The Effective, Fervent Prayer Of The Righteous Avails Much!
August 27, 2020 3:12 PM
Humbled for Service
Psalms 18: 2
[2] The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold
The morning of the 24th August 2020, I had a short interesting dream that I believe is from the Lord. A dream which I believe tells us that there is power in prayer. The Lord is calling on us to pray for those events that we can see or project about to happen. Because the outcome can be different when we pray. Also He is calling on us to pray even if you find that you are the only one praying, as we will see in this dream.
The dream is thus:
In this dream, I found I was walking on the left side of tarmac road. The road was in the middle of a vast field which was green and it was very well cut to the same level. The road looked almost like a new pavement. It was in very good condition and it was a little bit raised above the ground. The road went up and down the hills and valleys of this vast green field.
I was all alone walking on the crest of a hill. It felt good walking on this pavement, and I was enjoying the vast green area. I remember feeling very secure being on this road. But suddenly from the valley below, there emerged a bus, and this bus was full of people. I could see through its clear windows that all the seats of the bus were occupied and its passengers were seated and quiet. They were looking out of the windows perhaps also enjoying the beautiful scenery of the green lawns.
But as the bus was coming up the side of the hill, and almost getting to where I was, it lost power. And could no longer continue with the climb up the hill. By this time, some of the people in the bus had noticed me, and I too was looking at some who were right at the front near the driver.
The bus now lost power completely and began to roll backwards. As it now began to slowly roll backwards, I looked yonder in the back, and saw that it was going to roll and veer off the road, and end up falling into a crater.
I could see that the driver, although not panicking, was doing everything he could to try to gain control of the vehicle. But it kept rolling backwards and began gaining some speed. I knew that this was a disaster about to happen. And if the bus kept rolling backwards, the bus would fall eventually into the crater at the bottom of the valley, and there would be great carnage.
The most surprising thing is that all in the bus were very cool and collected as though nothing serious was happening, despite the bus rolling backwards.
As soon as I saw this bus begin to roll back, I fell on my knees and raised my hands towards heaven, and began to cry to the Lord for the salvation of the occupants of the bus.
Some of those in the bus saw me kneeling down. And they began to sneer at me and to mock and laugh at me, and ridicule me. I could see some point their fingers at me with disgust, while some remained patient and calm inside the bus as though all was well.
The sneering and the ridicule did not side-track me. I was now seriously calling on the Name of YHWH for salvation. Not my own, but that of the occupants of the bus. Even for those who ridiculed and mocked.
As the bus continued to roll backwards, and as I kept crying to God for the salvation of this busload, suddenly the bus turned to my left and missed going into the crater. It then stopped. God had saved the day!
Some of the occupants in the bus had by now realized what was happening. And when the bus came to a stop, they began to clap their hands in thanksgiving.
The dream the ended.
Psalm 34: 4
[4] I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
And delivered me from all my fears.
James 5: 16
[16] Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
Keep praying for all situations. Be blessed!
Your brother in Christ, William