The Days Of Purification
12/20/24 5:14 AM
Prophetic Words received on Nov. 30, 2024
Days are numbered, there’s no more time for revelry and wordly pursuit. It will all soon be over and the rule of the anti-christ be revealed. Be steadfast in your faith for I will let no one touch My anointed. I will be with you in all that you do and where you want to be. You are My Beloved and My Beloved is Mine.
Deep darkness will cover the earth as what prophesied by the many prophets that came. People will grope in darkness as they search for the glimmer of light but they will find none. As the light will only lives in the life of my chosen ones. I am that light within them as i only take My rest with My beloved for we are One. I will show mercy to those whose hearts are filled with love. Pride and selfishness will be the downfall of many. They will fail to secure My mercy for they are full of themselves. They have failed to prepare for the times ahead. Times are changingand so are the people contaminated by the poison jab. But My pure one will remain steadfast to assist those whom I bestow mercy.
It will no longer be the age of grace but mercy. I will have mercy to whom I will have mercy. But blessed are the ones whom they have someone to intercede for them. The world is full of corruption, they have corrupted My creation just like in the days of Noah. The days of purification is coming and now has come. Fire from heaven will engulf the earth. Evil will shun it but My chosen ones who have My light within them will shine brightly as they embrace that fire.
(The emblem of My Grace is Fire within a Man. The Lord told me to read about Obadiah.)
The house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame; the house of Esau will be stubble, and they will set it on fire and consume it. There will be no survivors from the house of Esau. The Lord has spoken. – Obadiah 1:18
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