Warning, Prophecy, Video, Vision, Word

The 4th Reich is Rising – Linda Hasche


The 4th Reich is Rising

October 4, 2021
Linda Hasche

October 4, 2021


https://youtu.be/uBcVQx8pI7o (9:00 minutes)

LINDA’S WRITTEN COMMENTS from beneath her video on YouTube are also included here, following the transcript.

NOTES ON FORMATTING IN THIS TRANSCRIPT: Linda’s spoken words are given in usual fashion (that is, without quotation marks) except that all of the following are included between quotation marks:
When she reads or quotes the Bible, OR
When she says what she is saying is exactly what God told her, OR
If she is quoting some other source.

If Linda includes a gesture or points to a visual, or if words may help explain something such as a translation of the Bible Linda is reading, they are added here between brackets like these: […]


… [Very beginning word or a few words not included] to share a warning dream and message from the,, Lord.

I’m referencing Revelation chapter 13 verse 10 in the Holman version of the Bible:

“If anyone is destined for captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone is to be killed with a sword, with a sword he will be killed. Here is the endurance and faith of the saints.”

I’m going to repeat that: Revelation chapter 13 verse 10 in the Holman version of the Bible:

If anyone is destined for captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone is to be killed with a sword, with a sword he will be killed. Here is the endurance and the faith of the saints.”

On Sunday morning, I was getting ready to take a nap, and I don’t know if I was awake or asleep – if this was a dream or a vision, I really don’t know.

Here it is:

I was standing in a large stadium/arena – at the arena bottom level, and there was sand on the ground. I was standing about four feet from a man wearing a dark business suit-type clothes. He was standing … straight … looking straight, so he was …. I saw the side of him, and then he was turned slightly away from me.

And I said, Who is that? –Who is that?

And then he turned slightly towards me. It was Hitler. And then there was a flash; he turned into like this skeletor-kind of thing – like when you have one of those cards – you change it; the picture changes when you turn it. –It was like that, but it was Hitler!

And then I opened my eyes. Again, I don’t know if I was awake or asleep. And I asked the Lord, What was that?

He said, “The Fourth Reich is rising.”

And then I knew that I was supposed to write. I did not have time or take time yesterday to write. But this dream came back to me again this morning, and I knew I was supposed to write AND then I was supposed to go live and share this warning message with you this morning. And this is a word from the Lord:

“The Fourth Reich is rising upon you NOW. Fearful sights will be seen globally when I release My Hand of Protection. Did you think I won’t judge the wicked? When the minions of satan think they have the upper hand, preparing to move forward with their plans, I STRIKE! My gavel comet won’t be ignored. Fierce fire of My Anger WILL be seen, yet most will harden their heart even further.

WOE to the lukewarm pastors who did not prepare the sheep! –Will you sing a little louder when judgment strikes your buildings? Forces of evil will be unleashed upon humanity, yet I will protect My People.


Thus says the Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.”

I’m going to read again the reference scripture the Holy Spirit placed in my heart:
Revelation 13:10:

“If anyone is destined for captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone is to be killed with a sword, with a sword he will be killed. Here is the endurance and the faith of the saints.”

Brothers and sisters, we here in the USA ARE Mystery Babylon, or, Babylon the Great, or, also called the Daughter of Babylon. –Here in the United States (Revelation 17 and 18).

The Fourth Reich is rising. The beast behind the scenes is Obama, THE antichrist. The false prophet is THE pope. Trump has been involved with all this, behind the scenes. –He became a hybrid back in … the spring of 2018: He has been a part of this show all along! REPENT from any idolatry towards this servant of satan. –YES! he is a part of it!

Who are the fallen ones that are now you know? The following are fallen angels: Gates, Kushner, Elon Musk, Fauci – all fallen angels!

Who are some hybrids? Obama, the pope – never were human. NEVER! And then Trump became a Gibborim – like Nimrod in Babylon. He’s the modern-day Nimrod of Mystery Babylon. He tells you what your itching ears want to hear. –Did people take all of that to the Lord in prayer? NO! –Wanted to hear what the itching ears want to hear! Make America Great Again! MAGA. Make the Almighty Gag Again.

Build Back Better? Yes, he did: Look at the Middle Eastern ones that wear the turbans: He built that better. –He’s not running the show; it’s Obama behind the scenes!

Revelation chapter 13 verse 10 again:

“If anyone is destined for captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone is to be killed with a sword, with a sword he will be killed. Here is the endurance and the faith of the saints.”

You took these things … [Linda gestures a needle being inserted at a shoulder to give a shot; she gives this gesture before each of the following numbers]

ONE?: That puts you on the road to destruction.
TWO?: It made the road like a magnet, and you became like metal. –I’ve been saying that before all of these stick it to you … stick … stick … stick occurred [Linda again gestures shots in the shoulder].
WOE TO YOU! REPENT! –There’s still time. HOWEVER …
If you take NUMBER THREE … YOU’RE DONE!! –You’re stuck on the road … you’re moving forward … and YOU WILL BE TAKING THAT MARK. WOE TO YOU!!

What’s all of this about?

We walk by faith and not by sight, if we’re in Christ Jesus.

You walk by FEAR and what you see, if you’re being led by satan. –REPENT from these evil things. REPENT, I say, and again I say, REPENT! –Or you will be facing the eternal fires of the lake of fire.

There’s two choices:
The HOLY SPIRIT FIRE – that will be the anointing for the end times; or,
–There’s only two choices!

Repent, and again I say, REPENT. Time is short. –WAY short! Way short.
Repent from all sins. Forgive ALL who have sinned against you. And turn to the Lord Jesus.

The Fourth Reich is rising. Many will be … killed. Many will be taken captive.

You better listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit: When He says “GO”, go. When He says “Be quiet”, be quiet. When He says “Speak UP”, then SPEAK UP!

Take heed, my brothers and sisters! Pray about these things. The time is coming where you won’t be able to do anything but go by the leading of the Holy Spirit YOURSELF. He’s the Oil in your lamp.

Do you know Jesus Christ, and does He know YOU? Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow Me.” –DO YOU?

Take heed in Jesus’ Name.


10-4-21 ~ The 4th Reich is Rising

_,___ views Streamed live on Oct 4, 2021

_Scriptural Reference:

Revelation 13:10 (Holman) PLEASE NOTE: Y o u T u b e is putting ads on my videos . . . I don’t endorse them, nor do I get $$$ for them. Freely I receive, Freely I give. You have my permission to repost any of my videos, blogs, etc. PLEASE take all these things I share to the LORD in prayer. Get your relationship right with the LORD Jesus Christ. REPENT from all sins. Forgive ALL who have sinned against you. Get ready . . . It’s going to get really, really ugly, but there WILL be peace on ALL who are truly in Jesus Christ.


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