The Latter Glory will Fall
9/16/24 9:50 AM
Sammy Omosh
I believe God will shake the Heavens, Earth,Sea and dry land before the coming of the one and only son of God, Jesus Christ the messiah.The heavens- 2,4moons will be seen, Rainbow skies,2 suns and Strange planets will be seen. The Earth-Famines, wars, Earthquakes, Governmental transitions, plagues,and the inevitable Economic collapse.The Sea-Tsunamis, drying up of streams and rivers and contamination of sea through oil spillage and dumping hazardous wastes.Dry land-volcanoes erupting, cracking/division of land masses geolo gically or thro tectonics.and emergence of sinkholes. All nations will be shaken(no exception) and the most High will gather his Treasures (precious ones) before the greatest visitation to ever befall the Earth arrives.
On 8th December 2019 in a dream at 3am,I was sleeping in the house and without moving out I was seeing the full moon in the sky and next to it was a very bright heavenly body.i phoned my Dad and told him to go outside and observe this strange object hanging in the sky. The so called bad news I have mentioned above will come first.This will signal the next phase to come -the good news which will be the End time revival that will bring hope to millions of people globally.i pray that the bad and the good go hand in hand to awaken the sinners and the ‘sleeping church.’
I woke up on 16th September 2024 from a vision in which I found myself inside a hospital .I could see patients arriving in their large numbers .I was with a gentleman who was walking me through the sections , opening doors etc.Instantly I had an inner(spiritual ). knowing,that the Glory of God is about to descend down and the ‘hospital will be swept clean’.The healing anointing will be astounding and wii be witnessed in a much higher scale than ever before.This made me cry tears of joy knowing what was coming to visit the patients,some who had suffered for a long time.We then left with the man outside. Have you ever seen a rain cloud forming overhead in the sky and knowing any minute it will rain.This was what I felt in this realm, knowing it won,t take long before this glory is manifested in the earthly realm.Time must be short now.
On 22nd December 2019 in a vision of the night I saw a group of the chosen ones on a mission to Russia.One person was partly covered with snow.
On 12/9/24 on prophecy I read an article with the headline -Prepa ring for a crash? Why is Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest men in the world selling millions of his Company’s shares? What does he know,that other Stock traders don’t know? Doesn’t it raise a red flag of what is coming!
Haggai2:9The latter Glory of this house shall be greater than the former,says the Lord of hosts.
Your bro.Sammy Omosh.