Parable, Prepare

The Ant That Played Guitar All Summer – Pollox

The Ant That Played Guitar All Summer

July 16, 2021 8:00 PM

July16, 2021

What’s your hurry, there’s lots of time.
It’s time to enjoy the sun, the beach, the party animals next door.
Pull up a chair and have a drink, a nice cold one, with me.

Those guys over there working hard… they don’t know how to relax.
I take it as it comes.
Bet your going fishing all of the time.
I have lots of money in the bank, so I’m laughing.
I go with the flow Joe, it works for me.
Heh, this is vacation time, ease-up.
You might as well get your fill now while it’s still going.

I worked hard all winter, I need a good long break.
I’ve already done more than my share of the load.
Let tomorrow take care of itself.


Flash Flood, EMP/Cyber Attack, Lights Out, Mud Slide, Fire From The Sky, Torrential Rain, Freak Snow Storm, Volcano Erupts, Earthquake & After-Shocks,
Locusts Descend In The Millions, Rampaging Wild Animals, Tanks Come Over The Hill, Machine Gun Fire, A New Plague Kills Millions, 120 Degrees In The Shade, All The Water Turns Red…


End Of Story!


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