The Intervention
7/22/24 12:36 PM
Solitary Man
In my prayer time I began to ponder why for the first time in such an obvious fashion did God seem to physically intervene to thwart an aspect of the wicked’s plan for America, when the shots fired missed the president.
The internet has become a dark place of lies, deceit, obfuscation and misdirection. Each day that passes, a controversial or mysterious story becomes harder to unravel, as more and more voices pile into the discussion. For every voice that brings one new fact, 10 other voices bring various lies to further bury the truth. This is what I believe Jesus had to say.
My son, have you not read my word? In most times, I let free will run its course. You choose the leaders your wicked hearts desire. After a season, I even give a people or a nation over to their sin, ensuring that iniquity continues to abound, so that the judgment becomes sure.
However when it is time for my judgment to fall, I always reserve the right to intervene in the affairs of men. Am I not Lord over all? Did I not raise Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar, and Darius in order to tear down, or to build up? Did I not harden Pharaoh’s heart, in order to manifest my power and my glory to all ages?
In this case, I wanted Mr. Trump to live. Heed not all the so called experts out there, who are sure that he is either the savior of America, or perhaps that he is the antichrist himself. Trouble not yourself with the opinions of men. He serves my purpose, and my purpose is to use him to bring to light even more of the darkness that has operated in the shadows for so long.
Do you not see how the enemy does not even try to hide his motives anymore? How he has come out in the open, declaring that he will enslave and rule all? However so many still do not see. So many refuse to hear.
The devil’s wrath will now know no bounds. His hatred for what this president represents will cause all the masks to come off. Before all the universe it will become plain as to why I must judge this land. You think you have witnessed great wickedness thus far. Know that the rage that this man inspires in the forces of darkness will cause them to reveal so much more.
Was it a warning for him personally to repent? Of course it was, yet that is between him and I. Know that I am presenting my case for judgment for all the heavens to see. Nothing that is hidden will stay hidden. All shall eventually be revealed.
To my bride, my army, your challenge is not to be shaken, regardless of what you are about to witness. Do not get caught up in the particulars of current events, but look beyond the natural, and discern the spiritual behind it. Know that I will provoke the evil one to manifest himself in ways that he does not wish. All shall eventually see exactly who they have been following. So many think they are following me, yet they have been seduced by the lies of the enemy.
See how with every momentous event, more and more people are exposed for what they truly are. People who seemingly spoke the truth, yet when forced to take sides on the latest crisis, often revealed themselves as full of self will, pride, and stubbornness in refusing to let go of whatever dark prejudice and error that they so love. So with each birth pang, more and more fall by the wayside, as I explained in the parable of the sower.
To my holy remnant, let not your hearts be troubled. You may be tempted to doubt that you can survive these things. You say that this is too much to bear. Know that if I have chosen you to live at this time, and in this place, then the grace that I have placed in your hearts is more than enough.
I remind you that if are feeling overwhelmed, turn off the internet, and hide yourself in my presence. Learn to patiently wait upon me, for I test the hearts of my loved ones, to see if they will remain faithful. Do not give up so easily, should you not hear my voice. I promise you, that if you will but persevere a little while, I will come and visit you, and we shall fellowship together, as a sweet preview of what is to come.
Solitary Man