October 17 at 2:13pm
Ed Amos
The Event = Their Arrival
Part One:
The purpose of this writing is to put into writing what I believe will happen in the not too distant future. First I want to give praise glory and honor to my Heavenly Father, YHWH and His only begotten Son Yahshua (Jesus) whose fellowship and teaching have brought me to this point of understanding some of the deeper things of life. Of course the Ruach Hokedesh (Holy Spirit) for the indwelling presence that allows me communication with my Heavenly Father, YHWH and His only begotten Son, Yahshua (Jesus) and of course the inspired text of the Holy Bible and it’s holy men and women who adorn its pages. In addition, the many Face book friends, You tube channels, to include Sherry Shriner, Rob Skiba, Dr Michael Heiser, pikelk287, Dr William Mount, Jonathan Kleck, Nickelson1968, and on and on the list goes. A special thanks goes out to Pamela LaSalle, and Edith Porter for keeping me updated with the latest in end time videos and emails and chats. And also “Are you serious?” Pastor Paul Begley for putting humor in the news with his unique personality and his continuous updating. The above mentioned names are just a few of the many, many who have helped me discover what I am about to share with you.
The New Agers as they are sometimes called have posted all over the internet what they call “The Event” which could be described as the personal appearing and presence of what they consider “ascended masters” or “good aliens”. The new age religion folks are expecting the arrival of their ascended masters, the age of Aquarius, and an utopia upon the earth led and presided over by their ascended masters of the Ashtar Command (a council or group of aliens in outer space they are in contact with and receive instructions from). These “aliens” claim to be “good aliens” here to “help mankind ascend” to the next dimension and utopia. They are among the fastest growing religions in the world and want to put off the old order or way of doing things and embrace a new way, progressive way of thinking. They believe the aliens are coming here to help and will bring mankind into the new age of Aquarius where mankind will be their own gods and live in peace and harmony with the universe. This of course is false teaching and is part of the great deception the Bible has warned us about for the last 2,000+ years. (See Genesis 3:4,5,14,15)
In reality, these “ascended masters” or “good aliens” are what the Bible refers to as fallen angels or simply the fallen ones. These spirit beings were part of Yah’s (God’s) original order and creation many millennia before the creation of the Adamic race to which most of us belong. These fallen ones were once “good angels” and were part of the Heavenly order of things until they chose to rebel and become part of the first angelic rebellion and continued through the second angelic rebellion to become enemies of Yah (God) and His good angelic beings. Of course these first rebellions were led by the fallen one we call Satan who wanted to be like the Most High as recorded in Isaiah 14:12-14. In other places such as the book of Enoch more information is given about the “watchers” and their role in our ancient earth history. To understand more about the fallen ones and their agenda, you will need to go beyond the pages of the King James Bible for the KJV doesn’t have all of the information that is available concerning them. It takes prayer, pitching your tent with Elohim (God), study, research to seek this information out if you really want to know the truth. The fallen ones are not like you and me… they hate us and want to kill and destroy all of us that are considered human (see John 10 :10a the thief equals Satan and the fallen ones).
If you chose to become born again, born from above, then you too will be part of the sons of Elohim (God) and will take the place of the fallen ones and their former positions of blessings in the Heavens. Not only that but we will be held in greater honor and glory then they ever had (we are Elohim’s (God’s masterpieces (Eph 2:10 masterpiece is also translated workmanship)…..
they were never consider to be Elohim’s masterpieces). The fallen ones have total, absolute hatred for the race of Adam and because of their rebellion(s) they have been sentenced to the lake of fire for all eternity. The thought of the descendants of Adam ruling and reigning in Heaven for all eternity while they have been sentenced to the lake of fire drives them absolutely insane.
If you chose to not become born again, born from above, rejecting Elohim’s (God’s) free gift of salvation for all men, then you are legally owned by Satan (as his property) (as the god of this world, under ruler of this world) and where he goes, his property goes with him (those who have rejected Elohim’s free gift of salvation). If you think you are going to sit on the fence and not decide, then you are automatically judged to be part of Satan’s property, Satan’s kingdom and you go where “your king goes” ie lake of fire with his property, and fallen one companions etc. You must make a free will decision to become born again, born from above and by the shed blood of Yahshua (Jesus), your perfect ransom, your price for freedom from the slavery and bondage of this world is paid in full by Him. There is no other way to the Father YHWH other than the son, Yahshua (Jesus). The new age false religion teaches you to believe that you too will become “gods” and if you believe and follow their teachings and beliefs, you will find yourself rejecting Yahshua (Jesus) Yah’s (God’s) perfect plan for mankind’s salvation and thereby default to remaining part of Satan’s property with your final destination the lake of fire where there is no escape, no pardon… is permanent. You see the promise to become as “gods knowing good and evil” is an old lie started in Genesis 3:4,5. Same old lie just updated to deceive modern men and women…..There is no room nor place for any supreme God (Elohim) other than the one we already have in place. Elohim didn’t make provision for everyone who wants to become a “god”, just Him. It is a lie designed to lead mankind to destruction…..and unfortunately far too many believe it which will lead to their ultimate destination…..the lake of fire.
October 19 at 1:00pm
The Event = Their Arrival. Part Two:
Yah has a plan….it is referred to as the plan of the ages….it has been all mapped out since the foundation of the world. Only Yah can see the end from the beginning for He is the creator of all things. There is a council of Heaven of which He and Yahshua preside over. Long, long ago there was list of rules, perhaps what you and I would consider a contract drawn up between Yah’s (God’s) forces and Satan’s forces. There are certain “rules of engagement” or “rules of conduct” that have been agreed to by both sides on how this plan of the ages is to unfold or be revealed. If one side or the other “step out of bounds” then there are certain “punishments” that are enforced. Since Yah’s side never step out of bounds, the “punishments” always happen to Satan’s side. There are many examples of this happening. One place is the book of Enoch but also it is mentioned in the Bible. Jude (Jude 1:6) refers to them as “those who left their first estate”. Epistle of Peter refers to them as well. (2 Peter 2:4)
Just as there is a council in Heaven, there is a council of Satan that oversees the ruling of the earth inhabitants. In Enoch they were referred to as the watchers who fell. In today’s new age religion, they are referred to as the Ashtar Command. Those of the Ashtar Command are fallen ones who help Satan oversee rule and control the inhabitants of the earth. The inhabitants of the earth include mankind but also demons, reptilians, and interdimensionals who frequent and inhabit the earth. There are literally hundreds of races of “aliens” who are subject to Satan’s ruler ship as his official title “god of this world”. Some human appearing aliens, some reptilian appearing aliens, some insect appearing aliens, some “Bigfoot” appearing aliens, the tall grays, the short grays etc are all under the authority of Satan and his fallen ones. He actually has a large ruling structure in place including thousands if not millions of “aliens” and demons he is in charge of. Add to this the race of Cain and the off spring from the mating of the fallen ones blood line with the children of men, the believers line is actually in the minority of earth’s inhabitants. Most of what some would call “the elites” are actually the descendents of the fallen ones. They have corrupted dna from the original race of Adam and are easily manipulated by the fallen ones. You will find these “kids” as leaders in politics, banks, Hollywood, sports, music industry etc. These off spring become “influenced” or “taken over” sometimes called “soul scalped” and act as Satan’s ambassadors and minions in the flesh. They will do anything for their “master” to include murder, rape, torture, any kind of depraved act possible for a human to commit in order to receive “favor” or “acceptance” with their false god and father, Satan. The outward appearance of these “people” look human but inward they are vicious, murderous, lying beasts. They exhibit no loyalty nor allegiance to any one or thing other than Satan himself. They are self-serving, treacherous individuals who sign a contract with Satan in their own blood in order to curry fame, fortune, and elite status in his kingdom.
They will sacrifice their own family and loved ones to “prove” their allegiance and loyalty to Satan in order for Satan’s “blessings” to continue to flow to them. These are the “people” in charge and running the governments of the world. These “people” are the ones who dictate “fashion”, what is “popular” and what is not. They run the mega corporations, they are throughout the high tech industries and hold top positions of power in our military and police forces…..They are literally everywhere one would care to look. They are on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, any and all online media. They form mis and dis information groups to try and deceive anyone who might be trying to find the one true God (Elohim) and his only begotten son Yahshua (Jesus). They will fight against any thing that originates from Elohim and will attack His messengers, prophets and people. They are at the top of and run the Secret Societies, Free Masons, witches, church of Satan, etc. Some appear to be Christians and pretend to want to help but inwardly they are ravenous wolves as warned by scriptures. Their mission is to misdirect, mislead and lie to the body of Christ, steal their money and resources, teach a false gospel, and eventually lead them to a path of total destruction if possible. Many of these beings are in leadership positions in the Christian churches. Untold thousands if not millions of Christians have been and are continuing to be mislead by these impostures.
October 20 at 10:36am
Here is the final part of the event = their arrival. Part Three:
So the question is, if Satan has been so successful in misleading and misdirecting the power elites of the world, why would he need to show himself during this end time timeframe? Good question. If you would honestly consider the “stats” he has already won. He has Christianity on the run, he has deceived the multitude of the masses by way of his evil network, then why show himself now? The reason in part is as Elohim is perfect love, compassion, and order, Satan is the exact opposite. Elohim wants nothing but good for His creation to occur and Satan the opposite. Even though “by the numbers” he is winning, he (Satan) can’t stand not to get the full credit for his misdeeds. He can’t stand the idea that his plan is working thus far and he himself isn’t getting the recognition he feels he deserves. Added to that, he hasn’t gotten everybody damned and that is his ultimate goal. Therefore it is his belief that he can get more souls damned it he takes over directly….. In other words he has his fallen ones come into the senses world just like in the pre flood times and take over directly. Even though his offspring is in control and running things, they are still (partly) of the human race and he abhors the human race. He can’t stand us…..Every time he looks at one of us he is reminded that we were formed, made and created in the image of Elohim his sworn enemy. Every time he looks at us, he sees Elohim and it drives him insane.
So what is his solution? To have his fallen ones arrive via inter-dimensional craft and portals and pose as mankind’s creators and “space brothers”. They will appear and seem to have the answers to the difficult issues faced by mankind. The solution to end wars, poverty, income inequality, diseases, free energy, clean air and water technologies, a way to rid the planet of pollution (that they created). They will appear with a “basket” filled with all of the “goodies” mankind has been searching for. In addition they will offer a solution to end mankind’s greatest enemy, death. The “goodies” they will be offering will be too great of temptation for most people to resist. Of course they have no intention of delivering any of the above “goodies” mentioned…..their real mission is to “steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10 :10a). Once they have duped mankind into their “too good to be true” deception, they will impose the Biblical “mark of the beast” and make it mandatory in order to receive their “goody baskets”. When a person willingly receives the Biblical mark of the beast in their right hand of forehead, they damn themselves to hell and the lake of fire from which there is no return, no repentance, no pardon or reprieve. The person who receives the Biblical mark of the beast of their own freewill approves the changing of their dna changing them into something that is no longer considered human (Adam) by Elohim thereby negating His free gift of salvation. The free gift of salvation is offered to mankind (Adam) not fallen ones, demons, or some sort of in-between entity. The promise was made to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and their offspring and to no one else.
So when do I see them arriving? It has not been directly revealed to me by Yah, nor Yahshua, so all I can do is give my best understanding or estimate. I believe first of all that it is very close to happening. How close? I don’t put dates on things but I believe it to be close. It could happen either just before, during or after a great catastrophe. What kind of catastrophe? WW3, major asteroid or space rock event striking the earth, major financial collapse……there are many to choose from. When they first appear, there will be tv, radio, internet, news coverage etc. If possible do not personally attend nor get into the personal proximity of these beings. They have ultra sophisticated psychic powers and hypnotic powers. They will mess with your head in other words. If you must view them, do it remotely via internet or you tube clips and keep your exposure to an absolute minimum. They have mind control capabilities and you should limit your exposure to them. Do not go aboard their “space craft“. We as humans are one of their food sources. Many who of their own free will go aboard these craft will never be seen or heard from again. They could be cloned and the clones sent back or just “disappeared”. Either case do not go aboard their ships. Do not invite them into your homes, businesses, schools etc. They are not coming to help you in any way…..they are liars who have been lying to mankind for thousands of years and they aren’t going to stop now either. Do not entertain nor spend time in the presence of their “orbs”. These are not good devices and they are not going to help you in any way. Yah and His Heavenly Host use a type of “orb” as well these you don’t need to be afraid of. However if you don’t know the difference or been given direct revelation from Yah or Yahshua, then stay away from them. This concludes my overview of The Event = Their Arrival. May Yah, Yahshua, and the Ruach Hokedesh bless you and keep you close by Their side and direct your path and give you wisdom on how to deal with “their arrival”.