12/18/24 2:20 AM
Handmaid of the Most High
About a little more than month ago, the Holy Spirit brought my attention to the perilous results of root canals can have on individuals, I was shown why my own health is so poor. Since then, I have spent more than 20 hours compiling the significant details covered in a documentary, so that you can review this summary when needed.
You may wish to watch the video first. It is my understanding that the information below will change lives. Please do not delete this. What you will learn is the tremendous impact tooth infections especially those remaining despite having a root canal procedure can impact your nervous system, heart, digestive system, endocrine system and your brain. So, serious is this epidemic it is shocking that people in the medical community have ignored what little research has been done, but with incredible revelations! It is now proven breast and prostate cancers are directly linked to root canaled teeth! When these infected areas are treated and healed, the cancers went away! More startling info is also presented and mentioned in the following summary. If you are in healthy, please pass this along to others – someone you know or your circle of family and friends, knows someone who needs this information!
What follows is a summary and highlight of the health issues resulting from Root Canals that were discussed on the documentary “Root Cause: the Health Effects of the Root Canal Procedure”. After I watched it the first time. I immediately reached out to my friends with the suggestion they listen to it, as root canals is very common practice in the West (not so in other continents), especially in the United States. For those not aware, this is a procedure nearly all U.S. dentists recommend to patients when they have an infected tooth that goes beyond the outer surface. There has been little research done on the long term consequences of this procedure by the dental or medical community, but those who have done so, have seen proof of the dire results and far reaching detriment to health. It is not an exaggeration to say that root canals can slowly kill people. Frankly, I was stunned. It made so much sense, I have tried to remedy my very poor health never suspecting that I have had ongoing bacterial infections in my mouth for more than 4 decades!
When I finished my first viewing, I knew right away that the Lord wanted me to share this on platform even though it isn’t a prophecy per se, the dramatic impact on lives changed for the better necessitated this review and summary. With 25 million root canals done annually in the U.S., you or someone you know has had at least one, and they may be very ill as a result and unable to determine the issue!
This documentary is well researched and features researchers from universities, medical professionals and dentists from various countries. One question asks why some people impacted by the procedure have serious consequences while others do not, one theory is the possibility of other unhealthy exposures to other environmental factors, stress and possibly genetics may predispose people to be unable to heal from dental infections. Or maybe it is that since most medical doctors don’t connect the dental issues with the medical issues the patient is experiencing, the cause is much more common but never identified. Consider this, have you ever had a medical doctor talk or ask about dental procedures? The hundreds I’ve met (this is no exaggeration, it is possible I’ve seen more than a thousand at this point), not one has asked me! I remember even mentioning it after a failed root canal and the doctor dismissed this possibility. Likewise, most dentists don’t connect the medical issues a patient is experiencing with dental challenges. Again, I have had not one dentist ask me for a medical profile or history, even if a quick overall history is taken.
The opening salvo by Dr. Minkoff, M.D. states “there is no other branch of medicine where a dead organ is left within the body. Except dentistry, where a root canal is left in. If a guy’s got a gangrenous toe, you gotta cut the toe off, because it’s bacterial infested, and its toxic and its going to kill the patient. If you think you can get away with an infected, toxic tooth and not have a systemic consequence, I think you are deluding yourself.” As you proceed, you will realize how profound his statement truly is.
Then the documentary narrates by sharing his own dental story. He was a very healthy, active young man, who gets hit in the face resulting in a need for root canal. About 12 years later, this healthy man, in his early 30’s who still lives a very active and adventurous life, suddenly finds himself being barely able to function. He suffers severe fatigue and other symptoms and over the course of time undertakes many different actions to regain his vitality. He has panic attacks so he begins taking psychiatric meds, but there is no real change. It is then, he goes on an odyssey trying nearly everything under the sun: supplements, EFT, TFT, firewalking, spiritual leadership, sleep apnea treatment, reflexology, homeopathy, iridology, kinesiology, aura reading, psychology, color therapy, hypnotherapy, past life regression, shamanic de-armoring, Chinese herbs, Shilajit, meridians balanced, juicing, coffee enemas, urine therapy (drinking your own urine!), crystals, visualizations, affirmations, bio-resonance, zyto yoga, meditation, breathing therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, cupping, intestinal cleanse, parasite cleanse, liver cleanse, ice baths, NLP, shiatzu, medical marijuana, and so forth but nothing brings relief.
Finally, he sees a dentist, who tells him that the prior root canal may be the cause of his distresses. He undergoes a procedure “a reverse root canal” and his health returns!
As typical with cutting edge care, this procedure to reverse the root canal has been preformed more in Europe than here in the U.S. Essentially, when a root canal is done, it supposedly treats the infected area (usually including the root). However, much of the time, the infection has spread to the many surrounding nerves and tissues that compose the gum and mandible (jaw bone) and the root canal does nothing to eradicate disease in the surrounding diseased parts. Also, the ligament that is attached to the tooth is often left behind and is usually diseased as well. So, day in and day out, the infection continues to exist in the mouth and also circulates in the blood stream of the body, which carries the disease/infection elsewhere in the body. It can affect many areas, including the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the brain and other body parts and systems.
In fact, science research showed that 98% of women with breast cancer, had the cancer on the same side as a previous root canaled tooth!! According to Dawn Ewing, PhD., author of “Let the Tooth Be Known”, also states that Drs. Bale and Doneen say cardiovascular problems begin in the mouth because of bacteria originating from root canals.
One of the most toxic things in the body, is a root canaled tooth!
Another doctor, Dr. Greg Emerson M.D., states that almost all people, who come to him for treatment, have a root canaled tooth that causes them illness, that for which they are seeking medical treatment. He said that he recommends reversal root canal and their issues will dissipate and resolve when they do.
The vast number of chronic degenerative diseases begin with the mouth. Says, Dr. Robert Kulacz, DDS, author of the book, “The Toxic Tooth”.
Another study done on 3000 women with breast cancer, found that those who had root canals, would have cancer in the breast on the same side as the root canal confirming the previous study mentioned. When the reversal was done, all of them had their cancer resolve completely (this was also true in the first study). YES, their cancer went away! When this second study was conducted and the same results occurred for those women who reversed their root canals, we can conclude that this isn’t coincidence!
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, “today root canals are still popular but I couldn’t disagree more. They are a hidden source of toxicity”. In fact, he goes on to say, ‘Root canals are one of the most pernicious, toxic influences on your health and if you are struggling to understand why you are so sick and you have multiple root canals, please examine that issue’.
It is pointed out that when we have a dead appendix, we remove it. Medically, we never choose to leave leave dead tissue behind because it is a haven for bacteria, it is not compatible with health, according to Dr. Lane Freeman. Yet, every root canal tooth has dead tissue left behind, a great haven for bacteria to flourish.
The tooth has a nerve supply and a blood supply. So, even if you have a root canal done on the main canal with great care, it is impossible to sterilize the entire root system (there are thousands of tiny microtubules that run within the tooth that can not be cleaned). So, infection is still within the tooth (there is no way to completely eradicate the infection present) but because the nerve and blood supplies were cauterized by the procedure, there is no way for the body’s immune system to tackle the infection that still resides there! In essence, the infection is actually given an even greater opportunity to proliferate (grow and expand).
Once infected, the infection can run along the lymphatic system into the endocrine system and the cardio system and throughout the body, through the meridian system (the electric grid system that runs through out the entire body). Dr. Gerald Smith,DDS. and DNM. says that 70-90% of all health conditions originate in the mouth. This is shocking!
It is my understanding that the meridian system is the basic electrical wiring system of the body, if comparing it to a house, the sockets are the teeth. The pulp of the tooth is directly connected to the lymph system, the autonomic system, more than any other organ. It is also connected to the Afrensis (nervous system of the brain) and all meridian systems.
95% of women, who have breast cancer will show they have a problem on the same side of their body as the root canal or teeth with infection. Proof is provided by doing a thermal scan on the woman’s mouth, the trauma is evident (hot spot) in the corresponding teeth for that meridian.
98% of women ages 30 to 70, who had breast cancer have had a previous root canal or toxic event in their mouth (punched/knocked or other trauma to a tooth/teeth).
Another study done in the U.S. found that 90% of all prostate cancer is connected with root canals infections.
Every tooth has a connection to the meridian system vertebrae and muscle groups. Once the root canal is done, (nerve is now dead) so the pain is gone but the infection remains. Thus the patient is relatively unaware that the problem very much remains is even causing other health issues. If a sample of fluids at that tooth is taken, it will reveal very lethal levels of infection.
Dr. Weston Price studied root canals for 25 years and determined they could cause almost any illness in the body from: depression; heart disease; arthritis. Price began experimenting, he started taking the removed tooth/teeth and would sterilize it and then put it under the skin of a rabbit and the rabbit would begin to suffer the same medical issue as the patient it had been removed from. This was repeated many times with the same results each time.
Another problem exists in the practice of dentistry, since most dentist’s only use an x-ray machine they are only able to view the surface on the width and the height of the tooth. Since this is a 2 dimensional study (only the outer surface shows), they are seeing an incomplete overview. Using this type of diagnostic tool is inadequate because it can miss much of what is actually happening within the tooth, since only the part of the tooth’s outside is viewed. So, a root canal may look fine using an x-ray but when using a 3 dimensional study (different machinery), the view may unveil information completely different. What is necessary is a full view of the teeth and is accomplished by a cone beam technology (like an MRI of the tooth) and a CT scan of the mouth. It is common to find infections on root canaled teeth when using a cone beam.
A study of 87 very well performed root canals exposed that every single one had toxins remaining despite how good of a job the endodontist did. These toxins are the waste material from the bacteria that is also present. Dr. Boyd Haley, a leading authority and researcher at Univ. of Kentucky, (a well respected researcher) discovered that most teeth toxins were equal in strength to botulism poisoning. What they were implying is that you can slowly die from these infections in your mouth, they are ticking time bombs. This is eluded to by several of those interviewed for the documentary.
Dr. Rau says that all root canals are infected, there are no exception!
A study done by an American Dental Affiliation (not ADA) on 30,000 root canals over the years found that they were all infected, no exception. That is not coincidence, it was 100% of the time!
While running the chemistry lab at the University of Kentucky, Dr. Boyd Haley stuck a thin, rigid, cotton pledget (like a cotton toothpick) into the area where infection was suspected and upon withdrawal these materials/fluid would be tested, there were always infections present. Unfortunately this lab is no longer around however, the work done is outlined in the documentary. They would assess how much the toxins blocked the cells from working properly (thus causing further decay).
At Haley’s lab, they reviewed 5000 root canal teeth extracts, every single one had toxic enzymes. This study also had teeth that had been extracted for orthodontia purposes and none of them had toxic enzymes. This proved that healthy people who didn’t have root canals did not have toxic enzymes. It also proved that root canals do not leave the mouth sterile, there will always be toxic effects left behind.
Despite this research, there are many in the dental field, who ignore this. Some because they benefit personally from the way, they currently run their dental practice. After all, pulling a tooth may be a hundred or two in charges while root canal for one tooth is several thousand dollars. Anyone who has had a root canal can attest that they are costly. However, today the science is there to prove that root canals are dangerous without exception. The practice of root canal has only been around since the 1930’s, relatively speaking it is fairly new. Unfortunately, dentists prey on their patient’s vanity to keep the tooth for appearance sake, but this is a deadly practice based on all the studies conducted on these procedures.
If you sense that this is at least a part of your health challenges, the next step is finding a “biological” dentist, who is trained in root canal reversals. The extensive search I conducted in the Central Florida area only yielded two dentists in a four county area serving a community of a few million people. And while some dentists are now avoiding doing root canals, they don’t necessarily use 3 D imaging nor are they trained in doing reversals, so they aren’t equipped to identify your possible problems.
The one with the best patient reviews has a year waiting list, and the other could get me in right away. I was told my initial consultation for films and 20 minute conversation with the dentist would run around $550. (there was no cleaning included), for some reason it was much higher at $720. When he spoke with me, he showed me what the films revealed and I learned that I had 5 different areas of severe infection in teeth, bone and tissue.
So, when doing a reversal the bad materials (decaying tooth) are removed and the bones and tissues need to be treated as well because of the infection permeates them as well. The jawbone is not solid like a rock, it is permeable so the infection that takes residence in it must also be removed. One step is ozone. By puncturing the jawbone with ozone gas (which causes bacteria to intercepted). But the bacteria doesn’t necessarily stay in the mouth, it can easily travel to the brain into the region of the cranial nerves, which in turn can cause issues with brain regulation, energy and cause a variety of other issues. Is it any surprise that breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer can be directly correlated to the toxins in infected mouths?
In total, there are 53 types of bacteria typically found in infected mouths. There has also been study showing that endocarditis (inflammation of the heart) is a result of these mouth infections. If the infection is treated, the inflammation typically goes away. There has also connection with high cholesterol (which is a why that the body is attempting to protect itself), again once the bacteria is removed from the body the cholesterol returns to a healthy level.
Furthermore, the metal amalgams that were the used in the past and still used by some dentist to fill teeth with cavities after drilling, will have serious implications for those who have these. Those with fillings several decades old may have mercury in them, this is highly toxic in itself! Even if they do not have mercury, because they are metal, they actually give off an electric charge each time they come in contact with teeth, other fillings, the tongue, or food. These little shocks (that may not even be noticeable to most) can negatively impact the body. The more metal fillings you have, the more charges are being sparked as you move, talk or eat (and the higher the charges emitted). After much research on the implications of these shocks, it is recommended that the fillings be replaced with porcelain and or zirconia implant rather than using the less expensive silver fillings. The goal is to rid the body of the electric charges happening within the mouth. This would also include ridding the body of titanium implants since it is a metal as well.
Unfortunately, it isn’t just regular teeth that can be a source of life altering bacteria. Wisdom teeth can also be a source of infection. It can cause cavitation, essentially that means the area where the tooth was is now an unhealed pocket leaving an area for bacteria to grow, when it fails to fill in with healthy tissue. A study of 5000 people who had wisdom teeth removed 4999 had improperly healing and resulted in cavitation (infection) in that pocket. Thus, the entire mouth not just the present teeth need to be assessed. It is not unheard of to find gangrene in the cavitations! A word of caution, I was eating dinner when an example flashed on the screen and it was not pleasant to see. It can lead to other serious diseases like MS.
Another cause for cavitation is when ligaments are not removed along with the tooth. Where that tooth is the ligament is also infected, leaving it behind can cause the area where the tooth had been from healing properly and allowing the infection in the ligament to multiply. The bacteria remaining can also find other areas to grow.
Wisdom teeth actually have a more complicated system set up and thus the resulting issues if improperly removed can lead to heart issues (multiple things), upper and lower intestinal issues and adrenal dysfunction. These problems can exist for decades said a doctor, you can have it your whole life and never have pain there (mouth) and it can ruin your life!
In conclusion, people living in Western society often act on recommendations by dentists who do not consider the long-term implications of the treatments they suggest in treating dental issues. These implications can become so seriously toxic that the very survival of the person is in jeopardy. When people struggling with severe health challenges were treated for dental matters, their health improved and often flourished. Do you due diligence before taking steps to rid yourself of unhealthy teeth. A cost savings today may lead to huge expenses down the line, not just financially but your vitality. Warn your loved ones to educate themselves and learn about what problems may actually stem for root canals and wisdom tooth removals. Encourage them to watch “Root Cause – The Health Effects of the Root Canal Procedure.” You could change a life!
It is my prayer that each person reading this will be blessed by the information and it brings hope to others and wisdom to those searching for answers and healing. Remember, that Jesus is always our source and His Holy Spirit guides us when we seek him with our whole heart. Jeremiah 29:13, James 1:5
Be blessed!
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18
Root Cause – The Health Effects of the Root Canal Procedure – FULL DOCUMENTARY
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