
The Days of “Uncommon and Unusual” – Terry Crockett

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

The Days of “Uncommon and Unusual”

August 16, 2023 2:54 PM
Terry Crockett


Uncommon days wrap themselves in the Days of the Messiah as a King rules above His enemies. Amen. Let the Heavens and Earth shake and tremble as the One who Reigns stands in Earth, sword in Hand Commanding Judgment upon His enemies. As He lifts His sword thrusting it in the Earth, it begins to tremble and shake in the fear of His power. Days when Heaven releases its Host from its four corners attending to His right and left, defending His Honor and Holiness. Amen

How can I remain silent in the midst of My enemies, when vengeance and the honor for My Father’s House has gripped My Soul. They taunt their deadly arrows striking the heart of My people and have become relentless in their pursuit to wipe My Name from the Earth. These dogs salivate with blood of their enemies, unleashing their well scripted plans to eliminate My people, off the face of the Earth. Carrying out their web of destruction to kill, steal and destroy the people of God. Counting and marking the people as if they were a race of dogs unworthy to share their space. These wolves licking their lips with destroying words to pierce the souls of men. For the Earth is covered with darkness in the flesh of man.

Time does not permit Me to remain passive while My Earth is being invaded by foreign entities from hell. I’ve come to lay claim to what is Mine Alone! My Visitation will be marked as Days of the “Uncommon” and “Unusual”.

Can I pierce the belly of Earth and the Earth not react? Can I part the Heavens and step into Time and Space and the stars not bow? For I carry a Book of Truth in My Hand opened to “For our Lord God Almighty reigns. (Revelation 19:6). As I order the Times and Seasons bringing all things under My rule, how can the stars remain as they always have been, when My Voice thunders like a wave echoing across Eternity. Has there ever been a time when My Voice shook the elements dismantling the very atoms of Heaven and Earth?

Days of great Revelation in the Heavens and Earth has arrived causing the created things to ‘let go’ giving way to My Presence. Days presents themselves in the manifestation of My Glory.

Hear O’ Sun and Moon, stars above and worlds beyond, a King has come to Rule!

Ps 110:1-2

1The LORD said to my Lord:

“Sit at My right hand

until I make Your enemies

a footstool for Your feet.”a

2The LORD extends Your mighty scepter from Zion:

“Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”

A Season of “Letting Go”, the removal of things that can be shaken. Stars abandon their place. Things that always have been — gone in flash, never to return again. All things are changing letting go, morphing into “All Things New”. Amen

Do not fear these days, trust in Me for your Redemption draweth nigh and is even at the gate. Look upon Him who was pierced bearing God’s wrath, giving you His Salvation. Days of His Glory shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overtake it! Amen

Let My wonders reveal themselves, let the moon bow, let the Heaven shout and the Earth tremble, for the Day of His Reign has come. Let the kings of Earth gather in a valley of death and let the birds gather feeding their bellies with the enemies of God. Amen

Let the Book open revealing the “Revelation of Christ” in His Glory!

Amen and Amen

Thank you for your consideration!


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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