways.
My Bride, I am almost there to catch you away into the heavens so continue to prepare yourselves and continue to announce my coming. For I have sent many of you in the work of John the Baptist to announce my coming and call for repentance, I have sent many of you in the work of Peter to shepherd and feed the flock, I have sent some of you as stewards of the great mystery of God, in the work of Paul the Apostle (and other stewards of the mystery), I have sent many of you in the Work of Phillip the evangelist so preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine, I have sent some of you in the work of the Apostle John, who was also a pastor and cared for the flock with love, tenderness, and compassion even healing the hurts inflicted on my sheep by the evil one. Doubt it not, for I have sent you in their works for the time is at hand for I am about to marry my Bride, for I am coming for you my loves! Finish your courses for I am near. Time is up.
I am Jesus the Nazarene
I am he who will rule from the throne of David, for so am I descended
I am exposing this evil though Satan wants it to remain secret
I am warning you, though many of you are too lazy to act on my words
I am coming, and I bring great wrath on Secret Babylon I am clean and my garments as white as the fresh snow I am here to tell you that you do not have time to waste.
I am calling, especially you my Laodicean Church
I am almost there to catch you away into the heavens I am about to marry my Bride I am coming for you my loves!
I am near and I love you dearly, you are at the center of my heart
I am your hope and salvation, even the Lord of Lords and King of Kings I am Yeshua HaMashiach
I Have Given You Great Hope!
May 3, 2024
Come to me and hear my words, my Bride, for I am here to sooth your souls, comfort your hearts, and make you whole in me, Christ Jesus. Faint not at my Words of reproof, for whom I love I chasten that your calling and election may be sure in me the Bridegroom, even Christ Jesus. My children, lean your ears into my voice and hear my Words, for I have not called you to judgment and condemnation, but have declared you righteous in me, even your Lord Jesus Christ. Have you not heard what Paul told the Corinthians in his first letter? And now abides faith, hope and love, even these three: but the chiefest of these is love. And so love is the greatest of these three for Yahweh’s love cannot be conquered, Yahweh’s love is the glue that binds, it’s the great motivator and to give freely as you have freely received is being an imitator of God!
So many of you have lost hope, even your hope in me Jesus Christ, for I have given you great hope, My children, understand that the thief would confuse you and lead you astray, but God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all the Churches of the saints. Satan has endeavored to obfuscate my precepts that I have given in my revelation of the Great Mystery of God to the Apostle Paul these many times past now. My children, your hope is the very concept that keeps you motivated to endure the many trials and tribulations you have in this life. For without your hope, you would be, as Paul declared to the Corinthians: If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. My children, I have given you great hope for your hope for I have said: you which are alive and remain will be caught up in the clouds as the dead in Christ will rise first, and you will all be changed for so will you be like me evermore and so will my Bride be with me forever more.
For what is your hope in Christ, my Children? Is it not the promise of full redemption and restoration, where you will see heaven and the majesty and glory of Yahweh with your own eyes? Is your hope not a future where you will serve me in my kingdom of Righteousness, for as you have been faithful over a few things, so I will make you ruler over many things. Is not your hope the promise of eternal life where you will eat from the tree of life and walk the streets of New Jerusalem where the light of Yahweh, and the light of Yeshua HaMashiach will forever shine in glorious brightness? Is your hope not a glory of many crowns and rewards for your faithfulness and love towards me, Christ Jesus? Is not your hope a hope of perfect health, no more sickness nor disease? Is not your hope that I will subject your enemies under your feet and to even make the synagogue of Satan bow at your feet? (for they will know I have loved you!) Is not your hope one of everlasting joy in the presence of Yahweh himself, for he will make his dwelling among men and no longer will there be a divided Kingdom but the Kingdom of God only, for there is none greater than Yahweh, no, none can compare to the splendor of the great eternal God, even out Father!
Rejoice in your future, my children, for I have given you a future and a holy purpose in me, your shining Lord! Is not your hope a great hope where you are saved from wrath in me? For yours is even the greatest hope, the hope spoken of by my chosen vessel the Apostle Paul, the very steward of the great Mystery of God? For I revealed to Paul what he wrote to the Colossians: Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages, and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints, To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Yours is a glorious hope fit for a King, for I will make you Kings
and Priests before our God, for I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek and there will be no other.
My little ones, fear not the lies of the enemy for he would exhaust you in futility if only he could, but he has met his match in me and I have defeated him fully, and I am coming to destroy his kingdom for I was sent to undo the works of the devil, and so I have sent you! The ancient serpent and all of his kingdom have no hope. They know they are condemned to everlasting destruction and punishment, where they will burn in the hottest flames of blue as they swim in burning brimstone forever more. They are jealous of you and would give anything to be you, so don’t listen to their words. Hear me, my Bride, Satan will do anything to lead you from your reward in me, Christ Jesus. He will do anything to cloak your hope that I have given you, and so his methods in this category many times are to cheapen the concept through counterfeiting the truth and by way of his lying tongue.
Fear him not, but depart from his lies and keep your true hope in mind, for have you not read? The spirit itself bears witness, with our spirit, that we are the children of God. And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ: if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon, that the sufferings of this present time, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. My children, if only you understood the magnitude of what it means to be a joint heir with Christ, but you will soon know even as you are known. Do you not understand that
God has given me all things in heaven and earth, and my inheritance is the greatest inheritance? My children, you simply don’t know your true selves for your true selves are hidden in me and when I shall appear so shall you appear with me in glory!
Fear not and stay steadfast in your love and faith, for your hope will cause you to walk in great endurance, for what did my hope and joy the Father set before me cause me to accomplish? For Hebrews says: looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Have I not left you an example, and have I not become the type you should follow? Do you not understand? That he that believes in me will not only do the works that I accomplished during my first coming, but greater works than those I did? Because I have gone to the Father and I have empowered you and stand for you with all my might, for I am mighty, for so God has made me in my obedience. My people, these words should encourage you and give you strength to stand, for I have set great joy before you! Do not believe the enemies lies regarding your hope for he would try to leave you hopeless and trampled underfoot, and even in your infirmities you are made mighty in me, your Lord Jesus Christ! I will now summarize your future, my bride, so incline your ears to the Words of my mouth for they are words of faith, they are words of love, and my words will rekindle your hope in the truth for great hope is in the truth I have given you!
First understand that I have called you, I have saved you in my spirit of power and sonship, I have made you a new creation in me, Christ Jesus! On account of my sacrifice as the perfect Passover, all who believe on me in saving faith proceeding from their hearts will also be saved from wrath in me. My children, understand that these words are too wonderful for most people for their sins beat them down into guilt, condemnation, and shame, and this happens because they many times refuse to cleanse themselves in my atoning blood, and they neglect to confess their sins, and they neglect their relationship with me, the Prince of peace, for salvation comes from relational faith in me, the great lord!
So many of you do not understand that I have justified you and as a result of that justification in me, you are saved from wrath, for I told the Romans: Much more then being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Answer me this, my Bride whom I am coming for, why do you desire the day of the Lord? Why have you listened to Satans ministers who costume themselves as my ministers when they tell you have to endure Jacob’s trouble and even the great tribulation which occurs during the last half of the seventieth week? They lie to you and you believe them. They appeal to your sin nature telling you that you are worthless when you are the pearl of great price, they tell you that you are worthy of great wrath in me and they do lie! They tell you that you shouldn’t expect to be delivered from tribulation, and they misquote my holy Word.
For of a truth I told Paul the following to instruct Timothy: Persecutions, afflictions which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution. And verily, Satan will pursue all who live godly lives and out of all his persecutions I will deliver you when you turn to me in your troubles and remain faithful in your hope. Understand the difference, for Satan has confused the matter: Satan will persecute all who live godly and that is persecution and many times you have to endure his wrath for in his defeat he has great anger, but fear not his roar, for I instructed Peter, saying: Be sober, and watch: for your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren which are in the world.
Understand, my children, that the wrath to come is not Satans wrath but the wrath of God and the wrath of the Lamb intended for Satan. For Satan is a coward who slithered his way all throughout the creation to try and hide himself from the wrath he has treasured, thinking he could defeat Yahweh in such matters, but the Father’s purposes are stated thusly: Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? From whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay: lest while you gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. So shall the wheat be gathered in the barn, but the tares and all those who planted and watered them will be cast alive into that great lake of fire and brimstone my Father has prepared for the devil and his angels, but not part of God’s wrath is for you, though Satan will try to shield himself behind you and will seek to carry you away captive as spoil. Fear not, for wrath is not for you. I understand many unstable souls wrest this parable telling you that you will endure wrath with them, but they do so by ignoring scripture’s clear order on the matter, and they endeavor to blind you with by misquoting my parable.
Understand that I will snatch you away into the heavens for I have prepared a place of safety and reward for my Bride, for in my Father’s house will I hide you and there are many mansions. So yes, I will gather you together to me at my appearing, which is about to happen. For I stated to the Thessalonians: For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive, and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort one another with these words. I ask you, my lied to bride, will you now reject the lies of Satan and cling to my Words and take comfort in them and comfort your brethren? For so, it soon shall be and I long for your presence for I love you dearly, for I am your bridegroom.
Once you are taken from the earth Jacobs trouble will break across the earth and great destruction will come suddenly, but it is not for you, as you will be taken to the heavens. And then shall you stand before my judgment-seat that I may reward you according to your works, and to the faithful is great reward and many crowns, and you will be clothed in a house I have made for, even a house that will be tailored just to you and will contain your many accomplishments and I will endue with many abilities for so is the new body I have waiting for you. No sickness, no pain, no sorrow and no more curse my Children, for the curse will turn on the heads of the accursed. And so will you be in the heavens for that 7-year period, even Daniel’s seventieth week. And then, you will ride with me as will all the host of heaven for it is prophesied and so will it be: And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true, and in righteousness he does judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, and he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called, The word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
My children, yours is a future of immeasurable glory, and you will never want again for you have proven yourselves to me, and you require no further testing, so why would you need to endure Jacob’s trouble, for its purpose is to save Jacob, for a remnant shall be saved. But rest assured, those who deny my appearing in their futile efforts to dash your true hope, even those same wayward shepherd will endure Jacobs trouble, and they will be saved if they call on my name and are faithful to the end, but they will not have a place at my table for to deny my appearing is to deny me, the Bridegroom when I come for my bride, and I am about to do just that.
Look for the brightness of my appearing! Listen for you will hear my voice and the mighty trumpet blast of the last trump for though I am the lamb of God, I am coming as the lion of Judah and all Satans kingdom is gripped in fear of ME, for their times have come, and the flames are stoked hot for them. But it will not come near you, for I have prepared great reward and great inheritance for you, my bride. Read my words in the great Revelation for I will show you a glimpse of your future: And round about the Throne were four and twenty seats, and upon the seats I saw four and twenty Elders sitting, clothed in white raiment, and they had on their heads crowns of gold. (and again) And when those beasts give glory, and honor, and thanks to him that sat on the Throne, who lives forever and ever, The four and twenty Elders fall down before him that sat on the Throne, and worship him that lives for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the Throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are, and were created.
My children, fear not your future, but look to me in great anticipation, for very soon you will be in the heavens casting your crowns before the throne of the most high God!
I am the righteous Judge and soon you will receive great reward at my Bema I am the Bridegroom to my bride I am coming to catch away my Bride!
I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the world is about to understand
I am he that is given preeminence in heaven and earth for my name is greater than all names except Yahweh
I am the son of God come in the flesh for the sins of mankind and I was raised the third day and received into the heavens
I am he who will rule in righteousness on the earth and my Bride will rule with me I am he who has called you to glory and virtue so faint not! I am.
Look for my appearing! אתפוס אותך אחר כך (etfos otha ahar kah – Ill catch you later)
I Will Heal Your Faith, says the Great Lord!
May, 2 2024
Behold! I, even I, Christ Jesus the risen Lord and savior of the world have a question for you my bride. Will you answer me honestly? Will you be able to provide an answer to me suitable for the record of truth? So, I will ask you: When the son of man comes, suppose ye, that I shall find faith on earth? Obviously this is a rhetorical question, but if you had to stand at my call to answer, what would it be? Would you speak to me of your faith and how marvelous it is? Will you tell me of your positive thoughts, whereby you foolishly think you control the world by your thoughts? Do you not realize that the most basic tenets in my faith, even the faith of Jesus Christ, even those most basic tenets have been counterfeited and redefined as falsehoods? But you foolishly say: “Oh, God would never let that happen!” As to which, I ask you, how well do you know God? Are you his counselor? Will you stand forth and command Yahweh? Will you stand forth and command me, Yeshua HaMashiach, to do your bidding? Yet many of you foolishly try to do just that, for you have been deceived in a very grievous manner.
You have allowed false prophets, even the very tares Satan has planted in his false Churches (that are not of me), these very same false prophets whom my brother Jude spoke as I inspired my Words in his heart and as I moved his spirit within him in holy inspiration: Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam, for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah. These false ones walk openly among you and many of you follow them thinking instead you are following me, for they are counterfeit, and they try to mimic my voice so that the naive among my sheep might follow them into great error, of which they are. For what else did Jude say of these worthless ones? These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds, trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame, wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.
I know the counterfeit is convincing to some of you, for some of you do not truly know me but endeavor to worship Yahweh and follow me, your Lord Jesus Christ, via the tenets of the prosperity gospel. Make no mistake: The prosperity gospel is a lie and I never gave myself as your Passover lamb so you could gather riches to yourselves: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Many of you have followed one of many counterfeit gospels, but there is no other gospel. Many of you have followed one of many counterfeit Christs, but there is no other Christ but me, Yeshua HaMashiach. I say to you plainly, you have been deceived and many of you have traded the true faith of Jesus Christ for a false faith. A false faith and a lying faith where the very word faith (have I not given you the true Word of Faith?) no longer means trust, belief, and steadfastness in Yahweh your Father and me, Jesus Christ your Lord, but has been redefined to worthless extremes and fairy tales and occultic magickal thinking. You have let the worthless ones lead you astray and your churches have been infiltrated by Satanists, the very tares the evil one planted among you.
These extremes boil down to positive and negative thinking, and you foolishly think that whatever you meditate on long enough will come to pass, as if God had placed his power and favor to those with the most false faith, where you command the elements by your thinking. Do you not understand that all who practice such vanities are caught and ensnared and held captive to their lusts and these falsehoods, even chained to failure, for you are ignorantly following Satan’s ways? Understand it was the fallen angels, yes the Satans and the watchers who joined them, who taught mankind witchcraft, root cutting, spells, and enchantments and many evil men have infiltrated my Laodicean church and have carried away many as spoil who have believed their lies.
This has happened because many in my Laodicean Church refuse to stand and fight in righteousness so you may overcome evil with good! Let me help you understand the truth. None of you have any power and ability of yourselves, for it is in your weakness when you finally realize the futility of your own efforts. Then, many times, you understand that when you rely on me, Christ Jesus, and follow my directions in the path I have chosen for you, that you rely on me and my power and have full faith in me. For I will prove to all of you in my own way, when you stay meek to my voice and turn when I tell you to, that in your own efforts and power you are nothing but a grain of sand in the desert, lost with the storms, and I did not die to rescue sand but the red earth of Adam, for I am the last Adam, and I am a life giving spirit. However, in me Christ Jesus, you are powerful and unstoppable for you have this treasure in earthen vessels and I will grant many miracles, signs, wonders and the like at your hands when you have relational faith in me, Jesus Christ, instead of faith in yourselves. Please allow me to lead you and quit the lies of the fallen ones, for by their actions great wrath is treasured against them in the day of wrath, whereby their end is consumed in fire and burning brimstone.
Understand how this deception was achieved because in recent Jubilees there was a false enlightenment where those whom your society reckons great rejected God in favor of their own futile reasoning. They even made an idol of Reason during their revolution,
are you ignorant of history? These wells without water with their corrupted and vain philosophies disallowed God and erroneously taught that God was a mere passive observer who is not really interested in mankind but provides all from afar and let’s man figure it out, with God’s favor going to the strongest sorcerer amongst them. Then, over time, many unstable souls, even the very tares of Satan, infiltrated my Laodicean Church to consummate their lies in the proper times and season. They infiltrated you with good words and fair speeches and taught the power of magickal thinking to my Bride, and many amongst my Body greedily followed them, for their greed was piqued.
These evil sons of Satan stealthily mingled witchcraft into my doctrines and achieved to pollute my holy Word with leaven, except my Word cannot be polluted by their fictions, for their lies stand on lies. Do you not understand that a little leaven leavens the entire lump? Do you not understand that the leaven of Herod and the leaven of the Pharisees are not the only ways of corruption? For you have been enchanted by the leaven of Christian Witchcraft! Therefore, REPENT! For what did I tell the Corinthians by the Apostle Paul’s hand? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us. Hear my Words! So these brute beasts, these wells without water, even the worthless and toxic tares preached and started their own fake Christian sects, cults even, stealing many of those who would follow them from the true Church, where I care for my Bride in love and grace and mercy, leading them from me into false houses of Worship secretly dedicated to Baal, for your nation is Secret Babylon!
As if this wasn’t bad enough, there were many powerful and wealthy sorcerers who paid much money and spent much effort ascribing their lies into fake Bibles. The brought out Alexandrian, gnostic texts, causing my Church to become double minded from the single focus of the texts I preserved from Antioch. Even certain reference Bibles where these lies were added to the margins. These books were then introduced into your corrupt seminaries and became the default study Bibles for these false prophets who have falsely preached lies ever since, and they will pay to the fullest. Since that time your lands are filled with false Churches led by ravenous wolves, and still so many of my sheep erroneously think they can keep company with wolves. Your fake churches are houses of blasphemy, they are houses of entertainment where they sing praises to Satan right in front of you, and you lack the spiritual discernment to see. There are many Lords amongst the devil’s kingdom, and they sing Lord, Lord to them, except when they say to me Lord, Lord I will say depart from me, you workers of iniquity for I never knew you.
To make matters worse they took the blasphemous prosperity gospel and further morphed it by introducing self-help psychology, and what have I said regarding such matters: Beware lest any man come and spoil you through philosophy and deceitful vanity, through the traditions of men, and ordinances after the world, and not after Christ. These fake churches are corrupt with no redeeming value and many are founded by evil builders who are free from me the chief cornerstone and all their structures will fall into the shifting sand. These are blasphemous builders and false stone cutters and false bricklayers who have rejected the chief cornerstone, and they have no truth in them! They even flaunt their symbols in your so-called houses of Worship, where they mock you openly. Hear the Proverb I have for you, for it is true and will bring true enlightenment to your souls: A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. He winks with his eyes, he speaks with his feet, he teaches with his fingers. Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually, he soweth discord. And so they are and so they do before your very eyes but you cannot see for you are blinded in their false doctrines and froward ways.
My children, come out from among them and separate yourselves for what concord has Christ with Belial. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, and utterly separate yourselves from them. For you, my Laodicean Church, even you are lukewarm and spineless and these are not my ways not in the least, for I chased the money changers out of the temple in my zeal for Yahweh. Return to me, Jesus Christ, the true shepherd and physician of your souls, and learn of me. For positive confessions and worthless positive thinking are not of me, but lies whispered to you by false apostles, even the very ministers of Satan who have transformed themselves into the ministers of righteousness. Run to me my little ones for times is up, and you ignorantly think you have all the time in the world, and you have just a short few minutes to repent and return to me in humility that I still might yet set a place for you at my table and that I might still open a door in the heavens for you that you may enter into the pleasure of your Lord!
For many of you think you will be gathered to me when you live these lies and when you eat the filth the false prophets feed you, blasphemously in my name. Know that I didn’t send them and their words are not of me and if you don’t depart from them, you will have to prove yourselves to me in much trial and testing during Jacob’s trouble which has come upon the entire world and is about to be unleashed! Look on me in your spirit, focus for you can sense the birth pangs in your spirit, for I am calling you home and my bride is about to be delivered. Behold, I leave with you the letter I sent to you, my Laodiceans, for in these words are illuminated the path to return to me and if you will but hearken I will restore your reward to you, and you will sup with me at my table in the heavens that I have prepared for my Bride.
And unto the messenger of the congregation, which is in Laodicea write: Thus saith (Amen) the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creatures of God I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou were cold or hot. So then because thou art between both, and neither cold nor hot. I will, spew you out of my mouth:
because thou art rich and increased with goods, and hast need of nothing, and knowest not how thou art wretched and miserable, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, that thy filthy nakedness do not appear, and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be fervent, therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door. I will come in unto him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcomes, will I grant to sit with me in my seat even as I overcame and have sat with my father, in his seat.
I am he that walks amongst the seven lamp stands and return to me lest I take your candle stick from you
I am the good shepherd who gave himself for the flock
I am he that will rule the earth from Davids throne and will smite the nations with a rod of iron
I am he who is worthy to take the book and break the seals
I am he who commands the Angel ascending from the East, having the seal of the living
God for they will seal my 144,000 even the servants of the living God
I am he who will stand on Mount Zion with my 144,000, and they will sing a new song that no man can learn
I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings and I do come to make war on the kings of the earth, for their time has come
I am he who is coming for my Bride for my appearing is at hand Ready yourselves, my Bride!
Hear Me and Hear Me Well!
May 1, 2024
Hear me and hear me well, you false prophets who would pervert my holy Word, for you are not of me, and you have not my holy spirit, and you have attacked my Bride, even my Church whom I have called! Hear and heed my warning, oh you faithless and crooked and perverse nation, for you will answer for every evil act! Hear my words of warning, those who lead my Church astray, for my wrath is hot against you, for I am the Lamb of God! For many of you will hide yourselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains, And you will say to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?
For the World will see my appearing and great shaking will come on all and sudden destruction will overtake the earth as my Bride is snatched away into safety, for I will remove the restrainer and all evil will be completely unrestrained and great judgment will be cast down from the heavens, just as it is written in that great book of my revealing, even the book of Revelation! So I declare judgment against you, all who would pollute my Church, your days are numbered, and soon your hearts will fail you when my wrath is revealed. You worthless false prophets who have infiltrated my Church, you have taught syncretized witchcraft and occultism with my holy Word and holy ways, and you will pay.
You have caused my little ones to sin and be taken in great troubles, that I will return to you a hundred-fold in my judgment on you. You have redefined words in my holy writings, you have counterfeited my holy writings by rewriting them and changing the Words of the Eternal God, even Yahweh’s words, and you will pay for all eternity. You have introduced corrupted texts into my Church in the same way your worthless ancestors poisoned wells and have poisoned the very foods given for mankind’s sustenance, and you will pay for all eternity. Every idol word you have spoken, every last denomination of filthy lucre you store to your own demise, every evil thought you have ever had, every evil motivation you ever pursued will be presented to you, and you will pay, even to the uttermost farthing and you will in no way be able to stand before me and you will take your place in the flames my Father has prepared for the devil and his angels.
But understand you are no marvel and there are no surprises in you for you are false Apostles, deceitful workers, transforming yourselves into the Apostles of Christ. And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their work: For so I have written to Corinth! You will continue your works filling up your sins to the fullest and filling eternity to the fullest with your own punishment and torment, for my anger is fierce against you, and you will join your fathers in the fire for you are the tares amongst the wheat and I will root you out to the uttermost for my Father, even Yahweh has declared you will never have root nor inheritance, for your seed is of the evil one, and you are all murderers and liars for what did I tell your fathers in Judea these many Jubilees past? You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do: he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Know this, all you who have been born in blasphemy, even the blasphemy against Yahweh as your worthless fathers tried to morph the image of God of which Adam was created into abominations made for mankind’s destruction and your days are almost up. For which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers. You will not escape, no matter how far you go into the earth to hide from my wrath, my wrath will find you for nothing can be hid from my sight and the earth is mine and the fullness thereof, for I have purchased it in my own blood, that your ancestors blasphemously spilled, even sealing your own fate in the fires. Even I, Christ Jesus the ascended and glorified one, I am coming for you, and you will not escape.
Hear me, oh you fallen ones, even all of you who pierced me for you said to yourselves we have defeated Yahweh and killed his son whom he sent against us to subdue the earth, and we are victorious forever for Yeshua is dead, and you foolishly rejoiced! You arrogant fools with no understanding! You didn’t understand that God would raise me up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that I should be holden of it. You only bruised my heel, and you are powerless against me, and you understood not that the most high, even your creator, Yahweh, only showed you the worthless mysteries!
For he knew you would turn on him and his creation and would try to take what he prepared for me, the Lord Jesus Christ, and my meek ones shall inherit the earth, for the earth is mine and the fullness thereof. For you have taught mankind forbidden knowledge, you taught war, you led women astray in beautifying of the eyelids with painted faces to fulfill your lusts on them, you corrupted the Garden of God by planting tares amongst the wheat and every tare you planted for all time will be rooted out, bound, and cast into the fire with you! For you were defeated where I freely gave myself for the salvation of mankind, and God raised me from the dead to die no more!
But you were so unwise to not understand that I would give my life out of the Love of God he created in me, for I am the savior of the World! Yahweh’s love cannot be conquered for Yahweh is unconquerable, and nowhere in creation is any being like him, for he is the most high and his brightness and majesty is all powerful from eternity to eternity! For I told you, “this that thou doest do quickly!” You ignorantly and arrogantly did not understand that I allowed myself to be taken by your worthless hirelings who did the dirty deed of slaying the innocent blood! In your haughty ignorance, you failed to realize that I had 12 legions of Angels at my command, for at any time I could have stopped you. But how else was the will of Yahweh to come to pass? Except by my love and obedience to my Father: For Yahweh’s love can no one overcome! No, not in heaven and not in earth, not in any way and not ever!
You fallen ones, even you princes of this fallen world, you Satans, you will all burn in unquenchable fire for your unholy hatred and your deeply evil ways of disobedience and destruction. As you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers, you did it to me. Oh, you fallen watchers, even you disobedient angels who left your first estate, you have no peace! You will be cast into the fire of which you will never depart, and you will utterly burn. All of your abominable unholy tares that you planted by crossing Yahweh’s boundaries in your genetic manipulations between man and angel, between man and beast, between man and sea creatures, between beasts of various kinds even every abominable thing that you have made will be cast into the fire with you, for you have no peace nor forgiveness!
You have followed the Satans who tried to destroy Yahweh’s creation, even to the point of murdering me Jesus Christ when I willingly gave myself into his hands as the perfect Passover for the World, thereby sealing mankind’s redemption, and sealing your fate to eternity in the great fires that can never be quenched! You will utterly pay for all of your sins and abominations and every evil deed you ever did will be turned on you a hundredfold for all will be recompensed according to their works and all your evil ways will be repaid on your own heads many times over, for you thought you could defeat me, and you arrogantly still think you can win when you are utterly defeated.
Hear my words, oh ancient serpent, for your judgment is upon you and I see your fear, for you fear your future more than anything, oh you worthless toothless lion! Vengeance is mine, and I will repay, and your times have come. The wrath of God and the wrath of the lamb are about to be unleashed as I will break the seven seals, as seven angels are sent to sound the trumpet judgments, and the seven Angels are sent who have the seven last plagues, and they will be unleashed, for in them is filled up the wrath of God. Many woes will overtake you all, as I utterly punish and dismantle your kingdom. Your great king will I defeat and your false prophet will I defeat, and they will be cast alive into the lake of fire that burns with brimstone and there they will wait for you to join them, and there will you ever be engulfed in fire and brimstone and your judgment is about to begin!
My Bride, fear not! My Words of judgment are not for you but for your comfort, for I have saved you from the wrath that is about to be unleashed, and I will hide you away in safety and great reward and forever will you be with me. For I have chosen you, for I have called you, and you are my greatest treasure, and you are Yahweh’s greatest treasure, you are even the pearl of great price for I have given my all for you. I counsel my bride to seek discernment and come to me for wisdom, for I will teach you. For some of you have followed some of the ways of these false prophets, only turn back in repentance to your Lord and I will receive you.
For they have enticed you with Christian witchcraft, and you have believed many lies sold to you, even told you for truth, but they are abominable lies. These wells without water have tried to pull you from me, and that is impossible, so fear not, for I will not be denied! I will continue to free you so you are free indeed, and I will not be silenced! I fight for you in so many, many ways you are unaware. For you were all marked before you were born, for the Father knew you even in your mother’s womb, and he waited on each and every one of you for a length of time you cannot comprehend, and you have always been at the center of his heart. You were marked at birth and my angels kept you at my command and have guarded you and protected you, for so are they sent. Does this surprise you? Will you listen to what the Hebrews have to say? But to which of the Angels said he at any time, sit on my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them, who shall be heirs of salvation?
My Bride, you are heirs of salvation in me Jesus Christ. You have been called in me, you have been protected in me and by me, you have been given the chance to hear the preaching of faith regarding me so you could make me your Lord and therefore, I have sealed you with that holy spirit of promise. Know, that seal cannot be broken, and you are about to be fully redeemed into eternity, for you have no idea of the fullness of the creative work that I am about to consummate in you, my Bride! Know that the fallen ones and their tares are jealous of you, and they hate whatever Yahweh loves, and I will avenge you fully on their heads, for I am the one who will wound that ancient serpents head for it has been declared and what Yahweh declares cannot be changed.
Nobody can separate you from me, no amount of evil can break that seal, you are mine, and you are the Fathers for all that the Father gives me I will give back to God that we may be all in all! And he has given me all things in heaven and earth, except in his throne he is greater than I! I, Christ Jesus, declare these words to you, and it is I Jesus Christ who pronounces judgment on your enemies and I will bring it to pass to the uttermost farthing. My Bride, my love for you is unquenchable, and I have prepared a place for you, for in my Father’s house are many mansions! So very soon you will be married to me forever more, and so shall you ever be with me, and you will finally understand the magnitude of your purpose in me that you have been created to fulfill! For in me, Yahweh, has given you a future and a purpose, even the purpose of the ages is about to be revealed to you for I am coming! And I will not be denied. Look for my appearing, look for my brightness of my coming for it is soon to break over the earth as I appear in the clouds with a mighty shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, for I tell you truly that even the Angels wait on that trump which is about to sound, and they are at the ready! Be ready for me and look, watch, observe as commanded for you will soon see me and my glory that the Father has clothed me in, for so will I clothe you, for you will be like me, and you will see me as I am.
I am the Lamb of God!
I am coming to execute wrath on all of Satans kingdom and they will not escape I am the savior of the World!
I am Christ Jesus and vengeance is mine and I will repay!
I am the one who will wound the serpent’s head, for God Almighty has declared it!
I am about to be revealed in the clouds for My Bride whom I will snatch away
I am he who is coming on a white horse
I am who is called faithful and true, and in righteousness I will judge and make war I am coming!
Table of Contents
God is Love!
April 30, 2024
My children, understand your true nature for yours is the very nature given of God in me, Christ Jesus, for God is love! Yet, God’s love is not the same as man’s love in the same way that God’s ways are not man’s ways either, but you do learn God’s ways in me for I am your teacher and shepherd. For God so loved the world, that he gave his onlybegotten Son: that whosoever believes in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. And in this action of God giving me, Jesus Christ, his only-begotten son for the sins of mankind, his love is expressed in perfect union in me. For I am of the Father and of the same nature and same spirit, for God is spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth, for I and my Father are one in spirit, unity, and purpose.
Understand that God’s love is not the same as man’s love, for man’s love tends to be conditional and fallen man tends to express his love in giving and receiving of favors and man’s love turns inward to benefit the man who loves, for so is the love of man. The love of God many times is expressed in giving freely for the benefit of another, and to serve your fellow man without recompense at times, and to visit the widows, to heal the sick, to edify the body of Christ, so I ask you my children to learn of me Christ Jesus, for he who has seen me has seen the Father and though you have not yet seen me with your own eyes but very soon you will.
For blessed is he that has not seen and yet believes, and you have seen me in spirit and in truth, and you have seen me in my ways and by the love I send and through the work my ministers perform for me for your sakes. So you do know me, and you have seen me and when you walk in the spirit of Christ that is born within, you truly are walking in love for so is my nature that I have given to you, and so is my Father who has given of his nature to me: Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knows us not, because it knew him not. And again from the First Letter of John: Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
My little children, you are the children of the living God, even Yahweh, for in the same way Yahweh planted a garden eastward in Eden, he has planted the seeds of the spirit of son ship in your very being, for I am his Gardner that tends to your souls. For, you are recreated in me, and you are created in love and the love of God is in your very nature and understand that your full redemption is at the door where you will know even as you are known. My Bride, I have so much to explain to you and to teach you and to reveal to you about yourselves and for what purposes you have been sanctified to accomplish, for it has been a mystery in the Father’s heart since before creation and soon you will understand.
So who shall separate you from the love of God? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Nay, you are more than conquerors in me Christ Jesus and my love is being brought to full consummation in you my bride, for the times are at hand and soon you will know. My Father’s love is unconquerable for he is unconquerable for God is Love and Love is Yahweh’s very nature for God is Love. One of Satan’s many deceptions he employs to lead you astray is to portray love as weak, non-committed, self-serving and futile: For these are the ways of natural man.
Truly, Satan is in denial for it is he that has been made futile and my Father’s love cannot be conquered for there are none like him! In me was his love perfected in the flesh for it was my love for my Father and for you my bride that I gave myself a sinless ransom for you are greatly loved and know that you are the apple of Yahweh’s eye and you my bride are the apple of my eye and in love did I ransom you from the hand of the enemy perfectly, with nothing lacking, in my atoning blood. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy!
My children, since God so loves you, then you owe it to yourselves to accept his love and to accept his words regarding you and the mighty deliverance that the Father wrought in my sacrifice as your perfect Passover. So many of you misunderstand the finality of the creation that I have made you in me Christ Jesus and in the spirit I have created within you, for that spirit is powerful, and it is love for it is the Fathers’ very nature, for Yahweh is love. Behold, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. And I did lay down my life for my friends and in so doing I have made you my brothers and I have made you sons of God: Behold, what love the Father hath given to vs, that we should be called the sons of God: for this cause this world knows you not, because it knows not him.
Hear my Words that I gave John in his First epistle, and hear them well. Yahweh has granted the highest favor for you against the accuser and against those who condemn you, and he has made their accusations baseless against you for you have been purchased in my sinless blood, and you are acquitted of all charges in my atoning Work, have you not read what I told the Romans these many Jubilees long past? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifies: Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, yea rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. Have you not heard the testimony of Hebrews, where their voice witnesses of my unchanging priesthood? Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost, that come unto God by him, seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them.
Hear these words, and let them sink into the very core of your being and hear the voice I gave to the Roman Church For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Are these words too wonderful for you? Will you allow yourselves to understand, or will you stop your ears in your worthless traditions and the worthless false testimonies you hold to, given by worthless false prophets designed to lead you astray? Is it too hard of a thing to accept that you have been made the righteousness of God in me, Christ Jesus?
I need you to get really quiet in your mind and heart and let my voice calm your spirit and hear my Words. Soften your hearts and demolish your pride for I have something to tell you that will free you from bondage if you will but believe the specific Words I am about to give you yet again, for the voice of the Romans speaks to you as you read, so read and understand and in understanding accept the truth of your standing in me, Christ Jesus and my words are these: There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Don’t let your eyes glance at the Words but read each of them slowly and with faith, faith in me for I have spoken these Words over you my Children and I, Christ Jesus, have freed you from all condemnation in me. Do you not understand that you have been made the righteousness of God? Understand me and hear my voice and give attention to my Words: Who is he that condemns you? It is Christ that died, yea rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.
My children, I didn’t call you to myself in righteousness and true holiness to condemn you, and you have to understand the truth: You have no right to condemn yourselves and so many of you do, and your lives are tormented over this self loathing that the enemy has put on you. Allow me to break these false chains of the enemy and hear my Words and believe them for they are true, and they are written for you that you may be truly free in me, for I have released you from all condemnation and the enemy and accuser of the brethren is cast down: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
Understand my children that you are righteous and to condemn yourselves is to disregard my Words that the Father has given you, so do not be faithless, but have great trust in my Words for they are true, and no truer testimony has been given. Understand the difference in self condemnation and my spirit working in you to convict you of sin for what did I tell John in his First letter: For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God. Do you not understand that my spirit that I have created within each of you, my Bride, actually convicts you of your sins even after you are born again in me, Christ Jesus your Lord?
Have you not read my testimony recorded in the good news of John regarding the comforter? And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. Of sin, because they believe not on me. Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more. Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. My children the comforter convicted you of sin, and you have turned to me, and in the new birth and in the power of the spirit I have created within you, even that spirit of son ship, even Christ in you the hope of glory, I have made you the righteousness of God in me. Therefore, you are no longer convicted of sin, but you are convicted of righteousness when you sin, even when you turn to your old ways, for the serpent loves to lead my people astray and then bring accusation before my Father and before me of his ungodly works, and I am your intercessor.
For again, the witness of John in his first epistle speaks on the subject: My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. My children, I am your advocate, and you are righteous in me, and you are righteous forevermore, for righteousness has been birthed in your very nature. So have a tender heart towards me and I will show your sins and mistakes to you, even your bad habits and your previous evil ways that you are at times tempted to return. For when your heart convicts you turn to me and confess your sins for what saith scripture: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful, and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
My children I have judged you righteous in me and Yahweh has acquitted you of all charges in me, why will you not allow yourselves to believe my gracious and loving Words? For God’s love is expressed in them as well as my love for my Bride and even the entire World for whoever wills may come, only come before the door closes for time is up. Return to me on a daily basis and cleanse your selves in my atoning blood, for my sacrifice is perfect and is once and for all: For the Hebrews clearly state concerning me: Who being the brightness of the glory, and the engraved form of his person, and bearing up all things by his mighty word, hath by himself purged our sins, and sits at the right hand of the Majesty in the highest places. My children, understand that the comforter has also reproved the world of judgment, for the prince of this world has been judged, and his sentence is deserved. But to this very minute he seeks to drag you down into his much deserved condemnation so he comes to condemn you, so hearken not to his Words and repudiate his lies.
My little ones, walk in the love of God in me, Christ Jesus your lord. Love the Father and love my by keeping the commandments, for what says First John? He that saith, I know him, and keeps not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that says he abides in him, ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. I command you my Bride, to continue to walk as I walked and keep my commandments for I always did the will of my Father, and so should you endeavor to always do my Will for mine is the will of Yahweh. In keeping my commandments you will have to turn to the brethren, for what says First John? By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments, and his commandments are not grievous. Hear my voice and follow my words to the end of obedience and continue to love your brethren and serve in love, not for base gain for your reward is in my hands, not in the hands of those you serve.
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
I am your teacher and shepherd
I am of the Father and of the same nature and same spirit
I am the righteousness of God and I have made you the righteousness of God
I am he that is justified in his ways
I am sinless, and I have justified you in me Christ Jesus
I am he who that is always and forevermore sanctified, for mine is the Kingdom of God and I have sanctified you by the spirit of son-ship.
I am he who gave his last drop of blood on the cross that I might cleanse you all sin, for there is no sin in the spirit of son ship I have given you.
I am your intercessor
I am your advocate
Stand at the ready, my bride, for the times of restoration are at hand and my appearing is nearer than you think.
For the Just shall live by Faith!
April 27, 2024
For the Just shall live by Faith! Awake and awaken your brethren my luke warm Laodicean Church who has forgotten my mysteries, for the hour is late and time is almost up. Come to me my Children with open arms and an open heart (for my arms and heart are open for you), come to me with a heart that is soft and ready to receive my Words, for what did my brother, James have to say? Wherefore lay apart all filthiness, and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. My children, be ye followers of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, that I have placed in your midst that you may have eyes to see and ears to hear. Turn your hearts to me, for I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through me, for so my Father’s will is expressed plainly and he has made it so.
Why do you let your hearts trouble you, my children? Why do you yet turn away from my Words and lead others astray in your error? For you, my Laodicean Church, have forgotten who you are in me, Christ Jesus, and you have lost my mysteries, though I entrusted them to you. For I am the Lord who purchased you with my own Blood, I am the Lord of Lords and King of Kings who has inherited the earth from my Father and I will share my inheritance with the faithful and chosen, I will share my inheritance with you my Bride! So fear not, for though you are poor you are rich in me, for the Father has given into my hands all things. Oh Laodicean Church, you are have become a faithless woman of compromise.
No, you do not care for the meat of my Word, and neither do you follow me with your whole heart, have you not read the Proverb? Good understanding wins favor, but the way of the faithless is difficult. And the ways of compromise you have chosen are difficult, your faithless ways are not of me, and you endeavor to walk the path I have given you with one foot in the way and the other in the ditch and yet you have the audacity to blame me, Yeshua HaMashiach, when in the ditch you fall as you have been led. For your journey has many falls, and my hope for you yet is that your falls are as the falls of the just: For a just man falls seven times, and rises up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.
I didn’t call you to fall into mischief my children, not even you my Laodicean Church, for I have not abandoned you to the times of trials just yet, for behold! I still stand at the door and knock because I will in no way partake of your lukewarm, compromising ways, but I am calling you to righteousness, I am calling you to take a stand in righteousness, for the wayward shepherds have conned you leading you into the ways of Balaam and many of you prophecy falsely by spirits of Jezebel who would dilute my true prophets Words and desire to kill the prophets I have sanctified in me, for it is I who have given gifts unto men. For I have written to Galatia when they stumbled as you stumble: I marvel, that you are so soon removed from him, that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another Gospel: Which is not another. Yes, read that again, for there is no other Gospel and there is no other name given whereby shall be saved except mine, Jesus Christ. Why are you led astray from me, my little ones? Do I not provide and care for you, for I am the Good shepherd who gave his life for the sheep. But the Words I have not spoken, that you passionately desire and follow, are tickling your ears for that sensation has become your first love in your puffed up ways for you treasure lies to yourselves as if they were truth, and you have lost all discernment.
Have you forgotten basic Church history? Have you been too lazy to learn? Does this topic not tickle your ears enough for you to hear my Words and have faith in them? For man shall not live by bread alone but by EVERY Word that proceeds from the mouth of God! My church was born on the day of Pentecost and is recorded in Acts for your review. For my church began in Israel, in Judea, though they didn’t understand the Words I spoke by Peter on that glorious day when I poured out holy spirit on my chosen, as they spoke with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance! For what did Peter tell the crowd at Jerusalem that day when he prophesied for me? For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. My children, you are those who are far off, for you are not of Israel, but I have taken you from the nations in my grace that you should stand in my mercy for you have been called.
Have you not read? But now in Christ Jesus, you who sometimes were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ. But in your compromised houses of worship that you blasphemously dedicate in my name, (though I will not enter but stand at the door and knock) you think you have received the law of Moses from me and in your arrogance you do not understand that Moses was of Israel, and it was to Israel that Torah was given to keep, a charge they failed for no man is able to keep the Law of Moses due to the corruption the serpent caused in your flesh for his knowledge always corrupts and the wages of sin is death. For the Corinthians bear witness of my Words: Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life. You are called to walk in the spirit, though so many of you erroneously crave the letter of the law, which is not for you, but is fulfilled in me.
Answer me this: Did the spirit come to you by your own fulfillment of Torah? Or did it come by my righteous fulfillment of Torah as your perfect Passover? For what cries the witness of Galatia! This only would I learn of you, received ye the spirit, by the works of the Law, or by the hearing of faith? And again Paul says to the Galatians: I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the Law, then Christ is dead in vain. Do you not understand in the beginning of the age there was a Judean Church and a Gentile Church? Even though my church was birthed in Judea, Paul said to the
Galatians and I preserved it there: For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the Apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me towards the Gentiles. For the first I sent Peter to the Gentiles, and it’s recorded in Acts when I told Peter: What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. For when I sent Peter to Cornelius the following witness was recorded: And they of the circumcision which believed, were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy Ghost. I ask you this, my Laodiceans, did Cornelius receive salvation by following Torah (for he was a devout man)? Or did he receive the promise through faith? The Corinthians have a voice on the matter when Paul wrote to them: By which also you are saved, if you keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless you have believed in vain. Salvation come by the preaching of Faith and not by the letter of the law for to bring oneself under the law of Moses, even your faith is in vain.
And so Romans declares: But now the righteousness of God without the Law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets. Even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all, and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. For I told my Church in Galatians where Paul obediently wrote: For in Jesus Christ, neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith which works by love. And again to Galatia Paul wrote: For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. So salvation is not given by the works of the law, nor is your salvation lived and realized by the works of the law. For to the Romans was written: Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone, and rock of offense: and whosoever believes on him, shall not be ashamed. My children, I am that stumbling stone and rock of offense for I am Jesus the Nazarene, the very lamb of God and I have fulfilled the law.
Oh, you of Laodicea, do you think you are the only ones to stumble on this matter? I say not. For you can group my letters loosely in two basic categories, except both are written to one new man in Christ Jesus. For my letters are written to the gentile Churches and some are addressed to the Judean churches and thus Peter wrote of the revelation of the Mystery which I revealed to Paul: As also in all his Epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction.
So your plight is not a new one for there has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Will you take the path of escape God has provided you in my grace and mercy to escape those who would rob you of your reward by causing you to fall from grace? Will you reject my Words in favor of the Judaizers who ignorantly profess you must keep Torah for your salvation? Are you foolish enough to think that, having begun the law of life in the spirit of Jesus Christ you are not given over to the law of sin and death? For what of the law? My children, I will tell you. For do not foolishly conclude that I am a false voice leading you into error, for many of you do not know my voice and neither do you know me, though I am calling you! Think not that I have come to destroy the law or the Prophets. I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title, shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
I am he who has fulfilled the Mosaic law, and its precepts are kept in obedience to my words of grace and mercy in my epistles and via the faith of Jesus Christ. You ignorantly think because I am the fulfillment of the law that I advocate anyone to break the laws of
God, whether Mosaic law or God’s moral laws. For what did I tell those dwelling at Corinth, my Laodicean Church whom I love, you are not the first to deal with this temptation and thus I had Paul write: Who also hath made vs able ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit gives life. But if the ministration of death written, and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses, for the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done away: How shall not the ministration of the spirit, be rather glorious? Make no mistake, my Children the letter killeth because of the sin in your flesh that is convicted by that same letter, even the Mosaic law: So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good. Was that then which is good, made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good: that sin by the Commandment might become exceeding sinful. And so I had Paul tell the Galatians: I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the Law, then Christ is dead in vain. My children, you have been led astray, and I did tell you that new wine must be put into new wineskins, so stand fast in the Grace whereby I, Christ Jesus, has made you free.
My children, you cannot violate God’s laws when you walk in the spirit, for it is impossible. For you are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. And to the Hebrews was stated: For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. In that he saith, A new Covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decays and waxes old, is ready to vanish away. My children, righteousness does not come by keeping the law for it is a gift received by faith in me, Christ Jesus. And because you are made righteous in me, and you are freed from the law of sin and death.
For it is blasphemous to conclude that walking in the spirit of life is somehow sinful, for anyone who believes such counts my sacrifice for the sins of man an unholy thing. For I am greater than Moses for Moses himself says: The Lord thy God will raise up unto you a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me, unto him ye shall hearken. Hear my voice children and hearken to my speech, for I have not made you lawless, for the sons of Satan are lawless, not the sons of God! For in Romans Paul clearly wrote: There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. And again Romans speaks: To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus. Where is boasting, then? It is excluded. By what Law? Of works? Nay: but by the Law of faith. Therefore, we conclude, that a man is justified by faith, without the deeds of the Law. For what have I said: For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Yet so many of you place undue burdens on one another in that you have believed the prophets of Satan sent to snare you into falsely keeping Torah as a requirement of salvation and also to live salvation and some of you blasphemously say that I fulfilled the law by my sacrifice of my self so you could now keep Torah. On one hand you are correct because to walk in the law of the spirit of life is to keep Torah perfectly by your identification with me for my church is firmly built in righteousness and true holiness on me, Christ Jesus, the chief cornerstone. You do keep Torah by obedience to the faith that is in me. Why do you choose the voice of the Judaizers over my own holy voice? Why do you place undue burdens on your brethren, for have you not read? For I already told the Colossians: Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of any Holy day, or of the New moon, or of the Sabbath days Which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ.
My children I do not condemn the law, I only point out the obvious that because of the sin in your flesh you can never keep Torah except by your faith in me, for the just shall live by faith! What is faith in me, you may ask? Faith in me is understanding that you are identified with me on every level, for you are my church that I have washed in my own sinless blood for remission of sins is impossible to achieve by the sacrifice of animals. Have faith in me for through faith in me is Torah kept, through faith in me the law is fulfilled in you, and you are righteous, justified, and sanctified! When I was raised to newness of life so to were you raised and when I was ascended to the right hand of the Father, so to were you seated in the heavenlies for the Ephesians do witness: But God who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved vs, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved) And hath raised vs up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. You should understand that the law of Moses is simply not your covenant, for yours is the new covenant ratified in my blood and paid for by my suffering.
So be obedient to the Faith, my people, and be luke warm no longer. Choose life in me, Jesus Christ, for so were you called. Do the many mighty works I have given you, even in this last minute. I need you to understand, that without me, you can do nothing, and you keep all aspects of Torah by Faith in me. Furthermore, the sacred name Judaizers have saturated my Church, placing undue burdens on those who seek salvation and those who are mine. My Father gave me a name above every name, that at the name of Jesus Christ should every knee bow. Do you think I would place an undue burden on the nations who speak many languages to use my name, Yeshua HaMashiach, in Hebrew only? Hear me and hear me well, for I am coming, and I will deal with the disobedient and those who would trouble you.
I am Jesus the Nazarene
I am Jesus Christ
I am Christ Jesus
I am Jesucristo – Spanish
I am Иисус Христос (Iisus Khristos) – Russian
I am Gesù Cristo – Italian
I am Ісус Христос (Isus Khrystos) – Ukranian
I am UJesu Kristu – Zulu
I am Iesu Keriso – Somoan
I am Ġesu Kristu – Maltese
My name has been translated in all languages and in all languages has my name been translated and my name is sacred in all languages always and forevermore! There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Am I, Yeshua HaMashiach, not greater than the stars? I am.
Hear the Words of the Lord: The Great Mystery Revealed!
April 24, 2024
Yeshua HaMashiach says to his Bride: Take heed and hear my Words, my chosen, and understand my speech, for great is the mystery of Godliness! So many of you have no concept of the great mystery of God, and yet it sets at the very heart and foundation for followers of the Way, both doctrinally and practically: It is the centerpiece of Christianity whereby I have created you in me, and you are a new creation in Christ Jesus, for I Jesus Christ have so made you.
For so many of you the great mystery of God has been lost to time and tradition, and the cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive. Fear not my Children and hear my words and hear my speech, for I will explain it to you here in these last few minutes of the age. Understand my Children that much confusion and many lies have been introduced into my church by ravenous wolves and their false doctrines. They have falsely divided my Word (and body) via dispensationalism, and this is a huge lie brought about by those who built their houses on sand, and not me the chief cornerstone for without me no man can build.
The sand they choose to cornerstone their buildings are corrupt Bibles leading to ecumenical unity for purposes the man of sin has in his heart, purposes of control and death and destruction. The sand they used to build are comprised of corrupted texts, Greek texts that have been passed down from Alexandria. Follow the texts from the
Antioch lines, the Byzantine, and these lead to the Textus Receptus, the great enemy of Rome. There are no dispensations, and God is not divided, though I will explain dispensation as it occurs in my epistles. God has dealt with mankind using ages, study to learn. So understand, these divisions are not of me but have been engineered to corrupt my Church from the beginning.
The great mystery has been hid from you my children, not concealed, for I revealed it to the Apostle Paul these many Jubilees ago. It is hidden through lies, deceit, erroneous doctrines that are not of me, but it is hidden in plain sight and the thief would that you never noticed, but it is the elephant in the room. For what frightens Satan the most about my Church is that he knows he is powerless to control you when you walk in my full power and open face relationship with me. Therefore, since he can’t break the seal of God I have placed on you, and nobody can pluck you from my hands nor my Father’s hands, he would instead try to suffocate you in poverty. Not material poverty, my church should never have promoted the erroneous prosperity gospel because it is not of me, though many of you believe those lies.
Satan desires spiritual poverty for you so he can hide from you your true selves and entice you to believe you are a powerless door mat, forever destined to turn the other cheek and run like a coward, which is a misapplication of my precepts used to control my sons from walking in their true power. No, I have not sent you to turn the other cheek so that you can be victimized and overcome of evil, I sent you to overcome evil with good and to dismantle the Works of the Devil for so am I sent, and so have I sent you. But understand vengeance is mine, so do not avenge yourselves but turn the other cheek when appropriate for the salvation of another and to give place to wrath, for many souls have been saved in this manner.
Understand, they have deceived you with their lies, and they placed these lies that are in opposition to my truth right next to the holy writings. They did so in the margins of study Bibles, they did so using erroneous commentaries, they did this by sleight of hand by misaligned certain Greek definitions that are based in ancient pagan culture and not the truth of God’s Holy Word. You may use these sources at times but be very careful and stop letting natural man try and explain to you spiritual matters for natural man cannot discern spiritual matters for they are foolishness to him. Therefore, know that many of these charlatans who butcher scripture have no faith in the Word of God and are unqualified for the job they gave themselves because they have not the spirit of Christ and are not of me, for if they were of me I would have led them in the truth. I am he who has sealed you for full redemption in the power of my holy spirit.
The Lord Jesus Christ says to his beloved Bride: I need you to understand your true purpose, and if you do not understand the great mystery as it relates to you then you will not walk in fullness of power that I have called you to walk in, but you will be diluted in your efforts as many of you have. It pains me and saddens my heart to see that my children do not understand their true selves and have no desire to search. You are always to search my Words with all diligence, but false doctrines make many complacent for there is no nutrition in them for they are Satan’s lies, but many live on fast food and sugar drinks and most lack the energy to eat the food that I have given, and to drink the drink that I have given, for in so doing you will never hunger or thirst again.
So hear my Words my complacent Bride, it is time to rise to your true calling and do the works I have prepared for you and know that I will do many miracles by your hands as you walk for me in faith and true knowledge. For what did I say in my ministry to Israel back when I walked openly in Judea. For what is Luke’s account on the matter: And he said unto them, Unto you, it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables. So understand, my Apostles were chosen to receive the great mystery of God that I unveiled to them, they wrote it down, and I have protected the writings that you may know the truth of the matter.
Too many of you listen to the Judaizers who would bring you back under Torah. It’s interesting to note that if it wasn’t for the great mystery of God most of you wouldn’t know of the Torah, for it wasn’t given to the gentile nations but to ancient Israel to keep, to be their schoolmaster to bring them to me. For I am the fulfillment of the law and those who zealously cling to Mosaic law seek to glorify their flesh and walk in their own righteousness, and they lack understanding that Torah is kept in full and to the letter by your identification with me for I am the only one who was able to keep the law and I, Jesus the Nazarene have fulfilled the law’s righteous requirements and I ratified my accomplishments in my own blood and I then washed you in the flowing waters of my spirit as you have been baptized into me.
For what did I have Paul tell the Corinthians? For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. If you go about to keep the law you will fail, and you will miss your calling as I have condensed the law into the two great commandments: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Know my Children that there are no greater commandments than these for in these the commandments are kept.
Understand, I explain all of this in the letters I sent to my Churches in times past. So understand that I have unveiled the great mystery of God and the prophets of old diligently searched and inquired of this mystery which they knew of, but it was not given for them to know. I wish you understood that the cover of your Bibles that say holy is not holy of its own merit, for it is but the cover of a book. What makes a Bible holy is the books they bind contain holy scripture sent of the spirit to the children of the most High, sent by Yahweh the great eternal God, for there is none like him: So hear my holy words with your whole soul! For what did Peter have to say for you, my children? Of which salvation the Prophets have inquired, and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you, searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.
My children you are unknowingly living the down payment of the glory that should follow, and your full inheritance is about to be revealed to you in me Christ Jesus, for soon you will be snatched away and fully glorified. So what is this mystery? And where do you find it? I will tell you for I am the Lord Jesus Christ who shepherds the flock, and I am the Bridegroom to my Bride and you are living the great mystery of God, though so many of you walk in darkness in this matter. Fear not, I will give you understanding and to the wise and humble I will give wisdom. But to those amongst you who will dismiss my Words you do so in opposition to me, and you are either for me or against me, there is no in between. For I counsel you all to learn of me, hear my Words and do not dismiss my voice, for I have given you a future and a purpose in me. I am the good Shepherd: the good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep and my sheep hear my voice, so stop following the hirelings who pretend they are me!
Behold! The spirit says: There are several mysteries within the Great Mystery of God! I will start with the Great Mystery, then I will speak of other mysteries therein. Before we go any further, wipe the dispensationalist fog from your spectacles and open your eyes to see: The Gospels as you know them, the works of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are vital for all. These books show my fulfillment of the law to the letter with nothing left undone, they reveal me in my coming to Israel, by obedience to the 4 gospels as they are known, you learn to walk as I walked, for so you are commanded. Nevertheless, they are not the only gospels, no they are not the only good news concerning me.
For I gave the good news of the Great Mystery of God to the apostle Paul in his letters to the church, sent from me to him to reveal to you. Will you scoff at this notion? Do you think I preach another gospel and that I am a false voice? Are you so used to following the voices of hirelings that you no longer know my voice? For those who would scoff, you should heed the voice of the Galatians when Paul stated: But I certify you, brethren, that the Gospel which was preached of me, is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul spoke faithfully the truth I gave him and yet so many of you dismiss the Words I gave him, even lessening the Words with sayings like: Oh that’s just what Paul wrote, or, those are just the Pauline epistles, they aren’t the words of Christ because they’re not in red! You fool! You are in error, and open your eyes to my light and truth! I gave Paul the gospel of the mystery, are you so foolish to believe that there are only four relatively short works containing my Gospel?
Please hear the Words of Christ Jesus, my children, for I will teach the willing. For Great is the Mystery of Godliness and the gospel therein, for I did announce the good news of the mystery. But I will not leave you with the voice of just one witness, let every word be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. For the letter I sent to the Romans would like a word with you: Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began. Paul’s good news is the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the World began, just as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the good news of my first coming to Israel.
I am the Faithful Lord and my Words are true, so lend me your ear and especially your heart, for with the heart man believes unto righteousness. I ask you to have just the faith of a grain of mustard seed, for that seed will grow mightily in you with the proper care. For what did Paul say to the Corinthians: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world, unto our glory. Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. It’s plainly written my Children and needs no explanation, but I will explain a little.
Do you understand these words, my children? Do you understand how precious you are that God has had his eye on you from before the creation of the World and as he is eternal and so are you for you have been in the forefront of his mind since before time and he has given you eternal life in me, Christ Jesus? Your times and lives are ordained by Yahweh, the great and spectacular God, whose brightness can no flesh behold. Had Satan known the Father’s plans he never would have crucified me, for in my obedience unto death and in my resurrection was consummated the power that defeated him and he is utterly ruined. He would never want a powerful church that are empowered by my spirit and of whom I do mighty works by their hands.
Does that resonate with you? Stop your mental consternation because my messengers tell you something you don’t want to hear, and overcome your pride, for I will only lead the humble and I will resist the proud. Hear my words and let them sink into the depths of your souls for I have created you in me, and you are mighty, and you are miraculous for you are cleansed in my own blood, even the blood of the lamb. For I am the head of my Body who does many mighty works for my people that I am still calling, only hold to your Lord, Yeshua HaMashiach in singleness of heart and unity of purpose for I am Lord of Lords.
The faithful witness, and the first begotten from the dead says to his faithful and chosen! There was an ancient church in Ephesus, and to them was the fullness revealed of the great mystery of God in a letter sent by Paul from me, for he didn’t speak of himself. I will explain a little, but know that I expect your obedience in faith to me, Jesus the Nazarene, and to whom much is given is much expected. Before I proceed, I want you to consider the following from Colossae, for I sent a letter to the Colossians as well: For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
My children, you died when I died, and you die to yourselves daily be reckoning the old man nature dead for you were crucified with me, and in no other place in scripture will you find the mirror of your true selves, for no other section of gospels reveals it except the gospel of the great Mystery I revealed to my Church. Even though you only see through a glass darkly, that is soon to change, and you will know as you also are known. Submerge your selves in the Gospel of the Great Mystery of God, for my Laodicean church has lost my mysteries, for most of you seldom read my letters to the Church because the wayward shepherds led you elsewhere looking for words in red. My children, I know you love me, so love me according to knowledge and walk not in deception.
So I ask you, what does the letter to the Ephesians have to say, for behold the great mystery is there? Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he had purposed in himself, That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him. I have made known to you the mystery of Yahweh’s will which he hid in himself, for he needs no counselor. Don’t think of the counterfeit definition you learned from false prophets in their worthless margin notes regarding dispensations, for Satan stealthily redefines scriptural concepts to suit his will and plans that come to naught.
This mystery was given to Paul, and he was the steward entrusted with its dispensing to my Church, even to you if you have ears to hear and eyes to see. For the gospel of the great mystery was given to Paul, and I commissioned him on the road to Damascus. In the fullness of times, the Father will gather together all things which are in heaven and which are on earth in me, Christ Jesus. There will be no more division, no more separation between God and his children, no more enmity between Jew and Gentile, for you are all born again and are a new creation in me, Christ Jesus. Are these words too wonderful for you? Do my Words cause you to bristle against them because you believe the wayward shepherds interpretation of them?
Learn of me in humility so you can understand. Again, in Ephesians Paul wrote the Words I gave him: For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, which is given me to you-ward: How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery. Again, don’t get tripped up on the words of the false prophets, as the dispensation of the grace of God was his ministration to the Church for he (and others) were chosen as stewards of the mysteries of God.
And again: Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit, That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ, by the Gospel. Yes, read it correctly and read it again: the gentiles who believe on my name holy name, even Jesus Christ, are fellow heirs and of the same body as those of Israel who have made me Lord, for there is no difference in me.
And again: Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages, and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints, To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Yes, you are born again of my spirit and my spirit permanently dwells in my children, for it is the spirit of son ship, the down payment of your inheritance, and that spirit embodies all the abilities I have given you for I have given gifts unto men. You are fashioned in my image, and you are created newly in me for the Father has begotten you in me, for I am a life quickening spirit.
Christ Jesus the Ascended says: My little children take great comfort in me for my salvation, once achieved by making me your Lord in faith and repentance, cannot be lost or undone for which of you can undo the natural creation of your traits in your own children, though they may lose inheritance if you were to disown them. Salvation is a gift given by my Father through me, Yeshua HaMashiach, and the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Now, I will give you breadcrumbs to follow on your journey into the mysteries contained within the great Mystery of God, so study to show yourselves approved to God, a workman of the Word, rightly dividing the word of truth, that you may not be ashamed before me at my coming.
There is the mystery in Romans, considering Israel’s blindness in part. There is the mystery of the gathering of my bride, that some call rapture, and that is in Corinthians (and elsewhere) for in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye the last trump shall sound, and its sounding is upon you. Then there is the mystery of a husband and wife becoming one flesh, and this is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church, and you may find that in Ephesians. For I will take blindness from Israel when they turn their hearts to me. For I will gather my bride to me, for I am the Bridegroom. I am he whom you will be married that we may forever be one in me and in my Father, for God is all in all. My heart rests on you my children, and soon you will see me face to face
and make no mistake I am calling you to me, my wise virgins, and I am coming for you so very soon, and I long to see you all where we will be face to face, and you will know, even as you are known.
I am he who has sealed you for full redemption in the power of my holy spirit.
I am the fulfillment of the law
I am the Lord Jesus Christ who shepherds the flock
I am the Bridegroom to my Bride and you are living the great mystery of God
I am the good Shepherd
I am the Faithful Lord and my Words are true
I am the head of my Body who does many mighty works for my people
I am Lord of Lords
I am the Bridegroom
I am he whom you will be married that we may forever be one in me and in my Father, for God is all in all
I am calling you to me, my wise virgins
I am coming for you so very soon, and I long to see you all where we will be face to face, and you will know, even as you are known.
Hear Me in My Love For You My Children!
April 21, 2024
( In context of the prophetic message Edomite is referring to those who adopted the Canaanite ways of genetic manipulation, black magic, sacrificing children, cannibalism, etc. Esau actually married two Hittite women, which are Canaanites and he took a third wife from Ishmael’s house. Esau marrying Canaanite women indicates disobedience and compromise as well as potential genetic pollution since Canaan had tampered with genetics somehow. The term is applied in this context to those who still practice their satanic rites and the title could fit any ethnic group, nation, etc that fits the bill. King Herod was an Edomite and so were many of the Pharisees and Jesus called them sons of the Devil which indicates seed. Take note though, the term Edomite as used in this message has no reference to any person based on race, nationality, etc of their own merits. Its an identifier used to call out those who secretly practice Canaanite occultism or who have descended from those bloodlines and are dispersed across the nations..- William Brooks )
Hear my Words, my Church and incline your ears to wisdom and truth, for behold: My words are wisdom and truth. Wisdom calls aloud in the streets and understanding seeks a discourse with you, will you now lend me your ear in willful obedience? For I, Yeshua HaMashiach, am crying aloud to be heard of my Bride, even all those in the body of Christ, hear my Words says the great faithful Lord, even he whose kingdom is not of the world, for my kingdom is the kingdom of heaven. So in my Kingdom so as it is in heaven so shall it be on the earth for I will bring righteousness to the earth and no evil thing shall enter my gates for my kingdom is a kingdom of righteousness where the lion shall lie down with the lamb in peace and safety. So many of you, my Bride, have become haughty in these days of increased knowledge, and this is not unexpected for what saith my Word: For knowledge puffeth up! but love edifies. Now hear me in my love for you my Children!
Hear my Words, for I will speak about the Edomites among you, for many of you do not know to whom I refer. I will speak of those who dress in sheep’s clothing but are ravenous wolves, for they disguise themselves and walk among you. I will speak of the synagogue of Satan and all those who have infiltrated my Father’s creation, sent by Satan himself, for they are the very seed of the serpent. Oh, wait, don’t stop your ears and cover your eyes because you disagree with my words, oh my willingly blind and deaf little ones, but bend your knees in humility and bow your ear to my Words for pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Know, my little ones, that the Words in my Word of God are true, accurate, and reliable: even if you don’t understand these words and try to rationalize away the literal truth saying to yourselves: Oh, that’s not literal but figurative. Oh, that’s not written to me but someone else. Oh, those are just ancient myths and literary devices. Oh, those are just stories of times past and shouldn’t be taken literally. You fool! You allow the wayward shepherds to say that the very Word of God, the same Words by which comes your salvation, the Words of Yahweh himself aren’t true but can be faithlessly explained away? Oh, depart from your faithless ways, my people, and come to me with an open heart and a mind that is clothed in humility.
Have you not read? What does Genesis say on the matter when Yahweh confronted the serpent for his crafty vileness he accomplished in the Garden these many Jubilees now past: And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed: it shall bruise your head, and you shalt bruise his heel. Do you think these words are make believe and figurative, my children? Do you believe the faithless words of the enlightenment that has blinded your minds to my Words all this time now? Lies that are accepted in your sciences, for they are made spurious by their lies. Lies that are accepted into your cosmology, for they are made spurious by their lies. Lies that are accepted into your history for you have forgotten who you are, my little ones, and you have been disconnected from your true past and live the lies of the enemy in utter ignorance of the real world in which you live.
Just as surely as I am the promised seed of the woman, yes that wonderful woman in scripture (who some sinfully worship) that said be it unto me according to your will, by whom I came into this World. I was born even of Mary in Bethlehem of Judea and raised as the son of a carpenter, raised by Joseph who was of the lineage of David, when he did not want to make a public spectacle of her, (for he loved her greatly) for she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Just as I am the promised seed sent by God, so too Satan has a seed. Not that he can create anything of himself for he is a leech and a thief, but he has made abominations for your destruction.
Why is this so hard to believe for you? Listening to lies passed for truth, you have dismissed the most elementary things, for I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not: how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things? Have you not read the Words of Yahweh to his faithful servant, Job? Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the cornerstone thereof? When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. Read that last part again my children “the sons of God shouted for joy” – Yes, the angels were present at creation, and they are wise to many of the secrets of heaven that are not for mankind to know, for mankind has searched for years in his lusts for power and glory.
Fallen angel knowledge, my children, have you not read? Or do you still believe the lies of the Edomites that they have sown among you? But what does Genesis say on the matter? There were Giants in the earth in those days: and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them; the same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown. So many of you exhaust my patience believing the erroneous fable that the sons of God were from Seth, and they married evil daughters of men and produced giants in wickedness. Mankind has been wicked since the fall and no matter how many evil people procreate their offspring will not be extremely large giants. No. That is a fable meant to deceive, for part of Satan’s success is due to his dishonest secrecy, and he is defeated, so his temporary success has ended in utter failure and he will not escape his lake. Fear him not. But understand the words of my Words in their Biblical context, and be not unwise and ignorant of the truth.
The sons of God are the watchers in this context, angels who were charged to help mankind and instead left their first estate for they lusted after the daughters of men. For what did I tell Jude to announce on my behalf? And the Angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day. Read it again and be not faithless, but only believe. The sons of God are fallen angels who defiled themselves with women, many of these women were taken, and were abused. Though, some of them did so voluntarily and they will bear their judgment.
The offspring they produced in their defilement, yes this unholy union produced giants, evil creations made for your destruction. You do yourself great dis-service by narrowly relying on your 66 book canon only. There are many canons and your 66 book Protestant canon does not contain all the prophecies ever given but contains all things pertaining to life and godliness in me Christ Jesus. Read the books of 1 Enoch and Jasher and Jubilees. They are not scripture to you but are certainly recommended reading suggested and quoted in the very scriptures you love. Don’t be controlled by thinking only books allowed in a particular canon are all the prophecies ever given. Learn of me.
Yet, God destroyed the world that then was for what says my friend Peter: For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water, and in the water, Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished. And in the days of Noah my Father sent the great deluge that wiped out all their evil abominations, for they made many abominations that brought great destruction on the earth. They violated the natural order of life and introduced instability into the very DNA of mankind and man was crossed with beast and beast was crossed with fish and one type beasts was bred with another type of beast until the desired abominations were achieved, and then the abominations destroyed mankind and so my Father destroyed them, saving eight souls alive, Noah found favor in Gods sight and Noah and his family were all that were not corrupted on the earth in their genetic tamperings for Noah was a righteous man.
Read my Words and understand your world, for many of you believe the lies of the false enlightenment that disallowed anything of a spiritual nature and served to dumb down the masses to their faithless lies that earthly matter is the only thing relevant. Do you not understand, they disallowed God in their faithless ramblings? They have deceived you on purpose with learning against learning: study to understand this doctrine of Jesuits. But, what says Genesis on the matter? There were Giants in the earth in those days: and also after that.
After what days, you ask? After the days of Noah. For after the flood the earth was divided by lot of inheritance and in the days of Peleg was the earth divided by inheritance amongst Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. For our purposes we will follow the line of Ham, for from Ham came the bloodlines of the accursed, even Nimrod from Cush and Egypt or Mizraim, and the evil Canaanites descended from the evil Canaan. For it was Canaan that Noah cursed. For Canaan left his inheritance and founded the city of Tyre on what became the Phoenician coast and led to Sidon of which Jezebel descended. He did this so that he could be in proximity to Mount Hermon, where the watchers descended and where I was transfigured.
Canaan found what the watchers left behind, and he used their fallen angel knowledge in great sorceries and many vile rights were done by the Canaanite, for they even sacrificed their own children. So vile were they and so pervasive that he managed to infect the land of Canaan with his newly made abominations, where Satan worked on account of his transgressions. So as my Father brought the Hebrews out of captivity from Egypt, so he commissioned them to take their inheritance away from these abominable tribes of giants. (Do you still not believe my Words?) Have you not read the evil report given by ten of the twelve spies sent into the land of Canaan by Moses to spy it out? For only Joshua and Caleb spoke words of faith, but the evil report given was literally true,
except it was a sinful, faithless report that denied my Father’s words in favor of what they saw with their eyes, for God is greater than anyone’s eyes, my little ones.
Read the report in Deuteronomy: But the men that went up with him, said, We be not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we. And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched, unto the children of Israel, saying, The land through which we have gone, to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof, and all the people that we saw in it, are men of a great stature. And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
So Joshua cleansed the land of these evil abominations, and they were not what you would call human, they were hybrid abominations made for the destruction of the Christ line as Satan so desired to stop my first coming. Yet, the children of Israel did not faithfully carry out the task my Father gave them in claiming their inheritance from violent usurpers. Many of these creatures were cannibals, did you not just read where the land ate the inhabitants thereof? For what does Judges tell us on the matter: And the Lord was with Judah, and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain, but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.
And Judges says yet again: Neither did Manasseh drive out the inhabitants of Bethshean, and her towns, nor Taanach and her towns, nor the inhabitants of Dor, and her towns, nor the inhabitants of Ibleam, and her towns, nor the inhabitants of Megiddo, and her towns: but the Canaanites would dwell in that land. And it came to pass when Israel was strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did not utterly drive them out. For what says Numbers on this account: But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come to pass that those which you let remain of them, shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.
And so scripture was fulfilled and the Canaanite tribes still vex God’s children to this day. The have commingled themselves amongst God’s creation and have hidden themselves in plain sight, even taking the culture and mannerisms of their host nations. But the end is the same every time: They purposely destroy their host nations. (God has made them fugitives and vagabonds in the earth) They have spoken great lies and sold those very same lies for truth. They have overtaken your lands and you do not even see them for you are blinded to their ways because many of you have compromised with them, even the synagogue of Satan.
Return to my pure Word and ignore the words and ways of the Edomites. Cease to elevate sinful words above my Fathers most Holy Word. For many of these Canaanites became Idumeans over time and lived in proximity to Judah. When John Hyrcanus conquered Idumea, he converted the Idumeans to Judaism and Judea was born from the combination of Judah and Idumea. And thus I stood against them in Israel some 2000 years ago and my stand is recorded in the gospels that you may Walk as I walked. Their Words perverted the Torah and their oral traditions and occult rituals from Babylon hid themselves in my land for my land has been taken by imposters, the very Synagogue of Satan.
Ever since Genesis 3:15 there has been a seed war between God and Satan and Satans own seed battles for supremacy, which he shall not have. I have won the victory my children and I have empowered you my children against all manner of evil and nothing shall by any means stop you for I, Jesus Christ, have defeated the enemies kingdom. Stand against them and stop promoting their evil ways. Come out from among them because they have made themselves to look just like you. Do you not believe my parable of the wheat and tares? Another parable put he forth unto them, saying; The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came & sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Come out from among them and separate yourselves from the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews but do lie and are not. For Israel has been scattered amongst the gentiles and I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, thus the times of the gentiles is nearly completed and I have made of two, one new man in me so making peace.
My children, I give you a brief overview of your history, for mankind’s history traces from Noah to Adam and God has made of one blood all nations. My children time is almost up, but that doesn’t mean your work is done. I am still calling my children to stand for me, and to minister for me. For I have made you able ministers of the New Testament in my blood. Have you not read where I told my followers that if they will say unto this mountain be removed and cast in the sea, and that if they doubt not they will have the things they command? I counsel you to back up one verse, for that narrative begins with have faith in God (for with God nothing shall be impossible) and you can do nothing without me, my little ones.
So many of you have been taught by the Edomites lies that lead you into their ways. But if you have faith in God, you will command the impossible, and you will need to do just that in the work I am sending you. I am sending you my Children to gather the sheep that remain, for many will come to me in these last minutes and I will not deny them, but I passionately search for them still. Open your mouths in faith and stand for me and minister to my Children.
I have told you how to wield my power, but you refuse my instruction, so I will tell the forgetful among you once again. Why do you sheepishly ask a spirit to leave its host with stuttering lips and using my name Jesus Christ in a faithless manner? Do not use my name in vain! Command the spirits in my name with great faith and have faith in the words that I will give you, and the evil spirits will depart by my power through you! Why do you timidly ask sickness to leave when you should speak to the sickness in confidence in my name and command the impossible in my name and heal the sick. Say to that mountain be removed and cast into the sea, heal the sick, cast out the spirits, raise the dead and command the impossible, for so have I enabled you.
Have you not read that the first shall be last, and the last shall be first? Know my children that I am moving in greater power than I did in the first century and I have poured out my spirit in full measure across the earth. Which of you has the courage to stand for me. To speak for me the words that I give you. Which of you has the faith to not shrink from an evil report but hit the evil head on, for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Do not be subservient to the Canaanite, for they are cursed to be subservient to you. Furthermore, do not get caught up on national genealogies for I am sent to all nations that I may save some and in so doing I am saving the true Israel for she is cast out among the nations and you all are the true Israel of God!
Stand for me and speak for me, for time is almost up. Will you be one of the ones who approach my judgment seat having gathered wood hay and stubble against that great approaching day? Or will you present me gold silver and precious stones, for my people are my treasure. Set the captives free and work with me in these final minutes. And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of Angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
My children, I am the Word made flesh and me and my Father are one. In the same manner become one with us by your obedience to me for very soon you will be like me and be received up into glory, for I am the first fruits from among the dead, and I will present you a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Time is almost out so do not hesitate. Work with me in these final minutes and do not hesitate to open your mouths. I will bring them to you so do my works and cease from your own. I will do many mighty works by your hands, only doubt not!
I am the promised seed of the woman
I am the promised seed sent by God
I am still calling my children to stand for me, and to minister for me
I am sending you my Children to gather the sheep that remain
I am saving the true Israel for she is cast out among the nations and you all are the true Israel of God!
I am sent to all nations that I may save some
I am the Word made flesh and me and my Father are one
I am the first fruits from among the dead
In the Works of Peter Pages 161-185 For God is Not the Author of Confusion!
April, 20, 2024
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints! Read these words and hearken to my voice, Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge. Perhaps you should follow my example from the Garden as I prayed in agony when I fell on the ground before my Father in prayer and humility, and he strengthened me to accept the cup of the wrath of your very own sins that I took on myself for you, for I am able to bear them. I speak to the haughty ones in my Church, and I speak to the many divisions amongst you. But why dost thou judge thy brother? Or why dost thou set at naught thy brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Is it not written to the letter I sent to followers of the Way at Roma? But what saith Zechariah on the matter: But they refused to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear. Have you not read Isaiah, my little ones? For what saith the prophets of old? For Isaiah says again, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand: and seeing you shall see, and shall not perceive. My children, I have shown you a more excellent way, but many of you are fallen from grace and your arrogant pride has caused you to elevate yourselves above measure. Yet, my words I gave to the Apostle Paul for Galatia plainly state: For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. My little Children, I know you are eager in heart to serve me and I know you love me, just at times not according to knowledge. Do you not understand that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble? Therefore, humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time, Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble. Don’t consider my Words repetitive, for in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every Word be established. Understand my Children you cannot serve me with your flesh: For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. My Church, submit yourselves one to another in a mind clothed in humility, for I might be the one giving the Words to say and the inspiration to teach you, though many of you will set the voice of the humble aside in favor of someone’s reputation and person. Be followers of God, my Children, for of a truth God is no respecter of persons.
Behold! It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of Kings is to search out a matter. Understand that I will make you Kings and Priests before our God and our Father, so understand the sayings of the wise among you: has not God given you two ears and one mouth? Have you not read? Every one of you has a Psalm, has a doctrine, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation: Let all things be done unto edifying! But no, you bite and devour one another in your arrogance, in your pride you attack those who try to teach you, and you have become unteachable. You argue, bicker, debate, and fight one another instead of humble consideration of what the other says. On the other side, are you so prideful to think that because the words come out of your lips that they are true because YOU said them? Submit yourselves one to another. Hold your tongue and take the Words of your brethren to scripture to prove all things, and hold fast to the good. Unstop your ears and listen fully and consider, for in so doing I will make you wise in your humility, so be not wise in your own conceits. I counsel everyone among you hear my Words, and what do those Words say? For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. No, stop, consider the words I just gave you, open your Bibles and read these words again. Hear them and believe them, for you owe it to yourself to think highly of yourselves, for I have raised you up together, and made you sit together in heavenly places in me, Christ Jesus. But at the same time you should think soberly, for God has given to every man among you the same measure of Faith, so the spirit given is not greater or less in your brethren, but to every one of you is given grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith: When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men. I have given some Apostles: and some Prophets: and some Evangelists: and some Pastors, and teachers: For the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Submit to one another and drop your worthless pride as it causes factions among you. Why do you not understand that there should be no divisions among you my Children, is the body of Christ divided? What have I said to the Corinthians? Now I beseech you brethren by the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you: but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgment. Are you not all one in me, the Lord Jesus Christ? Yet you have so many factions among you, and you bite and devour each other for the tiniest disagreements, know that in your factions and backbiting you amuse Satan, and he brags on your utter futility of effort spent fighting among yourselves because many of you lack humility and your ears are stopped up so you cannot hear each other’s voices, and you have closed your eyes, and they are glued shut in pride and unbelief for so many of you think you have the all truth, and you discount the words of your brethren, and you discount the very Words that I have given them for you and in your arrogant pride you lack the basic humility to hear and consider. For if a man heareth not a thing, it is folly and shame to him. And again, why do you set at naught your brethren, for we must all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ? I counsel you my Church to repudiate your pride and haughty ways and come to me as a student of the Word of life for I am the Word of God made flesh.
So listen with your full soul and give heed to the sounds of your ears and perceive my Words. So understand the order of events given in my Word for many of you are deceived by ravenous wolves that you ignorantly follow for you have listened to the wayward shepherds. Who are you to preach that there is no gathering together of my Church to me, that I will not meet my Church in the air when I come with a mighty shout and the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God, for the trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first and you which are alive and remain will not precede them, and you will all be caught up in the clouds to meet me and forever more will you be with me. Are these words too good for you to believe? Or will you believe the words of the Judaizing wayward shepherds over the voice of your Lord and savior, Christ Jesus? Why do not have faith in my Word nor in the very Words that comprise my Word? Do you not understand what a Biblical mystery is or its purpose? I will tell you: A musterion is a thing kept secret, but prophesied of that is revealed at the proper time, and why would the Father do such a thing, you ask? Have you not read my report? But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world, unto our glory. Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Who are you to discount my Father’s plans and ways, for he needs no counselor, though ten thousand times ten thousand surround his throne. So comfort yourselves together with my Words, for you are saved from wrath in me. Then, in your faithless ways, you argue over the timing of this event. Even though some of you erroneously say there is no gathering, many of you debate the timing of its occurrence in relation to Jacobs trouble. I will make it plain for you if you will listen, though many of you will stubbornly deny this event, even denying me and absolutely sealing your destiny to take your place amongst the unwise virgins. For what says my Word?
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our assembling unto him, That ye be not suddenly moved from your mind, nor troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter, as it were from us, as though the day of Christ were at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a [1] departing first, and that that man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition. (Look to the Byzantine my children, for many corrupt Bibles have come from gnostic texts, fake texts given by sinful men. Do you not understand the difference between a Biblical text and a Bible version?) There will be a falling away from the Faith in apostasy, and those who refuse to depart from the faith will depart from the earth to meet me in the air. For herein is the parable of the 10 virgins. Five wise virgins purchased oil and trimmed their wicks and were ready when the Bridegroom arrived, and five were not ready and neglected to buy oil, trying instead to take from the needs of others and weren’t ready. The five prepared virgins continued with the bridegroom and the five unwise asked to be let in afterwards and were told depart from me, I never knew you. Quench not my spirit in you that would verify these words. Understand the antichrist cannot come into power and Satan’s full kingdom cannot rise from the abyss until the restrainer is removed, and since you are saved from wrath the restrainer will be removed when I gather my bride to myself in the clouds when she meets me in the air.
Then at the end of the seven years of Jacob’s trouble comes the resurrection of the just. Behold! And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them:
and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be Priests of God, and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Do you still not believe my Words? Verily many of you will stubbornly cling your error and the words of the wayward shepherds and many of you who could’ve escaped the wrath of God that comes to try the earth during Jacobs trouble, choosing instead to endure great wrath when I have already proven you and tried you, except you will stubbornly refuse my appearing, and you will cling to wrath that is not intended for you, did I not tell you to come out of her lest you share in her plagues? Yet, there will be one more resurrection. And I saw a great white throne, and him that sate on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God: and the books were opened: & another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it: and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works, for this is the resurrection of the unjust my people.
Why do you not understand that the gathering together of my Church to meet me in the clouds at my appearing is different from my return with my Bride and the armies in heaven? Why do you not understand that the gathering of my Church is a mystery revealed by the Apostle Paul in the context of the Great Mystery of God, so it is a mystery within a mystery, and it was not fully unveiled to the sons of men until it was revealed to Paul who wrote it down, and I have preserved it for you. Yet, there are several examples of God taking people into the heavens for specific purposes. Enoch departed, Elijah departed, I departed into the heavens while my apostles watched in awe, Phillip was departed from one place to another as the Father took him for my purposes and so shall my bride be gathered to me in the clouds to be taken into the heavens to be married to me and to serve my redeeming purposes. Do you not understand that my Bride will be Kings and priests before my God and Father and will rule with me in my coming Kingdom and will forever be with me? Why are you so slow to believe my Words? Have you been enchanted and led astray by the wayward Shepherds? Still, many of you will become a self-fulfilling prophecy and will seal yourselves to the falling away by apostatizing from my precepts, particularly the doctrine of my Church being gathered to me. Shame on you who group this doctrine to other false prophets in recent history, declaring a false, secret rapture that is tied to other false doctrines of dispensations. Understand that there are ages in God’s timeline and not dispensations, and they are not the same concept. Study to show yourselves approved and quit being so intellectually lazy. Quit relying on and reading everyone else interpretation of what is written, and live by it is written: For you need not that any man should teach you. Yet, many of you will scoff and refuse my council. Except this thing will not be done in secret and Satan will launch a great deception to cover this, even for it will be known worldwide. Great shaking will occur, and the entire world will change from the world you have known, and that man of sin will be revealed and rise from the ashes left behind by the four houseman. It is time to ready yourselves my Bride, and do so quickly, for behold my appearing is at hand!
I am the son of Man prophesied of by Enoch whom God took into the heavens
I am he who was transfigured and spoke with Moses and Elijah about my departing, and God took Elijah into the heavens
I am he who was taken into a cloud as I was received into the heavens until the times of restitution
I am he who sent Phillip to the Ethiopian eunuch before God took him to another place on earth
I am he who caught Paul away to the third heaven and showed him unspeakable things that he was not free to share
I am he who will descend from the heavens with a great shout to gather my Bride to meet me in the air
I am he who will raise my two witnesses to life after they are dead for three and a half days and I till take them into the heavens
I am he that is the Alpha and Omega for I am the beginning and the end and behold! I come sooner than you think, so be ready to meet me or fall away.
Whosever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
The Unrighteous Shall Not Inherit the Kingdom of God!
April 19, 2024
From Yeshua HaMashiach: My son, if thou will receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; so that you incline your ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding. Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness: and know that I the Lord Jesus Christ am ever with you and am ever present in your lives as you hold onto me and my salvation, for I am the head of the Body, and I am your faithful Lord my beloved Bride. For I have prepared a place and future for you and there is great reward for my called, and faithful, and chosen.
I haven’t called you to loss and punishment nor have I called you to shame and self condemnation, have you not read there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit? So believe my Words! I didn’t call you to live in the shadow of your past sins, nor to live in the shadow of your youthful exploits, but I have called you to die to your old sinful ways and take up newness of life in me as you put off your flesh, as you put off your sins and walk in newness of life in me. Behold! I make all things new! Is this not your hope?
My children, I have taken you from the depravity of this current dying world and I have delivered you from the power of darkness, and hath translated you into my kingdom, the kingdom of God, led by me the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, of which Yahweh is God, for there is no other. I have called you to glory and virtue in me and I have rescued you from the kingdom of Satan, the kingdom of darkness in to my Kingdom, where there is light! So, awake you who sleeps, and arise from the dead, and I, Jesus Christ, will give you light.
Have you not read in the Letters I sent to my Bride, that I sent to you my very Church? Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
Do you not understand my precepts, Oh lukewarm Church of Laodicea, I didn’t call you to return to your flesh, nor did I call you to continue in your unrighteous ways. Think, and consider, let him that thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall! Take heed to yourselves, and to the doctrine: continue in them: for in doing this, thou shalt both save yourself, and them that hear you. Understand, my luke warm little ones, that you cannot live a life of compromise between good and evil, thinking you are upright before me when you choose the lesser of two evils in your election rituals, that I do not condone or endorse.
Come out of her my people as I have NOT provided a political solution and I have absolutely not given you a world leader to make anything great again, you are deceived, and you are being primed to follow and give consent to the man of perdition who openly walks among you, although he hasn’t been revealed quite yet. But you who ask for discernment will know who he is, so you may avoid his deception. No, compromise is not for you as you are my children and brethren and I did not win your salvation by giving my life as a ransom for many by compromising with Satan, for to compromise is to join their ranks so make no mistake: You either stand for me in righteousness and true holiness or you have joined the ranks of Satan in his dying kingdom, so REPENT!
What do you gain by compromise with evil? Do you not understand you are to overcome evil with good? So stand fast in me and quit flip-flopping like a fish out of water. Many of you are still blown about by every wind of doctrine and sleight of hand, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. I, Christ Jesus have spoken, and I will not be silenced.
So many of you have compromised yourselves and my church, and I ask you: how long halt you between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. Simply stated you cannot compromise and choose any form of evil and think you are standing for me, when you choose evil you choose the sources of that evil as your lord and master becoming the servant of sin. Know ye not, that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey: whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
Hear me and hear me well my Church, know that I stand in disgust at the practices that are prevalent in your nation and around the world, that you have compromised and allowed into my Church to vex my little ones. As in the days of Noah, so shall it be. The days of Noah were a time when the earth was ruled by evil abominations made by the fallen angels, their very own seed, a seed of evil made for your complete destruction, and they will return, for behold I bring the giants to fulfill my wrath. They accomplished this by removing and violating natural boundaries that my Father set in place so peace and righteousness could prevail, but by removing and immorally crossing the very boundaries that are obvious in nature itself, that my Father instituted, many of you have polluted yourselves by your consent of the evil prevalent in your times.
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be: and that which is done, is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun, have you not read, oh ye of little faith? Removing God’s own boundaries causes insanity, and sickness, and confusion of all things. Many of you revel in mental illness thinking a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man, and you lead your own children into your delusions. Many of you attend churches led by homosexual false ministers who are open and flamboyant in their sickness, and you think they speak for me? Know this, if you are in that sinful state that I will give you over to the lusts you so wantonly crave, and you will reap the fruit of your unclean ways.
Behold! For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one towards another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. But no, it’s not enough to be led by the effeminate and their lies, you allow your own children to be compromised and even mutilated before me. There is great consequence in store for these action, and they will not go unpunished, and yet you persist in your insanity and unless you repent, I will spue you out of my mouth.
Come to me in repentance and sit in sackcloth and ashes that I may know the sincerity of your repentance and weep and howl over your sins so you do not pay the price in judgment. So many of you are so arrogant because you try to make me Lord while you still have a faithless heart, for with the heart man believes unto righteousness. So have faith that you may be saved, your faith will be indicated to all by your repudiation of sin and coming out of your filthy ways. The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted. But you still consent to the ways of the sodomite, and you help bring great evil on the land, to the point that you actually vote for child molesters to lead your lands. You lack even the most elementary level of discernment, and you do not follow my way,
and if you persist I will completely give you over to your vile affections for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved.
Let me open your eyes’ oh you who are willingly ignorant and blind, you who sit in filth and darkness rolling in the mire. You cannot give your consent to evil and think you are serving me, for I resisted evil and temptation until the very last drop of blood flowed from me onto the red earth, for I am the last Adam and I have been made a quickening spirit. So many of you are blinded by good words and fair speeches and give your full consent to criminals and horrible people who prey on children. They molest children, they torture children for their own evil lusts: For so comes the wrath of God on Mystery Babylon, but so many of you persist in giving your consent to these brute beasts who are set aside for the eternal hellfires that will never be quenched.
Come out of her my people, or you will share in her plagues and the awful judgment that is coming on her and I have warned you. For what concord has Christ with Belial? If you share in her lies you will share in her plagues, so completely separate yourselves in word and in deed and do not agree with them in the least. Do not live careless compromised lives for I will punish all who do. You think because you have eternal life that you can’t experience great loss and consequence? I will strip your rewards and give them away and you will be the least in the kingdom of heaven if you persist, for so says Yeshua HaMashiach, the Bridegroom to my Bride!
From Yahweh, the eternal God: Oh, you worthless ones who harm my creation, you worthless ones who have sold yourselves to Satan, you worthless ones who have made Satan your God, you worthless ones who reject my son Jesus Christ and the salvation I have provided in his name, you worthless ones who have allowed your own children to burn in the fires of Moloch. I will give you the world you desire, and I have prepared you a world without me, a world without my son Christ Jesus, a world with a great lake of fire and brimstone just for you.
I will give you the darkness you so desire for my light will not be present there, and you will spend eternity separated from me, Yahweh the great brilliant God whose glory and brightness that no flesh can behold and who is from everlasting to everlasting. You rebellious evil ones who have destroyed my creation from the beginning in your lusts and hate and jealousy, know that you have heaped great punishment and torment to yourselves from which you will never be healed and to all who are led astray by your lies and refuse Jesus Christ, refusing to turn from your lies to my truth.
You think perverting my ways and removing my boundaries is a light thing, but you will understand my wrath as soon as the first flame touches you, and you will be engulfed in fire and brimstone of which you will never escape. Furthermore, you have murdered, raped, plundered, molested, hurt, killed, destroyed and participated in the most grievous offenses even desiring strange flesh, and you have joined yourselves to the fallen angels, so I will join you to the lake of fire I have prepared for the devil and his angels, and you will not escape. You have no peace.
I will exact justice on you, for I am a God of justice, and I am a God of vengeance. Yet, you will arrogantly stand against me pleading your case thinking that I will somehow shrink from your satanic ways of: do what you will, shall be the whole of the law. You have no peace. I will repay, and you say I am a loving God (which I am) but then you expect me not to exact justice on those who have polluted my creation, on those who tortured and killed my only-begotten son as he gave himself a ransom for all, yea, you expect me not to exact justice on you for your worthless ways when you have killed, tortured, and maimed the innocent, and you have starved my little ones for your own agendas.
Indeed, Satan himself would destroy all that is of me for his own greedy gain, even then you try and accuse me of folly in my righteous judgments when I come to protect my own. Your days of leading my little ones astray are about to come to an end. Behold! Your beast and false prophet will utterly be destroyed, and I will cast them alive into that great lake burning with fire and brimstone, they will wait for you to join them in your inheritance.
Great judgment is on you, oh prince of darkness, your kingdom and all that follow you are about to be utterly destroyed for you are no gods, and you cannot deliver your worthless selves from my hand, and I will chain you in the deepest darkness you so desire, even the deepest abyss will I chain you with a great chain that you cannot break. Yea, in the abyss you will be for one day, for one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. And even then I will loose you for a little season that you may tempt and gather the very last of those abominable ones who would follow you and your ways and I will then consume all of you with fire and the thrones of judgment will be set, and I will judge all of you evildoers, and you will go to everlasting punishment from the face of the Lord, you will burn in the presence of the angels and in the presence of the lamb, and they will behold you in torment and punishment for you have wronged them all, and you will fully pay for your sins for all eternity.
Then you will be sealed in your prison, and you will be forgotten, and you will never again come to mind, for the former things will pass away and be forgotten, for behold I will make a new heaven and new earth wherein dwells righteous, and I Yahweh, the great God of all gods, for there is none like me, behold! I will make all things new, for I Yahweh have spoken it! Yahweh, the great God will make his throne on earth and my dwelling place will be amongst men, and you will never again be, oh you worthless ones, and you will forever burn in your forgotten prison of torment that you can never escape for I will set the seal and none can break it.
Yet so many of you who sympathize with Satan accuse me of folly for taking justice and vengeance into my own hands to deliver those who made themselves worthy of everlasting punishment to the flames. Hear my words’ oh dwellers of the earth, my Son is coming, and he comes with great vengeance, anger, and fury for the wrongs done by your hands. The times of judgment, even the judgment of the great day of Christ is about to explode across the earth and there will be no remedy for the evil ones, no remedy for Satan, and no remedy all who have joined him as all will go into eternal perdition and I will give back to them all they have inflicted on the innocent.
Therefore, I will inflict their evil hearts desires, and all their evil works right back on them for all eternity. See my anger boiling and know that the times of restitution of all things is at hand and there are no numbers left on the clocks in the heavens for all the numbers have fallen from the clock face for time is up! I counsel all who read these words to run to my Son Jesus Christ in repentance and make him Lord, for no one will come to me except through Jesus Christ, for no other name have I given for salvation and all of your idols will burn. There is time yet for salvation and whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, so run to Jesus Christ while you still can, for the day of the Lord has come, and I will unleash my Son and the wrath of the Lamb will be satisfied. Kiss the Son lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little: Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
For Reference: Isaiah 13:1 from the Septuagint: I give command, and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfill my wrath, rejoicing at the same time and insulting.
Table of Contents
The Faithful Shepherd Says: You Are Like Sheep Gone Astray!
April 17, 2024
Oh my people, you are all like sheep gone astray, and each of you have turned aside to your own ways, ways that I didn’t make for you, but you follow the ways of false prophets who lie and swear by my holy name, and they will not go unpunished. I warn you sternly my people and I call heaven and earth to record my Words: DO NOT reckon words of prophecy given by me, the Lord Jesus Christ as an unholy thing but rather prove every word I give, should you refuse it is sin to your account.
I tell you before I go any further, many of you will stop your ears and close your eyes at the words that I am about to give, and I counsel you to not shrink in fear. Many of you will crater to pressure from friends, family, pressures from fake churches and worldly institutions thinking academia represents me when worldly academia is Satan’s very own spurious knowledge and his knowledge of good and evil always brings death for so he designed his words to accomplish. Don’t be among those who reject my words but listen with your entire soul and consider what I will say, for my Words are life, and they will make your calling and election sure.
Where in my holy Word do you see that there is such a thing as Christian Zionism? Do you not understand that their leaders are the synagogue of Satan? Yes, there are those who have infiltrated Israel who are not of Israel and are of the synagogue of Satan, and they do lie saying they are Jews and are not! You my Church are the Israel of God and you are not a replacement nor is this replacement theology but my holy Word – look and see for yourselves! No! I’m not speaking against my own, though there are those among you who are wise in their own conceits who will say just that.
Check my genealogy as I was born of the Fathers and my pedigree is sound and if anyone among you is zealous of Israel, I am more so, for I gave my very life for them! Who are my mother and brethren? For whosoever shall do the will of God is my mother and my brethren, have you not read? I am discerning for you: good and evil, since many of you lack true spiritual discernment and are blinded by the lies of the evil ones. Have you not read that God fulfills his ways at times by the hand of his enemies, for even his enemies obey his voice? Yes Israel was reestablished in 1948, and I love many in the land and will rescue them, but Israel was reestablished by evil men and their leaders carry secret evil intent, and it is not for you my children to have a hand in this part of my Fathers business during this time, though you will help in the future in my Kingdom, but it is up to me to save Jacob, not you!
You have been led astray by good words and fair speeches and have fallen for a very slick sleight of hand. You have been enchanted by the spirits of Jezebel who work in the ways of Balaam and know that I will break their hold on you and open your eyes and ears if you but turn to me with humility and willingness to come to my Word and learn of me without your preconceived notions that you have learned from these false spirits prophesying through their false prophets. Spirits of Jezebel speaking great lies in her false prophets even lying signs and wonders and prophesying for greedy gain in the spirit of Balaam, these have infiltrated your Churches and you eat filth from their very hands.
You have been deceived by the synagogue of Satan into a false alliance with them, the synagogue of Satan. Some in my Church are not faithful to my Words and precepts because they have believed lies spoken in my name, sharing in their blindness, which is proper. Do not let yourselves be found among them when I come, have I not said come out of her and be ye separate, for what concord has Christ with Belial? Wash the mud from your eyes in my atoning blood and open them to see the true light I will give you, as your eyes are crusted over with mire, and you cannot open them without me.
According as it is written, God has given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear unto this very day, and by good words and fair speeches you have joined in their blindness, not only being blind to my purposes for Israel but also blinded from your true calling in me Christ Jesus, your Lord! If you are blind, you are not free to read and understand my Words and you are not walking in the spirit. Therefore, follow my Words my people for though you have known me after the flesh, after the flesh you know me no more for I have been changed to a life giving spirit, who has given the spirit of life to the Israel of God, even the spirit of son ship whereby you cry ABBA, Father!
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, therefore stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Incline your ears and turn your hearts to hear my Word and reject them not! It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life. Therefore, do not be conformed to Israel after the flesh and come out of her political lies, but be conformed to my spirit which is made in the image of God!
Do you not understand their lies are allowed to set the stage for the anti-Christ that they might all be damned who have pleasure in unrighteousness, whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the World? Listen to my words of rebuke and harden not your hearts, for my words will save you from the calamity to come and will separate you from those who fight against me and who have rejected me for close to 2000 years now. And though blindness has happened in part to Israel, a remnant of Jacob will turn to me and accept the righteousness that doesn’t come by the law but by faith in me. Cleanse your thoughts and shake off the false words of the wolves that they have falsely whispered in your ears, even speaking falsely in my name, as I did not send them.
There is a great evil over my land, and I will come to the rescue. There is great evil on Jacob because they have allowed themselves to be subverted by Edomite liars. Have you not believed my report that the synagogue of Satan exists and is real? Know that they walk among you! Do you not understand that the blind cannot lead the blind, and Israel is blinded in part until the fullness of the gentiles comes in? I will yet save a faithful remnant from Jacob, and I am sealing the 144,000. And they will do mighty works for me and I will send them to and fro during Jacob’s trouble, and they will save many, and many mighty works will they do, and I will lead them to lead others, as there is no other way to the Father but through me, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah they rejected.
But you oh modern Christian, you lukewarm children of mine, you think you know better because you have read their writings brought in stealthily among you, and you have believed their false report. The false report from the Edomite synagogue of Satan, the temple building cult, the very destroyers Satan has sent to subjugate the world, and they lead that nation you would worship in place of the Father if you follow their cleverly devised fables. Calling themselves God’s chosen people and convincing you to bless them when they will destroy you at first chance. Know that I have not sent a political solution and world governments serve Satan who has bought them with the wages of unrighteousness.
Have you not read and have you not understood that I am the only solution, and I am a warrior King sent by Yahweh himself to subjugate the kingdom in righteousness and put down all rule and authority of Satan? Yea I will break his rule in pieces never to recover, and I will wound his lying head as prophesied, and he will burn forevermore in the hottest flames of blue, and he will swim in burning brimstone in that great lake on that great day, and he will never recover but will be destroyed and burn forever. Know that there is no unjust cruelty in my Father’s justice but a simple recompense of Satan’s own actions and his own desires for the Father’s children and creation, so my Father will give him what he desires for you in his justice.
Have you not read? The King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Why do you follow false political leaders as if you were following me? I will tell you why so you fully understand: Many of you follow the lies in your reference Bibles that I did not write, and I did not commission those who compiled so called
Christian-Zionist writings. There is no such thing as a Christian-Zionism, for I am not a Jewish supremacist. If I were a Zionist, I would never have turned to the gentiles, and the nations did receive me for a time. No, they use Zionism to bring in the anti-Christ with their temple they will ignorantly construct in my Father’s name, and they do dishonor my Father because they reject me, Jesus Christ. Not only did I come to my own and was rejected of my own, but many of them still reject me to this day. But you oh Laodicean Church, you think you can hasten the fulfillment of prophecy by following their madness for the synagogue of Satan wants a world of their own, a world without you, my Children, have I not saved you from them?
Know that Satan tried to steal my inheritance from me, for the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Satan wants a world without God, a world free of God, a world free of me, the chief cornerstone, and a world where the strongest survive as they genocide the earth of all but Satan’s very seed, of which they are. Israel has been infiltrated for thousands of years now by their Babylonian writings (Yes they codified the oral traditions handed down) that condemns me, the Lord Jesus Christ which is impossible to attain as I will not be denied, and the World is about to understand my wrath and might, for I am greater than all except my Father, and it is impossible to stop me.
I have waited in patience and long-suffering allowing my name to be blasphemed and my atoning sacrifice counted as an unholy thing so that my Bride could be saved, the very Bride who was hidden in times past in God’s great mystery, a mystery I unveiled fully to the Apostle Paul and you can read his writings to understand for he didn’t speak of himself, but he declared the gospel of the great Mystery of God that I gave him to unveil for me. Nobody will take what is mine, for I have paid for it with my own atoning blood, and I will recompense the evildoers.
Satan wants a world without you my Children but so many of you foolishly give your money to support the synagogue of Satan and their unholy designs in my land and on the remnants of the nation of Israel, a nation that I will rule from on the throne of David in my soon-to-be unveiled kingdom. You support your own deaths, thinking you are furthering the gospel. Why is it you cannot understand that death and destruction and genocidal rulers are NOT of me but are Satan’s own seed, yes their father is the Devil, the Father of Lies, Satan himself. Know that he is a defeated enemy, and he fearfully knows his days are short, and he fears his future more than anything for he knows there will never be relief from his punishment for God himself declares it!
My children, you cannot follow Satan and serve me, for no man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. So make your choice as to whom you will serve because I never ordained my Church to have anything to do with so called Christian-Zionism and that movement is not of me but Satan and he is using it to bring in his anti-Christ. So many of you have lost the meaning of my words, thinking anti means in staunch opposition to and nothing more. No, the antichrist is cleverly sent in place of me to a people who rejected me, and yet I will save Jacob through great trouble and I will not only purge my land of inheritance, but I will purge the entire world from evil and sin. Understand that I will save Jacob by promises my Father made to their Fathers and its not by merit or their own righteousness, for no flesh is righteous in my sight.
I counsel you to put down the writings of those who do not speak for me and be wise my children for many of you are so naive that you cannot discern lies from truth for you do not hold me as your head, but hold the words spoken by false prophets of Jezebel who work in the ways of Balaam following the rewards of unrighteousness. For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Return to my pure Word of God, for the Father protects it to this very day.
Understand my methodology my people, and learn of me. I didn’t choose one voice to represent my scripture, and I didn’t choose the oldest voice to rule my Words and verify their authenticity. No, in my Father’s ways (my Father needs no counselor in his plans) and in my Fathers’ wisdom he chose many voices from many times, places, and cultures that agree with each other. Look to the Byzantine, my children, and doubt not my Words and delve into the texts I have preserved and humble yourselves to my Words. Were you not commanded to study to show yourselves approved? For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light: For they are wise in evil and deception, and they do nothing more than steal kill and destroy.
My Father has protected his pure word of God, and it’s right under your noses, but you reject it so you can have your lazy desires catered to with easy to read versions, corrupt versions that I didn’t send or author. Why will you turn away at these words? In your naive foolishness, you don’t understand that Satan counterfeits even the holy scriptures.
He does so in the same way a dishonest cheater would cheat by removing links from a chain one at a time to make the chain shorter while nobody notices, aren’t boundaries moved incrementally? For what Fowler sets the snare in the bird’s sight? He has changed words, removed entire sections and verses, he has added words, and he has done so all in a push to unify all religions under an ecumenical push to subjugate all to his false Christ who walks among you openly soon to be revealed.
I will cast the beast and false prophet alive in the lake burning with fire and brimstone so they may come to their inheritance, an inheritance my father has prepared for the devil and his angels. For he will give them a world of their own and a world suitable for their evil desires they wish on you my children. Have you not learned or have you forgotten that gnostic cults altered my epistles as soon as they received them? And you think it can’t happen in your times, where knowledge is increased?
Search out my pure word, and have faith that I am capable to provide honest translators, have faith in the words I have given, have faith in the Words of the Word of God. Do not be so naive to think that any writing is perfect, have I not told you to study to show yourselves approved? But my people, when you study you let the enemies of the cross interpret my Words for you so you may be manipulated into providing consent for the synagogue of Satan. You ignorantly give your consent and tacit approval to Satan and his children who have usurped my holy lands, but only for a season and Jacob’s trouble will cleanse them away from the land and the meek shall inherit the earth. Have Faith in me, the word made flesh, to provide you truth and truth is in my holy scriptures, for they speak of me.
Will you reject my words, my people? Will you choose to discredit the messengers I have sent, for I have sent many! Many of you will persist in your insanity, not even taking the time to verify the words of this prophecy, and you will do so to your own detriment and loss of reward. As soon as the restrainer is removed and my Bride is taken, they will move with great haste to kill everything and anyone who is Christian. They will purge Christianity from the earth if they could, and they will persecute and martyr my saints in many ways, and those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Turn to me now and cleanse your hearts from their lying words. You have heaped words of death and destruction to yourselves in complete ignorance of your own history. I challenge you to study the history of the books I didn’t write that you elevate above my own Words. Study who the authors really were, for they authored great lies into their books, for you will know them by their fruits. Many of these books have been made the standard in your seminaries, search it out, for it is true! If you will be diligent in these matters and hold to me, then I will lead you into all truth, and you will finally understand the mystery of Godliness of which you are. But even the great mystery has been cheapened in your minds and hearts by their lies, that great mystery is one new man taken from Jew and Gentile alike where there is no more wall of separation, for that wall is done away in me.
Many of you cling to an Old Testament verse taken out of context: ignorantly thinking you must support genocidal maniacs so you will be blessed by me. I bless those who have been called by my name, and though I cause it to rain on the righteous and unrighteous alike, all blessings are in me Christ Jesus your Lord, the true Lord of Lord and true king of kings. Therefore, turn to me in repentance for you have taken the lies of Jezebel as gospel truth, and you have heaped wrath to yourselves in so doing, for I will even give my children according to their works, though I will not judge you by your sins.
I am the Lamb of God chosen before the foundation of the World
I am a warrior King sent by Yahweh
I am he whom the Heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things I am he who was baptized by John the Baptist when the spirit descended like a dove to the sound of my Father’s own voice
I am he who came to my own and who was rejected, a man of sorrows who paid the highest price for you all
I am greater than all except my Father, Yahweh
I am Yeshua HaMashiach also known as Jesus Christ and ιησου χριστου in Greek and in many other languages that all identify me as both Jesus the Christ or Christ Jesus, for I am Lord!
Very soon you will see me face to face, my Bride, and you will know as you are known. Therefore, I am calling you to me, so do not resist my Words and heed my voice for life and salvation is to be found by the obedient.
Why Have You Forsaken My Mysteries?
April 15, 2024
Why have you forsaken my mysteries?, oh lukewarm, Laodicean church. Why have you forsaken the great mystery of God? You have exchanged the most sacred secrets of the Father, even Christ in you the hope of glory, for filthy lucre and your God has become your belly. Yet, you will say to me… “There is no fault in me, I’m not chasing filthy lucre for I am upright before you” And I retort: Do you not chase after the fake prosperity gospel taught in your Laodicean Churches? You have sold the truth of God’s most sacred mysteries for base gain and you no longer have the hope of glory that I passionately want you to understand, but you have changed the hope of glory into the hope of material gain you seek to gather for yourselves by your impure thoughts. I didn’t call you to money and materialism, but to righteousness and true holiness that is found in me.
Turn from your errors and buy eye salve of me, that you may anoint your eyes to see the truths in scripture I have given you for your own salvation. You have been duped into supporting world governments, thinking by supporting them you are supporting God’s chosen. You should feel shame before me because in your ignorance you don’t understand who the true Israel of God is, and you no longer understand the great mystery of God that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ, by the Gospel. For I am your peace, who has made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between you.
You have allowed your identity to be stolen by the synagogue of Satan, and you have lost yourselves in the words of false prophets. Do you not understand that you are the Israel of God? As many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. Oh, lukewarm church, who will save you from your adulterous fornication that has corrupted you from the single mindedness that is in me, Christ Jesus your Lord? You cannot hang onto this dying world thinking in so doing you serve me, and you should repent of your support of evil world governments, for what concord has Christ with Belial, and they do not serve me but Satan. Go to my scripture and seek your true self that I have hidden in my epistles, for you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God, and he that is dead is freed from sin and the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new. I have created you in me as a newborn taking your first breath in eternity, for eternity started for you the second you were born again of my spirit, for I have made of two one new man, so making peace. Yes, one new man in me comprised of Jew and gentile alike in my church of God. Those I have called to newness of life in me are God’s chosen people and those born of my spirit are the true sons of God and if any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his.
Why do you disallow sections of scripture, counting them unholy because of your socalled positive thinking? Why do you divide scripture, thinking that the entire Word of God isn’t for you doctrine, practice and learning? Fake positive thinking at the expense of the truth blinds you to my ways and my purposes that I have pre-ordained for you. Yes, you should set your thoughts on things above, but do not call sections of my scripture doom and gloom because you don’t consider it positive thinking. You are trapped in Christian witchcraft, practicing the very knowledge of the fallen angels who taught mankind sorcery and witchcraft and root cuttings to begin with.
Your fallen angel knowledge is a cunningly crafted lie designed to snare your soul by good words and fair speeches. Know that many evil men over the years have introduced occultism into Christianity, telling you that if you think something long enough it has to happen as you think. You fool! God did not create you to build your own delusion around your self-help Christianity and happy thoughts. You follow another Jesus and have left the faith that is in me, and you have deserted my words and precepts in favor of good words and fair speeches, and you have been corralled by greedy wolves who lie to you.
They lie to you and misapply the law of Moses, telling Christians they should tithe to support their organizations that are not built on me, the chief cornerstone. Check scripture, and understand that as a man purposes in his heart, so let him give and give cheerfully, for God loves a cheerful giver and this is a key precept in the new testament ratified in my blood. The tithe was to support the Levitical priests and they supported the high priest with the heave offering. This is done away in me for I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek and have made you priests and kings before me. But you, oh lukewarm church, you are blinded with visions of false power and abilities, abilities not found in Christ.
You control nothing by your thoughts alone, and you are blind to me and my purposes I have prepared for you. You have stopped your ears from hearing sound doctrine in favor of false doctrines that tickle your ears. Not only that, but you attack the brethren who have become your enemy because they tell you the truth in these matters, and you have rejected the Berean mindset in favor of emotionalism miscalled Christianity. Understand this wayward shepherds, you will be recompensed in judgment for leading my sheep astray and vengeance is mine and I will repay.
Understand this, my children: you control nothing by your positive thinking, and you are not a prosperity magnet on account of your happy thoughts. You are deceived and have been led astray by many deceivers. Furthermore, you can do nothing without me just as I can do nothing without my Father for it is God who empowers the righteous and the Father who has created all, and each to glorify Yahweh’s righteous name above all! Come out of your greed and forsake the love of money, for the love of money is the root of all evil.
When you close your eyes to my entire gospel and selectively pick and choose what you consider “positive” you are in the ditch with blind leaders who led you both to that end. I didn’t call you to fall in a ditch my children, but I called you to live before me in righteousness and true holiness, so rise up out of the mire. I called you to forsake your sins and repent of your unrighteous ways. It is only by my atoning blood that you can be purged from your sins, your positive thoughts do not work righteousness, though you have made them the idols of your heart.
Why do you allow false brethren and Judaizers into your midst to spy out the liberty you have in me, the righteous Lord? Had you understood the great mystery of God you would understand that Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believes, For Moses describes the righteousness which is of the Law, that the man which does those things shall live by them. For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. What of the Mosaic law, then?
I have fulfilled the requirements of the law and justified man by faith in me, for I have overcome, and I have fulfilled the law giving myself as the perfect Passover once and for all, therefore, the just shall live by faith. Have you not read that I didn’t come to destroy the law or the prophets but to fulfill the law and give righteousness to men by their identification with me, their Lord Jesus Christ.
This I say then, walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh and there is no law against the fruit of the spirit. Therefore, you are buried with me by baptism into my death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father: even so you also should walk in newness of life. It is only in my atoning works, as the sinless lamb of God, that anyone can overcome sin and be freed from the curse of the law, for I have been made a curse for you, for cursed is any man who hangs on a tree.
Moses described the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which does those things shall live by them. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. Christ is the end of the law for everyone that believes, yet so many of you will reject these very words because you revere the words of your pastors, preachers, and Rabbis more than the words of your Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Do you not understand that you are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone? For no other foundation can any man lay, then that is laid, which is Jesus Christ, therefore you are not under law but grace.
For those who believe can enter into my rest, for he that is entered into my rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his on the seventh day. Know you not that the law was your schoolmaster to bring you to me, Christ Jesus? Yet many have rejected me and my grace and my mercy in favor of their own pointless works of righteousness. Blindness in part has come to Israel until the fullness of the gentiles come to consummation. Oh, wild olive branch, boast not yourself against the olive tree you are grafted into and do not follow their blindness, for I am able to save Jacob and I will do just that as a remnant shall be saved.
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of any Holy day, or of the New moon, or of the Sabbath days. Why do you place a burden on my children, telling them they must pronounce my name in some sacred language? I understand all languages and look on the heart, so I know when my children call on my name in whatever language they call, and I seal them with my Father’s seal accordingly, and I bring them into the Church of God. Neither the Fathers nor you are able to keep the law, but the law is fulfilled in you in my righteousness, for the law comes down to two great commandments: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.
Righteousness does not come by the law but by faith in me, the Lord Jesus Christ, for I am the high priest after the order of Melchizedek, and it is by my atoning blood that you are justified for I am the perfect Passover, and I am the lamb of God. Let no man lead you astray in these matters, the Law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient. Behold! I have blotted out the handwriting of ordinances, that was against you, which was contrary to you, and took it out of the way, nailing it to my cross. Yet you still desire to be in bondage to the weak and beggarly elements. What saith scripture: Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for we are not children of the bondwoman but the free.
Have I not plainly stated: Behold! I show you a mystery, we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, for I will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then you which are alive and remain will be caught up in the clouds to meet your me, Christ Jesus in the air, and so shall you ever be with me. Oh Laodicean church, you reject even my plainest words to you. Therefore, know that I will reject you from my table, when I greatly desire to set a place for you in the heavens.
You think it but a light thing to reject my words and lead others astray in your error.
Therefore, since you want the day of the Lord I will leave you to endure the day of the Lord, seeing you arrogantly think you can stand. You reject my appearing and magnify the words of false prophets over sound doctrine that I have given in me. Have you not read the parable of the ten virgins? I counsel you to have faith in my words and deny me not, so I won’t have to deny you. Which will you be my children? Will you be amongst the wise virgins who prepared themselves with trimmed wicks and oil in your lamps? Or will you take your place with the unwise virgins saying Lord, Lord open to us, and I will say to them, I know you not!
Have you not read? For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church. Do you not understand the words of the bridegroom, my bride? You are to hold to me as your head in the same manner a wife holds to her husband as her head, for the Bride is my Church and my body and what man ever hated his own flesh? Yet, you allow the wayward shepherds to lead you astray in this matter and many of you esteem twisted words from twisted false prophets over my holy word.
You have placed your faith in wicked men, men I have not sent, yet they deceive you with good words and fair speeches that I have not given them. You follow them as if you are following me. Repent! Many of you are following false ministers who appear as ministers of righteousness, no marvel though for Satan transforms himself into an Angel of light so it should be no surprise that his ministers do the same. Many of you are blinded by false light, from false ministers that I have not sent, and they speak great swelling words that are contrary to the sound doctrine in me, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Take a stand for yourselves, oh spineless Christians, and come out of her and depart from Mystery Babylon. I would that you were hot or cold and not lukewarm, and I have no desire to spew you out of my mouth. Therefore, return to me, my Children, and return to my words. Hold me as your head, for I am the Lord who died for you, and you resurrected when I did. Why do you rely on false prophets? You need not that any man should teach you, but the anointing you have received of me abides in you and teaches you all things, oh ye of little faith! Turn to me and return to the narrow path. Weep, howl and repent, my children! As many as I love I rebuke that your calling and election may be sure.
Know that I love you dearly and desire your full heart over your works. Come to me with an open heart and give me your all, as I have given my all for you. Fear not and don’t condemn yourselves, for there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Just return to me, confess your sins, and I will forgive you and restore you to the purposes and gifts I have given you. Stand strong and steadfast for I will very soon appear suddenly, and the World will know that I have snatched you away as this thing will not be done in secret and time is short my children and very soon time will be no more.
I am able to save Jacob and I will do just that as a remnant shall be saved.
I am the high priest after the order of Melchizedek
I am the perfect Passover
I am the lamb of God
I am the Lord who died for you, even Yeshua HaMashiach
Every Secret Will Come to Light!
April 12, 2024
Have you not read? Every secret will come to light. Have you not read? Every hidden thing will be exposed. Have you not read? Every heart’s intent will come before me. Every tongue will confess to me, says the Righteous Lord and Righteous King, who rules in Righteousness. Oh, my people, why do you choose the error of Adam and Eve, for from the beginning they tried to hide their shame in their own works, for they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. Yet, God saw what happened and knew they would stumble before he created them. And what did the Father do for them? HE MADE them coats of skins and clothed them apart from their own works.
Why do you think you can hide your sins from me, my children? I see all of you and know you better than you know yourselves. Stop listening to the wayward shepherds who preach another Jesus, indeed in broken cisterns they offer lukewarm water to a lukewarm Church wrapped in false sincerity and so-called positive thinking. They lie to you with self-help Christianity, telling you out of context truths such as God loves you the way you are. While the Father’s love is undying and white-hot for his children, true Christianity preaches repentance and remission of sins, sins that are confessed in honesty with a pure heart that lead to salvation and wholeness. Yet many in my Church rationalize and justify their sins, they rationalize in their own philosophies, and seek a false perch looking down on their brethren in arrogant pretense as they wrap their iniquities in their own false justification. Is this not the knowledge of Satan when he offered the forbidden fruit to the mother of all the living? Are these not the works of the flesh?
I ask you a question, all of you know the answer. What are the wages of sin? What does the holy scriptures declare those wages to be? Is it not death? Yet, many of you feel that your sins are justified and are even part of you and what makes you unique, as you abuse my grace. In dying, you shall die. Even though you have eternal life in me, and I will forgive you all and will not cast you away if you remain in me, in dying you shall die. From your first breath, you are perishing due to the sin nature in you.
When you continue in sin and sow to the flesh, you will reap corruption every time, because in dying you shall die. Sin will eventually kill every aspect of your lives and even your flesh to your last breath if you continue. Not only that, but you will lose your reward and stand in shame in the heavenlies at my judgment-seat as the wood hay and stubble you treasured to yourselves burns to nothing in front of you, and you will suffer loss as I will strip your reward and give it to another, for I am the righteous judge.
Why come to me in repentance and then return to your own vomit? What do you accomplish? Do you not understand that you can’t serve me and Satan at the same time? If you sin, you are the servant of sin until you come clean with me, and every tongue will confess! Why do you desire to return to the weak and beggarly elements? All they will ever do is seek to kill you as they carry you away as plunder. Know that the evil spirits brag over my children they are able to capture. Why do you choose to bring shame to your own name and make yourselves a laughingstock? You have forgotten your first love and many of you are involved in Christian witchcraft and self-help Christianity, a version of faith without me, for I will not enter the Laodicean Church but stand at the door and knock. I say to you plainly, your positive thinking controls nothing, and you are deceived.
Are the pleasures of sin for a short season that important to you? Do you not understand that I will reward you richly with heavenly things for your troubles and trials? I will recompense what you sacrifice for me in my name. Return to your first love, my children, and come to me and come out of Babylon. For the great harlots days are numbered and there will be no remedy for her, therefore, come out from her my people and be ye separate that you share not in her plagues. Depart from lust and the works of the flesh, For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world and the world is passing away.
Flee fornication and share not in their shame and consequence. My children, it’s as if you are doing the deed yourselves when you draw pleasure from perverseness and depravity. Forsake your greedy ways, for I will punish those who heap riches to themselves, and soon your money will be worthless. Push into my spirit, for my spirit is life and peace. Depart from evil and sin not! Reap the fruit of the spirit in me, for I have empowered you over your sins if you will come clean with me. Do you think you can hide something from my gaze? I have been empowered to see and me and my Father are one in unity and purpose. It’s impossible to hide, and It’s impossible to hide your sins from me. Many of you have no idea how ridiculous you appear when you selfrighteously act as you have no sin, and yet your eyes burn for lust that sets your loins ablaze.
Understand that the thief uses many vices and ploys against you. If you follow my will to resist and turn to me, I am an ever present help in time of need and I will succor you, I will protect you, I will purge you and make a way to escape the many temptations you face, but you have to resist with everything in you. It means nothing when you say you are sorry and go right back to your vomit, but you would cringe to see a dog do the
same, yet you in your arrogance you think you are different, so don’t act like a wild dog. Sin is sin. The only way to beat sin is by my atoning blood and to rest in me. The spirit I have poured on you will empower you, I have created a new nature in you, and if you but ask I will create a clean heart in you.
So stop your filthy mouths, close your lustful eyes in prayer, and depart from iniquity and I will cleanse you. Yes, I will cleanse you fully as white as fresh snow when you confess and also change and turn from your filthy ways. As many as I love I rebuke, and as many as I love I chastise. What Father chastises not his own child? Though many do just that, that’s not my ways, and it’s not the ways of my Father. Since God deals with you as children, he will also chastise you as children, for if he chastises you not, then you aren’t his children but bastards.
But you are his children, so give ear to my words and endure chastisement, and heed the warnings, for life and happiness awaits. No chastisement seems joyous at the time, but it will lead to the peaceable fruits of righteousness. Come to me, and I will purge you of your old ways and I will teach you my ways that you may walk in righteousness and peace. Help your brethren and become an example of repentance, for in your stand you will break many chains and many bonds, even the bonds you grasp in your own hands and hold tightly to yourself. I counsel you to let them all go. Sin leads to bondage, and it pays death, therefore come out of her that you share not in her judgments.
I am holy, so be ye holy
I am he that justifies my children
I am he that sanctifies my children
I am he that makes my children righteous in me
I am he that redeems my children in my grace and mercy
I am he that washes you clean in my sinless blood I am the righteous judge
Time is short my children and your courses will very soon be finished. Think not that unrighteousness will enter my kingdom, or that you will stand before me in your sins and carry off reward. Only those who overcome will stand with me. You will be saved, but why would you want to suffer the loss of the greatness I have prepared for you, for you cannot even comprehend what you are sacrificing for your own lusts.
Come to me for I am rich in mercy
Come to me for my grace will sustain you
Come to me, for I am he that walks among the seven lamp stands and he that will preserve your reward if you but come to me in humility, forsaking your worthless pride. I love you my children and very soon you will be with me. Behold! I stand at the door and knock for just a short time longer. I tell you these things not to condemn you, but so that you may have oil in your lamps and be ready for me when I come, and I am coming at a time you do not expect, and I am coming sooner than you can fathom. Time is almost up.
Be Of Good Cheer!
April 10, 2024
My little ones, be of good cheer, have I not overcome the wicked one and redeemed you by my own blood? Why should you be discouraged? Why are you heavy of heart, do you think I have forgotten you? No, instead of looking to your own understanding seek my wisdom which is from above, for by godly wisdom shall you be led so forsake her not! Doesn’t wisdom still cry aloud in the streets? So fear not and be of good cheer, for I have overcome and you too will overcome, so as yet by my own blood. Allow my peace to comfort your hearts and allow my words to soothe your soul, for I am with you.
Who will separate you from my Love? Will peril, or will the sword, or will famine separate you? I say not and look and know that you are secure in me. Know that I have sealed you with my Father’s seal and that seal cannot be broken or stripped away from you, so remain in me, your Lord, strength and redeemer. Behold! I have purchased you in my own blood, I have called you by name, I have sealed you according to your faith in my name, and whosoever believes therein shall be saved by faith, for the just shall live by faith!. Keep your hope alive and let it strengthen you and add endurance to your love and faith, for you are saved to hope. Great hope and great expectation are yours, for I have declared it.
Why are you cast down and sad? Behold! I have overcome, and soon you will be with me, and you will see me with your own eyes, and you will know as you are known. Look! Says the Great Lord, the mighty Lord who is Lord of Lords. Look to me in your sadness and troubles. I know your hearts and I know full well that you love me and long to be with me as I long to be with you, only faint not. Answer me this, the short time left in your wait…will it compare to eternity with me, my bride? No, your sufferings and tribulation on earth are not worthy to compare to the glory that I am about to reveal in you, for you will be as I am, and you will see me as I am, so don’t allow your hearts to be troubled. Understand your times and always be on the ready for my appearing will happen suddenly, and it will exceed your expectations.
Behold my children! The world will know that I love you and are mine and Satan will cause great deception to deceive those who perish, but it will not come near you. No, judgment is not for you and neither is my wrath. Understand, my children, that in me, you are righteous, not righteous in your own works, but righteous in the righteousness I have clothed you with. Cast not away the garments I have clothed you in, and quench not my spirit. Though it is the end times, I will pour out of my spirit and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your old men will dream dreams.
There is yet work to be done, and my final move in these times of grace will outpace the day of Pentecost when I first poured out on my chosen the spirit I received of my Father. Great works are at your fingertips and there are many yet to be saved, so do my work and minister to my children and seek my lost sheep. Ask of me and I will commission you, as I have enabled you with a great enabling and I have given gifts unto men. Who can stand against you, though you have this treasure in earthen vessels? Why do you yet doubt me? In your own weakness is my strength perfected in you. Therefore, abound in the work of the Lord, my children.
Check my holy Word for as I raised the dead so you can do the same. Anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may see that the mighty healings I did to set the captives free when I came to my own, so to can you do the same. Have I not stated that he that believes on me, he shall do the same and greater works shall you do because I have gone to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God: You are kings and priests before me and you are seated in the heavenlies, so why do you still doubt? Have but the faith as a grain of mustard seed for it is the small seed that produces a mighty tree, so shall you be if you continue steadfast in me.
Why do you confuse my words and ignore the details in my speech? I lie not: you can do what I have commissioned you to accomplish if you remain faithful. Speak my Word with great authority and boldness. Say to those mountains be cast into the sea! My words are truth and life, so believe not the lies of the wayward shepherds who say you cannot do what I am telling you. Take the lesson. You want to heal the sick? Command the sickness to depart in my name, and say the words with faith in me and faith in the words I will give you. Speak it to become so, for life and death are in the power of the tongue, how powerful are your tongues as you speak the power of God and command the impossible.
Speak with boldness. Speak with confidence. Speak in faith, doubting nothing, for I have sent you and empowered you. Why do you ask a spirit to depart in my name with trepidation on your lips? Command it to leave in my name with all boldness and confidence because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Behold! The evil spirits fear you and shrink from your words, so why do you fear the weak and beggarly elements that are defeated and awaiting the fire? Fear not, but only believe!
Go forth in my name and do my mighty works. Remember your first love and rest in the rest I have given you. Cease from your own labor and burdens and take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Do the works I have prepared for you and walk in them, for in so doing you will save many from the flames and fruit will abound to your account. The time is at hand, my bride, and the end of your course is near, nearer than you think. But hear me my children, hear me my bride! Intercede while there is yet time. Heal the sick while the son shines in your life, empowering you with my power.
Seek my lost sheep, call them, for there are many yet to save in these final seconds of refreshing. For soon you will come to your inheritance in me, and you will realize your full life in me, for your lives are hidden in me and when I will appear so to will the fullness of life that the Father has bestowed on you in me. I love you dearly my little ones, so love the lost in the same manner. Do not judge them or disparage their plight, for they are overcome by Satan as you once were, so remember the deliverance I did for you and give it to the ones in need. Though many will resist you, do not stop until my sheep are gathered, for very soon my wheat will be gathered safely in my barn. Those who deny my appearing deny me and deny my word, so strengthen yourselves in my word and stop believing the thieves, for thieves are also liars.
I am he that endured to his last breath, striving against sin with my own sinless blood
I am he that was raised the third day and ascended to my Father
I am he that walked amongst my disciples and apostles for 40 days, even seen above 500 brethren at one time, and seen and handled by many for a ghost has not flesh and blood
I am he that was taken up while they watched me into the clouds
I am he whose brightness is brighter than the sun, for I reflect my Father’s glory
I am about to reveal great glory in you
I am with you always, even until the end of the age
In the Works of John the Baptist Pages 188-247 Watchman Awake!
April 5, 2024
Watchman, awake and gird your loins with truth and have on the breastplate of righteousness!
Watchman, awake and take to yourselves the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God!
Watchman, awake and have your feet covered with the preparation of the Gospel of peace!
Warn my people and hold not your tongue as I have loosened it! Fight for my people and warn my chosen, for a prophet’s reward will you have if you but speak the Words I will give you. AWAKE! Have I not told my people to watch for my coming? Aren’t the times and seasons discernible and upon you? Therefore, look for my appearing, for it is at hand. Look to the signs and wonders in the sky, for my Father has arranged their orbits from the beginning, and the day is marked. Look for my brightness in the sky as the trumpet is about to sound, behold, I have declared it.
My people check my Word and look to my holy scripture to understand that I will snatch away my bride from the judgment of evildoers. I will protect my bride and my body, for what man ever hated his own flesh, but nourish and cherish it? Look, pay attention, observe the seasons and know that the times are here, and the day will break forth suddenly as a great sun rising suddenly over the horizon. I will not be denied, and I will not be stopped. Though the thief will try, he will roar as a lion, but a toothless lion is all he is. He will not stop me and I will not be denied my possession for I have purchased the earth and especially my people in my own sinless blood and my name stands above all, except my Fathers’ who is greater than I and I will not be denied, hindered, or stopped.
I am coming, and I will not hold my peace and my anger is hot against Babylon, yea Babylon who traffics the little ones for merchandise into the hands of evil men, who will be stopped. It would better that they had never been born than to be born than to commit lawless and grievous sins against the children, it would be better that a millstone is hung around their necks, and they were cast into the seas, but they are reserved for everlasting fire and justice will soon be done as the wrath of the Lamb is about to cover the entire earth and Jacobs trouble breaks loose when the restrainer is removed.
Steady yourselves, my people, and stand firm in me with a single heart and singleminded purpose. Forsake the worldly things you have desired and set me, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your desire, for I am your strong tower, rock of defense, and rearward. Who will come against you that can withstand my mighty hand? My chosen and faithful are in my outstretched hands and no one can take you from me. You are mine, and you are secure in me, so rest in me from your own labors, for the times of recompense will break free suddenly.
A recompense of judgment on the evildoers is here, and the recompense of my faithful is upon my chosen as I will reward them with their inheritance, for I have made them worthy. Oh, you worthless, toothless dragon, you ancient serpent, your time has come and judgment is upon you. Though you arrogantly think you will be victorious, I will take everything you have gathered into your thieving hands and those who follow you in their lustful greed will share in your inheritance in the lake of fire, where everyone will be rewarded according to their works many times over.
The wrath of God will abide on you for all eternity, and rest you will never have. Great punishment will be your comforter and the acrid smoke of burning brimstone will forever be in your nostrils, and you will pay for all eternity and the smoke of your torment will rise forever and all who follow you from the least to the greatest will have their inheritance and reward with you in white-hot flames of blue that will forever cover you as you will be bound and cast to your fate. There will be great weeping and gnashing of teeth, and you thought yourselves able to stand against Yahweh and his Christ, yet you will be brought to nothing but everlasting contempt in your unending torment and forever will you be sealed away and never will you harm my creation again, and you will be utterly forgotten about, and you will not come to mind.
So my people, my faithful bride whom I love dearly, what is there for you to fear? My wrath and the wrath of your Father is not for you and will not come upon you, and never will you be in danger of the second death, so fear not as I will exact perfect vengeance on your adversaries for vengeance is mine saith the Lord! Know not that you will judge angels? Know ye not that you will judge the world? So purify yourselves in me, for it is only my atoning blood that will make you worthy to stand before me in glory. Bind my word in your hearts and keep my writings in your forehead and rest in my sayings of old for life they are unto you and your life is hid in me, and I will reveal it!
Oh secret Babylon, that you had understood the peace offering my Father has sent you, and you have rejected me, and it has happened according to the holy writings that evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse. But you, oh Babylon the Great, have desecrated my Fathers’ bow of many colors that he gave Noah and all mankind as a promise that he would never destroy the earth by water again, and he will keep his word. But you, oh Mystery Babylon, will be laid waste in one hour.
Great fire will come upon you, great shaking will flatten you, your towers will fall, your infrastructure will disappear in ruins, and great waves will overtake your coasts and I will reward you according to your works and great judgment is against you. For you were once a beacon of hope and a light to the world for a short season, but you have chosen greed, selfishness, and corruption as your bedfellows, oh great harlot! Who will save you from me and my anger and my approaching wrath that is hot on you. You stand in chains awaiting your final judgment which will be evident for the world to see, and great fear will come on many.
Behold! Many nations my Father has overthrown in judgment, for he sets up one and brings down another, for Yahweh is sovereign and there is none greater than the great God who stands for and saves his own from the fire reserved for the evil ones. Behold! The nations that made up great empires still remain, yet in a diminished way, but continued they have. But you, oh great harlot, you have prostituted yourself with many lovers for base greediness and the pleasures of sin. You have led my people away from me worldwide by the filth you have offered the nations to eat and drink, and you will be utterly cast down and never again will you be and of your ashes a great nation will not arise, yet a remnant will be saved. The hand of the enemy is on your necks, and I have brought the dregs into your borders. They will pillage, plunder and seize what remains. Who will help you?
For you have denied your neighbor, and there is no fear of the Lord in your hearts. You have said I am no widow, yet you are widowed, and blind and deaf before me. There is no salvation for you on account of your adulterous fornication you have committed with the World, therefore I will bring you to utter ruin. Coming events will happen faster and faster, then a great deluge will cover your skirts. Fire will burn you utterly and will cleanse the evildoers from the land and my captives will be freed and nothing can stop what is about to happen. I am the Lord Jesus Christ and I tell you before it happens, and I declare what is about to happen as if it has occurred already, for certain are these saying and nothing can alter them as prophecies will be fulfilled.
Stand firm, my people, as I will catch my bride away, for I have plans and purposes for her in my coming kingdom. She will always be with me, and she will never depart from me. I love and cherish her in perfect love and compassion. I will make you mighty in my glory, and you will do mighty works in your coming inheritance, so fear not. Know that my heart breaks, and I am saddened by my people who have not readied themselves. Some will be left behind because the god of this world has blinded their minds and many are not ready. Fear not, though you will endure much for me, all of you will be saved who carry the seal of the living God. I will provide for you if you do not deny my name, if, and you work for me in the labor I have given you.
You will do mighty works if you but ask me to commission you. I have called you and I love you dearly and those who call on my name and endure to the end will be saved, and resurrected into great glory, and rewarded for all eternity for your stand, as I love you and have spoken it for your ears. There are several harvests and each in their own turn, so fear not, for desperate times always are given great men of God to shepherd the flock and I have called you. My angels will seal the 144,000 and some of you will help them in their works and commission I have given them. Fear not for I will do many signs, miracles, and wonders by your hands, so rest in my love and rest in my strength for I am with you and I will never leave you or forsake you.
You will know that I have snatched my bride away, and I will have gathered the faithful to me to engender repentance for many in a dying world, so let the world pass and share not in her calamity and fate for it is not for you if you will yet sanctify the Lord in your hearts and live set apart for me for great evil is approaching and never has it risen in this manner and never again will it arise my little ones for I have declared it. Take comfort in the path I have laid for you and keep your feet steadfast in the way and I will be with you and will give you a peace that passes comprehension, and you will have peace amongst a world of chaos, a peace that will keep you if you turn not to the left or to the right.
Take not the mark and don’t believe the lies. They will offer peace and health and safety for those who take the mark, and they will tell you that you are entering a new world of peace and prosperity and safety. Believe not the lies of the snake, for their King will surely not keep his word. That man of sin has but one mission, and that is: destroy. There is no truth in him, and Satan himself will control his reigns. There will be no peace from him but every word will be a soothing lie designed to lead the world into utter destruction and had I not shortened the days no flesh would be saved from the scourge he will bring on the land for he will be empowered to complete my purposes for a short time. Then he will be bound in heavy chains of darkness in the abyss to be loosed a little season to deceive the world one last time. When he has gathered them to himself they will mount an attack against that great city and fire from God will destroy them all. Then the final judgment, yea, the great white throne judgment will break forth on them all, and they will be without remedy. I tell you these things to give you hope and prepare my people for the great mystery of God will even be brought to consummation.
I am the way the truth and the life
I am the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I am he that is worthy to open the seals and the times are here
I am he who tries the reigns of my chosen ones, so I may purify you and cleanse you in my atoning blood
I am the Son of God come in the flesh, crucified and resurrected the third day, seen by many and received into the heavens before their very eyes
I am the son of David and I will gather the remnant of Jacob under my arms of comfort and strength
I am he that will fulfill all of my Father’s will
I am about to make my enemies my footstool, and woe to those who oppose me, for great is the wrath of the Lamb
I am he who will subjugate my Father’s creation and give all things into his hand that God may be all in all
I am he whose kingdom is for everlasting to everlasting and I will give to my chosen to eat from the tree of life and to drink of the rivers of living waters and you will never hunger or thirst again, and I will wipe all tears away from your eyes.
I, the Lord have spoken it and I will make it so, the time is here so watch for my appearing as there is nothing that can stop my mighty hand.
Have I Not Justified You?
April 1, 2024
Be still and be at peace and know that I am the Lord who has called you to stand before me upright in all of your ways. Have I not justified you? Have I not made you righteous in me, the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you not identified with me in my sufferings and in my glory? I am the Lord and I am your God and I lie not, have not the holy scriptures declared it? Stand faithful and upright and be at peace in your hearts and know that I the Lord your God have given you perfect forgiveness and peace before me if you will yet hear my Words and receive my instruction.
Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom, not the wisdom of the World that comes to nothing, but the wisdom of the Lord and rest under my mighty hand. For the fear of the Lord is to depart from evil and to walk upright before me, says the mighty Lord, yea the Lord Jesus Christ. Hear my voice! Hear my voice and listen to no other! There are many voices that contradict my Word and lie to you, as they seek dominion over your very souls that they might make a spoil of you if you follow them. Love not the World, my children, neither the things in the World. This present evil world is coming to an end, and I the Lord have said it. I will not be silenced in your unbelief. I will not be silenced in your lack of faith. No, I will shout even louder so you may know the truth of the Words I speak. Compare them with holy scripture, am I not the word made flesh who dwells among you? Have I not given you an anointing and a comforter until I come?
Know, my children, that I have purchased you with my own blood and the earth is mine and very soon righteousness will have its rule on the earth, I have spoken it. I have given you life in me, only reject not my ways. I have given you a purpose, only reject not the life I have called you to. I have given you a calling, yea a high calling that is eternal and has no end of days if you will yet turn to me. Turn to me with open face and heart, and allow me to purge you of your sins and iniquities in my atoning blood. As many as I love, I rebuke that you may stand before me upright in fine white linen that I will give you shortly.
All of your own clothes are but filthy rags you have chosen for yourself to hide from me. But there is nowhere anyone can hide from my gaze, and I see you as you truly are and as I have created you new in me. There is great reward treasured up for my faithful children, but for those who reject me, I will reject you. Why do you yet hold to this dying world and its troubles and pain? You have a choice in me, a choice other generations didn’t have before my atoning sacrifice. Therefore, whoever rejects me in
the times of refreshing has the greater sin. My love for you is eternal and cannot be broken. My Father and I are one, and our purposes and designs are inseparable. The Father has given me all things that I might save some.
Take not your place among the faithless, as I have given you abounding reasons for great faith. The faith of a grain of mustard seed is all you need, just the slightest trust. Clothe yourselves in the clothes I have given you, have I not poured out my spirit on you, oh my doubters? Be not faithless but only believe as the times and seasons are on you and there is no turning back. The world you once knew will never return, and the world you know today is one of great deception. Though things still appear familiar to you, all you once held dear has been taken by the evil one for he has an appointed hour, an hour that had I not shortened, no flesh would be left alive. Why do you desire the day of the Lord that is coming on the World to test the hearts of men? It’s a day of darkness where no man can stand. It’s a terrible day of judgment and consequence, and even in the darkest days, whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Times and seasons are changing before your very eyes, and still you do not believe your own eyes. Though I do signs and miracles in you and among you, you still slam your eyes closed and stop your ears in faithless reasoning. My grace and mercy are everlasting from generation to generation, but the times are changing and judgment and calamity are approaching the world you love so very much and the things you hold dear will run through your fingers like sand. Soon the world will no longer have an invitation of grace and mercy, but those who will be saved will have to endure until their last breath to be saved in me. Turn to me and accept my invitation, for to be in Christ is to have a saving relationship with me, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. You are the only one who can stop your salvation by turning away from me in unbelief and refusing my call. Consider Esau, who sold his birthright for a morsel of bread that was cast out in the draught, who gave away his inheritance to his brother in faithless unbelief. To ignore my Words and walk in darkness is sin, so sin not and stand before me.
Why do you yet count yourselves unworthy of my grace, when all you have to do is accept? Accept my atoning works in your lives and allow me entrance to help you in your time of need, if only your faithless hearts would allow me. Choose life for today is the time of choosing, hear my voice and harden not your hearts in the wilderness as the Fathers did and fell by the wayside. Do not fall away from me, do not follow destruction and pernicious ways of faithless unbelief but look to me and trust my voice, yea, my sheep hear my voice so follow me to safety. Think not that a heart of unbelief can stand sanctified before me, for unbelief is the rejection of the faith I have given you in me.
Consecrate me, the Lord Jesus Christ in your hearts and fear not, for my appearing is at hand and is very very close. Trust my voice and walk in my footsteps, for the path I have laid for you leads to newness of life in the very presence of God, for I am the only way to God, I am the way, the truth and the life. Though the evil one promises many things, he can deliver nothing, and he cannot deliver himself from my hand. No, there is great wrath treasured against him, and Satan has an inheritance coming of his own choosing in that burning lake. All who choose him, all who take his mark, all who worship the beast and his image will follow him in his inheritance of the unending wrath of God.
Is my Father not justified in defending his creation? Is he not justified in his judgments and ways that he has laid before you? Therefore, choose life and choose the inheritance I have given you, for I promise a new heaven and new earth wherein dwells righteousness. I promise you life eternal, a life of great abundance, peace, and happiness. Yet, in your lack of faith, you still resist. What have I done to you to offend you that you refuse a relationship with me, the son of God, and with the Father of Glory? To choose this world and its ways is to chose death and eventually everyone’s choice will be final as the times of separation are here and those who don’t decide a decision will be made for them.
There is no pleasure in the coming destruction that will soon overtake your world.
Natural disasters will abound, and the earth shall quake and great waves will crash on Mystery Babylon, for the earth will be open in many places. Great fire will overtake the land and the merchants will stand afar off for fear of her torment. Great destruction is on the harlot, Babylon the great, who have made the world drunk with her adulteries and fornications, for she has had many lovers. Those who will not separate themselves from her will share in her judgment, so why would you yet choose death over the life I have given you, paid for in my own sinless blood? War is about to come fully on your land and nation, and even though it is already underway, yes an undeclared war they fight against you, soon it will break across the entire world as the seals are loosed.
Great war and great persecution will come over the earth as they will try to destroy anything of God and his Christ as they will eventually openly declare holy war on you. They will capture many and many will be taken and those who will be saved will have but one choice, endure to the end and love not their lives until the end and call on my name till the end. Your own leaders have betrayed you and will sacrifice many to the wicked one in the battles that will soon rage. Your nation will be attacked from within and from without. The red armies are already here, and they await their orders, for they plan a surprise attack and many will be taken. The armies of the evil one will take everything from the land for their own and from those who reject me, they will steal your land, your homes, your posterity, and many lives will be lost in unbelief. War is coming from without as many nations are aligned against you, and they have your leaders consent and your leaders work for your deaths. They want a world of their own, a world dedicated to Satan where they can fully follow the evils that dwell in them and nothing will restrain their evil desires as the restrainer will be gone.
They will utterly burn Secret Babylon with fire, and who doesn’t succumb to the flames, will succumb to famine, who that doesn’t succumb to famine will succumb to pestilence, who doesn’t succumb to the edge of the sword will be delivered to the gallows for my name and many will be beheaded as my Holy Word declares. And those who are martyred for my name will have great reward, and I will wipe all tears from their eyes. Know, my children, that all delicacies and pleasures of sin that evil men treasure to themselves will but vanish into thin air and tribulation and anguish will stand in their places. Darkness will cover the land and there will be a dearth of my Word and the bride and bridegroom voice will be not be heard in her.
Even then, I will send my prophets among you as I will seal a number from the remaining tribes to minister to those, and great miracles will they do. Many signs and wonders will even be there during the days of darkness and those who call on the name of the lord will be saved. Your towers will fall. Your bridges will collapse. Famine will break on the land and there will be utter lawlessness and they will hunt those who stand for me and many will be martyred, yet great reward is prepared for those who stand till the end. Why do you desire the day of the Lord, for it would destroy all flesh from the earth had I not shortened the days? Then the world will see me break forth from the heavens with the armies in heaven, for the earth is the lords and the fullness thereof.
Yea, I tell you these things before they happen, not that you would stand there in unbelief, but that you would have just the faith as a grain of mustard seed, for it will grow fuller than the other trees and will become unshakeable in me if you will allow me to purge your sins and if you will but come to me for healing and refreshing. The trumpet’s call is ever close and is nearly on you, and I will snatch my bride from the midst. I will yet set a place at my table for anyone who will make me Lord by answering their doors, for behold, I stand and knock!
I am the Son of David and I will rule from his throne on the earth I am the root of Jesse, hear my voice!
I am the Son of Man, fear not and look to me
I am the Son of God, yea the only-begotten of the Father
I am the righteous judge who judges in holiness and righteousness
I am the lamb of God chosen from among the flock, without spot and without blemish
I am the door of the sheep and no ravenous wolves may enter
I am the bread of Life, whoever eats thereof shall never hunger
I am the lamb of God who is worthy to open the seals that bind the scroll
Look to me, the Lord Jesus Christ!
March 28, 2024
My children, open your eyes and look to me, the Lord Jesus Christ. Awake out of sleep and return to me, return to me, for my arms are outstretched to you, my chosen. Soon you will be with me as the hour is down to the last minute and the times of grace are nearly completed, and I will bring it to full consummation. Awake out of sleep, and I will break the enchantments of this world’s spells from your very eyes. Weep and howl over your sins and your refusal to come to me, and know that I am calling you at this last minute. I am calling you back to me, your first love, though you have taken others into your heart.
Run from them all as they are imposters, yea, wolves in sheep’s clothing they are, and you have fallen asleep in their wicked embrace. Slumber not, my children, but awake and watch for me as my signs are already in the skies and I come as a thief in the night. What will I find when I return for my Church? Will I even find faith? Oh, Laodicean church, you are Luke warm and I would that you were cold or hot. Turn to me yet again, and I will cleanse you from your sleep, and I will soothe the wounds inflicted on you by the evil ones. I have no desire to spue you pf my mouth, so come yet again to me and I will receive you. Know that my love for you is undying and is always strong and unchanging.
There is none but me who can save you, none but me who can make you whole and heal you, none but me who can protect you and give you life eternal, none but me who can save you from your sins because there is no other name given whereby men can be saved. I am your eternal hope who has created you anew in my new birth that I have poured out onto you. Know that you are my Father’s children, and you have a mighty inheritance for your faithfulness. Yet, though I will judge your works for reward or loss, you have passed from unrighteousness into life eternal by your faith in me and my eternal Lordship. Behold! I have made you Kings and Priests before my Father, for I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Who is he that would array themselves against you? For to come against my brethren is to come against me and I will repay, says the great eternal Lord of glory from on high! All things in heaven and earth are given into my hands, so know that I have supreme authority and no one is greater than me except my Father, who has elevated me above all. So who is he that you should fear them? Doesn’t persecution and tribulation cause you to become stronger in me? Is it not so that when your own power fails you that I am right there to strengthen you in your weakness?
So stand strong and be mighty in me! Why do you doubt words, no have faith in me and speak the words I give you, for those words are mighty and powerful if you will but speak them in faith? Speak in confidence and authority and command the beggarly elements in the name of Jesus Christ, my mighty name above all. Soon you will see me with your own eyes and your presence in heaven is greatly desired by me and my Father, yea even by Yeshua and Yahweh. You are my Father’s greatest treasure, and you are priceless, for where else is there sinless blood given for your sins except in me.
Oh, you wicked ones who sit and gloat thinking you have great victory. I will disrupt your plans of evil, and you will only be able to accomplish only what my Father has determined you can do in accordance to further his own plans. You are weak and beggarly and utterly defeated. Oh, natural man, why do you yet choose the wicked ways of the wicked ones who wickedly lead you astray? Are the pleasures of sin worth eternal separation from the glory of the eternal God? Where will you find life outside me? Who will rescue you except the one you still reject? Hasn’t my grace and mercy even held back the hand of the enemy?
Anything good you have has descended from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning. But, no, you have rejected my grace and used my mercy to revel and bask in your iniquities. Behold! Great destruction shall overtake you. You have been betrayed by your own leaders, who plot your destruction and have allowed the red armies entrance. Destruction and great evil will come on you suddenly, and it will come just as I snatch my bride from the midst of your evil ways. Then sudden destruction will ensnare you, for what Fowler sets the snare in the bird’s sight? No, there is a thinly veiled trap ready to spring, and it will happen as my restrainer is removed, and you will not escape.
Then your hearts will melt within you and your strength will flee as you see with your own eyes the creatures about to be unleashed from the depths of the earth onto you. I will open the abyss for I even have authority over it, for I have the keys to death and hell and none can snatch them from me. Had you only understood that you own nothing on the earth, and It’s all but a gift of grace and mercy because it’s the love of God that leads men to repentance. But no, you greedily hoard God’s goodness to yourself and slay your neighbor instead of loving them as yourselves, as I’ve commanded. God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten son, me – Jesus the Nazarene, to reconcile you to him in love through me.
But in your arrogance and worldly ways, you have hardened your hearts against me and my salvation. Therefore, utter destruction will come up on your nation in one-hour and Mystery Babylon shall be no more. Yeah, Babylon the great, your secrets will be yet exposed for all to see and those who cling to you will suffer the same judgment. Therefore, oh God rejecting man, humble your self and come to me now! Your hour of need is now, turn to me, I’m begging you, and I’m calling you by name! Come out from this dying world, for there is salvation in me if you will but accept.
I have no pleasure in your judgment and my Father desires you to live before him and in his love he has given his creations a choice: I set before you this day life and death, therefore choose life that both you and your seed may live! So come to me before it is too late and know that this evil world you cling to will be utterly destroyed, and it will happen through the wrath of the Lamb. Shall God not judge evildoers who have killed his children, who have maimed and abused the innocent, who have killed the onlybegotten son of God? Though I gave my life willingly for you and no man took my life, there is great judgment and justice to be served by me. For I purchased the earth in my blood and atoning sacrifice, and it is mine. I will set up a kingdom of righteousness and true holiness, where the lion and lamb shall lie down together, where no evil thing shall enter, therefore come out your of your sins as I love you, and I am calling with my last breath before the last grain of sand drops, and It’s almost here.
The Spirit and The Bride says come!
I am calling you at this last minute
I am calling you back to me
I am your eternal hope who has created you anew in my new birth that I have poured out onto you
I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek
I am right there to strengthen you in your weakness
I am calling with my last breath before the last grain of sand drops, and It’s almost here I am that I am and the Great I AM has sent me.
PNHave Faith in Me re
March 25, 2024ex
Hear my voice, my children, and have faith in me, the Lord Jesus Christ. I have called tv iyou to glory and virtue and to stand before me purified from your ways in my atoning oablood, for the blood of the lamb washes all impurities away. You are cleansed in me. ru
Know my children that there is no condemnation to them which are in me, that are in ts
Christ. To be united with me and my purposes is to come into communion with the i Father, Yahweh, and me his son Yeshua. I am the Lord who has called you by name and ac given you an invitation to eternal life where there will be no more trouble, nor anguish, rl tenor sadness, for I will wipe away all tears from your eyes in my salvation for you. Will I i:start a work and not finish it? Will the God of heaven and earth leave something undone c or default on his promises and word? Have you not read it is impossible for God to lie? lH
Verily every promise will come to pass and be fulfilled, so know your redemption draws ea near. Not a partial redemption but a full redemption with nothing left undone and v:
nothing incomplete. e
All of these things have been fulfilled, and the impossible has happened in me because I Fa defeated death to die no more. Know that every evil work that Satan has tried to build in va your lives I will undo. Yea, I will destroy all the works of the devil, for this purpose was ie tI made manifest. I have given you wholeness and I will yet heal you to the uttermost Ihfrom your corrupted bodies, and you will be like me. Check my Word, hear my Words,
compare them to scripture and know that your full redemption is as close as your next iN
breath and will happen instantly. Stand firm for me, speak for me, have nothing to do no with the idolaters and adulterers that have infiltrated my Church and who would t endeavor to lead my little ones astray. My wrath abides on them and anyone who attacksM Jemy people to lead them astray. u
For it is impossible that you should be plucked from my hand, and those I have shown s mercy to are those who have made me their Lord by confessing my mighty name Jesus t Christ as Lord. I will not disappoint, and it has not entered into the heart of man the i fthings that are waiting on you, as I will catch you away soon. Don’t let evil words itrouble your heart my children as you are saved from the wrath of God, and my faithful e
will not endure the seven-year period of wrath that is about to be unleashed. Let your d hearts be at peace and rest in me, even in your tribulation and persecution rest in me and I will give you indescribable peace. My mercy and grace endures forever, and I have Y paid the price for your sins, so continue to come out of them. I see the turmoil you o uendure. I hear all the harsh words spoken to you and about you. Furthermore, I ?
strengthen you in your weakness and I have given you of my spirit, and you are mighty and powerful in me. In your own strength you will fail, so rest in my strength, for my Father has exalted me above all else.
I will take vengeance on the wicked very soon, my children, so fear not. This vengeance is not for you, and it isn’t intended for God’s children, but his enemies who have wronged mankind, and evil men who murder and plunder their neighbor and brother. Yea, many evil men have joined Satan for greedy gain, and they have their portion and reward in the Lake of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Are you not all one race, the human race? Yet, know that great wrath is about to be unleashed and heaven is about to be revealed to the earth. Every deed is recorded. Every idle word spoken has been written down. There is no secret that can be kept from me, and there is nowhere to hide from my gaze. Though the wicked tunnel into the earth to escape my approaching wrath, they will meet their end trying to hide from me.
I will repay, and I will take vengeance and establish justice for the wronged. I have a sharp two-edged sword proceeding from my mouth and nothing and nobody can stop me, as I am King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Who can separate you from the love of God that is in me. I didn’t pay for your sins and give you life eternal to unleash wrath and condemnation on you, my faithful. There is nothing and nobody who can separate us, and soon you will look on me and my Father with your own eyes. Though you have built great trust and faith in me never having seen me with your own eyes, soon you will see, and you will know as you are known. Who is he that troubles you? Will he not come to nothing and his evil works returned to him double? Evil men have treasured up great wrath, yea great wrath for abusing my Father’s creation, and I will repay, saith the Lord.
Stand before me and continue to separate yourself from this evil, dying world and allow my atoning work to wash over you, cleansing you to the uttermost. Behold! I make all things new, and your sins and iniquities I will remember no more. So come you of your own works and take up my works, for in so doing you will bring wholeness to your own souls. Fear not the wicked! For soon their works will disperse as dust before a great wind, and I will make all things clean and new. There is great reward for my faithful and chosen and soon, yea very soon you will reap the rewards for your works if you faint not.
Stand for me to the very end, as he who loses his life in me shall find life and will reap great joy and salvation and rejoicing forevermore before my Father. I have made you kings and priests before my Father, as I am the eternal high priest after the order of Melchizedek. Stand firm in my grace and know that very soon the door shall close, just as God shut Noah and his treasures inside the Ark. So too will I assemble you unto myself in the heavens. There is an open door that no man can open or close, and I will receive you to myself, my Bride. So watch for me as time is nearly up.
I am the faithful Lord
I am the way, the truth and the Life,
I am the head of the body
I am the bridegroom to the bride and I say come!
I am he who dies no more, for it’s impossible that death should hold me
I am he who has called you to glory, virtue and truth
I am the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God manifest in the flesh who has died for your sins
I am he that has been resurrected the third day to die no more
I am he that God has received into the heavens as my apostles and disciples watched me go into the clouds
I am the eternal high priest after the order of Melchizedek
Wait For Me a Little Longer : I Will Not Tarry
March 23, 2024
Wait for me a little longer, my children and I will not tarry. I will never leave you or forsake you, for you are the apple of my Father’s eye and the very apple of my own eye. You are my Bride, and what Bridegroom leaves his bride to the judgment of sinners? Know that I the Lord Jesus Christ will rescue my people. Have you not read in holy scripture? Did my Father not snatch Enoch to the heavens? Did my Father not snatch Elijah to the heavens? Did my Father not deliver the Children of Israel from Egypt? Did he not deliver Lot from Sodom before fire fell on those cities, destroying them all? How much more will I deliver my Bride that I have purchased with my own blood from the hands of judgment that is about to pass on this world? How long will you attribute folly to me your Lord and to my Father your God?
I have given you eternal life and there is great reward treasured for the faithful in heaven, so fear not, as your inheritance is about to be realized. I am the righteous Shepherd who saves the flock from the ravenous wolves, these same wolves will soon hear “Depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you though you say Lord Lord!” I am the faithful Shepherd who has lost none the Father has given me but the son of perdition who betrayed me for 30 pieces of silver and scripture was indeed fulfilled by his transgression and refusal. What lessons are therein for you my children except you cannot be lost from my hand and none is able to seize you from me.
Fear not the judgment of evildoers, my faithful ones, and know that your Fathers’ wrath will not touch you. What Father amongst you would give just one of his children into the hands of the enemy? Though this is a common sin amongst the men of earth, there is no shadow of turning for the Father of Lights! So fear not and be at peace. Cease from your own works and rest in me. Pursue my works and enjoy rest in me, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all once and forever.
Oh, you children of the earth, your sins are before me and you have treasured up great wrath and judgment against you! Instead of treasuring an inheritance of blessings, you have treasured wrath against wrath for this great day that is about to overtake you. Oh, your idle words you have spoken, saying “where is the Lord, he is but a myth who never was and tomorrow will be the same as today and yesterday.” Your judgment will overtake you suddenly and events will move so fast you will be lost in suffering. Your evil words and evil ways will bring great destruction on you in an instant. All you hold dear will be taken from you and all your treasures will vanish from your hands as I have given them into the hands of those who hate you, for you have hated me without cause.
The wrath of the lamb is about to be delivered upon you, and the birth pangs are closer apart now, so close you mistake them for the wrath of the lamb. Know oh foolish man that in my long-suffering I am warning you of your own demise and still you scoff in unbelief. Very soon I will remove the restrainer from your midst and I will remove my Bride from your midst, and utter destruction will come on you suddenly. Satan has moved his armies and his pieces in place, ready to unleash his full anger and wrath on you, and I have given you into his hands. Your great nation is crossed out and marked for utter destruction, oh that you understood the words Mystery Babylon. Yet there is still time to repent, but most of you will not in your stubborn heard hearted ways of heretical rebellion.
Your judgment will come on you in two major ways: from within and from without. The great whore will be rent in pieces, she shall be consumed in water and burnt with fire and covered over in pestilence and famine. Yea, oh earthly man, who will deliver you from my hand? There is no one coming to save you. Your destruction is imminent. The red armies walked into your nation right under your nose, and you could’ve cared less as long as you were entertained and fat with temporal wealth that was never yours to begin with, for the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. You have not only sealed your own destruction, but you have sold out your children and grand children to utter destruction, and still you scoff. Your posterity is lost. You will not scoff much longer as all of your evil and perverted ways will engulf you in misery, torment, and destruction. Though a great multitude will be purified through tribulation.
All those who turn to me and call on my name and love not their lives to the end, I will reward eternally! Never will they suffer again, but your suffering will never end, oh evil ones. But you, oh God, rejecting natural man who declared war against your creator and lusted after rebellion against me and my ways. Your destruction will come suddenly and without relief. You have become a nation of whores, and how appropriate that your nations are referenced as a harlot in holy scripture. The armies will consume what’s left of your once great and mighty nation and a great cleansing will come over the land and great punishment will consume you on account of your evil ways.
I have taken everything from you on account of your rebellious and hard-hearted ways and though I paid for your sins, you have rejected my offer, choosing instead to pay for them yourselves, and you will regret it for all eternity. When the restrainer is lifted, instant destruction will be your companion, and you have sacrificed your children to the same fate as you, though many will be saved. Even some of your children will turn to me and I will receive them into glory though you kept them from me, and you will go into perdition in that great lake that awaits the devil and his angels.
My little children fear not. Continue to stand faithful for me here in this last minute, yea your last minute in this dying world. I have called you, I have chosen you, I have handpicked you on account of your love for me and your faithfulness and great treasures await you in my Father’s house. You will be taken to safety and great reward, though some will suffer loss, all of my chosen ones shall be saved fully and to the uttermost.
Focus on me, commune with me, I am nearer than your next breath. Know my chosen that I do fight for you and though persecution and tribulation abound, you will be saved from wrath. Therefore, purify yourselves by coming out of this world and rejecting her evil ways. Wash your hands of her sins and depart from her iniquities, for anyone in the harlots bed will suffer anguish. Cleanse yourselves in my atoning blood and wash yourselves fully. Behold, I have sealed you with my Father’s seal, and I will fully redeem and recreate you after my own image. Yea you will be a new man and are a new creation in me and soon there will be a new heaven and a new earth for my Father is making all things new. So stand fast and know that my love is a burning fire, and you are greatly treasured and longed for. Soon you will be with me.
I am your living Lord and savior, Jesus Christ
I am the righteous judge who weighs all in the balance
I am the root of Jesse who will sit on the throne of David in my approaching Kingdom I am the son of God that came in the flesh and was crucified for your sins, taking your place from judgment
I am the son of Man prophesied of old
I am he that walks amongst the seven lamp stands
I am the Light of the world
I am the bread of life
I am he where rivers of living waters flow from my belly I am he who has made you anew and created you afresh
Remain steadfast my faithful for your redemption is nearer than you imagine.
Hear My Words, Says The Lord!
March 20, 2024
Hear my Words, says the Lord! The day of the Lord is about to break upon you like an all consuming fire, and by fire shall the sins of many be purged that will call on my name and love not their lives till the end. My sheep hear my voice and I will provide a way for them even though they will experience many troubles. Those who hold to my mighty name shall be saved, as even so yet by fire. The enemy is upon you, oh arrogant ones who have rejected the peace I offered you. Your sins have come before me and great judgment is upon you. Though my fire shall not consume my little ones, and the times will be the most difficult ever, many saints shall escape the second death by turning to my name in their hour of trouble and by standing firm until the very end. I, the Lord Jesus Christ, have spoken it and sent warning to those with ears to hear and eyes to see.
Oh, you nations, you idolatrous nations who traffic in great sins. Yea, you have become merchants of evil who glorify the evil one with all your evils words and evil ways that you have learned to your own demise. You have become traffickers in flesh and humans, even children have become your merchandise. The wrath of the Lamb, yea my wrath will consume your world and my fire will cleanse the land from the works of evildoers. Before my kingdom shall come, a great cleansing shall overtake the earth and the earth shall be stained by the blood of evildoers. Yet, I will build my kingdom on the earth, a kingdom of righteousness and peace where no evil thing shall enter, and I will rule the nations with a rod of iron.
What currently is will be destroyed and will not be rebuilt, and I will utterly cast down your idols and the high places of your mind shall be brought low. For you have said in your heart, “I am no widow!” Yet your desolation will come over you in one hour, and it will utterly engulf and reshape the world as you have known it. Why do you worship your own death, oh idolaters of the earth? Why do you set apart and sanctify your own punishment that you have heaped against your own souls? Have you not seen? Have you not heard? Have you not read? No, you are blind, and you are deaf, and you cannot comprehend my words because you have rejected my holy spirit that I would send over you and utterly cleanse you before me if you would only accept my offer.
I will repay, says the Lord. I will repay every man according to his works and I will give a double portion of judgment as I return your works to the detriment of your own souls, and you will not recover. Judgment is about to break forth on the earth and so many of you still ignore my call and do not heed my words that would surely save you from your calamity. The hour of your judgment is approaching and many will take the mark thinking they can save their own necks and live in the sins they love yet a little while longer. The man of perdition will promise many things and will deceive the entire earth as they wonder after the beast, saying “who is like the beast?”.
Yet, the coming evil one, with his lying signs and wonders, will betray you, and you will perish utterly. You will die in your sins and wake up to the great white throne judgment where you will answer for every sin, every evil thought, yea every idle word shall you give an account. And in your own filthy rags you will be found wanting, and you will not stand upright, because no flesh is upright in his sight, but all have gone astray and worshiped their own corruption. Oh man, anyone who rejects me and who rejects their creator shall utterly perish without remedy. Now is the time of salvation. Who will you run to when you are taken captive and cast alive into the lake of fire? Your pillow will be fiery brimstone and your covers will be the eternal flames my father has prepared for the devil and his angels. Yet, by rejecting me you have chosen your own fate and joined the evil one, and you will share in his judgment.
I, the Lord Jesus Christ who was made of the flesh and who dwelt among you, verily I will utterly destroy the enemies kingdom and the earth will become the final battlefield. Escape while you can because time is almost up! Only a few grains of time remain to fall through the hourglass, and the trumpet shall sound. As my Church is snatched away and my bride is taken to her chambers, Satan and his host will be cast into the earth, and he will utterly wage war on the inhabitants of the earth. The abyss will be opened, and many foul creatures will ascend in pursuit of anything they can devour. Oh foolish man, do you not understand that in my grace and mercy I have restrained the fullness of the enemy’s kingdom from coming on you?
Yet, I will give you what you long for in your sinful desires and I will unleash his entire kingdom against you, and you will utterly be given into the hands of your enemies. His goal is to destroy all mankind to the last soul, for he wants a Godless world for himself, which he shall never have. Had I not shortened the days, he would succeed, and no flesh would be left alive! Yet you still prefer your sins over the deliverance, love, and light I have for you if you but only choose life and confess my name as Lord! Yea, make me, Jesus Christ your Lord as I am alive evermore as a beacon to those who are about to perish. Those who call on my name shall be saved.
My little children, time is almost over. I know many of you are weary and are vexed to the core of your souls by the evil that has sprung up around you. These are the last few minutes of the birth pangs and my chosen shall be delivered into the heavens where I have provided a place of safety where they may take refuge. My reward is in my hand for the faithful and even the unfaithful, who shall suffer loss but will still be saved alive for eternity because they have made me their Lord. Therefore, depart from your sins and look to me, so I may shine my light into your heart so you may cleanse yourselves by my atoning blood. Shrink not from the times and shrink not from the work that remains for you, for the time is at hand.
As events unfold in front of your eyes, know that these same events will accelerate and things will happen very quickly for judgment slumbers not. The times of grace and the times of refreshing for my Church is coming to a close. Truly, I have not been slack concerning the promises but have showed great long-suffering and patience that every last soul whom I have chosen will come to me. Judgment is upon you oh earth and only the faithful in my Church shall escape. Why do you still let deceivers and false prophets trouble you by their troubling words that they speak against the simplicity found in me? Why would you let them entice you away from my marriage to my bride when I would prepare you a seat at the table if you would only come out of your sins and believe the actual words in my holy Word.
Stand Strong and Purify Yourselves
March 18, 2024
The faithful Lord says to his chosen and faithful. Stand strong and purify yourselves by putting down and confessing your sins. Come out of her my people and be separate from her sins so you don’t share in her judgment and plagues. Who is she you ask? Is she not Babylon the Great who’s judgment has come? Is she not the great whore who is drunken on the blood of the saints? Safety and peace will I provide you and I will lead you to shelter in my Fathers house until the season is over.
I am the Lord Jesus Christ who has called you to glory and virtue so faint not in well doing. I have given you a voice to speak for me and announce my soon arrival. Yet many in my Church have lost their voice and have become faithless in their expectation my Father placed for you in his Word. Be not Faithless but only believe. Look for the signs of my coming as my Father has declared it in the heavens and they are already well known. Why are you still yet slow to believe? Have trust in me my children for I succor you yea I prune every branch from you that bears not fruit. Have confidence in my Lordship for you and push into my salvation as you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Turn to me in prayer and ask me to show your sins to you so you may confess them to me and overcome them by my blood. So fear not for your salvation is near, yea the second hand has almost completed its last rotation in my age of grace.
Turn to me and come to me as I have readied a place at my table for you and I have prepared shelter for you in my Fathers house to escape the coming tsunami of disasters. They approach those who dwell on the earth and great judgment is about to fall across the earth. Forsake not my name! I know you are weary in this last hour but rest in me and find energy in me and proclaim my soon arrival. I have not given a day or time for you to watch for as you would build your entire lives around the event, but have no illusions the date and hour are known in the heavens at this point and my angels are on the ready waiting for the trumpet blast when I will gather those who sleep in the earth first and those that are alive and remain shall join them to meet me in the air and I will take you to your inheritance that the Father has hid in me, only faint not.
It will happen in the twinkle of an eye where many of you will be about your day and instantly you will stand before me as I present you to my Father and we long for that day as we both long for your presence. I could indeed appear and preach to many and who is to say I haven’t done just that at times. Will you declare what the Lord can do or will you limit my abilities and lordship by your lack of faith? Impossible! However, I have made you my fellow workers and included you in the work my Father gave me to accomplish and know it is an honor and a joy that I’ve bestowed on you for your salvation, reward, and wholeness.
As you have ministered to others in my name have I not ministered to you? Give freely and horde not the knowledge of my coming though many will resist and you will be counted as lunatic. The lies of the enemy will melt before your power-filled words as you but speak for me and announce my appearing and herald the coming judgment as even in these last seconds some will come to salvation. Many are not ready yet and will refuse your words, love them anyway as a great multitude will be saved out of great trials and tribulation but know that your words can serve as a beacon of light and hope for the trials they may face.
Oh dwellers on the earth who have refused my call and counted yourselves unworthy for my gift of salvation and all it brings. There is great judgment pronounced on the earth and it is nearly upon you, though you lie to yourselves saying “I have great plans for myself and tomorrow will be the same as today!” You fool! You do not even understand the turning of the seasons as the skies herald the wedding of my bride to me in the heavens and the skies turn from grace to judgment right before your eyes. Great calamity will come on you shortly and many will die in their sins. Its not my will that you perish but you reject my sinless sacrifice for you that could’ve saved you to the uttermost.
The world you know today will vanish before your eyes and all the pleasures of sin in this life will no longer be your companions but you will be pursued and hunted by an army of your enemies that lust for your demise and long for your possessions. There will be great shaking under your feet and the earth will cleave and many will fall into the earth. Your leaders have already betrayed you, though you foolishly still look to them trying to figure out your vote. Your towers will fall and your bridges will collapse and your infrastructure will disappear before your eyes and nothing will be the same.
Where will you run when you have rejected the holy Lord, me the Lord Jesus Christ? Who will save you now from your time of judgment? Oh, but you say I am unworthy of judgment what ever do you mean? Have you not rejected your creator when he has sent me to you for your saving grace, a saving grace you count yourselves unworthy to obtain? Why have you rejected me? What offense have I done to you? I gave my last drop of blood in great torment and agony that you might live before me yet you still do not believe my witnesses I have sent in my name.
Even in warning you of your approaching calamity neither me, nor my Father have any pleasure in what is about to be unleashed. But as you have been entertained by sin you will now be swallowed alive by the consequences you have treasured for yourselves. As you have lusted after money, property, and financial acclaim you have done nothing more than heap wrath onto your own dinner table and you will dine on tribulation and anguish. I will give you the darkness you love so much. Darkness will fall on your land and will envelope the earth. A darkness so thick the noon sun shall appear to have been extinguished. You say to me what sin do I have to bring your wrath, have we not done many mighty works in your name?
Verily, you have done many works but they are not the works I have given you, no you have become a false prophet prophesying words from your twisted flesh. No, you do your own works for your own glory as you have made your belly your god. You hold the good words and fair speeches of evil men above my holy Word, am I not the Word made flesh? You could have eaten of me the bread of life and escaped perdition, never to hunger again. You could have drank of the rivers of living waters flowing from me, yea you could have drank of my spirit and never thirsted again. But in your refusal of me you will go into great famine and distress, though to this very minute you still think it wont come upon you in an instant. Your economy is destroyed and the riches you have lusted after will be worthless instantly. You have placed your faith in the rulers of this present darkness and have cherished the lies of Satan over the light of my ever present truth.
Therefore, you will seek a place at their table only to discover there isn’t one. They will have great plenty they have horded for themselves and you will only have access by taking the mark of the beast. Even though the beast has not quite been revealed in his time I have warned of him and identified him to my faithful so they aren’t deceived by his good words and fair speeches, even though at this time he has no kingdom, at least not yet. Take not his mark as all who do will have their portion along side the beast and false prophet in the lake of fire and the smoke of their torment will forever rise.
You have been warned and though I still seek to deliver you from your destruction you still stubbornly refuse my call. Therefore, I will give you the fruit of your own ways. You will experience great famine, great war, great destruction. The red armies will pursue, torment, and destroy many of you and it will come to pass that you will be surrounded by dangers and destruction. He who isn’t taken captive into torment and eventual death will fall by the sword, he who doesn’t fall by the sword will meet the wild beasts who will kill many, he who does not perish by the wild beasts will succumb to famine and the ways of death shall be multiplied on the land.
Great tribulation, calamity, destruction will come to you instantly and mighty waves of the sea will come upon your nation. A mighty nation shall you never be again yet a remnant will still be saved. Whosoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved, but he who loves his life to the end will have his part in the lake of fire and you will share in Satans torment and punishment because you have held to his dying world to your last stubborn breath and you will certainly perish with this dying world. Turn to me while there is still yet time so I may save you and your families from the coming calamity. Just as a multitude received salvation on the day of Pentecost many years ago in the first few minutes of this age, so to shall a multitude be saved in the last few minutes of this age and my invitation still stands for a very short time longer.
The evil that is coming will not respect women or children or the elderly or the infirm. No that evil will consume all it can into great perdition and agony. Run to me while there is still yet time as the clock is almost ready to stop and there will be time no more. Satan will be cast into the earth shortly and his kingdom will be unleashed to the fullest on your world and he has great wrath because he knows he has but a short time. Turn to me while you still can to escape the coming evil.
I am the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
I am he that walks amongst the seven lamp-stands and commands the 7 angels of the 7 Churches.
I am he that commands the armies of heaven as my Father has put their command in my hands.
I am the word made flesh who dwelt among you I am the root of Jesse and my kingdom has no end.
I am the son of God come in the flesh to atone for the sins of all, if only all would accept.
Those who have accepted my grace and have been faithful will rule with me in my kingdom and partake of my throne as I have made you kings and priests before our God. There is great reward for you treasured in the heavens only stand firm and faithful just a few minutes more.
The Earth is The Lords!
March 17, 2024
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof: Though the usurper and thief have set his claim, he can only do what my Father has given for his hand to accomplish in his holy plan of redemption for mankind. Fear him not! He must continue for a season as his hour has come but fear him not my righteous faithful ones, yea fear him not have I not given you victory over him? Jacob’s trouble is not for my faithful, and the ones who have come to me in the times of refreshing shall be highly exalted in the very throne room of God. Yea, my faithful people, great reward is treasured up for you on account of your faithfulness that you have faithfully shown towards me.
I have made you kings and priests to me in my coming Kingdom, and before our Father, so stand fast my children yet in these final minutes of the final hour. My appearing is at hand and your redemption is as near as your next breath, so stand faithful before me knowing that I am your strength and salvation, and you are sealed in me as I have purchased you with my blood as I gave my life for you that you may be reconciled in love to our Father in heaven. I long for the day, yea, our Father longs for the day you stand before him in the bodies I have for you in your full redemption and there will be no more a curse on my chosen.
Oh man, who are you to stake a claim on my inheritance? Know you not that I purchased the earth and all therein in my own sinless blood? The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof and righteousness is coming to the earth! Though you would destroy the earth and make it a desolate habitation for your abominable abominations, though you would swear fielty to my eternal enemy and seek your own torment for temporal base gain, you understand not that you make war against your own souls as you treasure up wrath against the day of wrath when I shall reward every man according to his works.
Oh foolish man, you say to yourself that your gods will save you when they have no reward for you, and you are deceived and deceiving others in your delusions. Your gods of stone cannot speak, your idols in your hearts cannot hear, they cannot save you, oh idolatrous one! It would be better for you that you should never have been born, for the wrath of God abides on you for your hard-hearted ways. Though your mouth has become an open sepulcher spewing great things against the Lord of Lords, your words will come home to you and your evil desires shall be turned upon you in your coming eternal punishment. Oh, that you had turned to me and accepted salvation from your present fallen state.
Oh, that you had simply confessed my name from your lying lips. But no, you have loved your lies, and you have loved your delusions, and you have sold your souls to eternal damnation for a morsel of bread that cannot sustain you, for I am the bread of life! Your calamity shall come on you suddenly and without remedy. I will rend your nation, I will destroy your commerce and economy, in an instant I will snatch your wealth from you, yea I will strip all pleasure from you in an instant and your poverty and misery will consume you. The wrath of the Lamb approaches where my vengeance shall be executed that my Father has given me, for I am worthy to open the books and loose the seals.
You have mistakenly assumed my long-suffering and patience for weakness and neglect. You have said in your hearts: Where is the Lord? He is but an ancient myth. We have learned so much more than the saving ways of the Lord, in my knowledge I am superior, for my technologies are mightier than some old book of contradictions and legends. Yea, many of you don’t even believe that I ever came in the first place and shed my redeeming blood for the sins and salvation of mankind. It is better that you hadn’t even been born, for the wrath you have treasured against your own soul will come upon you without remedy, and you will know full well your sins and your utter misery and desolation will be your spouse. You will eat of your own filth and your filthy ways will ever be with you as you are buried in the fruits of wrath in your evil deeds that you have committed in great evil against my name. Depart from me, I know you not!
Who is he among you that falsely speaks in my name? You claim to know me, to represent me, some of you even think you can command me to do your very bidding and bring material gain to you by your own good works that are nothing more than filthy rags. How can you speak for me when you know me not? How can you speak for me when I have not given you the words? How can you speak for me to my people when I haven’t sent you? No, you have sent yourselves peddling your corrupt wares for greedy base gain and for the adoration of men you so desperately crave. You fool! Depart from me, as I never knew you!
You false prophets who declare me lord in name only, you false prophets who speak great lies against your own souls shall utterly perish, and I will spew you out of my mouth, therefore repent! Return to me and I will return to you. Come out from among your idols and depart from your accursed cults and come to me and make me your Lord! Oh, that you would accept my salvation, yet you persist in your sins and excuse your own guilt as you quote my sacred word from an empty heart, a heart full of adultery and fornication as you run to your idols. Who will save you from my wrath when you have led astray my people for your own base gain. Had you made me Lord as your lying mouths have declared, I would have saved you from your sins and made you whole in me. I would have pastored the hurts the evil one inflicts on you, I would have given you a path and a purpose and sent you on the earth with mouths full of blessings and truth as you would have led my people to me.
Think not that I need you as I am the true lord of heaven and earth, I am the king of kings. Those I have ordained in ministry are given a great honor to speak for me and care for my flock, an honor that I will reward with eternal treasures, yet you have exchanged me for a false version of Christ, another Jesus have you made for yourselves you have loved the spirit of antichrist, and you have sinned eternally against your own souls by declaring me absent from my own Church that I purchased with my own blood, a sin you shall not recover from. Yea, all of these things and more will come on you in my wrath unless you humble yourselves before me and truly make me Lord by repenting in sack cloth and ashes. Do not rationalize away my words as you play semantics with my speech! Repent! Seat yourself in sack cloth and ashes and weep over your iniquities, and I will receive you to me and restore you to your reward that I will otherwise bestow on another.
I am the righteous Lord, I am the savior of the World, the king of kings and Lord of lords. I am he who walks among the seven lamp stands and who commands the seven angels of the seven churches. I am the lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world, and in my is life eternal. I hold the keys to death and hell and my Father has shared his throne with me that I may share my throne with my faithful, called, and chosen. I walk with my people and I talk with my people, and I am the true shepherd who shepherds that flock my Father has given me. You are the apple of my eye, yea my Faithful you are the apple of my Father’s eye and for this time and hour have you been restored to righteousness and true holiness.
The hour approaches, and you should cease from your own works and watch for my appearing, for it is about to come on the World as I gather you from the four corners of the earth. Yea I will gather my true sheep into my barn before the storms come that will destroy this present evil world for Satan kingdom will be torn asunder and totally destroyed to make way for the Righteous Lord who will rule the earth from the throne of David in righteousness and true holiness and I will greatly empower my bride in the coming kingdom for they are my kings and priests, and they shall rule in true righteousness and holiness for my reward is in my hand for the faithful.
I am your strength and salvation, and you are sealed in me I am the bread of life!
I am worthy to open the books and loose the seals
I am the true lord of heaven and earth,
I am the king of kings
I am the righteous Lord
I am the savior of the World, the king of kings and Lord of lords
I am he who walks among the seven lamp stands and who commands the seven angels of the seven churches
I am the lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world
I am the true shepherd who shepherds that flock my Father has given me
Something Wonderful
March 15, 2024
The Word of the Lord is upon me, behold the word of the Lord!
Behold! I am doing something wonderful before you and many of you refuse to see!
Behold! I am doing a mighty work in your midst that will soon consummate!
Behold! I am doing a mighty work in you whereby you are saved and made whole!
I have done more than mending a few broken pieces. I have done more than mending you together again where the seams and scars are present. I have made my chosen and faithful whole in me, The living Christ, and I have created you anew. Know that your lives are hidden in me and when I appear, so shall you also appear with me in glory and will henceforth be with me forever. You are my bride, yea you are my body, have I not called you by name? Have I not made a path for you to return to your Father, the Father of Lights?
I am he who was known by my Father before the world began, who was commissioned and born for your salvation, who was crucified, giving my last drop of blood for your sins. There is nothing left out and nothing left undone, and what has been said will be performed and consummated to the uttermost. I have created you with my holy spirit that the Father gave to pour out on my apostles on that long past day of Pentecost as they spoke the wonderful works of God in tongues they themselves could not comprehend. I have called and even though many have rejected me a remnant of grace and election has responded, and I have done a mighty work in them that is soon to be revealed. Yea, when you look in the mirror your true self, you do not see. I have made you mighty in your weakness and at the appearing so shall you appear, you will be like me, you will evermore be with me. I am the first fruits of the dead and the harvest is nearly upon you. When I shall appear, you will rise to meet me, and you will be in my Father’s house as I snatch you away to your home in the heavens.
Yea, in my holy Word, (as I am the word made flesh who is holy and walks among you) yea In my holy word have you not read that judgment starts with the house of God? I am about to complete a work in my chosen, righteous and elect whereby you will be completely recreated in me and will be as I am, for you have been conformed to the image of the only-begotten son of God. My reward is with me. Yea, I will not judge you on account of your sins, have I not already paid for them? By your acceptance of my Lordship and your identification with me, you are forgiven and righteous in me, for I paid a terrible price that wasn’t mine to pay as I’m sinless. No, I took your sins,
iniquities, sorceries and wrath and punishment from you that you may be united with the Father and with the Son. No, I will judge your works carried out on earth.
And with my judgment is great reward and many works will survive that are gold silver and precious stones. Verily, the wood hay and stubble will but burn away as chaff, and you will experience loss, though you will be saved so as yet by fire. For my fire for you is a refiners fire where I have purified your souls as a goldsmith purifies his gold, removing the dross. Stand firm and be still in me. Who is it that should trouble you, though verily you are persecuted and endure tribulation. Fear not, they hated me and they also hate you. Yet in your redemption you will come to be greatly admired in the glory I will clothe you with on that near and fast approaching day. My Father longs to see you before him in his throne room, where your seats await you, for my Father has seated you in the heavenlies. Are you not his chosen, his ambassadors, his glory, crown and prize of inestimable worth? Truly, you are priceless.
judgment will fall on Babylon the great shortly and a terrible judgment it will be, but it is deserved. Oh man, how long shall I endure you? You have gone from a nation of saints that served as a beacon to the world to come to me to a nation of adulterous harlots. I have separated my people from you, and the separation is nearly consummated as this age of Grace comes to a close. Oh man, why do you follow the evil one, accepting his worthless bribes over me the eternal Christ in all my splendor and glory. My Father gave time for all nations to repent, and many people, yea a great multitude, have accepted my offer in my saving grace showered on them.
Yet, you oh natural man who refuses the things of the spirit and despises his neighbor will endure great judgment on your land and Babylon the great shall never be again. Babylon, you have become a nation of harlots who play the role with your skirts above your heads like a wild ass in heat waiting for the next passerby. You have defiled yourselves with strange flesh, you have relished and loved your sins, and eternal judgment will fall on all the hard-hearted who count my sacrifice but a light and worthless thing to behold. You have become a nation of evildoers and truce breakers who change wives like old garments for new until the new is soiled. Your great words you have spoken against my Father will be held to account. Your worthless imaginations will be laid in front of you and you will give an account. But your account will never be enough to stand righteous before me. Your very existence has been corrupted and in your insanity you have chosen your decaying flesh, for as my Father said ye shall surely die…yet it still seems strange to you that in dying ye shall die. Because your full expiration wasn’t instant doesn’t mean you havens been dying since the day of your first breath.
judgment has been declared on your nation, and do not the heavens shout the same? I will utterly destroy your land and your great towers shall fall, and thick blackness shall cover the earth. Your walls are already breached and millions have come for you to take from you what I have given them because I will fatten the hand of your enemies in your judgment. Your time is nearly over, and you are a chained nation before me, waiting for my angels to come in judgment. You will fall greatly as the waters come on you, as the shaking comes on you, as the armies are unleashed and your land shall be cleaved asunder. Famine shall settle over the world and war will come to the entire world as the beast rises from the ashes in their long planned schemes.
Time has been given for repentance and many have answered in faith, the great mercy I have given before judgment is executed. I have no pleasure in the coming destruction, but even now many live in great sin, even preying on your own children, and you couldn’t care less as long as your money is near. I will take all riches, delicacies, pleasure, happiness from you. You will shrivel before the heavens, searching for a morsel of sustenance that many will not find. Yet, those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
My Little children, it is the last hour of the last time in this age of grace. I have sent my prophets in the work of my dear friend John the Baptist. Have they not become a voice crying in the wilderness? Are they not my shepherds, calling and searching for the last of my lost flock? Yea, I have another fold as well and the time of their salvation is at hand as Jacob shall be saved and a remnant of Jacob will accept me as their Lord as all the chosen become one new man. I have sent many across the earth heralding my arrival. Though many of my people have been deceived and are lukewarm, my spirit shall awaken in many and many shall return to me. My appearing is at hand. Stand strong and shout my arrival and shout my words of salvation to all. The time is almost at hand and there is silence on the deep as the hosts of heaven await the trumpet blast that is nearer than you can imagine, yet a very short time remains and many more shall yet be saved, so faint not.
I am he who pastors my church and has given gifts unto men
I am the great and mighty Lord, slain from the foundations of the world.
I am he who gave his life for the flock, the living Christ whom God has raised from the dead.
I am the Word made flesh who dwells among you.
I am the only-begotten son of God come in the flesh, yea, the mighty messiah of the Israel of God.
I am near, and my appearing is at hand.
I am the righteous judge who am worthy to open the seals
I am the lamb of God, slain for the sins of my people
I am the sinless savior who saves to the uttermost
I am a man acquainted with much grief and sorrows, yet my joy remains full.
I am the living Lord, the righteous shepherd.
I am the one prophesied of by all the prophets and I have the keys to death and hell, and the Father has put all things in heaven and earth into my mighty hands.
Hear My Voice!
March 14, 2024
The Word of the Lord came upon me…
Hear my voice, my little ones, and come to my outstretched arms. Know that my love for you is unbreakable and cannot be conquered, for it is the love of my Father in that he has given of his nature to his children and in me all fullness dwells. I have called you by name, yea I have invited you to stand before me and my sheep hear my voice as they know the voice of their shepherd. Do you not yet hear my voice? Have you closed your ears to my voice? I cry aloud in the streets, yea in the alley ways, I have even visited your prisons and brought salvation to the abused and forgotten.
Oh man, why do you forsake your Lord? Why have you turned from my ways? Yet you will say I haven’t turned from your ways, I am he the Lord has called. Verily I have called, and you did respond for a season, a season of youth with great excitement. Some of you were taken to where the wolves dwell and many of you have been led astray through good words, fair speeches, and lying tongues that are soon to be stopped. Remember your first love and repent, confess your sins to me as I am always ready to cleanse your sins in my atoning blood.
Yea, hear my voice my children as there are voices that sound similar and there are many false Christs who try to counterfeit my voice. Verily, I do care for and pastor my church with my own hand that I may present you to God pure as a virgin and dressed in fine white linen with the stains of your sins forgiven, removed, and forgotten as I’ve cast into the deepest depths never to rise again. Yet many of you are distracted and even enchanted by this present evil world. They have attacked with their sorceries through the serpents bite, yea know that though a serpent bite you no harm shall come to you for my Father’s seal cannot be broken. Focus your attention on me, his only-begotten son, that he gave willingly to atone for your sins that we may be reunited never to separate again. Let me heal you, let me heal you to the uttermost and remove your scars so you are sound and whole before me. Follow my ways and follow my Word, for:
I am the Word made flesh who dwells amongst you.
I am the bread of life, and whosoever eats thereof shall never hunger again.
I am he whose kingdom is not of this world, and my reward is with me for my faithful and chosen.
I am he that walks amongst the seven lamp-stands and command the seven angels of the Church
I am the holy one of God
I am your intercessor
I am he that tries the hearts of man
I am always ready to cleanse your sins in my atoning blood
I am the righteous judge
I am the very Christ foretold from the beginning
I am the son of God come in the flesh
I am he who gave my sinless blood for the sinners that they may inherit eternal life
I am the son of God come in the flesh
I am the good shepherd
I am he that came to my own and was rejected by my own
I am the very Christ, chosen by my Father from the foundations of the World I am that I am
My children I tell you truly that I have outstretched my hand to a dying world for many Jubilees now and my hand shall not always be outstretched in mercy and grace though they are ever with me. I have called many and many have refused. However, the ones I’ve called and chosen and sanctified and washed and cleansed and healed those very ones will stand before my judgment-seat and carry away great reward for their faithfulness. Though I have many works for you yet to accomplish and though you have done much for me and my name, I desire your full heart over your works. I desire that you turn to me and depart from your sins. Come clean to me as your Lord is at the ready with my healing hand outstretched that I may make you clean as the fresh snow. Though my hands were pierced, my atoning blood poured from them and from my body to the last drop. I gave my all so that you may live before our Father for all eternity.
Verily, I didn’t atone for one sin, verily I didn’t atone for a few sins, verily I didn’t atone for many sins, but I atoned for all sins for all time. If you will but respond to me when I convict your hearts through my mighty spirit. Do you not understand that I have no desire to condemn you? There is one who has that desire and lusts for your demise and accuses you day and night before my Father, though I am your intercessor. He is cast down and defeated, yet why do you elevate the thief to a lofty place in your hearts when I have complete and utter victory over him and his kingdom that is soon to come to naught. Be still and be at peace and come to me with a humble heart. Know ye not that if you would judge yourselves, you would not be judged? Ask me to show you your life, as I will reveal many things to you so you may confess your faults and be made whole.
Fear not my little ones as it is not me that condemns you. Listen to your conscience and do not rationalize away my voice. This world is about to be cast down and as this world is forever changed you will be lifted into the heavens above that I may present you to the Father, that you may realize your inheritance, and receive your rewards of faithfulness. I have longed for the day that we see each other in the heavens that you may finally have your true life revealed to you as you have escaped this temporal life of evil, sin and wickedness. I am he that tries the hearts of man, not that I would condemn you, but that through the refiners fire you may be purified of your old ways and realize my ways of love, light, joy, peace, long-suffering, and gentleness.
Hear my rebuke and accept my chastisement because your Father deals with you as children and what child that a Father loves is not rebuked and chastised in turn. My chastisement yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness, as my chastisement is to purge you fully from your sins if you will but hear my words and follow my voice. Go stand and speak all the words of this life. There are still some that will come to salvation in this last hour and only the name of Jesus Christ, my mighty name where there is salvation, for in no other name is salvation given. My mighty name stands firm waiting for you to bring them to me that I may present the penitent to the Father as a newborn baby freshly delivered into eternity. I have great love for you and as the Father has given me I will give to my faithful and chosen.
I am the son of God come in the flesh, sinless and pure for all eternity. Likewise, I am he who gave my sinless blood for the sinners that they may inherit eternal life. Aren’t you, my faithful and chosen, amongst the inheritors of eternal glory? Why do you yet stand silent as if you are waiting for the right words. Speak! Open your mouth and speak, as I will guide your speech to minister to the very hurt my called still suffer, and many will still respond. Join me in my work in this final hour before I shake the foundations of the world and rend it in many places and great judgment engulfs the earth. I will restore this earth to you in my coming Kingdom, but first the kingdom of the wicked will be destroyed and taken in judgment to be chained in the abyss, and they know that the white-hot lake where they will spend eternity awaits.
I will utterly destroy their seats of power, I will utterly decimate all their principalities, I will utterly burn them to the ground with a fire that cannot be quenched, as even I, the Faithful Lord have told you before it happens. In my Father’s house are many mansions, and great majesty and splendor awaits you. Therefore, let no one beguile of your reward and stay faithful to me. Keep your focus single-minded on me the everlasting Lord, yea, the Lord of glory. I am the good shepherd, I am the very Christ chosen by my Father from the foundations of the World. I am he that came to my own and was rejected by my own, though through great testing Jacob shall be saved by my mighty hand.
The consummation of all things is at hand, and the end of the prince of this world is nigh. Though he shall be loosed for a little season his eternal judgment follows, whereof he can never be delivered and there will be no remedy. Return to me, talk with me, minister for me as my Father has given me all things and my reward for you is treasured up in the heavens for my faithful and chosen and is as sure as my Father’s seal that I have sealed you with. There is, but a few minutes left of the age of grace and my judgment will fall suddenly as the wrath of the Lamb comes on the earth. Prepare your hearts and prepare yourselves for the time is at hand.
Take Up A Lamentation
March 13, 2024
The Words the Lord has given me, I openly declare…hear the Word of the Lord! Take up a lamentation, yea, take up a lamentation for those who yet hold to this fallen world. For they have said in their hearts, “What can come upon me?” As it’s been of old it shall continue yet indefinitely and me and mine will continue to live deliciously. Yea, we shall heap to ourselves this world’s good and treasure up currency, which shall surely save us in time of need. You have said in your heart “we are wise, and we are prosperous, calamity shall not come on us as it never comes to us because our God will not let our nation fall for we are wise and mighty…yea you are not wise but wise in your own conceits and I have given your enemies victory over you.
Oh man, who will save you from your hour of judgment that is approaching the entire world? Will your leaders save you? Verily, I say not! As the man of perdition comes your way and already openly walks among you, deceiving many with good words and fair speeches. Will your money save you? Nay, all of your treasures will be declared worthless instantly and there will be no recompense of your life’s works you greedily horde. Oh, that you had not abandoned the ways of the Lord and had loved your neighbor and helped the needy with your abundance. No, you hoard the very abundance God has given you to satisfy your soul, verily I have given many of you more than enough for yourselves and to bless your neighbor, but nay, you have said I shall keep this great abundance to myself because God has surely blessed me on account of my own goodness and strength. Behold, I tell you a thing before it happens, so in your hour of calamity you will then remember my voice and the Words of my mouth I have inspired in my prophets. For I send them not to speak of their own, but I send them as a warning for you that you may yet save your soul by turning to me, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is able to save you to the uttermost. But you have said in your heart Salvation? I need not saving, as I’m wonderful the way I was born. Yet your sins are a stench in my Father’s nostrils, and the land has become rotten on account of your iniquities. Know you not that you were born dead in trespasses and sins, corrupting your very nature? Though I would give you a new, clean nature, you account my sacrifice worthless and cleave to your rotten flesh.
Take up a lamentation for the people of your once great nation who reject my voice. For great sorrow and travail shall come suddenly on you. There will be a mighty shaking, yea my mighty host of heaven will rain great destruction on the great harlot, and she shall never rise again, though a remnant shall be saved. Even in your calamity and destruction that surely approaches will I send my prophets to you. You will know them by their fruit, words and healings many healings and miracles will I do by their hands. Yet, even still many shall perish and die in their sins, yet the meek shall inherit the earth for my inheritance is with me ready to distribute to the faithful. How long can I outstretch my hand to a gainsaying people who stand against me and my ways and in their deception declare themselves righteous before God in their own dirty garments. Repent! Weep and howl over your sins, and cry to me that I may yet save you. Many of your churches have been infiltrated by ravenous wolves who preach to you words that will lead you to your end and still you will not turn from them and turn to me with open face and heart, as I would save you from your distresses and keep your children safe from the armies of the evil one who openly walks your streets and are already stealing from you greatly. Their lusts will not be satisfied until they have taken everything from you and mutilated many. But those who call on my name shall be saved if they endure to the end.
Why do you harden your hearts against the Lord of Hosts? Why do you yet lie to your own hearts saying “there is no calamity, as it was yesterday, it will be today and tomorrow brings the same?” You scoffers will reap the reward of your faithless ways, and those who reject me will be brought to utter ruin and great distress. Hear my words’ oh adulterous and evil generation. Hear my words and lean your ear into them to hear every letter I will speak. Great shaking will rend your nation that you esteem so mightily, and from great shaking shall come great destruction. I will lay waste your once great cities and I will even bring the water to cover your sinful coasts, for you love not the Lord but are lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.
I have no pleasure in your judgment, as my grace and mercy has abounded to you for a long period now. Many of those who have defiled Noah’s covenant will themselves be covered in the waters for desecrating the Holy bow of many colors that my father gave as a pledge. Fire will reign down on you by the hand of your enemies, and many shall perish in the flames and ensuing toxicity. Your land shall be rent and great calamity will be your supper, for you have rejected the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The evil one has imported his Red Army already in your cities, towns and villages. They walk among you plotting your destruction, and they wait on their orders and the departure of my restrainer, whom I will loosen shortly. They will mop up and destroy and subjugate what remains. Not only that, but they will claim it as their own, and they will carry many of you off into their camps they have already prepared. Many will lose their heads for my namesake, and I will reward them richly when they stay faithful to the end. There will be no light, there will be fallen bridges and overturned roads. Who will supply you food and water when your nation lies waste never to rise again, yet I will still yet save a remnant and a remnant will I yet save, for I have declared it!
Fear not my people and my faithful ones. I will snatch you from the midst in the twinkling of an eye into my Father’s house, where I have prepared a place and table for you that we may sup together, my children. I long for your presence and soon you will see my face with your own eyes, and you will have the reward of your faith in me, yea, faith you have in your heart when you have not even seen with your own eyes my glory, nor the glory of my Father who is greater than I and I have called you and chosen you as my own and never will you depart from me as you will evermore be with your Lord and redeemer. Know that I will reward you richly and shower you with blessings that you simply cannot comprehend at this time. Stay faithful yet till the end, for a short time and these things shall come to pass, verily the hour is late, and the night has already fallen on the earth.
I am the King of King and Lord of Lords, yea a name has been given me above every name, that at the name of Jesus Christ should all heaven and earth bow the knee.
I am the Prince of Peace, and outside of me there is no peace.
I am he who has given you rest, that you may rest in me and find shelter in my grace. I am he that walks among the seven candlesticks, who commands my Father’s angels, yea all things in heaven and earth are in my hands as my Father gave them to me in my victory over the evil one until my enemies be made my footstool.
I am your lord and your redeemer, yea I am the good shepherd that has been crowned with all glory and I hold life eternal in my hands for those who will but humble themselves and ask.
Declare me Lord! Fear not my little children as it is the last times and a great multitude shall be saved out of the coming tribulation. Whosoever calls on the name of Jesus Christ shall be saved, and I will heal them and reward them for their faithfulness. Yea I walk among you and what great thing has the Lord planned that he has not told his prophets before they come to pass? Yea hearken to my voice as there is little time, yea very little time before the sound of the last trump. Yea, the angels stand ready in the heavens above, waiting on the trumpet blast! Your full redemption is at your door, so fear not and cleave to me, for your life is hid in me and is about to be revealed.
The Faithful Shepherd Says
March 12, 2024
The faithful shepherd says to the faithful…
Verily, verily I say to you, depart from iniquity and sin not. For my reward is with me to give every man according to his works. I have called you in the Love of my Father that you may have life and have it eternally. I have called you to walk in my Kingdom, to serve me, yea, to dwell on the earth in righteousness, I have given you my grace that you may grow into me, your Lord Jesus Christ. Faint not at my chastisements, for as many as I love I rebuke that my saving grace may take root in the depth of your being so you may do mighty works, works of blessings, works of healing, yea bear much fruit in me my people.
For my Father is a loving God, yea my Father’s love cannot be conquered. In me, the righteous Lord, resides all fullness that the Father has given me. He has given all things into my hands and as Pharaoh elevated Joseph and gave into his hands all of Egypt, so my Father has elevated me and given all things in heaven and in earth into my hands. He has given me a name above all names, that at the name of Jesus should every knee bow, both on heaven and earth. Yea, every tongue shall confess my Lordship both in heaven and earth.
I have given you eternal life and I have made a path for you to escape the wilderness, yea, to escape that approaching great day. Do not faint! Do not grow weary in well doing, yet stand before me, and I will continue to draw you into my presence. You are seated in the heavenlies and will take part in my throne as I take part in my Father’s throne. I have many crowns and many blessings that are stored up for you, my faithful people. Stand before me and be perfect in me. Depart from your sins and allow the times of refreshing to blow the chaff from your life. In me is eternal life and in me is the new creation, the new man, yea Christ in you the hope of Glory! Depart from evil and depart from sin. Continue to declare me among the heathen, as there are still people to save in this final hour. Continue to declare my name, for there is no other name under heaven where men may be saved. Take comfort in the rest that I have given you and lay your burdens at my feet, for my burden is easy, and my yoke is light.
For the faithful (those who have overcome sin and adversity by my atoning blood) to the faithful, I say: I have great reward treasured up for you in my Father’s house. Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, and neither has it entered into the hearts of men the things that are prepared for them. I will reward you richly with many crowns so stand for me and be faithful to my voice and my words for in those words you will find life, am I not the Word made flesh who has dwelt among you?
I am the righteous judge
I am the good shepherd who shepherds the flock
I am your healing and I will heal you to the uttermost
I was born of a woman and made flesh, though no sin is in me.
I was crucified for your sins, yea, no man took my life, but I willingly laid it down for the love I have for my Father’s sons and daughters.
I was raised to life the third day, for it was impossible that death should hold me. My Father broke the bonds of death with the power of my resurrection I am the first fruits of the dead.
Soon you will meet me in the air and yea, the very pains of death will release those who have fallen asleep and then you which are alive and remain shall be caught up together and forever more will you be with me. I am the Son of God and in my hand is my reward for my faithful. Stand strong, my children, and faint not. Be strong in the Lord and the power of my might, for only my Father is greater than I. I have heard your petitions, and I have received you as my own.
Be patient and continue to labor for me. For soon you will be home with me, and forever more we will be about our Father’s business. Be strong and be of good cheer. I know many of you see the tribulation and calamity approaching, yea, many of you have seen the armies of the wicked one crossing your borders. Fear them not! Fear them not, even though they would destroy you if only they could, but they are not here for my faithful, as the great escape and the great gathering will yet save my faithful ones from the hour of trying and temptation that is about to come on the entire world. Rest in my Love, knowing that I will never leave you or forsake you, just as my Father never left me or forsook me in my hour of sacrifice. For your salvation is secure in me, therefore push into me as I will strengthen you yet even more than I have. Great is the Mystery of godliness!
Great Calamity Approaches
March 11, 2024
The Word of the Lord came to me…please hear.
Hear my voice, saith the Lord of Hosts! My people return to me as great calamity is about to come upon your nation, great calamity is at your door, yea great calamity shall come upon your shores. Return to me and fear me, says the Lord of Hosts. God has passed judgment on America on two fronts. There will be judgment from within and there will be judgment from without. From within, there will be great shaking, there will be great shaking, yea America will fall mightily by great shaking. From without, his armies have come to steal and to kill and to destroy all that is in their paths. Yea, there is no mercy in their hearts, and they have one mind, and they shall take your abundance from you, they shall take your goods from you, they will seize your posterity, and great famine will come on your land. He that is not killed by war, shall be killed by disaster, he that is not killed by disaster shall be killed by the wild beasts, he that is not killed by the beasts shall starve. Yet even in your calamity, whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Yea, I will save my people, even so by great tribulation and by the refiners fire. Come to me my people while there is still time, come to me the Lord Jesus Christ as I am the righteous Lord, I am the King of Kings, I am the good Shepherd where none is able to pluck my sheep from my hand. Come to me! Come to me while there is yet time and confess your sins, confess my mighty name as Lord, for there is salvation in no other name. For I Jesus Christ am set for your salvation that I have purchased in my own blood. Come to me, yea, come to me in my Love that I have for you. Do not resist me but come to me that I might yet save you and give you eternal life so that I may bless your posterity, come to me my people and harden not your hearts as the fathers did in the wilderness, for the lord your God has pronounced great judgment against your nation for her sins are many and terrible.
Yea I have paid for those sins and all the sins of mankind but my offer and my arms shall not always be outstretched. In the day of calamity, salvation will be obtained through great distress and great tribulation that I will bring on the world to test the hearts of men, and He that endures to the end shall be saved. Follow not the man of sin and take not his mark and take not his medicine, for a serpents bite is therein, and you will not be healed from the poison of it. Whoever shall take the mark of the beast will have their portion in the lake of fire with the beast and the false prophet. Is it not written in
my holy word? Have you not read? Have you not heard? Return to my love, yea come to me my children, for I call you in this last hour, for great calamity is at your door.
Hear me, says the Lord of Hosts, For:
I am he: the Son of Man who was crucified under Pontius Pilot, who died for your sins and was raised the third day, I was raised and yea I was glorified.
I am the Lord of Lord and king of Kings.
I am the Son of Man, the righteous Lord, the true Lord who is faithful and true and not one of you can be plucked from my hands
I am the good Shepherd where none is able to pluck my sheep from my hand
All that the Father has given to me, I shall present to him and I desire to present you to the Father without fault, blemish, or blame clothed in white linen dipped in my blood. The only way any man can stand before me is to accept my sacrifice for your sins. Tarry not with the sinners! Tarry not, tarry not! Come out from among them and separate yourself from their sins. Confess your own sins to me, yea confess the sins of your Fathers to me for they pass them on to you. Live the life I have given you and walk the path I have laid for you, as I have called you by name. Turn not to the left and turn not to the right but give attention and singleness of mind to my Words. Yet, many shall refuse my invitation, and many shall perish. Have Faith in me, as the Love of God shall save all who call on the name of the Lord. Have faith in me and rivers of living waters shall flow from your belly as your sins are washed clean, and your spirit made whole. Come to me while there is, yet time confess my name, make me Lord, for there is salvation in no other name given under heaven where men may be saved.
Wayward Shepherds
March 10, 2024
The Great Lord, Jesus Christ, says to the wayward shepherds…
You claim to speak in the name of the Lord, me, Jesus Christ; yet you only know my name and do not live my ways nor speak for me. You build broken cisterns that hold no water for my people, and they thirst. Furthermore, you have greedily served your own belly as you rejoice in the lusts of your hearts, and you give all satisfaction and reverence to your flesh. In your hearts you are deceived as you think you fully follow me and represent me to my people, and yet you speak shallow lies, lies that should be cast into the great deep, faithless words not given by me, words of darkness and selfempowerment when you are quite powerless, powerless to lead and powerless to shepherd. Buy eye salve of me and anoint your eyes. Open your ears and be attentive to my word.
Great calamity and destruction is upon the great harlot, and her times have been appointed and her days numbered. Her judgment will come suddenly and without remedy. Yet you have said in your heart, I am God’s representative. I am the just shepherd. I am the glory of God, and by the works of my hands I am the great example of God’s love. You fool! How can you shepherd my people when you don’t even know me, Jesus Christ, the true and righteous Shepherd? Depart from me, as I know you not! You have become a hireling, craving the adoration of men. You have forgotten your first love. Repent and return to me. Stand for me. Shepherd my people in sackcloth and ashes of repentance. You serve your own belly and would sell my Word for your greedy base gain as you lecture my people in sin.
Verily, judgment is upon your nation, and though I would set you apart for a people of my own, you run from my voice and reject my ways, and yet in your deception you declare yourselves holy and an example to the flock. Focus your attention and ears on my voice. Repent and come to me, that I may yet save you and the people who follow you; I would save you from calamity and distress! Those who take salvation as a license to sin will bear their judgment, and your works shall be burned. They who live such will reap outer darkness. You say you are rich, but you are in poverty. You say you are powerful, commanding the very power of God by your words, but your good words and fair speeches are quite powerless. Have I not called you? Have I not given you purpose? Yet you count me absent from my own Church, yet you make yourselves absent from my Lordship. What a man soweth, that shall he reap.
Judgment will come suddenly on your nation, and you will either stand with me so that I may rescue you, or you will stand with the judged and partake of her sins and coming plagues of judgment. Sin has consequence even to those who carry the seal of the living God. Verily, the time is upon you when judgment will begin at the house of God. Wash yourselves from your sins in my atoning blood! Repent publicly of your ways. Turn to me because time is almost out. Any man who reckons himself something when he is nothing is deceived and caught in a web of iniquity that has blinded their eyes and closed their ears. Repent and turn to me with your whole heart before it is too late.
I am the merciful Lord. I have been given a name above every name, and I am the preeminent one, slain from before the foundations of the world. I am the righteous judge, your Lord and redeemer, Christ Jesus! I am the son of God who was made after the flesh, yet took only part as I remained sinless. I was crucified under Pontius Pilate, died as your sinless Passover. No man took my life, but I gave it freely. I was raised the third day, and ascended into the heavens. I am the Son of God who came in the flesh. I am the righteous Shepherd who has lost none given to me. Hear my Words and doubt them not. Do not set my words aside as if that is a light thing.
As many as I love, I chasten. As many as I love, I rebuke. If the Father deals with you as sons, then blessed you are because a father chastens his children that they may stand firm and upright and that they may receive great reward. Rewards of faithfulness and many crowns shall be placed on their heads for obedience. Turn to me with your whole heart and hear my words. I see your works, yet I desire your full heart over your works. Warn my people of the coming storm, that they may make themselves ready and pure for my impending great escape, when I will gather my body to me and hide them in my Father’s house from the day of trouble. Depart from sin and return to me, Jesus Christ, my people, as I have called you and desire to make your election sure.
I am the merciful Lord, and I have been given a name above every name.
I am the preeminent one, slain from before the foundations of the world.
I am the righteous judge, your Lord and redeemer, Christ Jesus!
I am the Son of God who was made after the flesh yet took only part as I remained sinless.
I am the Son of God who came in the flesh.
I am the righteous Shepherd who has lost none given.
I am all of these and much more.
Why Do You Reject Your Creator?
March 9, 2024
The Lord gave me these words…they are not of me, and I am giving them nothing added and nothing removed to the best of my ability.
Why do you yet reject your creator and his ways? Has he not offered you eternal life? Has he not given you the bread of life, freely for all who ask? Has he not offered you freedom from this fallen creation in me, the great and faithful Lord Jesus Christ? I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am King of King and Lord of Lords; yea, I gave my life on the cross so you, that you may indeed walk in my kingdom if you will but accept the gift of eternal life. Have I not called you by name? Why do you yet count yourselves unworthy of eternal life, when my atoning blood will make you worthy if you but yet call on my name and make me Lord? I am the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Christ: Jesus the Nazarene, the faithful Lord, yea, the great Lord! There is none greater but God, who has given me all things.
Behold! A day of calamity is on you, a day of judgment and distress. America’s sins are as the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, and if he were to not judge the great whore, he would be unjust to the generations he took in judgment. That great whore, who lusts after strange flesh, who has been integral in building the beast system for that man of perdition, verily who walks among you deceiving my elect even before his time. Great judgment and calamity will fall suddenly. America, you are judged from without and judged from within.
The hand of your enemies is about to be on your neck, and you will be violently overthrown, and the nations shall drink no more of your adulterous fornication wherewith you have enchanted all. Your enemies have been given victory over you, though you blindly trust in your military might that I have taken from you. You are a nation in chains, awaiting your final remembrance before the Lord! There is nothing great about you, but your sins and iniquities that are a stench in my Father’s nostrils.
You will be judged from within, as a mighty, violent shaking will decimate you suddenly and without remedy. The great whore will be cast down as a warning to all and will be the start of the darkest hour ever. No more will she unjustly overthrow nations. No more will she plague the world with her iniquities. No more will her abominations seduce my people. The great whore has defiled my Father’s covenant, that glorious rainbow that he gave to Noah as surety to never flood the world again. Though the world shall never again be flooded, the waves of destruction will fall on many, and an allconsuming fire approaches.
My people, be ye not partakers of her sins, plagues, judgment, and calamity. I will still yet set a place for you at my table if you will yet turn to me with your whole heart. Repent! Confess your sins to me, Christ Jesus! Have you not read that the unrighteous shall not INHERIT the kingdom of God? Do you desire your reward to be stripped and given to another? Think not that you will enter into my presence in a state of willful disobedience; has not my Father declared, “I am holy, so be ye holy?” Run to me and submit yourselves to my salvation, for I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and the days of pleading with a stiff-necked generation are coming to a close.
How long have I outstretched my saving hand to you, and yet you reject the God of your fathers and my saving grace that is able to save you to the uttermost? Come to me and hide yourself in my bosom; truly, I will hide you from the great day of calamity that is upon you. Do not join those who have rejected my name; Christ has no concord with Belial, yet my people are still bewitched by his false light. Weep and howl and repent of your lukewarm ways. Return to your first love and seek my face while it is still time.
My atoning blood will wash you if you will but come out of your sins. I am the Son of Man, the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. I am he who kept himself pure in the face of all temptation, even tempted by Satan himself and still victorious. I am the only begotten Son of God who has poured out holy spirit on all who have turned to me and all who will yet turn to me. I, Jesus Christ, am all of these things and more, and I chastise those I love so that their calling may be sure and complete.
O man, your sins are many, yet you declare your own holiness! Sins of adultery and fornication. Sins of pharmakeia, witchcraft, and many sorceries. Greedy, unmerciful, lovers of self, lovers of pleasure, and lovers of money. What will become of your faith in riches when your riches become worthless instantly and poverty and great desolation comes on you suddenly? Will you blaspheme in the face of mercy? Will you yet choose your sins? They who stubbornly choose their sins shall perish in them. Think not that God is mocked, as he is about to make a mockery of the mockers; be ye not partakers with them.
The hour is late, and the final minutes are approaching; yea, time is nearly finished in my age of grace, and wrath will overtake the earth as the true Church is taken before your very eyes. I have no pleasure in seeing my creation destroyed on account of transgressions and unrighteousness; but have I not given you a choice to live in my kingdom, and yet many stubbornly refuse? Come out of her! Rebuke and abandon your ways; confess me, Jesus Christ, as Lord, and cease from sin.
Have I not given great peace to my sons and daughters, who have overcome their sins by my very blood? Yet many still reject their witness and testimony and still refuse to believe, choosing instead their arrogance over my humble ways. Your own ways are a snare and will lead you to utter destruction, whereof you can never be healed. Turn to me while there is still but a few minutes left to do so. The hour is late, and all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved!
I invite you to share in the glory of my throne and accept life with me. Turn from your ways and return to me, as I am the eternal Lord and there is salvation in none other but me! I, Jesus Christ, am the Son of God and have come in the flesh, was crucified, was raised the third day, has been made a life-giving spirit and received into the heavens until times are consummated. Truly, the night is far spent and the hour late, and the times of restitution approach.
My people, stand fast in my might and be at peace. Rest in me and yet a little while your glorification will come instantly, and great reward is laid up for you in my Father’s house. The things I have prepared for you have not even entered your heart, yea, not the heart of any man. Peace and safety you will find, and you who have been faithful over a few things I will reward richly. Rest in me and keep your focus on me. Declare a fast among yourselves and renew your vigor in this last hour and declare my righteous ways and declare my approaching judgment, as even, yet many shall be saved.
I have showed you great mercy, great long-suffering, great abounding grace, yet you no longer extend these things to others. Will you sacrifice your reward and force me to give it to another? Or will you love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and your neighbor as yourself? Why do you set at naught your neighbor and erroneously judge them unworthy of eternal life as you stand there in silence? Have I not given you my mysteries to declare to all? Stand strong in me, and I will empower you to reach those whom the evil one would yet try to hide from my saving hand. Open your mouth and declare all the words of this life, yea, the very words to speak I will give you. Share your love until the last second, for that last second steadily approaches as the trumpet is about to call my children home.
I am the faithful Lord who fails not.
I am the light of the world, and whosoever calls on my mighty name shall not perish in the unquenchable flames; on such, the second death has no power.
I am the mightiest among the mighty, and all things in heaven and earth are given into my hands until restoration is complete, when my enemies are my footstool.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
I am King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
I am the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Christ: Jesus the Nazarene.
I am holy, so be ye holy.
I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
I am he who kept himself pure in the face of all temptation.
I am the eternal Lord, and there is salvation in none other but me!
My Invitation Is Still Open
March 7, 2024
The word of the Lord came upon me…and I present it without adding or taking away anything.
Behold! My invitation is still open! Come all, and come whomever may, for I the Lord Jesus Christ am set for your rock of defense and am a strong tower for you. There is no other name given under heaven where men may be saved, except my name, Jesus Christ. I am the chief cornerstone they reject, thinking they are free. Freedom is found nowhere except in me. Why do you let the hirelings lead you astray? Why do you let the worthless ones corrupt you from the simplicity found in me? Many paths lead to destruction. But I am the way, the truth, and the life, the true way to the Father that brings salvation and freedom: salvation, because I offer remission of sins through my redeeming blood, and freedom, because the son shall make you truly free indeed.
Why are you weary, my people? Why do you faint? Have I not provided you rest? Have I not overcome all things, making a way for you to follow my victory and share in my sufferings? Only through accepting my sacrifice of myself can you be redeemed from certain destruction. Only through my blood do you have remission of sins, and through my broken body is healing given, and a new body shall I give on that day to my faithful and chosen. For so has your Lord provided for you. I made a path where there was no path: a path in the wilderness that culminates with your glorification, if you will but cease from sin.
This world is corrupt, its knowledge is corrupt, its sciences are spurious, and a web of deceit ensnares my people, leading them out of the way I have chosen for them. Do you not understand that I have called you? That I have chosen you? Do you not understand that you must die to self to find life in me, as your true life is hid in me, the faithful Lord? When I shall appear, so too will you appear in glory; therefore, with singleness of heart, follow me. With singleness of mind, come to me in humble faith. It takes only faith as a grain of mustard seed, and the tree will grow greater than them all.
The times of the Gentiles are drawing to a close, yea, Jacob will be saved as so yet by fire. In an all-consuming fire shall this world be judged. Verily, the prince of this world is judged and is a defeated enemy. Judgment has been pronounced on him, his kingdom, his followers, and the world he tried to take from my Father. Yea, he desires to rob you of your inheritance, as I have laid a path for you to share in the glory of my throne as I share in the glory of my Father’s throne. I went to prepare a place for you. Do you not understand there are many mansions in my Father’s house? Is anything too hard for me? Have my promises failed you? Or have you been led astray from the single-hearted purpose that I have given you? Why do you yet choose your own ways?
Repent, O my children! Confess your sins to me and even the sins of your fathers, as I will hear you in the time appointed. I will glorify you; I will give you newness of life in me. Come to me and receive garments of fine linen! Come to me and receive a new name that I will give you on a stone I have made for you. Let no man beguile you of your reward. Great destruction and calamity is at your door. The world is about to shift into unrestrained evil. The abyss will be opened, and Satan’s full kingdom will be unleashed. I will shake the heavens, I will shake the sea, great shaking will come over the earth. The man of perdition walks among you as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, waiting for his satanic kingship to come into full view so he may be revealed in his time. Follow him not!
Run to me, my children, as great wrath and great destruction shall come upon your nation; yea, many nations shall soon be shaken to the ground. Oh, that you would turn to me and understand your times. Out of the coming destruction, the false one will rise as he seduces many with a lying tongue and will show many false wonders and lying signs. Even now his armies have walked into your cities and filled your streets. Fear them not. Some of them will achieve salvation. The chaff shall be given to the fires. Great trouble shall come on this world suddenly. Suddenly shall their calamity fall on them, and they shall not escape. It is the last hour. Be ye not partakers of her plagues; come out of her, my people, as the great whore has been judged, and her calamity shall come upon her in one hour. The great merchants who trafficked her sorceries shall fall into great distress, and the smoke of her burning will be for all to see. The world’s merchants will bewail her calamity from afar off.
But I have plans for you, my people. Your life is hid in me. Though I have tested you for a season, I have refined you as gold in a refiner’s fire. Come out of her! Awake to righteousness and sin not. Purify yourselves in my atoning blood. Weep and howl over your transgressions; turn from your sins with your full heart. I am he that tries the hearts of men; you can hide nothing from me.
Come to me without deceit. Come to me honestly and openly, and I will sup with you and will set a place at my table for you. Soon the bride shall be gathered, sooner than you may think. When my bride is caught up, the restrainer shall be loosed, and no evil thing shall be withheld from them. Yea, they will openly follow the lusts and evils in their hearts; therefore, great judgment shall come upon them, and it shall not be remedied. Turn to me, Jesus Christ! Call upon my name while I may be found! Even during the great day of destruction, my name will bring salvation to those who call. Come to me now and come out from her, as time is almost out. The armies of heaven are readied, waiting for the trumpet.
I am the chief cornerstone they reject, thinking they are free.
I am the way, the truth and the life: the true way to the Father that brings salvation and freedom.
I am he that tries the hearts of men; you can hide nothing from me.
(Verses I am inspired to share)
2:16 But this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel,
2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days (saith God) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
2:18 And on my servants, and on my handmaidens, I will pour out in those days of my Spirit, and they shall prophesy:
2:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath: blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.
2:20 The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the Moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come.
2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord, shall be saved.
To Whom Will You Turn?
March 5, 2024
The word of the Lord came to me…
The Lord Jesus Christ says: To whom will you turn to escape my wrath? Will you place your faith in evil men sent to deceive the very elect if possible? Will you place your faith in the Babylonian beast system, that great whore? Have you been deceived into thinking you can choose your king by election? Do you not understand that Satan is god of this world and deceives the entire world? Will you place your faith in man-made organizations and the houses of false prophets sent to deceive my very elect? To whom will you turn? Where will you go when nothing can be hidden from my sight?
You are seeing the evil ones hide themselves in the caves of the earth that they have hewn for themselves to escape me, but they have hewn in vain. My wrath approaches and no man can stand. Call on my name while there is still time. The Father has placed all things in my hands, both on heaven and earth, and I will fulfill his plans. There is nothing and no one that can stop me because my Father has empowered me, and I cannot be stopped. The wrath of the Lamb is at your door, even though I still stand at the door and knock. I am eager to come in and sup with you if you will but answer your door.
My people awake!! Awake!! AWAKE!! Awake to righteousness and sin not. I have heard your prayers, and I have seen your vexation of spirit and distress. Come to me with your whole heart and depart from sin. Depart from the sin of Babylon and her leaders; yea, depart from her fully, even from her apostate churches. For Babylon’s judgment is at hand, and it will come suddenly, leaving her desolate in one hour. For great are her sins; therefore, great is her judgment.
Your only escape is in the safety of my arms; yea, nobody is able to pluck you from my hands. Do not be lukewarm, as the times of separation are already underway. To the people: where will you turn when I gather my bride from among you? Have you not read? Have you not heard?
I am eager to come in and sup with you if you will but answer your door.
(Verse I was inspired to share)
Revelation 18
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee: and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy Merchants were the great men of the earth: for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
The voice of the bridegroom and the bride shall no longer be heard because I will gather my bride and hide her in the chambers that I have prepared for the coming time, for in my father’s house are many mansions.
Night Approaches
March 3, 2024
The Word of the Lord came upon me…
The night approaches where no man can work. Prophesies shall cease, tongues shall cease, the gifts to the Church all shall cease when my Bride is snatched away. Then a day of darkness where there will be a famine in the land, a famine of my Word shall there be. Yet even then my angels and prophets of the elect shall still speak for me. A time approaches when the wild beasts shall attack and many shall perish. The Day of the Lord has been declared in my Holy Word, and soon it shall be so. Judgment shall break forth suddenly; therefore turn from your sins to me, the Lord Jesus Christ, as I have paid for your sins, and you can be white as snow before me in fine linen if you would but give up your own garments. Turn to me in repentance. Humble yourselves before the
Lord while there is still daylight, for soon the night shall fall and no man can work. Yet even in those times, anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, as so yet by fire.
March 2, 2024
Awake! Awake! Awake! My people, awake, for I the Lord am calling my people back to me. Do not resist the voice of the Lord when I call you and offer mercy, forgiveness, and peace. There is no peace in this world; though they shall cry peace and safety, do not believe them. There is no peace outside of me, Jesus Christ. Awake! Awaken your brethren! Many will fall to the left and to the right, but it will not come near you if you stay faithful to my voice, the voice of the Lord.
My Bride shall be taken to the inner chambers of the heavens in peace and safety, as they have washed their garments in my blood, the blood of the Lamb! Those who reject me and count the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the perfect Passover, for the sins of mankind as a worthless thing will have no peace. Repent and turn from your sins, as this is the last hour. Do not give yourselves any longer to rationalization and unbelief, as no man can stand before me, Jesus Christ, unless they have washed their garments in the blood of the lamb and purified themselves from sin.
Come out from among her, my people, as the great whore shall be judged suddenly and without remedy. The time of Jacob’s trouble is nearly here, and great judgment and calamity will come to the earth. You have an escape right on your lips if you will confess me, Jesus, as your Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead. Are your sins so precious to you? Are the pleasures of sin important enough to risk eternity in outer darkness? Do you desire the lake of fire? Call on the Lord while he may be found, and call to him when he will hear you, because the hour approaches when no man can work.
Though the Lord will send his prophets during the time of Jacob’s trouble, where will you stand when the Lord raptures his people? Who will minister to you when the Church is taken from the midst? There will be a dearth of scripture in the land, and you will have to find Christ by enduring till your last breath, if you are blessed enough to make it that far. Repent and return to the Lord! Come out from her, my people, and be ye separate. I stand at the door and knock.
The spirit of prophecy has descended on my people over the world, as I promised in holy scripture.
2:16 But this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel;
2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days (saith God) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
2:18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit, and they shall prophesy:
2:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath: blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke:
2:20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come.
2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
How Long?
March 2, 2024
The Word of the Lord…
How long, how long, will my people ignore my call? How long will they cleave to their sins? How long will they live in the pleasures of sin? Repent, repent, repent! Turn to me with your entire heart. Turn to the Lord your God and to my outstretched arms!
To my Bride: I have given you life, yet your life is hid in me; and when I shall appear, so too shall you appear in the life that I have given you. You have freely received, yet it cost me a great price for your ransom. Will you use my grace as a time to slumber? Or will you use my grace as a time to purify yourselves by virtue of my blood that I shed for you at Calvary? Will you accept my invitation to preach to a dying world and save many of your brethren? Or will you ignore my invitation and instead prefer the pleasures of sin for a closing season?
To all, I say: Return to me with your whole heart; repent with your entire being! Seek my face and accept my forgiveness, as the day of the Lord is at hand, as I have warned my people. I will not be quiet, and I urge you to open your mouths to save those you love and those I will bring to you. Remember your first love, and come to me before the trumpet sounds.