The abomination has infiltrated the church all over the globe
Dec 29, 2019 12:51 PM
Chris, Germany
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m sharing a dream/ vision from last night. The first I’m publishing at all. The first I’m judging as “from the LORD” with a clear message to his disciples and the smallest of them – me. Glory to the Lord only and thank you for this dream to share.
In the morning hours of Dec 29th, 2019 I had this dream/ vision:
I was in the church I attended decades ago, where I spent lots of time in my youth. In this dream I was there with my wife (she never visited the church in real life) and we located in the sanctuary.
The altar was not the normal one. It contained a lot of small rooms behind hatches. Due to that fact it was much bigger than normal and reached my chest/ shoulder.
Then a sacristan approached I never met before, we had a small talk and then he opened a hatch and took a bowl out of the altar. The bowl contained some sort of warm noodle soup or bouillon. He took some of it into a smaller bowl. He asked me to join him. We went to the stairs of the gallery in the rear part of the church, talking about this church where my family once served as a sacristan. We couldn’t establish a common relationship – he didn’t know one of my family, not even the name.
Reaching the gallery where normally the organ is located I wondered about the mess I found there. The guy dropped the bowl with the noodle soup and immediately a rat came to pick from it. It seemed to me that the rat waited for it. To me it looked like a daily ritual and the two were accustomed to each other.
After that we went downstairs and the church filled more and more with people of all sorts. The sanctuary was full of people that had some sort of function within the church. But I couldn’t find a church dignitary or priest I knew from the past. Little time later my actual priest (from my pilgrimage church and not related to this church) passed the scene, called me by my Christian name which he never did before and left in hurry. He has “no time to stop” or have a small talk!
I took my spouse and we went via the central corridor to the rear part of the church. Normally we settle in this area whenever we visit a church. Between the benches we were offered sweet stuff on trays. My wife took after a long time a big part with sugar and cherry cover. There were no small parts!
Then we went to the rear area.
As soon as we sat there a song began and a drag queen started singing. The people there were completely baffled due to the fact that the drag queen had a wonderful voice. The song was build of words related to church matters but didn’t made a sense at all. I couldn’t get the message from the sentences. It sounded completely strange! But the song itself and the way it was presented by the drag queen led the people to listen. The drag queen was clothed in a blue dress. During the song he/ she dropped more and more of her long dark hair. When the song ended there stood a bald man in a blue gown!
But that didn’t bother the attendees!
The program went on and I left the scene with my wife through the rear entrance. Then I awoke.
The facts presented in this dream/ vision speak for themselves. It’s a sound coverage of the situation of the church. The abomination has infiltrated the church all over the globe. Here in Germany, too.
Actually I have no interpretation from the Lord and no related verse. But I felt led to share it with you immediately.
So as with all please take it to the Lord in prayer. So do I because I’m struggling with personal issues like being still on the spot there and my wife taking sweets, meeting my priest in hurry etc. Normally we try to avoid modern style churches and services. Obviously we cannot change the situation in the churches and shouldn’t pray about it. The old church itself is done!
But we shouldn’t take part here. We must only focus on HIM, our LORD JESUS CHRIST, our FIRST LOVE (and our last). The one and only salvation for us.
Chris, Germany