The Jesus statue at Rio de Janeiro
7/27/24 11:01 AM
He’s my Hero
In a vision on 7/ 6/ 24, I saw the statue of Jesus atop the mountain at Rio de Janeiro. I saw a giant wave of water coming from behind and at the statue. It caused the giant statue of Jesus to fall forward.
Then the Lord said, “it will fall as my waters engulf the mountain and destroy the city. I am angered of the portrayal of my Son overlooking such a wicked city. It mocks me instead of its original purpose. It has been used to procure money and finances for the poor and other expenses for the city.
Yeah, I overlook all. I am not pleased.
The Lord gave this vision and word before I researched the statue and I saw there is water around the statue and city of Rio de Janeiro. I did not know this at the time He gave the vision, word.
Then on 7/10/24 the Lord said, “Do they come to worship me? No, but to gawk at the beauty and size of the sculpture. Yay, it shall be no more.”
Galatians 6:7 NASB “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a person sows, this he will also reap.”
Later, I found another prophetic vision on 444 Prophecy News basically saying the same as what the Lord had shown and told me. Please pray for Rio de Janeiro.
“Urgent: Tsunami in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro” 9/22/23 Jennifer de Freitas
Photos courtesy Depositphotos