Warning, Dream, Vision

The Judgments Will Begin – Sammy Omosh

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

The Judgments Will Begin

3/15/25 5:12 AM
Sammy Omosh

Recently I had a conversation with a good friend of mine and he asked me out of the blue-Sam do you think the tribulation period has begun?I answered back -yes we are almost there!We talked about many prophe tic Events just ahead of us.

He later on commented-‘When you see Trump vs zelens KY failed talks at the Oval office and Europe,s take.He went on to say when you see Israel vs Hamas stand off,then these are clear signs of drums of war. ***The coming war,famine, pestilence and the 3dds will be forms of judgement on the Earth.

On 6/3/25 The News of Dr Benny hinn,s departure is splashed,In this revelation,I said, it was meant to be so.This is bound to happen and no amount of criticism will reverse it.Ask yah if it is not so.Even Benny knows he is about to go.

On 11/3/25 I see a large screen mounted in an open field.People were watching a state funeral of a prominent icon/Seasoned politician in the land.it,s meant to be so.This will be a State funeral.Are we ready for two more of this calibre? They are documented here on this website.

On12/3/25 This is what I see in the early hours of the morning -A large rectangle with the numeral 11 engrossed inside it.It was color blue.Strong,s concordance of the meaning 11 is disorder, destruction,perishi ng, Chaos,or judgement..

On 13/3/25 I find myself standing near a tall building.i stare at this building and it starts swaying dangerously from side to side,and I sense danger.i ran further away to a safer place lest it falls on me Ultimately this building crumbles down.

This reminded me on the vision I saw in 2017,2018 thereabout, where I saw many skyscrapers crumbling down one after another.in that journal I wrote -‘Could this be California?’.

Soon there will be Judgments of Earthquake s, Tsunamis and terror related activities in isolated places.Earthquakes of high intensity will weaken the structures of many buildings hence they will collapse.All these will lead to death en masse when they happen!Years ago I saw some roads rendered impassable. There were deep cracks on those roads and some big trees fell down blocking the same roads.Are you ready to witness massive tornadoes and cyclones?

There will be Judgments on the political arena globally.Many will fall on specific politicians. There will be Judgments on the Economic front on a global scale.Alot has been said and talked about regarding this on this very website.

‘Judgement will begin in the house of the Lord ‘-The season is ripe for wicked Ministers to be judged.Have you been feeding the Sheep or your self?Many are hirelings fleecing the sheep.A saint of the most High saw in a vision a Shepherd who was left behind.He confessed that his ulterior motive of being a Minister was the money being channeled to the church.John the baptist said-‘You brood of vipers,you will not escape the coming judgment!’jesus took a whip and chased the money changers(the y are many in our days!)out of the temple. How dare you do business in the house of God!It,s a house of prayer not a Business Enterprise!Your goose is already cooked!

I have seen years ago,a well known Bishop in my Country resting in his bed.He had a heart attack and was sweating profusely.Most likely he was dispatched to the next world. He is a Prosperity Maniac with no sound gospel.He has previously boasted of dining with T.d Jakes, wearing Italian shoes and traveling business class.

The central message in the gospel is the blood and the cross not ‘things’.No wonder your lampstands is being removed as another prophet saw it vividly with many of your lot too.Many well known wicked Ministers around the globe will be removed.

What will you do if you are a fun of their antics and theatrics?Will you curse God and accuse him of killing them? Who needs to repent-God or the wicked Ministers?

The Lord is so angry,no wonder He told a certain Sister that He is going to destroy Churches and we have only 3 days! That message was given 6 months ago.

How will prosperity save your soul in the midst of Judgments! How does a pastor drink vodka,owns a night club and wears a Muslim cap on his head,yet the blind followers continue following him.if you walk scot free to heaven,then sinners should not face condemnation or any iota of judgement.You were once used of God and now you are fallen and grown arrogant. ‘The Elijah to come'(2 witnesses in one.)

You have deceived your followers by saying you were the Elijah to come.You are the mightiest of the mightiest so you say.Did Jesus of Nazareth live in luxury in his days? Did he have the Roman police escort him to his meetings?Did he own a jet?The Elijah to come was John the Baptist,not you.An earlier encounter with him in a vision does not make you him!

A lady who used to be your member exposed you on YouTube and you wanted that video removed.if you were not quilty why grew unease and impatient?That video is trending to date.A watchwoman saw you going under the sea.What was your mission there?in my own visions you grew unease when I attended your gathering to the extend that you could single me out and ordered me to leave immediately! You knew I had exposed you earlier on.Now here is your judgement

in 2015,a watchman saw your death and your followers concealed it away from the media and other stake holders.They were praying for your resurrection but you didn’t resurrect.It was a one way ticket to where you belong.

In 2020 the month of Feb to be precise,I met with another watchman face to face and he blankly told me,he saw this preacher stricken by lightening and he was no more.

Two prophets in my country have seen judgements coming to church leaders(evil)and even political leaders.is this not confirmed before you start attacking the message and the messenger on other blogs.Confirm this word before rushing to critique.This word was so heavy on me yesterday the whole day.Entries have been made in the judgement books in heaven,now the Judgments are ready to be unleashed. 2025 is not and will not be like 2024,2023, 2022…………………in that reverse order sequentially.No wonder a pastor was taken to heaven and shown a heavenly calendar for 2025 and the perplexing thing it had only 11 months instead of the normal 12 months.

1peter4:17:For it is time for judgment to begin in the house of God and if it begins with us,what will be the outcome for those who don.t obey the gospel of God.

Heb:9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once,and after that comes judgement.

Isa66:16 For by fire will the Lord enter into judgment and by his sword,with all flesh and those slain by the Lord shall be many.

Eccl12:13 The end of the matter,all has been heard.Fear God and keep his commandme nts,for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment with every secret thing,whether good or evil.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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