Harvest, Judgment, Prophecy

The Fullness of Time – T. Andrew Farley

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The Fullness Of Time

July 18, 2024 11:10 PM
T. Andrew Farley

Do not doubt (Ever!) who you are becoming in Me, especially when the season you’re in is so radically different from what I have brought you through already (As Your Refiner) in the earlier seasons!

Refining…It is My fire and purpose that will prevail- through every test and trial that you encounter. My ways (As you have learned & as My Word states) are so much higher; this is because you are Mine and I fashion vessels of honor, with precision and purpose!

It is this elevated level of Bridal forging that is the quickened work I AM doing in My end-time brigades; those who have submitted to the plan (And to Me!) and who will never attempt to steal My glory.

There is no greater honor than being one of My harvest laborers; a vessel submitted to and for divine Kingdom purpose! My purpose is to become your habitation, so that We may labor together in the fullness of time- which is now at hand…

This is the season of great and grand adventure, also known as a time of restoration and My ministry of reconciliation, through the transforming power of My love for you, and the lost sheep of My house!

This time that has begun, will not be without great danger, peril, or giants I may choose for you to stand against! But, AM I (Who is in you) not only your Rock, but also your High-Tower who has
has promised great exploits and greater works?!

There cannot be great Kingdom gain, without much earthly loss.

To untangle these last lost sheep from the snares of the evil one, I must first shatter illusions, carnal mindsets, strongholds of rebellion, and idolatry! I must orchestrate circumstances so that the seed of self in them dies; so that they can receive My love that has burned so intensely for them, for eons and ages!

I have called you (And chosen you) as My Co-Laborer! Glory, praise, blessing and honor, will be quickened to My Father and His house. How? Through the power of My name, and the continuous covering and provision of My blood, and the absolute and total victory that it brings.

I will have My way in this blessed season, through My own and for My own!

In our oneness (True unified love) they will see and hear Me (The Head) in every body member I have chosen for these times. For I AM The Habitation in and through My glorious first-fruits warrior Bride!

The season of judgment, greater works and glory- is at hand. I love you My warriors! Labor with Me, even now, while there is yet daylight.

Rise and shine; it is time!

Jesus (Y’shua), the Lion of Judah-
Your King, and The Lover of your souls

This word began being received- in Indianapolis, Indiana, on July 6th and was completed in Vanleer, TN on July 13th. Y’shua (Jesus!) came in the flesh, the Only Begotten, and by His precious blood, death, and resurrection- conquered sin and death!

T. Andrew Farley (witness and messenger)

Scriptures prayerfully sought for this word:

Colossians 1:26- 28
Isaiah 55:9
Zechariah 13:9
Proverbs 17:3
Malachi 3:1-2
1 Corinthians 3:13
2 Timothy 2: 20-26
Matthew 22:1-14
Psalm 90:1
Ephesians 2:22
Titus 3:5
Romans 8:28
Colossians 3:1-3
Malachi 3:20-21
Isaiah 60:1-3


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