The Characteristics of an Absalom Spirit
Nov 15, 2019 6:18 PM
Bella Orsi
This spirit is fueled by human wisdom, complaint, gossip and a desire to prove what is right and to use that information to force change in a church. The complaints are often accurate, yet they aren’t driven by the spirit of truth, they are empowered by a demonic spirit.
Almost everything in the Church is put into the category of Jezebel. Believe me, there is plenty of ol’ “Jez” to go around. But there are other characters in Scripture that teach us how Satan infects people.
Absalom or the Absalum “spirit” is one such tactic of Satan. If he can’t get you with Jezebel, he’ll get you with Absalom and there are many other tactics.
Let’s not be “unaware of his schemes.”
The Absalom Spirit
(Scripture References Based on II Samuel 13:20-29; 14:23-33; and 15:1-12)
An Absalom Spirit is rooted in a basic distrust and resentment of one’s authority–either justifiable or exaggerated. (13:20,21)
An Absalom Spirit is rooted in a basic independence and self dependence–especially as it pertains to honest communication, problem solving, sharing of honest feelings, needs, wants, etc. (13:20)
An Absalom Spirit is rooted in camouflaged bitterness– unresolved disappointments, fear, anger, impotence, etc. (13:22)
An Absalom Spirit is rooted in irrational secrets–that appear totally rational and justified to “the Absalom.” (13:20,22,23)
An Absalom Spirit is rooted in hidden agendas, hidden strategies and hidden alliances. (13:22-29)
Basic Beliefs of the Absalom Spirit:
Most authority is not to be trusted.
Most authority is incompetent.
“I know the right way to handle this.”
An Absalom Spirit is rooted in hidden contempt, hidden hatred and hidden revenge–of authority and those under that authority. (13:22)
An Absalom Spirit Is Rooted In Pride (14:23-26)
An Absalom Spirit is rooted in rebellion–that will grow and grow and become unquenchable. (14:27-30)
An Absalom Spirit is rooted in a deep-seated desire to be close to/next to/in a place of favor with the one in authority, but not with purity of heart. (14:30-33)
An Absalom Spirit is rooted in impressing and stealing the hearts of the people who are under authority in order to eventually “dethrone” and replace the one in authority.
An Absalom Spirit manifests in self-promotion. (15:1)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in a carefully constructed and carefully projected image–one that is designed to impress. (15:1)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in manipulation. (15:1)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in selfish ambition–disguised to appear as service to others. (15:2)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in opportunism–self-advancement at the expense of others. (15:2)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in divisiveness, antagonism, and negative criticism of authorities to promote self. (5:3)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in rebellion and/or insurrectionism. (15:4)
An Absalom Spirit Manifests In False Humility (15:5)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in thievery–stealing the hearts and loyalty of the people away from their true authority. (15:6)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in treachery…. This is no innocent disagreement. Absalom is dangerous. (15:7-10)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in subtle seduction. (15:11)
An Absalom Spirit manifests in religious hypocrisy and hype.
(15:12) “..while offering sacrifices..” (v. 12)
An Absalom Spirit Manifests In Betrayal (15:12)
Later, Ahithopehl joins Absalom’s rebellion. Ahithophel means: A brother/kindred: to smear, plaster, slime. A brother to (or those who) smear, slime.
Warning: Absalom is not your friend.
A Healing For Ahithophel
Those of us who have the trust of our leader(s) are targets for an Absalom spirit.
Stay loyal to leaders who are putting their trust in you even if they are not perfect or adequate. Either be loyal or quit.
Confront any Absalom who tries to manipulate you and use you.
Go straight to your leader and tell them about “Absalom” before it is too late for them and for you. (15:1)
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom have an attitude of spiritual pride.
A person with an Absalom Spirit is usually but not always is young in the Lord or immature in the ways of God (You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever). Like most adolescent’s, they think that their ideas are more anointed than anyone else’s. They believe that their way is better than what the leadership has to offer, so they try to persuade leadership to do it their way.
They are cloaked in religion, and even though they put on a show of being submitted to leadership, they are not submitted in their heart. This is most likely what happened when Absalom went before King David to plead his case (2 Sam. 14:33).
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom get their feelings hurt easily.
If leadership does not follow their suggestions or teach their doctrinal beliefs, the Absalom spirit becomes offended. Once they are offended, they begin to suspiciously question every decision or spiritual insight that the leaders bring forth.
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom use their own ideas as criteria for judgment of ALL decisions of leadership.
From that point on, all leadership teachings and decisions are questioned. Nothing that leadership says or does is right, and they begin to judge leadership out of the critical Absalom spirit that now dominates them.
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom lose their loyalty and servanthood.
Once the decision to oppose leadership has been made in their heart, they lose their loyalty and their servanthood to leadership. This is caused by an independent spirit (Phil. 2:20-21). Absalom lost his obedience and servant hood, and that’s when his rebellion against David set in (2 Sam. 15:1-12).
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom maneuver for recognition and the praise of men.
The first move in rebellion against the leadership is to get visibly active in a ministry among the people. Absalom stood by the gate where he could be seen and ministered a flattering word to the people as they passed by (2 Sam. 15:2).
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom undermine leadership among the people.
The Absalom spirit moves among the people and distorts not only the teaching, but the decisions of the leadership. Progressively discrediting and tearing down leadership is the only way in which Absalom can justify his rebellion in the eyes of his potential followers (2 Sam. 15:3).
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom suggest a better way and steals the hearts of the people.
In the midst of discrediting the leadership, the Absalom spirit suggests that he has a better way. That better way always tickles the ears and the flesh of those who will listen. When Absalom did this he, “… stole away the hearts of the people” and some began to follow him (2 Samuel 15:4-6).
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom gathers followers to himself.
Once the Absalom spirit gains the people’s confidence, he starts gathering people to himself. Initially he promotes these gatherings as fellowship times built around a Bible study, prayer or dinner, but his real purpose is to provide an opportunity where he can begin criticizing leadership.
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom feeds their followers on their critical and fault finding spirit.
These fellowships soon turn into fault finding sessions in which Absalom ends up pronouncing his judgment concerning some imagined error he believes leadership is in. Absalom’s criticisms all begin with little things that he personally doesn’t like or agree with. Things like, “He dresses weird,” or “I don’t like the way he flows in a certain gift of the Holy Spirit” or “What he said was offensive.” Then the Absalom spirit leads the group into demonic imaginations like, “I don’t like the direction the church is going,” and “I see cultic activity starting to develop” or “I think he’s in sin,” or “He’s probably stealing church money,” etc. Then Absalom counsels his followers to leave the church and follow him in his new Bible study/prayer group, etc. (2 Sam. 15:6).
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom conspire to manipulate the innocent.
This new group generally degenerates into a conspiracy to destroy the leadership. After Absalom breaks away from the church, he will many times send some of his followers into the congregation as spies to sow seeds of dissension among the people in an effort to manipulate the innocent into rebelling also. Then the conspiracy becomes bold to the point where Absalom either calls the rest of the church on the phone (or internet), or sends them a letter falsely accusing the pastor and warning them to leave the church for their own good. He will even go after the subordinate leaders or those in training for leadership. For example, Absalom went after Ahithophel, who was David’s Chief Military Officer and right-hand man. It is at this time that the leadership is informed of the conspiracy (2 Sam. 15:10-13).
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom seek an audience.
2 Samuel 15:2 Now Absalom would rise early and stand beside the way to the gate. So it was, whenever anyone who had a lawsuit came to the king for a decision, that Absalom would call to him and say, “What city are you from?” And he would say, “Your servant is from such and such a tribe of Israel.”
Their tools are love, kindness and favor. Who wants to resist that?
• Absalom caused division by sweetness, “stealing the hearts of David’s followers”
• 2 Samuel 15:5 And so it was, whenever anyone came near to bow down to him, that he would put out his hand and take him and kiss him.
• Tells people, “You are special to me and my friend”. “I love you more than the pastor; I will spend the quality time with you he doesn’t”.
• Special treatment: Coffee, Tea, fellowship, trips, gifts, favors. Everyone likes to be treated special. Everyone wants to feel special.
• Those used by a Spirit of Absalom thinks that nothing the pastor/leadership does is good enough. Even if most of Absalom’s ideas are implemented it will never be good enough. Fault will always be found.
They plant doubt concerning leadership. They find faults in leaders usually not related to spiritual qualifications, and minor things are made major issues; such as what kind of car the pastor drives, how long he takes to receive offerings, etc.
AN INDEPENDENT SPIRIT – An attitude of independence emerges when the person no longer
wants to serve the leadership but seeks recognition and a reputation.
2. SELF-PROMOTION – The person will maneuver for the praise of men. In II Samuel 15, Absalom
stole the hearts of the people.
3. SPIRITUAL PRIDE – As people recognize and praise the deceived individual, he begins to
believe that he is more spiritual than the leaders.
4. AN OFFENDED SPIRIT – The Absalom falls into an offended spirit because of spiritual pride.
When his ideas and gifts are not promoted by the leadership as he believes they should be, he
becomes highly offended. Often he will seek others that will agree with him in his offense.
5. A CRITICAL SPIRIT – Almost all the decisions of the leaders are questioned and undermined to
the people. Sadly, with this critical spirit, the Absalom no longer can receive any spiritual feeding
or direction from the leadership.
6. A COMPETITIVE SPIRIT – The Absalom sees himself in competition with the church leadership
and begins to distort and misrepresent the decisions and directives the leaders are giving.
7. SOWING STRIFE AND DIVISION – The Absalom will take his offenses to many individuals in the
church and spread his discontent through various means.
8. ACCUSING THE LEADERSHIP – The Absalom feeds his followers his critical spirit and
faultfinding. Minor things, usually not related to God’s spiritual qualifications, will be made major
issues, such as what kind of car the pastor drives, how long he takes to receive the offerings, etc.
9. OPEN DISLOYALTY AND DIVISION – The Absalom feels that many are following him so he
boldly brings his disloyalty out into the open. At this point the leaders become aware of his
discontented splinter group. Now the people are forced to make a choice between the leaders of
the church and the Absalom who has deceived them.
10. A BOLD CONSPIRACY – The Absalom justifies his conspiracy to everyone by focusing their
attention on all the minor issues that he has found fault with in the leadership. (Usually, the
Absalom does not have legitimate accusations such as the preaching of false doctrines or blatant
sin on the part of the pastors.)
11. A CHURCH SPLIT – The Absalom leads a naive splinter group out to the birth of a new church or
ministry. Declare a new vision.
12. GOD’S JUDGMENT ON THE REBELLIOUS CHURCH – The scripture tells us, “if the root be evil,
the whole tree will be evil,” and every church or ministry that is birthed by an Absalom spirit will be
full of rebellion, disloyalty, and continual church splits.
I see so many politicians with the Spirit of Absalom on TV/Internet these days. HOW DO YOU DISCERN THIS DECEITFUL SPIRIT ? END DAYS??
1). Offense & hatred; Unforgiveness & Bitterness.
Matthew 24:3,10 What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” …10 “And then many will be offended,
will betray one another, and will hate one another.
2). Revenge, discredit and ruin.
2 Samuel 15:6 In this manner Absalom acted toward all Israel who came to the king for judgment. So Absalom stole the
hearts of the men of Israel.
3). Absalom Hurts the Most by creating division through hatred
Psalm 55:12-14 For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; Then I could bear it. Nor is it one who hates me who has
exalted himself against me; Then I could hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my
acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked to the house of God in the throng.
2 Samuel 15:12 Then Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s counselor, from his city–from Giloh–while he
offered sacrifices. And the conspiracy grew strong, for the people with Absalom continually increased in number.
4). They seek an audience.
2 Samuel 15:2 Now Absalom would rise early and stand beside the way to the gate. So it
was, whenever anyone who had a lawsuit came to the king for a decision, that Absalom
would call to him and say, “What city are you from?” And he would say, “Your servant
is from such and such a tribe of Israel.”
5). Love, kindness and favor are their tools. Who can resist that?
6). Absalom caused division by sweetness, “stealing the hearts of David’s followers”
2 Samuel 15:5 And so it was, whenever anyone came near to bow down to him, that he would put out his h
7). People are emotionally attached to them through relationships.
8). Absalom is nice, lovable and popular. Everyone loved Absalom (even David).
9). To deal with them appears as unloving. The only way to deal with him is to cut him off. Had
David not let him back into the kingdom he would not have had a problem. Many times
those who operate in an Absalom spirit will leave a church out of rebellion, but want to stay
a part in fellowship. “We are still apart of the kingdom of God even if we are not in the same
church” is the spiritual reasoning. The logic sounds good, but the past history and the fact
that they are causing division are the indicators that their true motive is not for fellowship.
10). They attack Leaders to make it appears as if the pastor/leadership is paranoid.
11). Nothing the pastor/leadership does is good enough for Absalom. Even if most of Absalom’s
ideas are implemented it will never be good enough. Fault will always be found.
12). They plant doubt concerning leadership. They find faults in leaders usually not related to
spiritual qualifications, and minor things are made major issues; such as what kind of car
the pastor drives, how long he takes to receive offerings, etc.
2 Samuel 15:4 Moreover Absalom would say, “Oh, that I were made judge in the land, and everyone who has any suit
or cause would come to me; then I would give him justice.
13). They have a hidden agenda. His motives were not known until they manifested and it was
too late. You know where you stand with Jezebel and Korah, but Absalom is sneaky, and
does things behind your back.
14). Absalom tells you what you want to hear. A pastor’s job is to speak the truth in love;
sometimes that truth hurts and requires change, but it is always for our good.
15). They eventually come forward with open disloyalty and division.
16). They can charm the pants off of you when they want something. Especially a vote. Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful
***Deception means you don’t know you are being deceived.
17). They prey upon our insecurities and need for acceptance.
2 Samuel 15:5 And so it was, whenever anyone came near to bow down to him, that he would put out his hand and take
him and kiss him.
***Their involvement is coming against the God’s established authority and seeking to divide His kingdom
How to Deal with This Spirit:
1. Discerning of spirits needed from leadership.
2. Proper role modeling. If the rest of the sheep see you hobnobbing with Absalom, then they
will think it is okay also.
3. Have a sheep-dog mentality. Protect the sheep from being kissed (bitten).
Wolves don’t come dressed as wolves, but sheep.
4. Stop tolerating their antics. Put an end to the Absalom spirit.
5. Don’t give them a place in the life of the body
2 Samuel 14:21 And the king said to Joab, “All right, I have granted this thing. Go therefore, bring back the young man
6. Avoid promoting people until the true character is proven.
7. Mark those who cause division and avoid them.
Romans 16:17-18 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which
you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by
smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.
Luke 6:26 Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did their fathers to the false prophets. 27 “But I say to you
who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 “bless those who curse you, and pray for those who
spitefully use you.
9. Leave vengeance to the Lord. Their own pride will bring them down
2 Samuel 18:9, 14 “His head got caught in the terebinth tree; so he was left hanging … Joab … took three spears in his
hand and thrust them through Absalom’s heart
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.
BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, I submit myself to GOD and RESIST you SATAN and may the LORD rebuke you through CHRIST’S victory at the CROSS by his death and resurrection you are a defeated FOE. And he disarmed all principalities and rulers and made a public spectacle of them. The WORD OF GOD says I HAVE BEEN GIVEN POWER AND AUTHORITY over all the power of the ENEMY. So I EXERCISE my GOD GIVEN AUTHORITY and BIND YOU and the following ~ From ALL ACTIVITY and ASSIGNMENTS.
ALL PRINCIPALITIES, POWERS< RULERS OF THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS, SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES, DEVILS and DEMONS, SPIRITS OF THE UNDER WORLD, SPIRIT BIRDS, SPIRIT HORSES and Horsemen, familiar spirits and especially EVIL. Spirits of BAPHOMET, BELIAL, BEELZEBUB, AHAB, JEZEBEL, ABSALOM, AMNON, ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA, THE ANTICHRIST, LILITH, BABYLON, MAMMON, BALAAM, EGYPT, PHAROAH AND HEROD, JUDAS, KORAH, NABAL, SAMARIA, BEHEMOTH AND LEVIATHON, MARINE SPIRITS, ANIMAL SPIRITS and spirits of the valley and desert and demonic princes! Also demonic spirits of addiction, distilled spirits in alcohol, fire demons in tobacco for chain smoking, suicide, affinity, affliction, apathy, Carnality, competition, confusion, deaf and dumb, death, depressions, desolation, divination, fear and torment, idolatry, jealousy, and envy, madness or mental illness, murder, oppression, perversion, poverty and financial curses, rebellion, rejection, religion, legalism, pride, lust, sabotage, seduction, shame, suspicion, tradition, and all unclean spirits, vexation spirits and unholy alliances! Also every evil creature, evil person, evil organization, including the ILLUMINATI, FREE MASON, TEMPLAR KNIGHTS, 9th CIRCLE, SKULL AND BONES, THE OCTOPUS, SCIENTOLOGY, NEW WORLD ORDER, KABBALAH andALL FALSE RELIGIONS and belief systems, all form of WITCHCRAFT and occult practices, all generational and ancestral curses, spirits of the PYTHON, break all ungodly soul tie husbands and wives, bastard strongholds, and everything and and anything in opposition and rebellion to the LORD GOD almighty and his will and purposes and in the name of Jesus you must comply and obey these COMMANDS and DIRECT ORDERS without any RESISTANCE or RETALIATION. For it is written EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW at the name of JESUS CHRIST and every tongue confess JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.
In the name of JESUS I banish you and drive you out of my presence, my family, my friends, our children’s, the body of CHRIST our churches, their leaders and families, our homes, our PETS and especially the UNSAVED and I COMMAND YOU to stay far away from us and in JESUS’S name I forbid you to interfere in our lives and prohibit all SATANIC SURVEILLANCE.
In JESUS name I also COMMAND all demonic powers and alliances to get out of our JOBS, CAREERS, occupations, world governments, all military establishments, all PRISONS, our school systems, healthcare and obamacare, pharmaceutical industry, mental healthcare, medical research, hospitals, food industry, agriculture industry, environment systems, fashion and cosmetic industry, transportation industry, all FORMS OF LITERATURE and EDUCATION, all forms of advertising and imagery. World financial System, entertainment industry including Sports, music, movies, television, video games, theatre, Comedy, radio, and magazines. Our Judicial System, Congress, Law enforcement, all forms of self defence and exercise and in the name of JESUS I BIND you from ALL ACTIVITY and ASSIGNMENTS in these areas and all areas of our society and culture. In the name of JESUS I RENDER< DECREE AND DECLARE every assignment, strategy trap, operation, plot, seeding, ambush, fraudulent attachment or association, decoy, hex, vex, jinx, bewitchment, enchantment, incantation, blueprint, curse, spell, omen, lie, weapon, suggestion, projection, illusion, form of chaos, confusion or deception, illusion fantasy and magic, use of enery, or energy fields, use of subliminal messages or backward masking, all forms of counterfeiting, all evil use of language, all air wave frequencies, all symbols, signs and hand gestures any type of mind control, or mind control devices, use of laws of physics, nature, science, astrology, the atmosphere, solar system, cosmological systems, all celestial, terrestial, sub terrestial, zone domains or dimensions, use of numbers, mathematics or formulas and codes, manipulation of time or sound. All forms of sensuality and lust, all forms of violence and anger, all immoral use of humor, excitement, adrenaline or stimulation, all competetiveness spirit, all forms of immoral pleasure seeking or evil of any kind formed against us in any way, shape, form, or manner through any means possible to be cursed at the root, null and void, powerless, ineffective, cancelled, disarmed, crushed, demolished, destroyed, useless, inoperable and would self destruct and any attempts would backfire against you seven fold. I know LORD that you are our SHIELD, our protector and strong tower and no weapon formed against US WILL PROSPER. I pray that every kingdom and stronghold the enemy has set up comes CRUMBLING AND CRASHING DOWN. LORD if it be your will I pray your wrath would fall upon him with intense fury, violence and complete and total annihilation! LORD JESUS if it be your will I pray you would send Michael the ARC ANGEL and your mightiest warrior angels to do BATTLE AGAINST THE ENEMY and LOOSE ALL the angelic army of heaven and weapons of warfare to STOP his plans and advances against the BODY OF CHRIST and OUR SOCIETY! LORD JESUS I ask you to please protect us by putting GUARDIAN ANGELS around us at all times. Now for complete and full covering and protection I PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER ALL OF US including minds, bodies, spirits, souls, emotions, our dreams, memories, imagination, consciousness, sub consciousness, all thoughts, all forms of transportation of our travels, possessions, homes, jobs, vehicles, finances, all forms of communication, the air waves, all forms of media, electronics and mechanical devices, any accidents catastrophies, diseases, illnesses or viruses that may come against us. Everything we eat, drink, taste, breathe, see, hear, touch, feel, all our senses and all parts and systems of the human body and also over all medicines we take, and all of our circumstances and every aspect of our lives down to the finest detail. I also ask you LORD to please reveal to us any gates and doors in our lives that we have left open that the enemy would try to gain access to or sneak in and please close and seal them shut and put angels to be watchmen and guard over them. I also plead the blood of JESUS to protect us from evil of any kind that may come against us. Also pray LORD JESUS under your authority that absolutely nothing the enemy can do will hinder, silence or stop these prayers, decrees, declarations and commands from coming to pass and being fully executed and that he will not be able to find any LOOPHOLES, IMPERFECTIONS or PERFORATIONS of any kind in JESUS’S NAME. I pray this prayer will be in effect till the END OF TIMES and UNHINDERED IN ANY WAY by any one or anything. I also ask you JESUS to please cover us with the full armor of GOD JEHOVAH and may your peace that surpasses all understanding flood our hearts and minds at all times and through all of life Circumstances I also pray for the Salvation of every person on this planet, that not one would perish and all would be saved and come to CHRIST. I ask this all in the matchless name of JESUS. Thank you LORD for your protection, provisions, grace, kindness, unfailing love, faithfulness, forgiveness and mercy, in all things LORD may your will be done for you are SOVEREIGN over all. May you receive all praise, worship, honor, majesty and glory to my KING JESUS CHRIST! Amen 👑 Jesus I ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT TO PUT A HOLY ANOINTING ON THIS PRAYER ~
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