The Enemy Works in Darkness Under a Cloak
1/1/25 2:58 PM
There is nothing I cannot do when my Word has been spoken. I Am my Word coming to life. As my Word plays out, be ready for changes beyond your wildest dreams. For change will abruptly change all you see and hear. Wars will break out throughout the World. Displacement of souls will be commonplace.
Stay close to me to hear my small voice. For you will need guidance to be safe. I Am your shield and buckler in adversity. I Am your protection when all seems lost.
As we move forward, much will take place swiftly. Have you noticed that time seems to be moving swifter? Have you noticed strange occurrences that have no answer? Why is it so hard to see what is directly in front of you?
For the enemy works in darkness and under the cloak of invisibility. Nothing is what it seems as we move forward.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos